From My Twitter Feed:
- @DrOakley1689 Try 13/10/2011. 26 minutes ago
- When angry Amish go bad: on.today.com/mW7haE Most disturbing line: "They used scissors and BATTERY-POWERED CLIPPERS in the attack." 11 Oct
- An in-house review of TeamPyro's first bona fide best-seller: bit.ly/rjJoZP#TWTG 11 Oct
- I finally got this weekend's Dose o' Spurgeon online at the blog: bit.ly/mQ4xC8 CAUTION: Spurgeon isn't politically correct. 10 Oct
- I'll be preaching at 2:00 at Sovereign Joy Community Church, Keller, TX http://sovjoy.com/ 9 Oct
- Heard a great sermon this morning by Chris Freeland at McKinney Memorial Bible Church, Fort Worth. 9 Oct
- Jeremiah's not a fan of Joe Buck: bit.ly/nCbxZF 7 Oct
- Art Azurdia: "Chill out, brother. Just preach the text." #Psalm119 7 Oct
- My reputation precedes me: yfrog.com/kjrnfqynj I'm going to take a bite out of one and put it back. 7 Oct
- Listening to @challies at #Psalm119 talking about discernment. It strikes me that Canadian and Texican accents are exact opposites. 7 Oct
- Some thoughts on this week's tempest: bit.ly/riEvMR 7 Oct
- Energizer-Bunny-style heresy: bit.ly/ruxvX7 5 Oct
- @@Frank_Turk Come down to Ft. Worth this weekend for the Psalm 119 Conference #Psalm119 4 Oct
- Anthony Carter on the Elephant Room fiasco: bit.ly/nSrqi9 And Dever's name is gone from the speakers' list: bit.ly/hNzk5S 4 Oct
- "Yob" is a Britishism refering to a loutish, uncouth, ill-behaved boy. ("Yob" is boy spelled backward.): bit.ly/ppyL9y 4 Oct
- Apology accepted: bit.ly/ppyL9y ("Yob aesthetic." Good one.) 4 Oct
- @@Shinar_Squirrel I'm not into acorns and granola. Give me red meat. Rare. 4 Oct
- Had lunch today with this guy: twitpic.com/6v68mf@piratechristian (Yes, we discussed certain quasi-evangelical pachyderms.) 4 Oct
- Kicking off the Midwest FIRE regional in a few minutes. Turns out I should've worn a tie. 3 Oct
- Thabiti's comments in the combox under his blogpost are as insightful and as helpful as the post itself: bit.ly/qhS87k Read it all. 3 Oct
- Funny but true insight from @DouglasWils via JT: bit.ly/qhUHQ8 3 Oct
- Nero fiddled as Rome Burned. Today hipster evangelicals perform "Highway to Hell" as a worship chorus while souls burn. So very sad. 3 Oct
- @@rabiqasha Thank you. I appreciate it more than you know. 3 Oct
- "American evangelicalism has become a large jingoistic freak show." bit.ly/pXzOiL 3 Oct
- @EBenzBlog preaching at the FIRE regional: bit.ly/q60YK5 2 Oct
- Preached 2nd service, fled the church, made it through #TSA at BUR before 12:30. That's gotta be a record. 2 Oct
- I'm preaching this morning on the glory of Christ (John 1:14). Livestream at 10:30am (pdt) here: bit.ly/axyJEZ 2 Oct
- My nominee for the Elephant Room: the ever-insightful Jesse Duplantis: bit.ly/r8MHEQ 1 Oct
- Thoughtful and thought-provoking article by Thabiti, including his response to the MacDonald-Jakes debacle: bit.ly/oRa1Td 1 Oct
- John MacArthur's grandson scored with a 52-yard pass reception in the opening drive to lead Air Force over Navy today: bit.ly/reOVx9 1 Oct
- Carl Trueman with some more ideas for "great and insightful conversation": bit.ly/qVEMbD I'd pay for that. 30 Sep
- What are the rules of engagement when notorious purveyors of heresy seek evangelical acceptance? bit.ly/oOVTmX 30 Sep
- Ooops. bit.ly/p2rOvG 29 Sep
- Here's the link to Carl Trueman's blogpost on the attack-the-critics strategy of @StevenFurtick & @JamesMacDonald : bit.ly/noO7RR 29 Sep
- "...about as sectarian a move as one could make" -- Carl Trueman on @JamesMacDonald 's declaration that Nicene orthodoxy is non-essential. 29 Sep
- "Nicea's authority comes from its fidelity to Scripture"-- James White on the @JamesMacDonald / TD Jakes connection: bit.ly/r3PPJ9 29 Sep
- Mark Lamprecht has a helpful analysis of TD Jakes, modalism, and @JamesMacDonald 's surprising new latitudinarianism: bit.ly/oiYPwS 28 Sep
- It seems the kids aren't keeping their chastity pledges: bit.ly/qajkQa 28 Sep
- Carl Trueman: "more nauseating than yesterday": bit.ly/pCzgFI // agreed. 27 Sep
- Osteen & Jakes: youtu.be/__yASj1G3yM James MacDonald insists Jakes is just fine. I'd say that's a pretty big elephant in the room. 27 Sep
- @@AthAD325 I fully understand. 27 Sep
- Thabiti: "Multi-Site Churches Are from the Devil": bit.ly/pU39bT 27 Sep
- RT @BurkParsons: At the heart of history stands the cross of Christ where evil did its worst and met its match (John Wenham). 27 Sep
- @@Frank_Turk No question about that. Write away. 27 Sep
- Trouble for The Gospel Coalition? James MacDonald on Nicene Trinitarianism: bit.ly/nfZDK0 Carl Trueman replies: bit.ly/n4CxaL 27 Sep
- Moonwalk meets a rubberized Mr. Robato: youtu.be/LXO-jKksQkM 26 Sep
- Had dinner tonight with the original E-ticket evangelical blogger, Tim @Challies . We talked about all of you. 26 Sep
- "Chuck Testa does not taxidermize pets": bit.ly/rf28c2 ht: Kevin DeYoung 26 Sep
- Carl Trueman on 2 Corinthians 6:6-7 and the mess evangelicals are currently making of the gospel: bit.ly/qfPTGd //Thanks. 26 Sep
- Bob Glenn to pragmatists: Unbelievers DON'T think your shuck 'n' jive is "cool": bit.ly/qozlGU 26 Sep
- James White croons a brilliant rendition of "Killing Me Softly . . ." yfrog.com/nv4bvlj 26 Sep
- @@tomf80 Here's the problem with the format: no one straightens anyone out. At the end of the day, it's a group hug, wolves included. 26 Sep
- <== Facepalm. T. D. Jakes will be one of the featured speakers at The Elephant Room, part 2: bit.ly/qIQyHf 26 Sep
- My thoughts on @PerryNoble, @JamesMacDonald, "Highway to Hell," and the demise of evangelical discernment: bit.ly/q0V1dl 25 Sep
- I'd love to get these in Southern California: bit.ly/dAgXTs 23 Sep
- Penny could well be the finest finger-painter ever: yfrog.com/me1r2lj 23 Sep
- Here's the story on that Evan Longoria video: read.bi/m6YvbC 23 Sep
- Nice save: on-msn.com/qNkZvY ht: Rick Friesen 23 Sep
- @@Donate_1pound My counsel: postpone the wedding till your health and employment situation rebound. 23 Sep
- @@Donate_1pound If you need donors to finance your wedding, you're not ready to get married yet, sir. Seek premarital counseling. 23 Sep
- I loved the firm but polite way @AlbertMohler responds to this nauseatingly overweening professor from Calvin College: http://n.pr/nFKUs1 23 Sep
- Truth Matters: bit.ly/o4RYbA 22 Sep
- Overcontextualization and unholiness in the church: bit.ly/oEKQBC 22 Sep
- This is your brain on postmodernism: bit.ly/nuQIOO 22 Sep
- "This was the sixth time that GUTS Church had held a boxing event, billed on their website as 'Guts Fight Night VI'": bit.ly/nJblvR 22 Sep
- GUTS Church Tulsa sponsors an unsanctioned boxing match and a guy dies: es.pn/oIjScp Somebody will probably go to jail over that. 22 Sep
- @@blakeash2 No, he's absolutely right: I'm a coward when it comes to live radio. 22 Sep
- Farewell, Rob Bell: bit.ly/nx3qdX 22 Sep
- Cool use of morphing technology: huff.to/qPXRs7 I do wish he had worked this one in: bit.ly/q7JJ9K 22 Sep
- @@dereklbrowning I never said he lied. Pay attention to who wrote what. For more than 140-letter bites, see the discussion on my FB page. 22 Sep
- @@dereklbrowning Again: If you think a "contradiction" is the issue, you need to take your own advice: Try to understand before criticizing. 22 Sep
- @@dereklbrowning It certainly can if we ignore the warnings re: wolves in sheep's clothing & ministers of Satan disguised as angels of light. 22 Sep
- @@dereklbrowning I never said the "contradiction" is the problem. Once we "reconcile" the 2 clips, what kind of fruit are we left with? 22 Sep
- @@israel1319 If MacDonald thinks the "contradiction" is the issue and he's more troubled by the critics' "tone" than Noble's, then. . . wow. 22 Sep
- Here's that Perry Noble comment: youtu.be/knLQu4QS660 Now here's James MacDonald's defense of it: bit.ly/qH2IZm 22 Sep
- @@dereklbrowning The NT speaks with God's authority, without any actual contradictions, blatant narcissism, or harsh arrogance. 22 Sep
- Finally got my bag back from @USAirways--thanks to Darlene's diligence and some helpful folks at @UnitedAirlines. 21 Sep
- @@dereklbrowning Of course it could. 21 Sep
- Just heard podcasts of Mike Abendroth guest-hosting Wretched Radio. Excellent. No one else should ever be permitted to guest-host for Todd. 21 Sep
- Another reason not to take @PerryNoble seriously: bit.ly/og8vHF 21 Sep
- @@Raada77 Since it lasts 4 times as long, I'm OK with that. 21 Sep
- @@dbissett They said the logic boards in that model had a high failure rate, so they took responsibility for the problem. 21 Sep
- Why I'm an Apple fan-boy: they are replacing the logic board on my 4YO laptop for free. 21 Sep
- My luggage is still lost. Fortunately, I have the essentials: youtu.be/NiDutb7ppiM ht: Lou F 20 Sep
- Me: "I'm sure the bag went to Grand Rapids. Can you call the airport there and ask?" @USAirways "I don't have that phone number." 20 Sep
- The fact that they charged me $25 to check the bag in the first place makes the lousy customer service doubly galling. @USAirways 20 Sep
- USAirways still can't find my bag & clearly aren't concerned about it. They seem to think I shouldn't be, either. #badCustomerService 20 Sep
- USAirways sent me home yestrdy when ATC grounded my connecting flight. Then they sent my bag to Michigan. Now they have no clue where it is. 19 Sep RealKenSilva Ken Silva by Phil_Johnson_ Apprising Ministries shows you Phil Johnson completely, and totally just obliterate the Love Wins mythology of Rob Bell apprising.org/2011/09/17/phi… 17 Sep
- I'm speaking this morning at an IFCA regional meeting: bit.ly/r4xQWi I'd better get on the road if I'm going to get there in time. 17 Sep
- @@blakeash2 No, thanks. The group hug into which all their disagreements inevitably dissolve would deeply trouble my conscience. 17 Sep
- You may never have heard of Norm Sper, but lots of us owe him more than we could ever repay: bit.ly/q9FCHH 16 Sep
- Joni gets it right (she almost always does): bit.ly/q7Adwv# 15 Sep
- @@editor_mcj Oh, my. 14 Sep
- My thoughts on CBD selling the Koran: bit.ly/p3EzZC 14 Sep
- @@CharlesGokey But I'm unrepentant about that. 14 Sep
- About to do an hour of live radio with Brannon Howse: bit.ly/ngpKn0 14 Sep
- Here's why I have such deep respect for @TonyMiano ==> bit.ly/n8p5OU 13 Sep
- I'm glad for this retraction from Keller. I hoped (and half expected) that this was coming: bit.ly/oDwntq 13 Sep
- @BartMcCurdy I don't have a major problem with that. Christians need to know what's in it. Surely CBD haven't gone universalist, have they? 13 Sep
- Found this 39-year-old community-college newspaper article about John MacArthur. twitpic.com/6kifjztwitpic.com/6kifkm 13 Sep
- Ray and Penny, after a morning out with their grandmother: twitpic.com/6khh4e 13 Sep
- @@DanComings Thanks. Some fun, huh? 13 Sep
- @@Frank_Turk "Normal." Ha! I dare you to come on my FB page and imply that such a dichotomy exists. Bring heavy armor. 13 Sep
- Eight characteristics of hyper-fundamentalism: bit.ly/p4O0hF 13 Sep
- Here's something to chew on for those who take the jihadist approach to homeschooling: bit.ly/oKVfKJ 13 Sep
- The mark of election is saving faith, not a voice in someone's head. 1 John 5:1 12 Sep
- Today's prognostication from @pastormark -- identifying God's elect through fortune-telling: bit.ly/nyMuPE 12 Sep
- Time to dismantle the #TSA , says its creator. "The whole thing is a complete fiasco": bit.ly/ram2zu Amen. 12 Sep
- @@DrOakley1689 As Luther said, "Eat donuts boldly." 12 Sep
- @@DrOakley1689 Sounds suspiciously like self-flagellation to me. We're Protestants, remember? 12 Sep
- @@DrOakley1689 No force was necessary. I "persuaded" you. Using the horns-and-pitchfork method. 12 Sep
- Another sweet blogpost by my offspring. This one jointly written by two of my sons: bit.ly/olg9Qk Very nice piece. 11 Sep
- Not the most widely-read blogger in my family. My eldest son has a post at ESPN's SweetSpot: es.pn/qMkCe4 11 Sep
- The Akron-Canton airport is not busy today. There are literally more #TSA agents than passengers here at the moment. 11 Sep
- @@TonyMiano Twitter lied to you. Not only do I follow you, I actually _read_ your tweets. 10 Sep
- Listening to @droakley1689 at #ps119@rwglenn spoke 1st hour. Back-to-back sermons. Meaty stuff, and lots of it. My kind of conference. 10 Sep
- @@TonyMiano I would never dump you. You're still in the list of people I follow. What made you think you got dumped? 9 Sep
- In the green room with @droakley1689 watching Friel on the big screen while I eat his honeycrisp apples. #ps119yfrog.com/h32txkidj 9 Sep
- @@DrOakley1689 Still on my way there. Please get it fixed before I arrive. 8 Sep
- Ouroboros: bit.ly/ndBhWs Reminds me of some blog-commenters I have met. 7 Sep
- Ted Kluck and Ronnie Martin lampoon the Rock-Star ethos of the evangelical conference culture: bit.ly/oIZPAH 7 Sep
- @@Chad_Phelps Sorry to disappoint. But (after a year's worth of abuse at #TSA hands) it's poignancy, not mere "humor." See previous Tweets. 7 Sep
- The OTHER green meat: bit.ly/dMlGLp ht: @fickett 7 Sep
- Flying to Ohio tomorrow for the #Ps119 conference with Todd Friel; @RWGlenn & @DrOakley1689 Thinking of wearing this: bit.ly/qOgWBO 7 Sep
- To those who are asking: Video and audio from #tmconf WILL be available online. We need a few days for post-production and airbrushing. 7 Sep
- "Hey Haters!": youtu.be/NCW9-MglCsw@stevenfurtick on what love's s'posed to look like. Basically, like this: bit.ly/pRUjWz 6 Sep
- "Four Deadly Disasters Caused by Food": bit.ly/pQPqlg 5 Sep
- Catch up with me in Ohio this weekend: bit.ly/pRdHTM 5 Sep
- "When sung by people who care... hymns make ["contemporary" worship] sound like Junior High band practice: bit.ly/pBru0F 5 Sep
- Dissidens. This is why I read him: "There Most Certainly Is Such A Thing As A Stupid Question" : bit.ly/oUk7Ge 5 Sep
- JT posts a brilliant Dose o' Spurgeon: bit.ly/n1sbxc 5 Sep
- @@Aspentroll Oh, they ran away all right. Blowhard cowards. And it's embarrassingly obvious. 5 Sep
- The URL on that @TonyMiano quote: bit.ly/p6POKa 5 Sep
- From @TonyMiano : ". . .young adults who were raised in church on a steady diet of foosball, pizza, and empty lessons about self-image. . ." 5 Sep
- @@Frank_Turk Weren't we promised hoverboards by now? That would've solved the parking problem. 5 Sep
- Thanks to all who came to the #tmconf It was a great week for us. Media files will be online soon. 5 Sep
- British atheists run away like scared schoolgirls: bit.ly/ofvg5d 5 Sep
- Livestreaming: bit.ly/oB0Mtj You'll have an even better view than I have. (I'm in the back of the gym. And the video here is dim) 4 Sep
- Arrived 8:10 for 8:30 service. Had to park down the street and sit in the back of the overflow: yfrog.com/nyqm8j#tmconf 4 Sep
- A pome about Englisch spelling and pronounciation: bit.ly/niKcut 3 Sep
- Angry birds live: bit.ly/nE5krN 3 Sep
- One concept for the remodel project in my office: bit.ly/qel3Kc 3 Sep
- You can listen in as @JohnMacArthur preaches on divine sovereignty. Livestreaming right now: bit.ly/hfjUVy#tmconf 3 Sep
- I'm blessed with a wife who makes great coffee. That's one less temptation for me to be a jerk: youtu.be/VssO5bKFJU0 3 Sep
- A book review (not one of Challies'): amzn.to/o9wMtp 2 Sep
- Nice shot: youtu.be/2nHE-EErdWs 2 Sep
- You can listen in as @JohnMacArthur preaches on "The Reconciling Gospel." Livestreaming right now: bit.ly/hfjUVy#tmconf 2 Sep
- Done Green now preaching at #TMConftruthmattersconference.org 2 Sep
- John MacArthur is preaching on Romans 3, atonement, and justification by faith. #TMConf // Watch the live stream: bit.ly/oB0Mtj 2 Sep
- Fred Butler reviews Dan Phillips's _The World-Tilting Gospel_: bit.ly/pLwNLJ 2 Sep
- I'm told the proper hashtag for the conference is #TMConf rather than #TruthMatters // The live stream is now on: t.co/vSTjuLI 2 Sep
- Livestreaming now: #TruthMattersbit.ly/oB0Mtj 1 Sep
- @@BurkParsons Indeed. He's hanging his head in shame. 1 Sep
- @@BurkParsons That explains why I thought John MacArthur suddenly sounded . . . well, Presbyterian. 1 Sep
- @@jaredcwilson I get that, too. People always ask if I've read them all. I just say yes. It's easier than explaining reference books. :-) 1 Sep
- @@israel1319 I think they used the same mold. 1 Sep
- @@editor_mcj Someone at Southern Seminary made those, I think. Mine was a gift from a friend. 1 Sep
- The people here for #TruthMatters are enthralled with my Spurgeon bobblehead: yfrog.com/h352910911j He nodded yes at the earthquake. 1 Sep
- That earthquake was a 4.2 epicenter 4 miles ESE of Newhall. 1 Sep
- People touring my office all day. We just treated them to an earthquake. One hard jolt. didn't seem like too much from here. 1 Sep
- Busy day at Grace to You with the start of the #TruthMatters Conference. GTY's Webcam gives a window into our workroom: bit.ly/pusWEn 1 Sep
- The Google car encounters a parade: bit.ly/q5TY7W 31 Aug
- Good Samaritan: bit.ly/ndDrpI 31 Aug
- @@DustinMedicus Yes. I'm disappointed in that. 31 Aug
- Footloose in Vancouver: bit.ly/pG3rTv Something strange is afoot in the Pacific: fxn.ws/nFi7Hd 31 Aug D2Bubba Jeremiah Johnson by Phil_Johnson_ First sign it's going to be a good day: In the security line I saw a guy wearing a "Utilikilt." utilikilts.com Magnificent. 31 Aug
- Some good stuff in the blogosphere today. This: bit.ly/nCVAHb This: bit.ly/mZceAe and especially this: bit.ly/oI0Dyk 31 Aug
- A deeply disturbing documentary, on several levels: bit.ly/5gXFWP But it shows why the gospel is ALWAYS & inherently relevant. 31 Aug
- From @D2Bubba , who actually once leaned out of a speeding train in India: "This guy is beyond insane." jalo.ps/qOX6sY Yup. 30 Aug
- Semper reformanda. My thoughts on why and how: bit.ly/qex5q2 (a footnote on today's GTY blogpost - gty.org/blog/B110829 ) 30 Aug
- @@erotao Good thinking. The cosmos surely dodged a bullet thanks to your quick action. 30 Aug
- @@Frank_Turk "snakes and tortoises may not pose a threat to aviation. . ." That's HIS opinion. 29 Aug
- AT&T Park. You'd think the 3G network would be stronger. But, then ... It IS AT&T. yfrog.com/h4xtmdqj 29 Aug
- This is where I am right now: yfrog.com/h6hpllqj 29 Aug
- @@AvgAndy I'm not a fan. I think the notion that Christ's Kingdom can be advanced by political means contradicts a biblical worldview. 27 Aug
- OK, but it's been clear for years that Geo. Barna is no objective pollster. His agenda hasn't exactly been hidden: on.wsj.com/pSjPOq 27 Aug
- Seriously? bit.ly/pWMS1f Wow. Looks like a recipe for serious confusion to me. A smorgasbord of twisted worldviews. What a mess! 26 Aug
- Worth a 2nd Tweet: Ronald Reagan schools Obama. Hilarity ensues. imdb.to/pNWc9n My top Netflix choice to date. Watch it. You're welcome. 26 Aug
- @@BurkParsons Merely commentary. I'm neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I have a gift for detecting high humidity. 26 Aug
- @@Frank_Turk Summers in Tulsa are purgatorial. I came to a dry climate for good reasons. Enjoy your mosquitoes, dude. 26 Aug
- It's cloudy, humid, and 105 degrees in Santa Clarita today. It feels apocalyptic out there. 26 Aug
- Well, this is pretty creepy: on.msnbc.com/pvncQx 26 Aug
- NPR on Peter Wagner's delusional "New Apostolic Reformation": http://n.pr/ren1PZ It's dumb & dangerous, but not for the reasons NPR thinks. 26 Aug
- Now streaming on Netflix - Ronald Reagan explains everything to BHO: imdb.to/pNWc9n 26 Aug
- @@newcliff I said I don't know much about her, and I don't; but I saw that snippet from the debate. 25 Aug
- Did Christ give up being omnipresent in order to become a man? bit.ly/nFdEVb Tomorrow's Pyropost now. 25 Aug
- @@danielabbey Sorry. It was livestreaming here: bit.ly/18IgD5 I assume the segment will eventually be here: bit.ly/cVVDcv 25 Aug
- Going live on the Janet Mefferd Show in a minute: bit.ly/bWuunk 25 Aug tomascol tom ascol by Phil_Johnson_ Joe Biden's ode to speaking succinctly: tinyurl.com/3glfhk7 24 Aug
- RT @Steve_Kreloff: Just learned that our daughter Rachel and her husband Jason will be having a little girl in December. // congratulations! 24 Aug
- @@robertwolgemuth South end of Big Sur, Pacific Coast Highway. Taking a day off. 24 Aug
- This is where I am right now: yfrog.com/hscv8izrj 24 Aug
- @@DustinMedicus I'm not trying to pick a fight or prolong a needless argument, but you asked for my thoughts. There they are, abbreviated. 23 Aug
- @@DustinMedicus 4. For those and about a half-dozen other reasons I think his post was not well thought out and not particularly well written 23 Aug
- @@DustinMedicus 3. He foolishly seems to deny that booze is often "an agent of bondage." he thinks not? Seriously? 23 Aug
- @@DustinMedicus 2. He feigns amazement that anyone would say beverage alcohol is widely seen as "a symbol of debauchery." It is. 23 Aug
- @@DustinMedicus 1. He leaves the distinct impression he thinks JM said it's a sin to drink alcohol. He didn't. 23 Aug
- @@DustinMedicus he says so much that's wrong and needs untangling I can't do it in a Tweet. 23 Aug
- "The church is supposed to be a pillar and buttress of truth, not a wind tunnel where everything can blow through"--Frank Turk 23 Aug
- RT @XIANITY: TELEVISION: Jersey Shore replaces "The Situation" with reformed pastor & Jersey native @RWGlenn, aka "The Predestination" 23 Aug
- @@DustinMedicus No, I've been tied up with other matters and haven't caught up on all the posts in that controversy. 23 Aug
- @@RoryDoulos0 the link is good; I think too much traffic has crashed (or severely slowed) their servers: bit.ly/omEjBd 23 Aug
- Just spotted Chuck Swindoll, who is here at Mt. Hermon for a conference. 23 Aug
- "Settle Down"--the next entry in John MacArthur's blog series on YRR is now online: bit.ly/nRTtLO 23 Aug
- Brad Williams nails it in this piece on the MacArthur Beer Brouhaha: bit.ly/nXy3YK 23 Aug
- Michael Horton reflects on type-R charismatics and their claims: bit.ly/nMJf5o 23 Aug
- @@Frank_Turk I know better than to try to defend a humorous point to humorless people. Especially while I'm on vacation. 21 Aug
- @@_MattWallace No need. I was home schooled in logic. My mom's favorite tool of _reductio_ was a wooden spoon. 21 Aug
- As penance I will submit to a lobotomy by someone whose surgical skills were acquired through homeschooling. 21 Aug
- Darlene and 4,987 Facebook friends objected to this Tweet: grace.ly/yzmyga. I hereby retract. 21 Aug
- Kudos for truth in advertising: bit.ly/r4zUTw 21 Aug
- Interesting sermon by Philadelphia's Mayor. You've got to listen to the whole thing: bit.ly/mOrOZJ 21 Aug
- @@Pecadillo_ You were looking for this: bit.ly/oWfcH4 21 Aug
- It is possible to take the homeschool argument too far: yhoo.it/qKr4ij 21 Aug
- RT @thgilc: Wrigley instagr.am/p/K1gmM/ 20 Aug
- @@macpat For your Rolodex: bit.ly/om5f5Y 20 Aug
- Italian officials say Ghadhafi was wounded by NATO bombs, has fled Tripoli: Italy: bit.ly/nzp2g4 20 Aug
- The very thing I've been wishing someone would make: bit.ly/nKMXLq 20 Aug
- Our local Jiffy Lube need to change their name to avoid false advertising. I propose Slothy Lube. #beenHereMore'n90minutes 19 Aug
- @@AvgAndy Reductio ad Hitlerum: bit.ly/A40zo 19 Aug
- Mesmerizing: youtu.be/Cj6ho1-G6tw Wish I could do that. ht: Matt M. 19 Aug
- Irony alert: RT @jamesmacdonald: Why are so many reformed folks like Nazis - filled w insecurity and harshness . . .? 19 Aug
- There is some joy in Mudville today: bit.ly/qrhWE8 19 Aug
- @@AvgAndy Yes, that's perfect. Thanks. 19 Aug
- Good news for Cubs fans this morning. Unemployment increased by 1: bit.ly/p6Acxd 19 Aug
- @@DrOakley1689 That's harsh. Hater. 19 Aug
- @@EBenzBlog Sweet! That's way overdue. Celebration in our house today. 19 Aug
- Enjoy: bit.ly/qZA4Wr 19 Aug
- Murphry's Law, the editor's nightmare: bit.ly/p41yw2 19 Aug
- @@thechadmiller That's true. Some of them did. 18 Aug
- Hour 1 of my interview on Wretched Radio with Todd Friel today: bit.ly/oryIf1 18 Aug
- "The Seventh Sola" on the charge of legalism against John MacArthur: bit.ly/p2VegY 18 Aug
- @@Reformation2Day Good one. I may use that for the weekly Dose o' Spurgeon at TeamPyro this weekend. 18 Aug
- @@Reformation2Day Thanks. 18 Aug
- Two articles I referred to during the Todd Friel interview: Piper-Warren: bit.ly/cCgTGN // Spurgeon: bit.ly/oKhST8 18 Aug
- Sticking around with Todd Friel for hour 2 of Wretched Radio: bit.ly/4ZFQG 18 Aug
- Here's a session with @albertmohler on the issue of beverage alcohol: bit.ly/okRASX (mp3 file) 18 Aug
- I've got a live interview on Wretched Radio with Todd Friel coming up in a few minutes. bit.ly/p3Q9XX 18 Aug
- RT @douglaswils: New Mablog Post: On Being a Tricksy Dancer ow.ly/1eiDke 18 Aug
- Maxine Waters's cadence and delivery style youtu.be/NOMYEttH5fM remind me of that 4yo kid: youtu.be/kX0TyMV5HBI 18 Aug
- "Let's Not Dance Around the Real issues" (My reply to @douglaswils ) - bit.ly/qqqR62 18 Aug
- I wasn't planning to post on this issue again right away, but @douglaswils persuaded me that this is needed: bit.ly/qqqR62 18 Aug
- RT @DrOakley1689: We've been telling you for decades that this was coming, and voila...it is here: bit.ly/q2ofAm 17 Aug
- @@BibChr "sidesteps" was the word on the tip of my tongue. He's too smart to miss it. 17 Aug
- Doug Wilson @douglaswils dons blue coat and gray trousers: bit.ly/nopLx8 17 Aug
- Pretty good article in the Christian Post on the MacArthur Beer Brouhaha: bit.ly/pDxDi3 17 Aug
- @@ben_wright_bit.ly/oKhST8 17 Aug
- The segment where I discussed MacArthur's Beer Blogpost w/ Paul Edwards @GodandCulture today is online at the GTY blog: bit.ly/qHpazI 16 Aug Pecadillo_ Jonathan Johnson by Phil_Johnson_ Here he claims his sunken treasure. And the inevitable walk of shame. yfrog.com/h31ddxacjyfrog.com/gzmalbasj 16 Aug Pecadillo_ Jonathan Johnson by Phil_Johnson_ My whole life I've wondered why homeless people don't raid fountains for change. Today, I caught my unicorn. yfrog.com/h727564223j 16 Aug
- Driscoll's pornographic divination: bit.ly/pLC4US 15 Aug
- Typically pithy & perceptive, Carl Trueman recalls emergent/ing religion's demise & answers some lingering complaints: bit.ly/nqyxIf 14 Aug
- Worst ethnic joke of all time: bit.ly/oOmNDd 13 Aug
- A former drunken sailor objects: bit.ly/hsWwcz 13 Aug
- @bradn247@jonbru13 I dont think so. I think gty.org is the only place you can read that article. 12 Aug
- @bradn247@jonbru13 Which article? 12 Aug
- @@Trust_Bible Nope: In fact, "many members of the university's own staff have never heard of it." That says everything I need to know. 12 Aug
- Trying to make sense of the cosmic WHY? You must think sensibly, theologically, biblically--not let your emotions rule: bit.ly/qgXjNU 12 Aug
- The Patience of Job: http://bit.ly/ivBwp 11 Aug
- Balance: http://bit.ly/bRpwVj 11 Aug
- Democrat math: http://bit.ly/hyc6Ur 11 Aug
- The Blair TSA-wand Project: http://kck.st/r8tIYY 11 Aug
- @@RevSimonWard If you think that's a joke, you have an odd sense of humor. 11 Aug
- @@RevSimonWard Who is joking? 11 Aug
- Here's another suggestion if you're looking for something to do in London besides riot: http://bit.ly/ngaHCS 11 Aug nbusenitz Nathan Busenitz by Phil_Johnson_ My attempt to dismantle a straw man before it is built. "What Cessationism Is Not" -- thecripplegate.com/what_cessation… 11 Aug
- AiG is sponsoring evangelistic training in the church where Spurgeon was converted: http://bit.ly/qjhawS Skip the riots and go there instead 11 Aug
- My son explains Alton Brown's gaunt, unhealthy appearance: "I think he went to tanning, so he looks like an old catcher's glove." 10 Aug
- I keep saying political expediency erodes all concern for truth in the religious right. Proof: http://bit.ly/ofsibE What an absolute mess! 10 Aug
- Why entitlement programs are undermining our welfare while adding to the national debt: http://youtu.be/FhgAPKY7R_I 10 Aug
- Trouble at New Welcome Baptist Church: http://bit.ly/r8uat0 10 Aug
- @@Rhology Not sure what you're reading into it, but he said that about _diluted_ wine, not "biblical" wine. 9 Aug
- Max 'n' me. http://yfrog.com/h499679027j We're going to get along really well. 9 Aug
- @voiceofthesheep The logical antecedents there are drunkenness and debauchery. Note the reference to Eph. 5:18 9 Aug
- Ouch! John MacArthur does a little bovine-tipping with one of the sacred cows of the Young, Restless, and Reformed: http://bit.ly/qIyqRP 9 Aug
- My third grandchild, Max Benjamin Johnson, born 1 hour ago. 8 lbs., 3½ oz. and tons of cute: http://yfrog.com/klcvqznj 8 Aug
- Remember this tweet: http://bit.ly/qanUbK ? Here's what that piazza looked like this weeend: http://bit.ly/oO813v 8 Aug
- Grandchild #3 is due today (around 14:00 pdt) by C-section. Can't wait. I'll keep you posted. 8 Aug
- @@hereibloghttp://bit.ly/oKhST8 8 Aug
- Doug Pagitt with Roger Olson: "How the Neo-Calvinist Cabal is ruining Evangelicalism": http://bit.ly/olqacI ht: Ken Silva 8 Aug
- @@Gontroppo2010http://bit.ly/gv0Kn You'll find the translation easy enough to read if you know English: http://bit.ly/rgF1BU 7 Aug
- @@jaycensaab@albertmohler doesn't travel wearing a "Pyromaniacs" T-shirt. He wears these Kramer-style bowling shirts: http://bit.ly/lNaIP4 7 Aug
- Wycliffe's Gullah Bible: http://bit.ly/rgF1BU How can I get that in eSword format? 7 Aug
- Pomo-Atheist pastor's "views were too widely shared among church thinkers for him to be singled out": http://bbc.in/oxM5F1 6 Aug
- Yet another reason to be creeped out by #TSA patdowns: http://nydn.us/odJFi6 6 Aug
- I want one of these: http://bit.ly/jHx1Wp No. I take that nack. I want TWO of them. 6 Aug
- RT @challies: John Piper's tweet is absolutely not a must-read. http://bit.ly/pglHu8 // :-) 6 Aug
- @@SpencerDeBurgh That must be Pilgrim Radio. They broadcast my sermons from time to time. I haven't started a radio broadcast yet, though. :) 5 Aug
- What hath Grudem to do with Todd Bentley? Do"Reformed" charismatics aid and abet charismatic craziness? http://bit.ly/nuYsXr 5 Aug
- Johnson's Fifth Axiom of Common Sense: http://bit.ly/oMbQeo 4 Aug
- I'll be live with Kevin Boling on "Knowing the Truth" in 10 minutes: http://bit.ly/ngv6tF Talking about MacArthur and the YRR movement. 4 Aug
- Vishal Mangalwadi interacts with a Hindu critic regarding William Carey's long-term influence in India: http://bit.ly/ojD4YT 3 Aug
- Ever wonder what would happen if a dog breathed helium? http://youtu.be/8UaFOIboH2E 2 Aug
- Kevin DeYoung reviews Christian Smith's latest screed, dismantling the five-star review Smith gave his own book: http://bit.ly/pdw70v 2 Aug
- Penny, pondering music and recreation with her uncle David: http://bit.ly/nBQL9K 1 Aug
- Paul Edwards will Interview me today on @GodandCulture at 1:20p PDT re: MacArthur's blogposts on YRRs: http://bit.ly/hP94q3 1 Aug
- Why the Emergent "movement" keeps stalling: http://bit.ly/oD1QeM 31 Jul
- Amazing video of a whale rescue: http://youtu.be/tcXU7G6zhjU 31 Jul
- Oslo terrorist - social Darwinist and advocate of eugenics; not a "fundamentalist Christian": http://bit.ly/nnz3qQ#ShameOnMainstreamMedia 31 Jul
- The team at Cru evidently don't excel when it comes to math, modesty, or missionary strategy: http://bit.ly/rbna4d 29 Jul johnmacarthur John MacArthur by Phil_Johnson_ If you paid a registration fee for the Truth Matters conference, here’s how you get your refund. http://bit.ly/oyVYK9 29 Jul
- So, @Pecadillo_ , I'll see your white supremacist and raise you one tattooed Hobbit: http://abcn.ws/qOSXbo ht: @D2Bubba 29 Jul Pecadillo_ Jonathan Johnson by Phil_Johnson_ There's someone out there for everyone, even if the couple's combined IQ is a double digit. http://abcn.ws/nRNqta 29 Jul
- My ideas for niche-market Bibles haven't caught on yet: http://bit.ly/rlQcEF // http://bit.ly/q7Lc6J // http://bit.ly/oeGSfG 28 Jul
- More trivialization of God's Word from Zondervan: http://amzn.to/qe6R9S One of my FB readers suggests the "Wild About Pez Bible." 28 Jul
- A blog-reader pointed me to this appalling silliness from Zondervan: http://amzn.to/q9UHOP What next? Your suggestions welcome. 28 Jul
- New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism: http://onforb.es/rlI2bQ 28 Jul
- Looks fairly calm and cordoned off now, though: http://bit.ly/fV4cQv 27 Jul
- A riot broke out in Hollywood tonight at the Chinese Theatre: http://bit.ly/bZgJwD 27 Jul
- Even though the Truth Matters conference is now free, you still need to register. It'll be full soon, so don't delay: http://bit.ly/drGBv7 27 Jul
- Big news about the Truth Matters Conference: http://bit.ly/drGBv7 We decided to make it free. If you already registered, you get a refund. 27 Jul
- Where the Oslo killer will do hard time: http://bit.ly/oK4q7k I wonder if they have those little cinnamon rolls like Holiday Inn Express. 27 Jul
- @@ranchnoelle The "hireling" is a hired hand who cares nothing for the sheep but flees when wolves come: John 10:12-13 26 Jul challies challies by Phil_Johnson_ John MacArthur wants us to grow up: bit.ly/qWoyGZ 26 Jul
- Mac update: I made the move to Lion last night: http://bit.ly/oyo8kG 26 Jul
- The Great Shepherd: http://bit.ly/obtixX Jesus gave this discourse not just to comfort His sheep, but mainly to condemn hireling shepherds. 26 Jul
- Missing the point of 1 Thessalonians 5:18: http://youtu.be/c6EgY0W6Er8 ht: Jedi 25 Jul
- MacArthur on YRR (part 2): "This generation of Reformers desperately needs to move past the young-and-restless stage" http://bit.ly/pk3gR7 25 Jul
- @@SharonDevol If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning. 24 Jul
- The downside of valet parking: http://bit.ly/npga0z 24 Jul
- Another thieving #TSA agent caught. Watch eBay for items stolen from your luggage: http://lat.ms/pn4dUC 24 Jul
- Penny's response when told she was going to be weaned from the pacifier: http://twitpic.com/5tmi3o ht:Susi 21 Jul
- RT @LigonDuncan: Over at ref21 there is a terrific review of Iain Murray's bio of John MacArthur, by Jon Payne. http://bit.ly/nXl8ZF 21 Jul
- Fitting: http://bbc.in/pLVR6u 21 Jul
- I think G+ is the future of social networking. My mother-in-law joined FaceBook this morning. Those 2 things aren't necessarily related. 21 Jul
- One small step forward for the #TSA: http://bit.ly/oGMhb1 Now give agents dosimeters. Let's see how much radiation we're really getting. 21 Jul
- John MacArthur's counsel to the Young, Restless, Reformed: "Grow up. Settle down. Keep Reforming." http://bit.ly/nYC5TD 21 Jul
- @@JackTheGaffer I'm prolly gonna wait a few days, because if it doesn't work well with VMWare Fusion, I'm toast, and I have to preach Sunday. 20 Jul
- OSX Lion is here. I have no time to upgrade for a couple of weeks, but have a look: http://bit.ly/jw08oo 20 Jul
- I'm giving Wrigley a dog treat. @D2Bubba says, "Don't give him those. They smell like hot death in a sock." 19 Jul
- Like being in Milan, only not: http://bit.ly/as8OJz 19 Jul
- Best cartoon script ever written: http://youtu.be/GIw5pSju6zs 19 Jul
- You are probably more blessed than you realize: http://bit.ly/hCx16b 19 Jul
- Think this kid and his instrument look nerdy? Just listen: http://youtu.be/qCk1rnVz3pU (BTW, that's a _bayan_, a Russian-style accordion.) 19 Jul
- No federal charges against Turnabout Sister: http://youtu.be/TlTeH6m8oqw Internet fans aboutnd: http://on.msnbc.com/qWy50Q#TSA 19 Jul
- Thought about addressing the CJ-Sovereign Grace flap on my blog. But @jarbitro says everything I would've, & better: http://bit.ly/pJKYgQ 19 Jul
- "Emergent-ing religion"=accomplishes nothing but neverending conversation. Some of us were saying this 6 years ago: http://bit.ly/qANdEU 18 Jul
- @@Pecadillo_ Bad timing, too. Apple's overdue for an update on Minis; Lion's coming tomorrow. 3-6 weeks from now'll be the time to replace it 18 Jul
- East Oakland's got talent: http://youtu.be/JQRRnAhmB58 16 Jul
- Giant centipede vs. snake: http://youtu.be/ooFSFR2s7Ig Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! 16 Jul
- @@mrsbones75 Saw that. Evidently, turnabout is not fair play. #TSA 16 Jul
- Carmageddon Live Cam: http://bit.ly/n7BA3m That bridge is coming down. 16 Jul
- Carmageddon has begun: http://lat.ms/mQMe2u I was gonna do this: http://yhoo.it/mXugv6 but didn't want to go thru #TSA to get to Long Beach 16 Jul
- Real masculinity & the Manichean worldview of MMA: A former cage fighter replies to @PastorMark - http://bit.ly/m1HdX1 ht: @hereiblog 15 Jul
- @@Frank_Turk Sort of. My record of posting videos is pretty sketchy. Like my blogging, lately. 15 Jul
- The background on Josh Harris's resignation: http://bit.ly/pKP1Vp 15 Jul
- More troubles at Sovereign Grace Ministries: http://bit.ly/okNoL4 15 Jul
- This morning on my way to work . . . http://bit.ly/pKVZ4Q 15 Jul
- Eternal vigilance! The ever-savvy #TSA is still on guard against the threat of geriatric terrorists: http://bit.ly/qIQAyT 15 Jul
- "Documentiasis: A Manifesto Against Manifestos" - http://bit.ly/q3mr5o 15 Jul
- RT @D2Bubba: #Cubs manager held up by #TSA. http://trib.in/rgO8bZ Might be only time he gets sympathy from Phil J #FireMikeQuade // Word. 14 Jul
- The BBC's live feed goes horribly wrong: http://bit.ly/rrqoTv ht: Jedi 14 Jul
- The #TSA 's own Baghdad Bob explains why their agents keep feeling my wife's hair, even though it's not "poofy": http://bit.ly/rp11K3 14 Jul
- Thomas S. Kidd: "Chan's teaching on hell is vastly superior to Bell's, but . . ." http://bit.ly/mZdD4K 14 Jul
- Yikes. Francis Chan: "I would lean toward the conscious torment that's eternal. But I couldn't say I'm sure of that" http://bit.ly/iNnmtR 14 Jul
- Adding injury to insult: A $2.50 per airline passenger security fee? Proposed as a way to raise the debt ceiling: http://exm.nr/p0cnHO#TSA 12 Jul
- My grandchildren: http://yfrog.com/kfzcfgij (photocredit: Anne Johnson) 12 Jul
- Toldja so: http://bit.ly/dV1X49#TSA#pornscannercancer 12 Jul
- Forgot to link that article on Ezzo from @tulipgrrl : http://bit.ly/nXtI0Q 12 Jul danielabbey daniel abbey by Phil_Johnson_ Ode to Team Pyro: http://ow.ly/5Czb0 this one's for you @Frank_Turk@Phil_Johnson_@BibChr 12 Jul
- @@Rick_Holland Me too. Gonna miss you. 12 Jul
- "The heart of the problem with Ezzos' materials? Neglecting the Gospel." -- @tulipgrrl // Yes. Plus a host of exacerbating issues . 12 Jul
- @@godtalkradio In three parts, about 5 hours' total: http://bit.ly/lpRz30http://bit.ly/mQ0o74http://bit.ly/lf3fOz 12 Jul
- NRO on the full story of that Arab wrestled down by passengers on a Germany-bound jet Friday--and #TSA's ineptitude: http://bit.ly/oGe0jd 12 Jul
- @@FrankFusion "Basic Christian Doctrine," by Curt Daniel: http://bit.ly/HFEdR 12 Jul
- @@danielabbey Well played. Thanks for that. 12 Jul
- Nah. This isn't a racist thing. Just standard #TSA harassment. They check Darlene's hair, too, and it's not "poofy": http://bit.ly/mUXpVe 11 Jul
- Owl imprint on window: http://bbc.in/oCTk4k 11 Jul
- . . . cuz they killin' errbody out there: http://bit.ly/r3yVz2 11 Jul
- "These are national child care standards that we are proposing": http://bit.ly/qFjocQ Good grief. 11 Jul
- Martin Bashir, excellent as usual, on #TSA incompetence: http://bit.ly/rjLqBv 11 Jul
- My copy of @BibChr Dan Phillips's book has arrived: http://yfrog.com/kh3k5utj#goodsummerreading 11 Jul
- Jeffrey Goldberg: "we pay, in dignity and privacy, far too high a price for security that is entirely symbolic": http://bloom.bg/oitKjy#TSA 11 Jul
- This week's first #TSA embarrassment: http://abcn.ws/qkUBus "Security theater" with lots of really poor amateur actors. 11 Jul
- Intriguing evidence of design in the way prime numbers are distributed through the integer set: http://bit.ly/cg4MWO 8 Jul
- @@LawGrace There's an apt metaphor there. Sin routinely violates everything and everyone I love. It's worthy of the utmost contempt. 8 Jul
- Yes, I saw this: http://bit.ly/pjacK0 And what's to keep one of these rogue #TSA agents from BEING a terrorist? http://bit.ly/n3Qqbb 8 Jul
- Penny came over today and helped out in the kitchen: http://yfrog.com/kir22emjhttp://yfrog.com/kel0yej 8 Jul
- Keeping you safe from those troublesome Christmas-ornament assaults: http://bit.ly/pQENNU#TSA 8 Jul
- I hate when this happens: http://bit.ly/mjC3FA 8 Jul
- Basset Hounds running: http://bit.ly/gGuHOc 8 Jul
- When they speak of "people of color," they're referring to the tats and hair: http://bit.ly/qzpcbS#WildGooseChase@Frank_Turk 8 Jul
- Then, of course, there's the "bluegrass liturgy": http://bit.ly/nBNrMF@Frank_Turk 8 Jul
- Good response from Logos's Bob Pritchett regarding his earlier comments about Protestants: http://bit.ly/q8rpGh 8 Jul
- Wild Goose photos from Tony Jones's paramour. My fave: Emergent hippies swilling beer & charging their Androids: http://bit.ly/njbCcP 8 Jul
- "I saw and heard little that was overtly Christian." A feminist episcopalian priestess's reflections on Wild Goose: http://bit.ly/qCGrRY 8 Jul
- "Christian tribalism": a dismissive term for the belief that doctrine must be sound & biblical rather than politically correct @RoryDoulos0 8 Jul
- Rob Bell's editor: "now I think the biggest threat [to the church] is Christian tribalism" http://bit.ly/qBqpFV 8 Jul
- Now adding an "unpredictable" regimen of security measures to look for bomb implants: http://lat.ms/rjFaGd#Proctology#TSA 7 Jul
- The grab-hands at SeaTac #TSA ended my vacation with another invasive "enhanced pat-down" this AM. If you're keeping score, that's my 7th. 7 Jul
- @@Jonspach Vacation for 3 days on the way home from a conference. Back to L. A. tomorrow. 6 Jul
- This is where I am right now: http://yfrog.com/kemfiaj 6 Jul
- @@bryannpayne That's my best side. 5 Jul
- This is where I am right now: http://twitpic.com/5ltja9 5 Jul
- Ring tone suggestion: http://youtu.be/Ysqh1uzqGrc 5 Jul
- Enough gum to last a lifetime: http://yfrog.com/hsmpmfmj 5 Jul
- "I think we might be doing this soon at our faith community!" http://bit.ly/m1u1GY ht: Dissidens ◊ My reply: http://youtu.be/A_JPcBwYGmo 5 Jul
- Ron Gleason: "Contextualization Must Reckon with Antithesis" http://bit.ly/k9XcaW ht: RShanahan 5 Jul
- We have a fifth-floor lakeside view of the Lake Union fireworks display. Should be pretty good: http://bit.ly/j6WiQH 4 Jul
- @@D2Bubba Sounds like it's time to put him down. 4 Jul edstetzer Ed Stetzer by Phil_Johnson_ Celebrate #liberty -- unless you have to fly & your kids can be inappropriately touched by strangers at the airport. #TSA 4 Jul
- Darlene and I are spending the 4th in Seattle, kayaking and whatnot. Plus, all the free gum you can chew: http://bit.ly/lyg93C 4 Jul
- Profound thanks to @AlaskaBiff@Wildwood_Hunter and lots of others for making this week's conference unforgettable. @DrOakley1689 too. 4 Jul albertmohler albertmohler by Phil_Johnson_ Church of England bishop finds problem in worship: Too much praying, singing, preaching. Says cut it back. #dumbitdownhttp://ow.ly/5w3uD 4 Jul
- "Possibility Thinking" finally attains its full potential: http://bit.ly/jznP9v 4 Jul jwesleybush J. Wesley Bush by Phil_Johnson_ Wow, a lefty Emergent Church Woodstock. I have a good name for it - Lottapoorlosers. http://bit.ly/lqOKs2 3 Jul
- @ChrisMholz Yes, but I ate some roadkill moose, and he opted for Arby's, so in the machismo contest, we're even. 3 Jul
- @@matthewblair Yes, that's from the original edition of Spurgeon's Autobiography. 3 Jul
- First catch: Glen Pettit @wildwood_Hunterhttp://yfrog.com/h2uk2hzj 2 Jul
- No, really. Those are _wild_ shipping containers: http://yfrog.com/hsmmjhbj 2 Jul
- Pristine Alaska: http://yfrog.com/h4sdqcdj 2 Jul
- Sometimes fellowship is better than a fight. Sometimes not. http://bit.ly/k2I6BS 2 Jul
- James White @DrOakley1689 teaching: http://yfrog.com/h4h9movj 1 Jul
- “@Pecadillo_: @Phil_Johnson_ You forgot the face paint and squeaky shoes.” // no, my shoes do squeak. 1 Jul
- Wearing a James White special bowtie tonight, "borrowed" from @DrOakley1689 hisself: http://yfrog.com/h0wzwdvj 1 Jul
- On the distinction between primary and secondary doctrines: http://bit.ly/mIpfaq 1 Jul
- Tiger Balm, hell, and Confucian eschatology: http://bit.ly/iXReCn 30 Jun
- Try this instead: http://bit.ly/kPUGkJ 30 Jun
- James White @DrOakley1689 live webcasting from this Alaska sunroom: http://bit.ly/lgodwn 30 Jun
- James White, @DrOakley1689 Kilt a bar on this tree, just last night. http://yfrog.com/h49x1gmaj Now doing his webcast: http://bit.ly/4BoxIv 30 Jun
- James White @droakley1689 regales me with stories of his exploits: http://yfrog.com/gygwcyxj 30 Jun
- More evil fruit from the Harold Camping debacle: http://bit.ly/iIdEJ1 30 Jun
- Perfectly understandable. When you're eyebrows deep in soiled Depends, it's pretty hard to check Nigerian IDs: newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/06/30/aut…#TSA 30 Jun
- This is where I am right now: http://bit.ly/jgJJEp 29 Jun
- Heading into the land of the midnight sun, which is disorienting. It's literally midnight, & it looks like the sun is rising as we go north. 28 Jun
- @@JackTheGaffer You definitely should be working. See if you can get Tweetdeck out of time warp. I open it; it sends a draft from yesterday. 28 Jun
- Tweetdeck can really be a pain at times. 28 Jun
- Headed for Alaska this afternoon to join @DrOakley1689 for a conference in the Anchorage area. #TSA : I'm not the droid you're looking for. 28 Jun
- @@robertwolgemuth Indeed. It's no longer PC--and soon it may not even be legal--to have moral convictions. 28 Jun
- Turns out the #Cubs front office doesn't do morality any better than the team plays baseball: http://bit.ly/jQk5IV 28 Jun
- Turns out corking a bat doesn't really help you hit home runs: http://bit.ly/lTOd4K 28 Jun
- Are those backscatter machines REALLY safe? http://bit.ly/lcXGad Why are #TSA employees forbidden to wear dosimeters? http://bit.ly/mU3c9O 28 Jun
- Who knew that snails can be carnivorous? http://youtu.be/5xNxQfVNVR8 27 Jun
- :-) @albertmohler "These guys are just as obnoxious and unrestrained in private as they are in public." True. #RE11 27 Jun
- Watch @albertmohler live at Resolved: http://bit.ly/3SHHm#RE11 27 Jun
- An addendum to today's TeamPyro post re: the venerable Mr. @Challies : http://bit.ly/lYVQwj 27 Jun
- The World Evangelical Alliance will issue a "Global Code of Conduct on Evangelism." My expectations could not be lower: http://bit.ly/kXHVN0 27 Jun
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct? Did we really blow the Rob Bell situation? http://bit.ly/jmYE1t 26 Jun
- Reason no. 4,521 the #TSA needs to be dismantled lest they dismantle the last of our freedoms: http://fxn.ws/kOatQv 26 Jun
- This photo by Lukas van Dyke captures all the right expressions: http://yfrog.com/h4bg5pnj#RE11 25 Jun
- For those who can't get the livestream, behold the Shirt: http://bit.ly/mQfNFU // http://bit.ly/lNaIP4#RE11 25 Jun
- I stand in absolute awe of @albertmohler 's bowling shirt. (It's a shame he didn't get the memo about plaid shorts, though.) #RE11 25 Jun
- This is really messed up: Woman awakens at her own funeral; then dies of shock: http://bit.ly/md0ZuP 25 Jun
- Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new winner in the "World's Ugliest Dog" contest: http://bit.ly/lzIdHV Awesome. 25 Jun
- Yes! @Pecadillo_ posts a rare entry at his blog, and it's a welcome announcement: http://bit.ly/lMiD2r 25 Jun
- “The TSA works with passengers to resolve any security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner." Sure they do: http://grace.ly/p8hwtm 25 Jun
- Live now: @AlbertMohler speaking at Resolved. Livestream at http://www.resolved.org#RE11 25 Jun
- Live now: @johnmacarthur speaking at Resolved. Livestream at http://www.resolved.org#RE11 25 Jun
- RT @thgilc: Watch #JohnMacArthur and @albertmohler preach this AM @iamresolved www.resolved.org Starting @ 9am PST #RE11 25 Jun
- RT @thgilc: I got to know @JackTheGaffer at resolved. Then we got married. Thanks to @albertmohler#RE11 // <-- Cute couple. 24 Jun
- I'm at the Palm Springs Convention Center for Resolved. Looks like the dress code calls for plaid shorts. I missed that memo. #RE11 24 Jun
- This is where I am right now: http://yfrog.com/h4b7dwzj#RE11 24 Jun
- This guy's art reminds me of Emergence Theology: http://grace.ly/c1jj4s. But he insists it's not a scam. ht: CC 24 Jun
- @@jwesleybush Accumulating grandchildren. Number 3 is due in about 5 weeks. Loving it. 24 Jun
- @@jwesleybush Good. I heard you moved to Kenya. You guys are the most cosmopolitan family I know. 24 Jun
- Texican lawmakers flinch, back down like little girls. What a disappointment! http://grace.ly/xvlxu5#TSA 24 Jun
- Off to Palm Springs for Resolved. I'll be the token curmudgeon amid thousands of college students. Livestream: http://bit.ly/3SHHm#RE11 24 Jun
- Darlene: "Peter Falk Died." @Pecadillo_ : "Bummer. I had just one more question." 24 Jun
- A further comment on that ridiculous Laren Winner/Phyllis Tickle/Tony Jones video: http://bit.ly/kRLSby 24 Jun
- "This is the sort of thing Fuller Seminary does." As always, Dissidens is both spot on and wryly hilarious: http://bit.ly/iwoYLp 24 Jun
- @@DrOakley1689 Hmm. Maybe you should beat people up rather than debate them. It might make them smarter. http://bit.ly/mdPZOq 24 Jun
- So, it turns out the Resolved Conference will be livestreamed after all: http://www.resolved.org/#RE11 24 Jun
- John Samson on whether inability nullifies responsibility: If you borrowed $100 million then squandered it... http://bit.ly/lGYRfD 23 Jun
- @@DrOakley1689 I'm actually going to Palm Springs before I go to Alaska. #OverdosingOnSunshine#RE11 23 Jun
- @@LaneChaplin Turn around and come back here. You can't pass through without stopping. 23 Jun
- Untangling the Piper-Warren interview. The rest of my conversation w/ Chris Rosebrough is here: http://bit.ly/mQ0o74 & http://bit.ly/lf3fOz 23 Jun
- Uh-oh. The #TSA is now a union shop: http://bit.ly/kf4FlW No stopping them now. 23 Jun
- Rand Paul tells Pistole that he & #TSA are "clueless" and hostile to American freedom. Bingo: http://bit.ly/ik4ZK7 23 Jun
- Family Radio digs in: http://bit.ly/iDKwoA This would be funny if not so destructive. 23 Jun
- Sad but strangely mesmerizing: http://bit.ly/mddTGQ ht: @challies 23 Jun
- @@Frank_Turk It seems his name is Howard: http://youtu.be/zNtBRSOnxRw Check this: same airline, Deshon Marman: http://youtu.be/fOQI_FhKbw0 23 Jun
- More background on the mysterious traveler we met last week: http://bit.ly/iAuqm1 These are strange and troubling times in which we live. 23 Jun
- Here's an effective use of social media - chronicling one's own antisocial behavior: http://bit.ly/iPvKPv ht: @fickett 22 Jun
- Redeeming the stairwell. An idea that seems tailor-made for Lance Quinn: http://bit.ly/laS5Rg 22 Jun
- The guy we met in the airport last week is in the news today. Seems he's a regular on USAirways: http://bit.ly/kqMSrM 22 Jun
- Overheard from @Pecadillo_ re: Penny - "She's a baby. All her clothes look like clown clothes. How'm I s'posed to know which are pajamas?" 21 Jun
- Went to lunch at a joint in Castaic; in walks @Rick_Holland . He says he is ready for Resolved #RE11 21 Jun
- The Life of Spurgeon, contextualized. By Shai Linne: http://youtu.be/4Z5RkyAIWYM ht: Vicky Oladejo 21 Jun
- Best thing about your Kindle (or your Kindle iPad app)? It makes resources like this easily & cheaply available: http://amzn.to/klHuBL 21 Jun
- Need some used embroidery scissors? Get some used ones cheap here: http://bit.ly/lwDetK#TSA 21 Jun
- Think you could avoid the TSA's body scanners and pat-downs by taking Amtrak? Think again. http://bit.ly/m2Ld6S#TSA#CancelingYourRights 21 Jun
- My granddaughter, laughing at the sound of her aunt's name: http://youtu.be/4t0j5h15Iqc ht: @Pecadillo_ 20 Jun
- TSA commandos: Coming soon to a public venue near you: http://tinyurl.com/3cp25c3#TSA 20 Jun
- Between Darlene and me, that's our 12th patdown since November. So much for Big Sis's reassurance: http://grace.ly/ik1f26#TSA 20 Jun
- . . . and during that time the guy making "random" selections directed every woman (not one exception) through the porn scanners. #TSA 20 Jun
- 35 minutes in the #TSA queue (15 mins for Darlene's patdown) . . . 20 Jun
- Have I ever mentioned that I hate the #TSA ? After this morning's experience at Logan, my contempt for them has intensified exponentially. 20 Jun
- Seen on the way to church this morning: http://yfrog.com/kgdtuhj 19 Jun
- The trajectory of "science" (falsely so called): http://grace.ly/clhlr1 18 Jun
- "You've gotta have a reason to go to third base": youtu.be/AKE98sJpGig Texas officials revive their bill against #TSA groping. 17 Jun
- This is where I am right now: http://yfrog.com/kfchtotj 17 Jun
- @@DanDumas How much longer will you be in Boston? We should meet up at the Bruins' celebration tomorrow. 17 Jun
- Found a Wal-Mart, took it as a sign. Send this in to "People of Wal-Mart": http://yfrog.com/hs80ckrj 17 Jun
- Luggage didn't arrive. Shall I 1) try to buy a cheap dress shirt & slacks? or 2) preach in jeans & day-old Hawaiian shirt? 17 Jun
- @@ericfehrman It's like open theism on steroids: http://bit.ly/9sTjDl 17 Jun
- @@drtollett yeah, with a Pyromaniacs decal pasted over the Superman logo. Thanks for having my back. 17 Jun
- 3 am in Boston. We finally made it to the hotel but the luggage is still in Philly. I'm well past caring. Goodnight. 17 Jun
- They called the Boston flight back to the gate & held it 45 mins for us. So we're going to Boston 2nite with a planeload of angry people :-) 16 Jun
- Looks like we're going to miss our connection in Philly, and it's the last flight to Boston tonight. Bummer. I hate sleeping in airports. 16 Jun
- Pagitt: "If I were comfortable with aligning myself with a system of theology I would pick Process Theology." http://grace.ly/isse93 16 Jun
- Apparently the airline has requested that he wear an actual shirt: http://yfrog.com/kihrjtj 16 Jun
- @@robertwolgemuth Yes. Evidently he's on our flight to Philly, and he's planning to fly like that. We'll see what USAir says about it. 16 Jun
- At LAX. How'd THIS guy get past security? http://yfrog.com/h3h3wjpj Oh. He WORKS for #TSA 16 Jun
- Took nearly an hour to get past the TSA blockade today, but we avoided pat-downs. @Tomascol, however, was not so fortunate. 16 Jun
- Feel safer now? http://grace.ly/s6zukj#TSA 16 Jun
- Longest #TSA queue have ever seen at LAX terminal 1 today. And it's moving uber-slowly. 16 Jun
- I'll be meeting with the Grace Advance team this AM http://bit.ly/lrb1YM ; then flying to Boston at noon for this: http://bit.ly/m8eRRT 16 Jun
- @@Pursuit222 Yes. Class of '71. 15 Jun
- Missed my high school class's 40th reunion while I was in Italy. Turns out I won this award: http://yfrog.com/kfghkdj Take that, #TSA 15 Jun
- @@revross1 They love to have the preeminence, and we live in a culture where it's deemed uncharitable to challenge their bogus claims. 15 Jun
- "How about we take all those TSA agents and put them on the border with Mexico where they can do some security there?" http://bit.ly/mjhInj 15 Jun
- Facial hair. Thinking about a new look? Some ideas to prime the suggestion box: http://bit.ly/kpNTNx 14 Jun
- The #TSA ruins a honeymoon over a bottle of contact lens solution. http://bit.ly/mmw169 Seriously: do you feel safer now? 14 Jun
- Pray for Valerie Phillips. Scary surgery; encouraging results. Long, grueling recovery: grace.ly/41z07r 14 Jun
- Stunning incompetence all around. But a 047-minute response time from the #TSA !? http://nyp.st/m7AhP8 Do you feel safer now? 14 Jun
- "We can now teach our kids early to be #TSA thugs": http://bit.ly/ktHyOs "Rubber gloves sold separately." 14 Jun
- A full month of meaty, masculine meditations, just in time for Father's Day: http://bit.ly/4nNujy 14 Jun
- @@PatAbendroth Don't tell PETA. 13 Jun
- @@Frank_Turk Exactly. As a matter of fact, I stupidly left my reversible WalMart belt wth the #TSA in Atlanta yesterday, so I need a new one. 13 Jun
- @@PatAbendroth I jacked his jaw with a broom handle, then crushed his skull with this spring-clamp: http://yfrog.com/kipbnvj 13 Jun
- This 5-foot snake got aggressive with Wrigley, so (in a very biblical fashion) I crushed its head: http://yfrog.com/kk7jfmj 13 Jun
- Not really a book review; it's a sermon on Gethsemane with biblical answers to some questions raised by Rob Bell: http://vimeo.com/25002358 13 Jun
- Penny 'n' Ray: http://yfrog.com/h3rg4sbbj (photo credit: @D2Bubba ) 12 Jun
- Delta: the screaming 3-year-old in the seat behind me has a message for you: an hour on the runway after a 10-hour flight is bad business. 12 Jun
- Leaving Rome for home in a couple of hours. I hope to avoid another encounter with the #TSA grab-hands in Atlanta. 11 Jun
- Think Harold Camping's idiocy is harmless and his critics too harsh? Think again: http://bit.ly/iTBDh5 11 Jun
- @@Trust_Bible Despite his claim, that guy's definitely more Hindu than "Christan." 11 Jun
- Well, duh! But after enduring 5 #TSA patdowns, I don't think this jackboot megalomania is "an isolated incident": http://fxn.ws/lRfsDi 11 Jun
- Dinner on the piazza in Zafferana with my bride of 33 years. Best. Anniversary. Ever. http://grace.ly/3vrn1e 10 Jun
- More #TSA jackboot idiocy: http://grace.ly/c0ujnx 10 Jun
- Congratulations to @Rick_Holland: http://bit.ly/inr5MZ It's a great book. Hope to see more of them. 9 Jun
- Sicilian culinary tips: Olio Santo is great on any pasta dish: http://grace.ly/gmxxp0 But stay away from the zuzzu: http://grace.ly/1nb93c 9 Jun
- Wrigley would love this: dog pasta. Italians cook macaroni for their dogs: http://yfrog.com/gzqambpj 8 Jun
- Day 3 of a week-long theology teachathon. Dinner tonight at my favorite eatery in the whole world, halfway up Etna: http://bit.ly/lSZaNT 8 Jun
- Great analysis of H. Camping by @albertmohler - http://grace.ly/fl64zz Answers the claim that HC's old age should exempt him from criticism 6 Jun
- I'll be teaching systematic theology 8 hours a day all week at the Italian Academy. First class starts in 2 minutes. 6 Jun
- @@WScottLamb Glad I did not have to see that. 5 Jun
- Watching (from Italy) the livestream of a historic day at Grace Church: http://bit.ly/axyJEZ JMac completes preaching thru the NT today. 5 Jun
- RT: piratechristian: Piper / Warren debrief is posted. You can download and listen here http://bit.ly/lpRz30 4 Jun
- Talking about the Piper-Warren interview right now with @piratechristian 3 Jun
- What's the deal? Italian security singled me out for "special" inspection, too, on arrival at Rome. I guess it's not just a #TSA thing. 2 Jun
- Got frisked this AM by Heathrow security. Just as thorough, but much faster, more businesslike than any #TSA patdown. #tired_of_it_all 2 Jun
- Where I am right now: the Covent Garden Apple store - http://yfrog.com/h4tdwckwj 1 Jun
- Saw this spectacular hot-air balloon in the Kentish sky this morning: http://yfrog.com/h2e2qkpj 31 May
- World's ugliest McD's: http://yfrog.com/h0r9dpyj Google Earth led us here through farm & forest after the fire alarm. 31 May
- Blaring fire alarm cleared out our entire hotel before sunrise this morning. False alarm. 2nd time that's happened to me in England. 31 May
- Dining at the coast of the English Channel with longtime friends Tony & Cynthia Ruston: http://yfrog.com/h8evohdj 31 May
- A brilliant (& non_Christian) critique of contextualizers whose aim is to be cool rather than to communicate: http://youtu.be/OxrRg8AFjPE 30 May
- The #TSA agent literally fainted while directing Darlene through the portal today, so we didn't get any "enhanced" scrutiny. Poetic justice. 28 May
- RT @LaneChaplin: We would only be *somewhat* shocked if Spike Lee interviewed @RickWarren and Rick claimed to be an African-American. 28 May
- Sloth: http://youtu.be/ES32UFlPOUA 27 May
- As requested @jmartinsonhttp://yfrog.com/gy2vetxj (Only because we love the girls in our lives.) 27 May
- First time all 4 members of TeamPyro have ever been together, and it's at the American Girls doll store? Eeesh. 27 May
- @@jonelliff You think that's bad, just wait till tomorrow. 26 May
- New ride for @Pecadillo_ - It's got a cop motor . . . cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks: http://bit.ly/mfJkpP 26 May
- Awww: http://youtu.be/Vw4KVoEVcr0 26 May
- Pervert priest "has been working with Pope Benedict XVI on reforms to respond to prior scandals of pedophile priests": http://ti.me/mMQA5s 26 May
- @@Frank_Turk I trust you implicitly. But I've shut the computer down anyway. 26 May
- @@Frank_Turk Defile my Twitter feed and you're fired from the blog. 26 May
- The Harold Camping saga gets worse and worse: http://bit.ly/lB2bLn Is there no board at Family Radio with power to remove this man? 26 May
- There's something poetically fitting about Ergun Caner carrying on the J. Frank Norris legacy: http://bit.ly/lhEgeX // http://bit.ly/k7hR2N 25 May
- Carl Trueman on NT Wright on Americans: http://bit.ly/jdkbiv (Made me smile.) 25 May
- @@DustinMedicus Oh. His wild accusations don't warrant a response from me. But I agree with Fred Butler's assessment: http://bit.ly/kT12fz 25 May
- "No last stand for Texas this week": http://onforb.es/metNQK#TSA 25 May
- @@DustinMedicus Not sure what article you mean. Can you send it again? 25 May
- Trevin Wax: "N.T. Wright on Rob Bell and the Reality of Hell": http://bit.ly/jJacBL 25 May
- My granddaughter is glamorous: http://yfrog.com/hs747cnj 24 May
- Foxes on a trampoline: http://youtu.be/c8xJtH6UcQY 24 May
- My #TSA pat-down this AM was the most "thorough" yet. (I've had 5 now.) But they missed a Bic lighter I neglected to discard in my carry-on. 23 May
- @@wee_evangelist But when Whitefield was horsing around, "The United States" was not so big. Plus his travel contributed to his early death. 23 May
- Big Sis is dead wrong: http://grace.ly/ik1f26 I just got my 5th "enhanced patdown" in as many months this morning @ Logan Airport. #TSA 23 May
- Great game at Fenway tonight: http://yfrog.com/hsdo2jyvj 21 May
- Where I am right now: http://yfrog.com/h6jojmj 21 May
- Remember "Baghdad Bob"? http://grace.ly/lklb3i Well, it seems the #TSA have hired him as Public Relations Manager: http://grace.ly/1tza93 20 May
- "Planking": http://grace.ly/neya6m That's pretty much what the Cubs did at Fenway tonight. 20 May
- @@RealKenSilva We're headed to Rockport next. 20 May
- Gloucester, MA. Kettle-fried seafood. Weight Watchers doesn't even have a category for this: http://yfrog.com/gycr6stj 20 May
- Visiting Newburyport. This is the church where George Whitefield is buried, under the pulpit: http://yfrog.com/h0unifaj 20 May
- We're in Boston, and so are the Chicago #Cubs. (First time in 93 years: http://grace.ly/6a5thw ). 20 May
- @oWretch No. But I would consider the role of PayPal Encyclical. 19 May
- Our flight to Boston boarded on time. Now we're facing a 2+-hour delay before takeoff. Bad weather in New England, apparently. 19 May
- It's snowing in Estes Park at the moment: http://yfrog.com/gzbyctej#FIRE 18 May
- Nice timing. Passed #TSA while the nekkid-scanner guy was on his break. They reopened the backscatter machine 2 mins after Darlene got thru. 17 May
- Camping's radio network just ran an ad offering literature to help identify early-onset Alzheimers symptoms. Ironic on about 6 levels. 17 May
- In case you missed any of it, Steve Hays has posted links to the full GTY series on Bell's hell: http://bit.ly/l34KW8 17 May
- Headed to Estes Park, CO tomorrow for the 2011 FIRE conference: http://bit.ly/kD2R8U (Running the #TSA gantlet again.) 16 May
- @@IpseDixit Of course. Ditto with Romans 13. By all means submit. But we're not forbidden to point out unlawful abuses (Acts 22:25). 14 May
- @@DustinMedicus Don't know him. But I've had (so far) 5 patdowns, & I detest the #TSA 's obsession w/ "scanning" our wives & daughters. 14 May
- The largest one-man theft ring in the short history of the #TSA: http://bit.ly/l2CMXN (500+ agents have been caught stealing from luggage.) 14 May
- Can't decide what's weirder - Grandma's video greeting: http://youtu.be/YfY1lfFu8j8 or this salute to Grandmas: http://youtu.be/rsXJcIODLtQ 13 May
- Say what you will, it's modestly priced: http://grace.ly/wpa4nd 13 May
- TMC graduation is live-streaming. http://yfrog.com/h06ukosj Tom Pennington speaking, John MacArthur wearing shades: http://bit.ly/itAHH7 13 May
- Disability Awareness Night at Fenway. The singer needs a little help. The result is pretty sweet: http://bit.ly/jhMdoN 13 May
- Gandhi's in Bell? He is? And someone knows this for sure? http://bit.ly/kR79rh 12 May
- One bedeviled dog gets his revenge: http://youtu.be/RgwzlD8GYJE 11 May
- Penny prepares for nap time: http://goo.gl/ZI5Uv 11 May
- Bedeviling the dog, part deux: http://youtu.be/hiy7mHFnU1Y (This one would make a fine ringtone.) 11 May
- Bedeviling the dog: http://youtu.be/nGeKSiCQkPw (Reminiscent of conversations I've had with Wrigley.) 11 May
- Four guys with too much time on their hands in the airport: http://youtu.be/EUEcaAc6LC8 11 May
- 100 reasons to get a window seat: http://bzfd.it/iiOqg1 10 May
- Kitten vs a scary thing: http://youtu.be/_MqHN-4okZ4 9 May
- 10 Things the #TSA Won't Tell You: http://bit.ly/misAN8 9 May
- Unclear on the concept: grace.ly/294ein 9 May
- "Not only did Obama not spike the football, he laid it very gently on the ground and then tripped over it"-@douglaswilshttp://bit.ly/mEIRzJ 8 May
- "But God. . ."--the classic Lloyd-Jones sermon online now: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/living-grace/ 8 May
- @@ttkerr I have always submitted in accordance with Romans 13. Meanwhile, we're not forbidden to point out out unlawful abuses (Acts 22:25). 7 May
- @@DustinMedicus Phil at spurgeon dawt org 7 May
- Sisyphus: http://youtu.be/SqzgbwvIkEQ 7 May
- Waterboarding terrorists is "degrading" but groping citizens is not? #TSA has never caught one terrorist. Get this: http://on.wsj.com/jg89om 6 May
- Oooh. That's gonna leave a mark: http://bit.ly/l3WZ7j 6 May
- Sorry about the mess: http://bit.ly/nPKDC (Yes, I know this is an old link, but it's still a winner.) 6 May
- Oh, sure. Unionize #TSA. That'll make EVERYTHING all better: http://tsa.afge.org/ 6 May
- Noonan: "When a culture descends to the lowest common denominator . . . it lowers the broad base" http://bit.ly/ifSdk3 ht: JohnMac 6 May
- Rare Document Traders. Sign up today and receive a free quality color picture of Mr. Spurgeon via email: http://bit.ly/iTh867 5 May
- Short-term missions trip interrupted by tragedy: http://bit.ly/kmBqyW 5 May
- @@DustinMedicus No. You betta represent. A rapper ESPECIALLY ought to have the stuff to throw it up. 5 May
- On the radio live with Chris Arnzen for the next hour talking about the history of heresy: http://bit.ly/8Tcc9Q 5 May
- Andy Olsen interviews me on _Sola Fide_, the Psalm 119 Conferences, etc: http://bit.ly/ko5gK8 5 May
- Spider attack (with surprise ending): http://bit.ly/hpKtl4 4 May
- Where I am now: http://www.momstamales.com/#DDDhttp://yfrog.com/h4fyljkj 4 May
- @@deepwapiti that's the Camera+ app. Today is Throwback Day at Dodger Stadium. I filtered the picture accordingly. 4 May
- This is where I am right now. Playing hooky: http://yfrog.com/h3x0wmgj 4 May
- Typical, tedious postmodern-European stupidity: http://grace.ly/hrfmxn // Typical, tedious PC-American stupidity: http://grace.ly/ep4sfa 3 May
- Jihadis react: "The lowest I have ever felt" - http://grace.ly/rutm5y This week's _Time_ cover: http://bit.ly/HKI7 3 May
- Dissidens analyzes the sudden interest in polemical theology from Emergent types: http://grace.ly/9t6wdc 3 May
- As long as the #TSA exists and "randomly" treats good citizens like criminals, the terrorists are winning the War on Terror--big time. 3 May
- Ray is unsure how a Cubs loss might affect Granddad's mood: http://yfrog.com/h72oxwwj 2 May
- @edstetzer It's an exercise in humiliation. This is the closest a devoted Protestant like me will ever get to self-flagellation. 2 May
- Came from Tampa this morning, but this is where I am right now: http://yfrog.com/h82psbuj#goCubs 2 May
- The markers now showing Osama's compound on Google Maps are wrong. Here's the correct site: http://bit.ly/iRKk0B See: http://bit.ly/kTERku 2 May
- Bin Laden compound now labeled "amusement park" on Google Maps: http://bit.ly/mHj7mw 2 May
- RT @Jay_Flowers: I wonder if the death of UBL will hurt sales of Rob Bell's book. Suddenly, everyone's ready to believe in a literal hell. 2 May
- Pakistani man unwittingly liveblogged Osama raid: http://grace.ly/h4j8ki 2 May
- Finally got through #TSA without being physically molested this AM. Good thing, too. The hands-on team did not appear to be in a good mood. 2 May
- RT @edstetzer: Now that bin Laden is gone, can we have our civil liberties back?... // Nope. #TSA still doing virtual strip searches this AM 2 May
- The highlight of Friday's royal wedding: John Rutter's anthem: http://youtu.be/gl93WXJEVMQ 30 Apr
- If you think the #TSA is better than terrorism, you may be just one enhanced pat-down from changing your mind: http://grace.ly/7aulhh 30 Apr
- Note to #TSA : Don't mess with Texas: http://grace.ly/ddr05t 29 Apr
- Ashamed to admit it, but I'm looking at Royal Wedding fashions w/ Darlene on the plane to Tampa. This is truly weird: http://grace.ly/kfe4dn 29 Apr
- Looks like (despite the 90-min delay in Burbank) we've made it to DFW in time for our connection to Tampa. Good tailwind, I guess. 29 Apr
- Grounded in Burbank by high winds. Dallas connection very iffy. I think It's gonna be a late night. 29 Apr
- Good post decrying "gospel centered" minimalism: http://grace.ly/agbvis ht:RS 29 Apr
- Yes! There are no backscatter machines at Bob Hope airport, so I avoided the "enhanced patdown" this time. #TSA 29 Apr
- Celebrating@Steve_Kreloff 's 30 years as senior pastor of Lakeside Community Chapel, Clearwater, FL. I'll be speaking there Sunday AM & PM. 29 Apr
- Headed for Florida, which means I get to run the #TSA gantlet again today. I hope their rubber gloves are clean this time. 29 Apr
- RT @Steve_Kreloff: Only in the city of San Francisco: Circumcision ban a step closer to the ballot http://bit.ly/hEUpug Yikes. 28 Apr
- Seems the #TSA studied "security theatre" under Larry, Curly, Moe; w/ discipline technique by some spinster schoolmarm: http://bit.ly/jdCIZf 28 Apr
- @@DrOakley1689 You're right. Why should Lutheran Boy get it? Tell you what: You and I can run it. We'll fill it up with Particular Baptists. 28 Apr
- Harold Camping is manifestly delusional. If he believes his own hype, why not deed Family Radio Network to @piratechristian starting May 22? 28 Apr
- "Star Wars" according to Jean-Paul Sartre: http://youtu.be/Q-uQWNd540I 28 Apr
- Rob Bell on NPR: If God punishes people in hell, he's "not a God I'm interested in trusting." http://bit.ly/gyt4Ey 27 Apr
- Victoria Looseleaf has a device that will fix your face: http://youtu.be/etU_wtP5Pck (That's an infomercial, not a deliberate joke.) 26 Apr
- I HIGHLY recommend eSword. 1) It's free; 2) works great; 3) just came out with an update: http://bit.ly/xKi1V 26 Apr
- @@jmartinson No, I hadn't. Thanks for the heads up. 26 Apr
- The editor's note at the end of this article raises intriguing Qs about Tim Keller's involvement with Biologos: http://bit.ly/hywWgo ht:RS 26 Apr
- Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir. One of the coolest uses of YouTube ever: http://bit.ly/62w3Ar 24 Apr
- I'm told Grace Church's Good Friday service will be livestreamed tonight at 7:30 pdt (83 mins from now): http://bit.ly/axyJEZ 22 Apr
- RT @Preecha007: If you thought 'Farewell, Rob Bell' was harsh, you may have a stroke over MacArthur's assessment: http://bit.ly/f6ACLb 21 Apr
- In his uniquely crusty style, Darryl G Hart makes some good points re: the downside of trans-denominational coalitions: http://bit.ly/e3HaT2 21 Apr
- MacArthur: Rob Bell's whole message is a flat contradiction of Jesus' words in Luke 12:5: http://bit.ly/f6ACLb 21 Apr
- Wow. John MacArthur wraps up his series with "Bell's Inferno": http://bit.ly/eSc6AY 21 Apr
- A deeply cynical analysis of the controversy over Bell's denial of hell: http://ti.me/fGbYuV Evangelicals have themselves to blame for this. 20 Apr
- This'll be good: http://bit.ly/gup7RT In the past 6 months I've met both of these guys. They'll be together at one conference? Orange alert. 19 Apr
- Intellectual syrup of ipecac: http://bit.ly/edIIIy Yet more anti-Christian stream-of-consciousness drivel from Emergent Village. 19 Apr
- Trololo cat: http://youtu.be/dIR3XFuY4Qs 19 Apr
- Cloudy with a chance of cheeseburgers: http://youtu.be/upT9MvDaCk4 19 Apr
- If the Pyromaniacs blog were more ecumenical, we'd invite this guy to join the team: http://gizmo.do/evZx1t ht:@JackTheGaffer 19 Apr
- " . . . one of the most ridiculous statements concerning the Bible one might ever imagine" - @albertmohlerhttp://bit.ly/hPQsLC#biologos 19 Apr
- John MacArthur, "Rob Bell’s Unbelief in His own Words": http://bit.ly/hqkotZ 18 Apr
- @@BibChr Good one. But now your case-file is flagged, and you're sure to get the <air quotes>ENHANCED PAT DOWN</air quotes> next time. #TSA 16 Apr
- @@airjomax21 Sounds good. I need one of those buses like John Madden. 15 Apr
- Yes, I complained: http://bit.ly/eSBxOp That was before I read this: http://bit.ly/gqAxlq Greyhound is looking better all the time. #TSA 15 Apr
- @@JasonMGoode I see: my double "enhanced patdown" the other day was retaliation. Who wrote their handbook? Barney Fife? #TSA 15 Apr
- Speaking of TSA's squad of grope-commandos, this one's hobby is even more odious than his day job: http://bit.ly/dO0BhR ht: Betty Taylor 15 Apr
- @@stevekmccoy I gave up smoking Southern Baptists for Lent. 15 Apr
- Good news: I made it home from Chicago without further molestation from TSA's rubber-gloved squad. 15 Apr
- He's back! @Pecadillo_ gets a parking ticket & takes it out on hipsters & the riffraff who hang out at Venice Beach: http://bit.ly/dTWh1i 14 Apr
- Carson on divine love & wrath, truth & tolerance; heaven & hell; heresy & orthodoxy: http://yfrog.com/h0lmivij Good stuff. #TGC11 14 Apr
- A couple of free downloadable Easter sermons from the D. Martyn LLoyd-Jones Recordings Trust: http://bit.ly/hDfO03 14 Apr
- @@Daleington9 No. It isn't a personal dispute but a fundamental disagreement re: what's legitimate (or not) in the name of contextualization. 14 Apr
- Frank Turk's "Open Letter to Dr. Karl W. Giberson": http://bit.ly/fLm3G5 Well said. As always. 13 Apr
- "If any popular figure 'in the evangelical movement' deserves the label 'heretic,' it is Rob Bell": http://bit.ly/og4eH 13 Apr
- Bumped into the great Tim Challies on our way to dinner at Portillo's: http://yfrog.com/h8jmtqdj#TGC11 13 Apr
- Ran into @LigonDuncan between sessions: http://yfrog.com/gzbgqnaj#TGC11 13 Apr
- "People like Rob Bell frighten me because it was people like him that I allowed to tickle my ears for many years": http://bit.ly/hwupSu 12 Apr
- @At #TGC11@albertmohler is talking about the danger of merely moralizing from the Old Testament. 12 Apr
- @@robertwolgemuth I couldn't fit the whole story in a Tweet. Here's the FB version: http://twitpic.com/4k2u7i // Plus: http://grace.ly/7tjuhl 12 Apr
- @@d2bubba Nice choice. It will complement her collection of Murder She Wrote. 12 Apr
- Kim and Neil Shay at #TGC11http://yfrog.com/h8e9nscj 12 Apr
- Grazing the book tables at #TGC11http://yfrog.com/h4b8mfsj 12 Apr
- Part 1 of John MacArthur on Rob Bell: "A Brother to Embrace, or a Wolf to Avoid?" http://bit.ly/hFLxIY 12 Apr
- Perfect Chicago weather. If the #Cubs were in town, I'd have a really hard time draggng myself to #TGC11. Yes, I'm totally depraved. 12 Apr
- Another expression of wanton blasphemy from Emergent Village: http://bit.ly/e89NEF 12 Apr
- @@jeffdalrymple Sorry. Tweetdeck's autotag function ain't working very smoothly. Note: don't text while walking. 11 Apr
- In 1977, after our 2nd date, I took Darlene here. It's still one of our favorite Chicago dives: http://grace.ly/7tjuhl 11 Apr
- Arrived in Chicago. #TGC11 11 Apr
- @findo Of course you don't. By the time you get to Mark, you've had to skew so many passages to sustain the Biologos view, what's 1 more? 11 Apr
- @@EBenzBlog I just might. 11 Apr
- Lane Chaplin gives my Spurgeon collectibles to Shai Linne: http://youtu.be/lSZ1qX8UG9w 11 Apr
- The view out our back window: http://yfrog.com/h2f7rymj#TGC11 11 Apr
- @@findo Actually, the point I'm making hinges on the phrase "at the beginning of creation." Selah. #BiologosFAIL 11 Apr
- Giberson guesses wrong about what Jesus might believe: http://bit.ly/hHQDQf Jesus clearly said what He DID believe: Mk 10:6 #BiologosFAIL 11 Apr
- Boarding this train to Chicago with Darlene: http://yfrog.com/h4vs5voj#TGC11 11 Apr
- RT @ThChrstnWrldvw: radio show w/Todd Friel, Phil Johnson, Milton Vincent, and James White now posted: http://bit.ly/gsWbit 10 Apr
- Looks like this guy got his "patdown" from the same agents who accosted me on Thursday: http://youtu.be/vTsxWLh6WTY#TSA 9 Apr
- @James White @DrOakley1689 live on David Wheaton's Christian Worldview Radio program: http://yfrog.com/h7qx2ejj 9 Apr
- Todd Friel live right now on David Wheaton's "Christian Worldview": http://yfrog.com/hs7qitkj 9 Apr
- :) 8 Apr
- Friel: "How does a shepherd deal with a wolf in the fold? Not by having a 90-minute symposium about what we have in common. He cries WOLF." 8 Apr
- @@echozoe What's the calorie count on one of those? 8 Apr
- Arriving in the land of 10,000 mosquito ponds. Flying in, it looks like most are still frozen. I'm ready for spring. 7 Apr
- @@DrOakley1689 If possible, yes. We're getting into Minneapolis at 5. I'll do my best to connect with you before dinner. Squirrel fries. 7 Apr
- Exactly!: http://grace.ly/sd44vz#TSA 7 Apr
- "Enhanced patdown" turns out to be a euphemism for an awkward and totally invasive rubdown. Why I "needed" it twice remains unclear. #TSA 7 Apr
- TSA made me get the "enhanced" patdown TWICE this morning. 7 Apr
- This will be interesting: http://abcn.ws/h3ZDyU Some IFB churches ARE despotic and cultlike. I hope it's a solid exposé. 7 Apr
- Kid: "I kind of deserved it." Mom can't handle her kid but tells cops how THEY should've done it: http://apne.ws/fv4qnX ht: @Shinar_Squirrel 6 Apr
- Fri & Sat (Apr 8-9) I'll be at the Psalm 119 Conference at Twin City Fellowship | St. Louis Park, MN. See you there: http://bit.ly/gaahNJ 6 Apr
- Men with filthy mouths have filthy minds. Matthew 12:34 6 Apr
- One of the lesser-known dangers associated with boring the congregation: http://bit.ly/dTjwY1 5 Apr
- How Venice works: http://bit.ly/h0Tsqi 5 Apr
- Nice film debunking ecoanarchists' claims that wind turbines pose an apocalyptic threat: http://bit.ly/hJSw8K 5 Apr
- If gold is such a sure-fire financial hedge, why are the people who currently own it so eager to take my paper money in exchange? 5 Apr
- Oops! $8 million accidentally wired to scammer: http://bit.ly/ia7nuc 5 Apr
- "A 76-year old Norfolk woman took her driving test for the 17th time this afternoon. And failed": http://youtu.be/nHAvr-G5DHo 5 Apr
- Just like my office, only different: http://bit.ly/fxv1On 5 Apr
- Road Hazard. Try not to jump out of your seat at the moment of impact: http://bit.ly/ev1LhK (Fortunately, no one was hurt.) 4 Apr
- RT @Sola5Girl: Beacon of Hope Church :: GUEST SPEAKER @Phil_Johnson_ @ http://bit.ly/gBqnvg April 10. Come join us. Bring questions too 4 Apr
- "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," by Rube Goldberg (or some cell phone company): http://youtu.be/C_CDLBTJD4M 4 Apr
- @@Frank_Turk So much for "conversation," huh? Emergent hypocrisy. Sadly predictable. 4 Apr
- @@atl_andy No prob. Tweet away. I don't usually Tweet about my own blogposts anyway. 4 Apr
- The real agenda comes into clearer focus: Emergent Village repudiates Christ's teaching about God: http://bit.ly/fRWxaj 4 Apr
- RT @atl_andy: Phil Johnson on street preaching: http://bit.ly/gleAJI 3 Apr
- Whaddya know? Rob Bell has a doppelganger in Moscow, ID: http://bit.ly/g86D4S ht: @douglaswils This is both hilarious & poignant. 3 Apr
- My grandchildren had their cute on today: http://yfrog.com/h89iytuj 3 Apr
- Ray and Penny are here for the weekly after-church feast at Grandma's house: http://yfrog.com/h8njpkwj 3 Apr
- Mattingly: "I was disappointed . . . to me [beating rival fans into a coma is] crossing the line" http://bit.ly/f3WlmP Understated, perhaps? 2 Apr
- RT @d2bubba: For any JW's out there, the time to proselytize my dad is NOT when he's trying to fix the sprinklers in the front yard.// Word. 2 Apr
- I can't imagine what this would be useful for, but it's impressive: http://youtu.be/TSU1jQoGIqo 1 Apr
- "This is pretty close to the most memorable work I’ve done,” Dove says: http://bit.ly/dMo8tI 1 Apr
- Interesting critique of Edwards by Paul Helm. He makes some points worth listening to: http://bit.ly/dGBFd4 1 Apr
- @JoelTaylor_ I think the link is OK, but Miller's website has got a problem. Try again later. 1 Apr
- I'm not a Donald Miller fan, but this made me laugh: http://bit.ly/eyI6D5 1 Apr
- My best friend tells me he's got a Twitter account. He hasn't exactly been wordy yet: http://bit.ly/fB3Cf3 1 Apr
- Coming soon: "The War on Velvet Heterodoxy." http://bit.ly/eCS9YX 1 Apr
- @@jwritebol Great memories: Sitting in the front-row bleachers while my three kids (5, 7, and 9) needled Lenny Dykstra. Fun times. #cubs 1 Apr
- It seems there was at least one #cubs fan at Busch Stadium yesterday cheering the Cardinals' extra-innings loss: http://bit.ly/f8Tfk1 1 Apr
- It's cloudy, and the fans look cold, but I can practically smell the beer, brots, and stogie smoke from here: http://bit.ly/5XgM4P#cubs 1 Apr
- Can two walk together unless they embrace postmodernity's ambivalence re: truth? Rachel Held Evans seems to think not. http://bit.ly/eILR9b 1 Apr
- Today is Opening Day for the Cubs. And I've returned to the blog with a post about Albert Pujols? Seriously? http://bit.ly/eaFhmy#Cubs 31 Mar
- “I want to be like you when I grow up.” - Steven Furtick to James MacDonald. “I want you to grow up.” - James MacDonald #ElephantRoom 31 Mar
- Had lunch today at The Master's College. But no, they aren't recruiting me for the basketball team: http://youtu.be/qYpc5P802K8 31 Mar
- Remember when high taxes were deemed tyranny & religious liberty the hallmark of true freedom? "Enlightenment" reversed our value system. 30 Mar
- Church secretary senselessly killed in snatch-and-grab iPhone theft on the el: http://bit.ly/h5jXyx 30 Mar
- Spurgeon reimagined as @PastorMark: http://bit.ly/fT8KIy Some funny quips, but Spurgeon's famous sense of humor wasn't so dark, yet funnier. 30 Mar
- @@avlandis I've not read either book yet. I'm not impressed with either author's ministry philosophy, & the reviews haven't motivated me. 29 Mar
- @@airjomax21 If the pastor there approves, perhaps I will. 29 Mar
- A disappointingly uncertain sound from Radio Bible Class: http://bit.ly/eO4jp9 29 Mar
- Gandhi was creepy and dishonorable? He was? And someone knows this for sure? http://on.wsj.com/fnj0OQ 29 Mar
- RT @Sola5Girl: If u will b in the Minn Twin Cities April 10 @Phil_Johnson_ will b speaking @ Beacon of Hope church. It would b nice 2 see u 28 Mar
- The fruits of socialism, coming soon to a neighborhood near you: http://bit.ly/gxWs9O 26 Mar
- Guest post from John MacArthur at TeamPyro today: http://bit.ly/ffvcex 25 Mar
- @@mrsbones75 Thanks. You too. 24 Mar
- Given Zondervan's record, it wouldn't surprise me if 5 years hence we get an NIV version that bows to PETA's demand: http://bit.ly/fiZ5Hg 24 Mar
- "Goo mongers": @douglaswils deconstructs the postmodern illogic currently amok at Dr. McKnight's blog @TheJesusCreed - http://bit.ly/hNkkI3 24 Mar
- This week's contextualization fail: http://bit.ly/gphqtu What's instructive here is BoingBoing's analysis: "It's getting so hard to tell." 23 Mar
- The Fred Phelps Family goons are coming to my town: http://bit.ly/ejfCVr The soldier whose funeral they plan to disrupt was a fine Christian 23 Mar
- Really nice short film of the Aurora Borealis: http://bit.ly/eBKrnb 23 Mar
- This made me smile: http://bit.ly/folDa4 23 Mar
- Trying to decide what to get me for my birthday (June 11)? Here's an idea: http://bit.ly/fV8J1D 23 Mar
- "There is something worse than hurting feelings . . . ": http://bit.ly/ffCtZV 23 Mar
- I'd say why I'm not happy with the way @edstetzer frames his criticism of critics, but I don't want to be critical. http://bit.ly/fNsNkh 23 Mar
- The TeamPyro take on Rob Bell's hideous _Love Wins,_ packed into one of @Frank_Turk 's classic open letters: http://bit.ly/if4YPo 23 Mar
- It's not the 1st time Apple has censored an app that promotes a biblical view of marriage & chastity: http://aol.it/h4PlmG 22 Mar
- Apple pulls Christian ministry's app: http://bit.ly/h4RsKI 22 Mar
- Tim Challies' stuff is always good, but today's post @challies is one of his best ever: http://bit.ly/f8vCCX Maybe THE best. 22 Mar
- 6+ million hits, so you've probably seen this already, but it's scary funny: http://youtu.be/N9oxmRT2YWw 20 Mar
- "Peel": http://youtu.be/kDnlSn_CNNM 20 Mar
- I was in Delhi during Holi one year. That pink dye doesn't come out. I had to throw out a suitcase full of clothes: http://bit.ly/e2GA3H 20 Mar
- Musical serendipity in the most creative use of YouTube videos I've seen yet: http://bit.ly/bi4zrx See also: http://bit.ly/dXmUhF 20 Mar
- Amazing true story in a beautiful setting: http://youtu.be/jU4oA3kkAWU Here's where the team plays today: http://bit.ly/eq3hPd 20 Mar
- Hard-core machismo: http://bit.ly/etA8PG 20 Mar
- This is what comes of being mired in the swamps of postmodern epistemological ambiguity: http://bit.ly/fdQKrS 20 Mar
- "That's pretty much how the Internet works": http://aol.it/ht8Gjq Blog-comments and flame-wars ==> graphic proof of total depravity. 20 Mar D2Bubba Jeremiah Johnson by Phil_Johnson_ I'm still holding out hope that "Friday" and Rebecca Black are parodies. But if they're not, we should probably just surrender to China now. 19 Mar
- I had nothing to do with this: http://bit.ly/eXQALa#ShepConf 18 Mar
- Scot McKnight underestimates evangelical apostasy and oversimplifies what's ahead, but the comments here are fun: http://bit.ly/guOnXo 18 Mar
- The tsunami from inside a car: http://bit.ly/eut04D 18 Mar
- Schuller rejects anti-fornication covenant, preferring the principles he built his church on. "I'm too well-educated." http://usat.ly/f0SzVB 18 Mar
- The unbearable shame of guilt: http://youtu.be/B8ISzf2pryI 17 Mar
- Fur coat: http://youtu.be/2mpthRrd3hA 17 Mar
- 2nd try. Here's the document that has Crystal Cathedral choir members complaining anonymously to the secular press: http://bit.ly/foDzYO 17 Mar
- Here's the document that apparently has Crystal Cathedral choir members complaining anonymously to the secular press: http://bit.ly/hv5UgM 17 Mar
- RT @GodandCulture: MSNBC’s Martin Bashir on The Paul Edwards Program http://nblo.gs/fxXwm <= Well worth your time. 17 Mar
- @@Frank_Turk Oooh! Skype me from Europe! 17 Mar
- Paul Edwards' @GodandCulture interview with Martin Bashir is amazing and insightful. Listening to it now. If you missed it, get the podcast. 17 Mar
- Michael Krahn http://bit.ly/f2e8Z8 and Doug Pagitt http://bit.ly/fsJv2k have vastly differing interpretations of Piper's "farewell" to RB. 17 Mar
- Nice promo for this year's Resolved Conference: http://bit.ly/fooJHZ@Rick_Holland 17 Mar
- The Bayly bros. on the naive notion that you should never judge a book by its pre-pub promos: http://bit.ly/f4cRsN Well said. 17 Mar
- Found this 90-year-old diner serving Darlene's favorite: blueberry pancakes. http://yfrog.com/hsf16zej 16 Mar
- Enjoying the perfect weather in Old Pasadena with Darlene, and with my Dr.'s blessing: http://twitpic.com/4a45sy 16 Mar
- Got the staples out of my back today. That feels good. 16 Mar
- @@revelsmith I think GBI are the only American booksellers who carry it: http://bit.ly/hTZUgn (It was published in India.) 16 Mar
- Postmodern "evangelicals" don't really want a conversation; they want people to agree when they flatter themselves: http://bit.ly/fWfj4c 16 Mar
- Penny: http://bit.ly/gO0Sdx 15 Mar
- Carl Trueman as usual is dead-on right in this post at the Desiring God blog - trendiness vs. true relevance: http://bit.ly/gavFR2 15 Mar
- @@DrOakley1689 Yes, precisely. I remember it well. Only Veggie Tales makes lots more sense than that gentleman did. 14 Mar
- Ray and I watched Veggie Tales on Netflix tonight: http://yfrog.com/h85f7lnj 14 Mar
- Strawberry Fields Forever; a common dust-devil forms a plastic tornado. Stunning: http://grace.ly/keyhex 14 Mar
- My back is already beginning to feel better: http://twitpic.com/49l2oo 14 Mar
- A bibliophile's nightmare - post-quake libraries in Japan: http://bit.ly/fvDEr7 14 Mar
- For @stevieg_83 (and others who are asking) the Osteen homage starts around 13 minutes into this message: http://bit.ly/gwGdaz Video to come 14 Mar
- Shepherds Conference 2011 Audio is finally beginning to appear online. It's about time: http://bit.ly/hWOtqm#ShepConf 14 Mar
- @@drmcmasters I'll have the bergamot sorbet and the sour cherry granita. Sweet. 14 Mar
- Emergent Village want it THEIR way: "orthodoxy had defined this narrow structure of belief . . ." http://bit.ly/fZ0MO0 14 Mar
- Rare Lloyd-Jones video documentary on George Whitefield: http://youtu.be/QhN2VgdJp_c (This is available only temporarily, so watch it soon). 14 Mar
- @@HopeFaithPrayer 1 Kings 18:27. 12 Mar
- @@Frank_Turk You're welcome. 11 Mar
- John MacArthur just did a dead-on impersonation of Joel Osteen: http://bit.ly/fHf8xE#ShepConf 11 Mar
- @@IsaiahC Thanks. I AM feeling much better. Only a shadow of pain from the back problem. I hope it eventually goes away entirely. We'll see. 11 Mar
- Nathan Busenitz is talking smack about discontentment: http://bit.ly/fHf8xE#ShepConf 11 Mar
- Nathan Busenitz's Shepherds' Conference plenay-session debut starts in minutes: http://bit.ly/gnMM66 I guarantee it will be good. 11 Mar
- Indeed, this IS a perfect bio on @Frank_Turk : http://youtu.be/c81bcjyfn6U Every word is dead-on accurate. 11 Mar
- Uh, @Frank_Turk is not "Emerging"; he emergED years ago--like a honey badger: http://youtu.be/Ua3M1O-WQrM You won't tame him. Don't try. 11 Mar
- Huh. 2 items from me hit the blogosphere today even tho I'm taking a brief hiatus from blogging: http://bit.ly/f6W1xGhttp://bit.ly/g3IqYR 11 Mar
- Shepherds' Conference livestream seems to be working well now: http://bit.ly/eHv3Fd#ShepConf 10 Mar
- Word back from #ShepConf audio: "Yes, we're working on it." Seems to be a serious network issue downline. 10 Mar
- Shepherds' Conference livestream seems spotty. I've asked the techies to check into it. http://bit.ly/eHv3Fd Stand by. 10 Mar
- Al Mohler live at the Spehperds' Conference: http://bit.ly/eHv3Fd#ShepConf 10 Mar
- Day Two begins. @Rick_Holland is on deck: http://bit.ly/gnMM66#ShepConf 10 Mar
- Great advice from John Piper: http://youtu.be/OfJZ7UPr1RU ht: @iam_HipHop_ 10 Mar
- The evening livestream with John MacArthur should kick in momentarily: http://bit.ly/fHf8xE#ShepConf 9 Mar
- Tom Pennington (one of my top five favorite preachers of all time) is on deck: http://bit.ly/iepqzF#ShepConf 9 Mar
- @@DrOakley1689 Bummer. 9 Mar
- @@DrOakley1689 Are you in SoCal yet? You should come over on Friday. Lunch or dinner; your choice. 9 Mar
- @@DrOakley1689 He'll get an In'n'Out burger for lunch tomorrow. That'll help, too, I'm sure. 9 Mar
- Glad @Shinar_Squirrel made it to the conference: http://bit.ly/hbkiBC#ShepConf 9 Mar
- I'll be doing a Q&A session with John MacArthur tomorrow. Want me to ask him something for you? Tweet me your questions now. #ShepConf 9 Mar
- Watching Jon Rourke: http://bit.ly/gnMM66#ShepConf 9 Mar
- Hey! @Rick_Holland at Shepherds' Conference: http://twitpic.com/47v1pl#shepconf 9 Mar
- About to start: http://twitpic.com/47v0nu#shepconf 9 Mar
- @@abepaniagua Here are all the framable, hi-res portraits of Spurgeon I have: http://bit.ly/eTEqIC Enjoy. 9 Mar
- Plenary sessions will livestream from here: http://bit.ly/gnMM66#ShepConf 9 Mar
- RT @Rick_Holland: Game day! #shepconf 9 Mar
- Shane Hipps is absolutely thrilled with the results of the Rob Bell scandal: http://youtu.be/noXXJAqrl1Q 8 Mar
- @@reformedjoe "Medicine for Itching Ears" (2 Timothy 4:1-5). #ShepConf 8 Mar
- All the #ShepConf general sessions WILL be livestreamed: http://bit.ly/gnMM66 I'm slated for the 10:00 am session Wednesday. See you there. 8 Mar
- @@drmcmasters 1 Corinthians 9:16 8 Mar
- @@robertwolgemuth Yes, albeit slowly. 8 Mar
- Tomorrow being Ash Wednesday, I'm giving up convalescence for Lent. I will speak at #ShepConf tomorrow after all. 8 Mar
- Tomorrow being Ash Wednesday, I'm giving up convalescence for Lent. I've decided to speak at Shepherds' Conference despite Dr's orders. 8 Mar
- RT @Rick_Holland: Last day of prep before the Shepherds Conference. Gonna be a long day in the study. Praying for the teachers and attendees 8 Mar
- No punchline necessary: http://goo.gl/4iVz3 7 Mar
- Impressive: http://bbc.in/hepuW8 7 Mar
- Invaluable online archive of David Livingstone's letters: http://bit.ly/frxHQl (info on the project here: http://bit.ly/gYPpJs ) 4 Mar
- For those asking how I feel post-surgery, thanks. I'll let Hasan Baba speak for me: http://bit.ly/g4Apbj 4 Mar
- Coolest. Thing. Ever. http://bit.ly/gKvu42 4 Mar
- Sheen, Beck, or Qaddafi? http://bit.ly/ggupZt 4 Mar
- After-effects of general anesthesia; like getting hit by a truck. Stirs the utmost empathy for Jim Bublitz & others who suffer relentlessly. 3 Mar
- Werner Herzog's 1980 film on heretical televangelist Dr. Gene Scott: http://youtu.be/45cAaIHdozI 2 Mar
- Good therapy - Penny came to see her ailing Granddad, sporting her first ponytail: http://twitpic.com/45gd1bhttp://twitpic.com/45gd46 2 Mar
- One of the most smarmy, hypocritical posts I have ever seen at Huffpo (and that's saying something): http://huff.to/fSEkYy 2 Mar
- The best tonic: http://bit.ly/fHMrMc 1 Mar
- Good post by Jared Moore: http://bit.ly/dTBRqm Warning: if you trust Blackabyism more than the sufficiency of Scripture, you won't like it. 1 Mar
- On my way home, minus one diabolically herniated disc: http://yfrog.com/h6tt8zwj Thanks for your prayers. 1 Mar
- Out of surgery, feeling great. Just walked a fast lap in the hall. Morphine is a wonderful thing. 1 Mar
- They've moved up my surgery: 10:30 pst. That's slightly more than an hour from now. Glad to avoid the usual long wait. See you after. 1 Mar
- Here's a woman you should know - Hannah More: http://bit.ly/e56HXR 25 Feb
- Another sublimely disastrous contextualization fail. "Ridin' Dirty," geriatric style--> http://youtu.be/1h5UBeQcgjs 25 Feb
- So my second back surgery since July is scheduled for March 1 (a week from now). Sadly, it means I'll miss Shepherds' Conference this year. 22 Feb
- Began today in the ER, hobbled by acute back pain. Apparently last July's surgery wasn't a permanent fix. Neurologist appointment: Monday PM 20 Feb
- This bit of golden calfery took place at a DIFFERENT Grace Community Church, in case you were wondering: http://bit.ly/e1NHJv 19 Feb
- I managed to get Twitter posting to FB again: http://on.fb.me/ecWgnA 18 Feb
- Where 'OK' came from and how it became common in conversation (but not so much in formal or written contexts): http://bbc.in/fUjDoq 18 Feb
- Why did Twitter stop posting to my FaceBook page? 18 Feb
- . . . like ants on a dead gecko: http://bit.ly/gugMAE 18 Feb
- " . . . a psychiatric condition known as "intermittent explosive disorder": http://grace.ly/z2cqzw (Sounds like a blogger's affliction). 18 Feb
- I linked recently to a video about the castellers of Catalan. Here's another: http://vimeo.com/16392519 18 Feb
- OT scribes were MUCH more careful, but this illustrates how transcription errors occur: http://bit.ly/fWGgQT 18 Feb
- Lumbar pain is back with a fury, hence my silence this week. MRI yesterday; I'll see the surgeon Monday. I'll be mostly bedridden till then. 17 Feb
- Watch Grace Church's morning service via livestream video at 10:30 pst: http://bit.ly/dOcmUu 13 Feb
- James White's debate in London, livestream: http://bit.ly/ig0oqn 12 Feb
- K. DeYoung on Hughes Old & evangelical preaching: http://bit.ly/gjJNMG Read Old's full assessment of J. MacArthur here: http://bit.ly/byxIpH 10 Feb
- Chinese popcorn canon (read the description): http://youtu.be/elZgP_m8WL0 I want one of those. Also: http://youtu.be/Nd1c51TZCFs 9 Feb
- Nice collection of vintage TV ads. View with iTunes U: http://bit.ly/ad8oxC 9 Feb
- @@EavanBardsley No, that's the OTHER Phil Johnson. He is much smarter than I am. See: http://bit.ly/fbGhrQ 9 Feb
- John MacArthur in an Episcopalian church in SC, preaching on our slavery to Christ: http://bit.ly/ijlaWU 9 Feb
- Cheaper than some tracts: http://bit.ly/gUgZRT Kudos to Crossway. 8 Feb
- @@bfelks OK, I un-anonymized you. You may have to hit reload to get the correct version of the jpeg, but it's no longer pixelated. 8 Feb
- @@bfelks I didn't want to violate your privacy. I'll be happy to unblur it if you don't mind. 8 Feb
- @@bfelks I posted it for you: http://bit.ly/gi45PV 8 Feb
- @@bfelks He said it in two sermons: nos. 2004 & 2467. Send me your e-mail and I'll give you the exact quotes. 8 Feb
- Good to see the Van Nuys Chamber of Commerce investing in ads to promote tourism: http://youtu.be/uMiEAr60yMY ht: @Pecadillo_ 8 Feb
- @@jaredcwilson Of course. The League of Angry Blogging Viragos will decide my fate. It's been nice knowing you. 8 Feb
- @@jaredcwilson What's the punishment for that? Do I lose my fundamentalist credentials? 8 Feb
- This is even sweeter: http://youtu.be/aoQVa86EvPA ht: @challies 8 Feb
- These are sweet: http://bit.ly/egicS2 8 Feb
- A hymn for Biologos: http://bit.ly/fRMmhR 5 Feb
- Atheistic naturalism's hopeless eschatology: http://bit.ly/cYyYyn 5 Feb
- @@Reformation2Day Thanks. That's encouraging. 4 Feb
- Tony Jones: "I have a pretty different worldview from Jesus." http://bit.ly/eFBomh Truer words were never spoken. 4 Feb
- Kevin DeYoung steps on my toes: http://bit.ly/gggHYq 2 Feb
- This is fascinating: http://bit.ly/h3aAka 2 Feb
- Wrigley Field: That mass of stuff under the iconic sign is part of the roof: http://bit.ly/5XgM4P 1 Feb
- The storm is getting ugly in Chicago: http://bit.ly/5XgM4P 1 Feb
- Channel 6's amazing live-stream helicopter video of the area near Tulsa's Hard Rock Cafe: http://bit.ly/fd1rAX 1 Feb
- @@bryan_wayne As it happens, he's here with us. His flight home tomorrow got canceled. 20+ inches of snow in Owasso. 1 Feb
- BIG weather problems in Southern California today: I wore a long-sleeved shirt this morning, and it turned out to be too warm for that. 1 Feb
- @@danielsonline They have fairly low expectations for the project, huh? "But that’s what makes social media so much fun!" 27 Jan
- The Contextualization Journals, chapter 114,873: http://youtu.be/JVdGR3PtVT8 27 Jan
- More contextualization run amok. This is wrong on so many levels: http://bit.ly/dHGe9M 26 Jan
- @@ThaddjL7 That is indeed my perspective on the movement. I guess we'll see whether it's "unfair" or not. 25 Jan
- @@kcampos I don't think he's looking for drive-bys. I think he's pointing out the lack of substantive replies to the items he linked. 25 Jan
- Is the Reformed-missional fad already winding down? http://bit.ly/dZb7uM ht: Todd Friel 25 Jan
- Ref21 on Steven Furtick, etc.: http://bit.ly/dKHnou My thoughts exactly. (But we try not to be that snarky at TeamPyro.) 25 Jan
- Billy's regret: http://aol.it/eSrDAO 24 Jan
- Spot on: Keith E. Eitel at @edstetzer on postmodernism, missiology, and the proper relationship between text & context: http://bit.ly/dRav4J 24 Jan
- "All things to all men"? Kevin Bauder on the common misinterpretation of that text: http://bit.ly/g2qCjo 24 Jan
- Spurgeon on doctoring and diluting the gospel: http://bit.ly/hAd9vv#doseofSpurgeon 23 Jan
- Smoking-gun memo embarrasses the Vatican: http://nyti.ms/fBLTvV 22 Jan
- A Belgian phone company renowned for bad customer service gets its comeuppance: http://youtu.be/mxXlDyTD7wo 22 Jan
- Fascinating art forgery story: http://nyti.ms/gatZj0 22 Jan
- Amazing but very sad photos of the mudslides in Brazil: http://bit.ly/dGHcTE 21 Jan
- John MacArthur elaborates: http://bit.ly/gcwDih 21 Jan
- @@darrinpatrick Thanks for your comments. I'm sure John would be happy meet with you. I'll call you Monday re: timing, etc. 21 Jan
- Here's a generic reply to the questions people have texted, Tweeted, or e-mailed me regarding JFM & Darrin Patrick: http://bit.ly/gxcQsB 21 Jan
- Here is Sunday night's interview with John MacArthhur: http://bit.ly/ggVgPf 20 Jan
- @@jozzyboy116 it doesn't seem to be online yet. I'm headed home from Florida today. I'll find out the status of that mp3 & post it tomorrow. 20 Jan
- RT @Pecadillo_: Penny's first trip to Disneyland! http://plixi.com/p/71082200 19 Jan
- "Dear Brian McLaren . . ." @Frank_Turk observes the end of the 5-year moratorium: http://bit.ly/e0SzIc 19 Jan
- Flying to Orlando this morning. I barely made it through the pass before that major pileup on the 405 at Mulholland. 18 Jan
- Carl Trueman on Haggard & other Yankee evangelicals who fast-track rehab and short-sell repentance: http://bit.ly/hDU9Bw Great closing line. 17 Jan
- Sweet routine in an Indian bakery: http://youtu.be/1AbsFDVeQHc 17 Jan
- Definitive proof that churches need to steer clear of partisan politics--The Battle Hymn of the Palin: http://youtu.be/UhMepzqJvIw 17 Jan
- The more refined civility of our founding fathers: http://bit.ly/hXkxNO 17 Jan
- If you're one of those who MUST blame someone else for Jared Loughner, here's a more credible patsy than most: http://bit.ly/hD746D 17 Jan
- My interview with John MacArthur should be online at gty.org by Thursday. Thanks to all who submitted #questions4JohnMac 17 Jan
- It's 87 degrees here today. Eat your hearts out. Windows down, sun-roof open, beagle hanging his head & tongue out the window. I love L. A. 17 Jan
- @@jason_alligood Probably Thursday or thereabout. Watch for it at the gty.org website. 17 Jan
- Riding dirty--redneck style:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WLfJCLEyiI 17 Jan
- Thanks to all who sent me #questions4JohnMac I couldn't ask them all, but we'll do it again, I think. Some good questions there. 16 Jan
- I'll be interviewing John MacArthur in the PM service. Tweet me with questions you think I should ask him. #questions4johnmac 16 Jan
- My granddaughter, Penny, loves to make people laugh: http://youtu.be/gHlm9AJres8 15 Jan
- "A more nuanced set of metaphors"--the Biologos strategy to win more evangelical support: http://bit.ly/g7HDqC 13 Jan
- "The American melting pot at full boil." Studs Terkel on Chicago's Halsted Street: http://youtu.be/-HGhZDKfM-k (I lived on Halsted in 1976.) 11 Jan
- Remember the bomb-collar bank robbery in Erie, in 2003? Cold-blooded and mysterious. Here's the full story: http://bit.ly/gxfrXB 11 Jan
- @@iam_HipHop_ Lovely. Is that on the "Wretched" set? Whack Todd with the 2 Corinthians commentary for me. 11 Jan
- Great riff on John MacArthur's latest book, _Slave_: http://bit.ly/f9oAGa 11 Jan
- Chilling footage from the Brisbane flood: http://bit.ly/eYtJnO 11 Jan
- Fundamentalists reflect on how much in their movement is worth preserving. Audio is now up from the PtT Conference: http://bit.ly/hxKQte 11 Jan
- Horrific flooding in Brisbane. I have many friends there; some are being evacuated. They need our prayers: http://bit.ly/hfnjfz 11 Jan
- Heart-rending: http://bit.ly/e9RmOS Pray for Tricia Williford and family. ht: @challies 11 Jan
- Cruise ship in a storm. Scary footage: http://bit.ly/8XF1Nb 10 Jan
- Mad tape-measure skillz: http://youtu.be/Wx_5GI0QRdw 10 Jan
- How an airplane's black box works: http://youtu.be/xlY5W7be5jU 10 Jan
- CT: "Robert Schuller's not the problem—contemporary evangelicalism is." http://bit.ly/hq4JTx Well, duh. Didn't CT have a big role in that? 10 Jan
- Half-truths, flimflam, and conspiracy theories as "apologetics"--Fred Butler on Jack Chick's tin-foil hat revisionism: http://bit.ly/eNmghy 10 Jan
- Why that musical road in Lancaster sings off-tune: http://bit.ly/H6n6h 8 Jan
- The dog that enraged the Nazis: http://bit.ly/dOwIZp 8 Jan
- A remarkable providence: http://on.fb.me/e9PII0 8 Jan
- Will this prove to be another nail in the Emergent coffin, or another batch of its noxious dandelion seeds unleashed? http://bit.ly/esKOn2 8 Jan
- Amazon.com--always read the user reviews: http://amzn.to/gkzlNa 7 Jan
- Benny Hinn, Sith Lord: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9SS95q2kpg ht: @peccadillo_ 5 Jan
- Dr. @albertmohler on why Biologos's approach to evolution & Scripture can't be reconciled with evangelical conviction: http://bit.ly/elZQ1Q 5 Jan
- Blue like gloom: @Frank_Turk deconstructs the prediction Donald Miller gave CNN. Who knew? Miller is singing OUR song: http://bit.ly/eKT6rd 5 Jan
- The Altar Call's Greatest Hits: http://bit.ly/gPpz33 from @LaneChaplin 5 Jan
- Pat Robertson's god seems to have a rather high opinion of Pat: http://bit.ly/gHXrTH 5 Jan
- Another argument for strict cessationism: http://bit.ly/fEZS13 5 Jan
- Ray found the cocoa today: http://bit.ly/fpKOBT ht: Anne Johnson 4 Jan
- @@bryan_wayne I think the word they chose is "slave." I would have enjoyed eavesdropping on the editorial committee's discussion about it. 4 Jan
- Bowdlerizing Mark Twain: http://bit.ly/faS9pZ I've never liked Twain's worldview, but making him politically correct is a huge mistake. 4 Jan
- Tony Jones muses about "The Possibility of Christian Universalism." He seems to think heaven & hell are irrelevant: http://bit.ly/dYXxrb 4 Jan
- Some Italian Pentecostals have evidently translated Spurgeon's sermons into Arminian: http://bit.ly/gOjiQh 4 Jan
- New video online from the D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust--"Spiritual Warfare": http://bit.ly/ewlH1J 4 Jan
- Lego® http://youtu.be/gC0vb9XDz38 4 Jan
- Another review on John MacArthur's _Slave_: http://exm.nr/gDZA6F ht: @drmcmasters 3 Jan
- This is EXACTLY what Darlene was like when it snowed in Santa Clarita yesterday: http://youtu.be/rGEqWzw8A9g ht: @Challies 3 Jan
- @@Bill_Chandler They're setting up for video during the Shepherds' Conference, but usually it's audio only: http://bit.ly/axyJEZ 2 Jan
- Heaviest snow I have ever seen in Santa Clarita. Started around 1:30. Now we have more than an inch accumulation: http://bit.ly/hmqI4l 2 Jan
- Darrel Falk at Biologos taunts @AlbertMohler: http://bit.ly/e1bxtE Reminds me of this: http://youtu.be/zLRvUhyh2ok and 1 Kings 20:11 1 Jan
- Tony Miano reviews John MacArthur's _Slave_: http://bit.ly/hhTvJq 31 Dec
- Nice timelapse of the blizzard in the northeast: http://bit.ly/glpt95 29 Dec
- Note: @Frank_Turk has TWO PyroPosts today. Don't miss this one, a superb analysis of the @derekwebb Huffpo interview: http://bit.ly/f8VBO3 29 Dec
- Closing up my office till the New Year... Send me no more work this year. Thanks. 23 Dec
- @@drmcmasters Deal. 23 Dec
- @@drmcmasters Did you make that, or is there a place in London that serves such Sicilian delicacies? 23 Dec
- Spurgeon: "I love to see holy mirth; I delight to see men well feasted. I like Christmas; I wish it came six times a year." 23 Dec
- There's a right way to deal with conflicts between church leaders. Fomenting division is the wrong way: http://bit.ly/hfvfZ7 22 Dec
- I'm home with Darlene this morning. She's on a regimen of antibiotics and painkillers, and feeling better already. Thanks for your prayers. 22 Dec
- Update on Darlene (good news): not appendicitis, but a severe abdominal infection. They are giving her antibiotics and pain meds via IV. 21 Dec
- At the ER, where they are checking to see if Darlene has appendicitis. I hate emergency rooms. 21 Dec
- Could be lots worse, though: http://bit.ly/gkN6ES I'm glad to live in Southern California. 20 Dec
- It's raining near-Noahic amounts in SoCal today. The worst part (so far) is that we'll prolly miss tonight's eclipse: http://bit.ly/fn5tFZ 20 Dec
- “Clearly this man is complex and likely fascinating to talk with, but potentially evangelical." http://nyti.ms/gQ8rwF 20 Dec
- @@bryan_wayne So he says. And: "Christmas is the best time of the year for people to give God a shot." 20 Dec
- Ed Young, Jr.: "3-D is so hot right now!": http://bit.ly/fi3k6R 20 Dec
- Biologos says young-earthers "almost silent"; evangelicals are their "strongest supporters." But now they need money: http://bit.ly/gFCi8c 20 Dec
- Half-hearted faith--tolerating the gospel, but having a sweet tooth for error--does far more mischief than downright heresy. --Spurgeon 20 Dec
- @@JackTheGaffer You can say whatever you like. 19 Dec
- @@JackTheGaffer I double-dog dare you. 19 Dec
- :) @peccadillo_ gets into the spirit of the Christmas concert live feed: http://yfrog.com/h2dk2vj Listen for yourself: http://bit.ly/axyJEZ 19 Dec
- Live Christmas music from Grace Community Church. The video feed is stunning: http://bit.ly/axyJEZ 19 Dec
- Livestream video of our Christmas concert at the top of the hour. (They say the problems with the website are fixed): http://bit.ly/axyJEZ 19 Dec
- OK. Try this for the GCC Christmas concert http://bit.ly/faA1Cw ht:@Rick_Holland 18 Dec
- So... the Christmas concert feed seems to have bombed out. Sorry for the hype. I'lll let you know if & when when it's working. 18 Dec
- @@lmcarey It doesn't seem to be working yet. 18 Dec
- Now: http://bit.ly/gMFYTk 18 Dec
- Christmas concert video stream @ 2:00pm pst: http://bit.ly/gMFYTk Have a blessed Christmas. 18 Dec
- YES! Grace Church's annual Christmas concert (streaming video live) 2:00pm (pst) today. 6:00pm (pst) tomorrow: http://bit.ly/axyJEZ 18 Dec
- Mike Abendroth interviews me on No Compromise Radio: http://bit.ly/f4IW4Y 17 Dec
- I bought a Dodocase for my iPad when they first came out. Today the company sent me one of these as a gift: http://flic.kr/p/915tFr Wow! 14 Dec
- Erwin Lutzer talks at length about Debbie, my late sister-in-law (Darlene's sister), at the start of this broadcast: http://bit.ly/i7Z7H7 14 Dec
- 73 degrees and sunny at lunch today. Fish tacos. I love L. A. 14 Dec
- Perceptive blogpost from Ben Wright: http://bit.ly/fsZTYO Don't miss the link to Darryl Hart's piece: http://bit.ly/hbbhjv 14 Dec
- @@everyday_mommy I remember when he was here, but I don't think I ever got to meet him. My office is 30 mins from the seminary. 14 Dec
- My granddaughter. How cute is she? // @Pecadillo_: This is Penny's favorite trick. http://youtu.be/OeeBftzvFoM 14 Dec
- Rainforest fungi--weird and scary stuff, but evidence of our all-wise Maker's hand: http://bit.ly/icaz67 13 Dec
- Christmas pageant gone very wrong: http://youtu.be/nFd3e3m4Eao ht: @edstetzer 10 Dec
- PC agitprop:"Over half of America believes that churches are at least some way responsible for LGBTQ teen suicides": http://bit.ly/gbJyLD 10 Dec
- What your worship band will look like in a couple of years: http://youtu.be/F9XNfWNooz4 ht: JG 9 Dec
- @mbgumm Indeed. Thanks. I've used WPDOS in DOSbox but never thought of making it portable with a USB drive. Cool idea. 6 Dec
- It seems the "last stop on the way out of Christianity" is wallpapered with hackneyed postmodern jargon: http://youtu.be/ec9BrCMOXhA 6 Dec
- Biologos does the fast shuffle in reply to @AlbertMohlerhttp://bit.ly/fLPPfc The cynical dishonesty of this approach is appalling. 6 Dec
- @@Pecadillo_ Your kid is more sophisticated than Houdini. I've seen her work. 1 Dec
- Here's what Steve Saint has been doing lately: http://bit.ly/8YOsbp ht: MK 1 Dec
- Bad Grandma: http://abcn.ws/hF0yFv ht: @Pecadillo_ 30 Nov
- Tony Jones mouths off, labeling evangelicals "homophobic and misogynistic." The ensuing comment thread is amusing: http://bit.ly/exJeBb 30 Nov
- Dissidens on the decline and dereliction of TheOoze: http://bit.ly/h2uJcN The story of emergent religion in microcosm. 29 Nov
- NCSE, "the premier institution dedicated to keeping evolution in [schools] and creationism out," embraces Biologos: http://bit.ly/dIMZve 29 Nov
- @@Coral_BestBuy Thank you. Finally. 29 Nov
- @@Coral_BestBuy The ridiculous ting is I already picked up my item last week, but they keep sending me e-mails saying I haven't got it yet. 29 Nov
- @@Coral_BestBuy I'm simply trying to cancel a pickup order. I've been put pack in the "less than fifteen minutes" queue 4 times now. 29 Nov
- Arrrgh! @BestBuy has the absolute WORST phone "support" system I've ever encountered. I've been on hold more than an hour today. @twelpforce 29 Nov
- On my Christmas wish list: this cherry wood-carving of Spurgeon's "We Preach Christ" logo from Rare Document Traders: http://bit.ly/eutMjl 29 Nov
- Doug Wilson on bureaucratic nincompoopery & TSA tactics in the current war against airline travelers: http://bit.ly/fIjwnF 29 Nov
- The first in a series of Advent sermons from D. Martin Lloyd-Jones is online: http://bit.ly/eagOfz More to come. 29 Nov
- A fascinating & appalling article about the darkside of Internet commerce: http://nyti.ms/fvtx8S (Reminiscent of a book dealer I knew once.) 28 Nov
- The Hindu American Foundation agrees w/ @AlbertMohler & @johnmacarthur - the root & central idea of yoga is Hinduism: http://nyti.ms/hfPbkR 28 Nov
- Tomorrow's TeamPyro Post is online a little early: "The Beauty of Truth" http://bit.ly/eqoN5n 28 Nov
- Spurgeon: "A Warning about Academic Hubris" http://bit.ly/fEMWr7 27 Nov
- Mapcrunch: http://bit.ly/bblXjE 26 Nov
- "A single human brain has more switches than all the computers and routers and Internet connections on Earth": http://gizmo.do/dcC2bY 26 Nov
- More evidence that the TSA jackboots are out of control: http://youtu.be/2XhnZlmLGK8 26 Nov
- Sydney, Aus: I'll be speaking via Skype--Men's breakfast; St John's Park Baptist; 8:00 am Saturday (Sydney time) http://bit.ly/if8ayb Come. 25 Nov
- Just in time for your Christmas shopping. Pilgrim Publications' 40% sale on all Spurgeon titles: http://bit.ly/fOowEJ Best prices ever. 25 Nov
- @@LaneChaplin Good job on the editing. Thanks. 24 Nov
- Video of my recent conversation with Lane Chaplin on legalism and worldliness: http://youtu.be/kHq5RC1PN6Y 24 Nov
- Trapped grandma: "She kept up her morale by brushing her teeth and taking showers." http://bit.ly/eOZwXK 24 Nov
- A must-read article from Kevin DeYoung: http://bit.ly/gaLkzV Some comments are troubling, though--showing the validity of Kevin's concern. 24 Nov
- @@thechrisroberts Thanks. I looked for that but didn't see it. 24 Nov
- This looks pretty interesting: http://bit.ly/dO0l7o ScrollTag Bible Study software (Windows/Mac/Linux) 24 Nov
- Seattle slue: http://bit.ly/e9ZOZj ht: @d2bubba 24 Nov
- @@joshuastarkey Hey, thank you. 24 Nov
- The new Mugshot Hall o' Shame: http://bit.ly/hIqiO6 Some intriguing cautionary tales there. . . 24 Nov
- Grace Church's annual Thanksgiving service is livestreaming now: http://bit.ly/gMFYTk 23 Nov
- Grace Church's annual Thanksgiving service is at 7:30 pst tonight. Supposed to have livestream video: http://bit.ly/gMFYTk Tune in. 23 Nov
- My blogmate Dan Phillips ( @BibChr ) has an excellent post at HIS blog on the TSA grope&porn tactics: http://bit.ly/eNlnRt 23 Nov
- Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock! 22 Nov
- Effervescent Bacon drink tablets. Mmmmm: http://bit.ly/c6AIkL ht: @Gilbert_S 22 Nov
- @@Gilbert_S Where can I buy that? Send info quick. 22 Nov
- Krauthammer on the TSA groping debacle: http://bit.ly/c72VjP 22 Nov
- Longtime friends from Australia and India showed up at church this morning. Nice surprise. It's a good day. 21 Nov
- The TSA horror stories continue: http://bit.ly/cm4oLV 19 Nov
- More TSA insanity: http://bit.ly/cVs7Th That's from a newsstand inside Charlotte's B concourse. Now read this: http://bit.ly/cChYsr 19 Nov
- Opted out of the porn scanner this AM; was subjected to groping. Worst part: airport Muzak was playing Dan Hill's "Sometimes When We Touch." 19 Nov
- Good article from Kevin DeYoung on Westboro Baptist: http://bit.ly/9YgqXU 17 Nov
- Overreaction: http://grace.ly/2rl4dh 17 Nov
- London hi-def panorama. This is absolutely amazing: http://bit.ly/agYah4 16 Nov
- @@kingiws ESPN 3 16 Nov
- @@SusanYenser It was my privilege & pleasure. Thanks. 16 Nov
- @@Myers_Kirby No, it's the purple color. Seems like it disses the Wrigley Field tradition. 15 Nov
- The gridiron is seriously cool, and I'd love to go to the game, but the marquee irritates me. Big time. #fireJimHendryhttp://bit.ly/al5job 15 Nov LigonDuncan Ligon Duncan by Phil_Johnson_ Barna says there is no Reformed resurgence. http://bit.ly/bnsian "Move along. Nothing to see here." 15 Nov
- Videotaped an interview on legalism & worldliness with @LaneChaplin earlier today. If it's editable, he'll prolly put it online someday. 15 Nov
- Croc attacks elephant: http://bit.ly/bK6NMT 15 Nov
- Paul Washer is speaking this morning at The Master's College Chapel. I think I'll sit in on that. 15 Nov NewsOKSports NewsOKSports by Phil_Johnson_ Oklahoma State moves to 9-1 with win over Texas: http://newsok.com/article/3514551#OKState 13 Nov
- Watching the All Blacks make Scotland look bad. 13 Nov
- The other Phil Johnson reviews _Signature in the Cell_: http://bit.ly/cdb8XD 11 Nov
- Oops. http://on.msnbc.com/b83jf1 (Be sure to watch the video at the bottom of the page.) 11 Nov
- @@piratechristian Hey, I'm just catching up with the podcasts. Thanks for running my lecture on Spurgeon the other day. 11 Nov
- John MacArthur on social media: http://bit.ly/9LH7YN 10 Nov
- A perfectly wonderful screed against the "flat, dull evangelicalism" of fad-driven American churches: http://bit.ly/bmoSSH 10 Nov
- Colleen Thomas explains Monday's mysterious missile launch 35 miles off the Los Angeles coast: http://youtu.be/dKx4MeBybkc 10 Nov
- Out of Ur: Is there an “us against them” mentality in this blogpost?- http://bit.ly/ahRGiF 10 Nov
- Improbable gears: http://youtu.be/WYcqJ5HdxA4 9 Nov
- More from @albertmohler on the Biologos saga: http://ow.ly/36DRl 9 Nov
- Catalonian Castellers. Darlene and I have twice seen this event on Italian TV. The kids at the top are the best: http://vimeo.com/16392519 8 Nov
- Video and infographics on the new World Trade Canter complex: http://nyti.ms/anT4FG 8 Nov
- @@DeltaAssist Thanks for your speedy help. Well done. 8 Nov
- NIV2011 comparison with NIV1984 and TNIV: http://bit.ly/b0GvRL ht:@robhu 8 Nov
- Peter Hitchens on the college experience: "The time has come to close most of our universities and shrink the rest..." http://bit.ly/dklShp 8 Nov
- Dissidens makes some pithy observations about recent experiments with Short-Attention-Span Theater over at Biologos: http://bit.ly/8XdCfS 8 Nov
- Sad and eerie: http://youtu.be/m4DmNf251CA 5 Nov
- "These activities jeopardize his or her standing as an impartial journalist." http://bit.ly/cCiaE9 Hmmph. Like Olbermann was ever impartial. 5 Nov
- @@Rick_Holland Happy anniversary! 5 Nov
- Why so much talk about "redeeming culture" from people enthralled with kitsch? Here's a helpful article: http://bit.ly/bVUkxo ht: Dissidens 5 Nov
- This is where I am right now: http://yfrog.com/73d7blj Turk AND Pecadillo in my living room. DJP, get down here. 3 Nov
- Typical Biologos: "Evolutionary Science Reveals God’s Character" http://bit.ly/cyknV1 but the OT does not: http://bit.ly/cl8q44 ?! 3 Nov
- Some days EVERYTHING seems to go wrong: http://youtu.be/Ef59mxdskVw 3 Nov
- I'm sorry monorails never really seemed to catch on: http://bit.ly/bQUac4 3 Nov
- On "tolerance": http://bit.ly/aOGtyp 3 Nov
- @@BibChr We played some classic Chicago tunes in your honor. 3 Nov
- Frank Turk is in my living room right now: http://yfrog.com/jnjp7dj 2 Nov
- To all partisans: Look,I voted on the way to work this morning. Stop calling my house with robo-callers urging me to get out and vote. 2 Nov
- Over at Biologos a rationalistic Wesleyan muses about the God of the OT. Clearly doesn't like Him very much: http://bit.ly/cuhQot 1 Nov
- Profoundly sad: http://bit.ly/9EJwyY I knew Ken briefly before he apostatized, when he was a much gentler soul. Unbelief destroyed him. 1 Nov
- Londonderry, NH: http://twitpic.com/32zxvy on our way back to Los Angeles this afternoon. 1 Nov
- Trying out Vermont accents for my wardrobe: http://twitpic.com/31wn1s 29 Oct
- The console: http://twitpic.com/31glgx 27 Oct
- Watching the World Series via Slingbox on my iPad while Darlene drives us to Vermont. I love technology. 27 Oct
- Let's not pretend the Reformation has triumphed while it's foundering on the rocks of ecumenism, postmodernism, and evangelical apostasy. 27 Oct
- Wher I am right now: http://twitpic.com/31ct4k 27 Oct
- A classic--"The Biblical Doctrine of Hairology": http://bit.ly/bR71eD 26 Oct SermonAudio SermonAudio.com by Phil_Johnson_ New Staff Pick: Is the Reformation Over? by Phil Johnson http://tinysa.com/twt26255 25 Oct
- The national debt in perspective. Second paragraph of this story summarizes why hard times are ahead: http://bit.ly/cll4eI 25 Oct
- GREAT freebie for your Kindle (or iPad Kindle app if you're savvy): http://amzn.to/bsVYrB HT: @mbgumm 25 Oct
- "Evolutionary syncretism: a critique of Biologos," by Lita Cosner-- http://bit.ly/9fN0iG 24 Oct
- Classic John MacArthur: http://bit.ly/9Y7vrK 22 Oct
- Like the Shepherds' Conference, only for lay people: http://bit.ly/drGBv7 You should come.--Sep. 1-4, 2011. 22 Oct
- "Don't be evil" is a moot motto if "evil" is just a socially-constructed concept: http://youtu.be/pYLs4NCgvNU Google to children: gay is OK. 21 Oct
- Snake with an eating disorder: http://bit.ly/9LDcMA (NOT for the squeamish.) 21 Oct
- @bryan_wayne I don't know why my message to you didn't come through. Here's a link to it: http://bit.ly/a2LgXX 21 Oct
- @@bryan_wayne His message was about what I expected. I haven't heard any "approving reaction" from anyone whose opinion matters. 20 Oct
- A sober assessment of the dangerous drift of Lausanne-style ecumenism, from a Touchstone-style ecumenical observer: http://bit.ly/944ZJu 20 Oct
- @bryan_wayne@bjackmorris We have. See: http://bit.ly/cCgTGN What would you have me add to what I said there? 20 Oct
- @@tohuvabohu Drive carefully. See you this weekend. 20 Oct
- This dog makes my Beagle, Wrigley, seem like a slacker: http://bit.ly/diDbtR 19 Oct
- "One-by-one formal Mainstream [moderate] Baptist organizations have been shutting down": http://bit.ly/big9pg S.D.G. 19 Oct
- The ordeal @Delta continues. They left my bag in Atlanta; they want me to come back to LAX after midnight tonight to get it. 15 Oct
- 3 for 3: Once again we are stuck on the runway after having landed. @Delta seems to have a really hard time coordinating their gates. 15 Oct
- @@jarbitro yes, when I had to cancel our South Africa trip in June, it cost me my @Delta medallion status for this year. Bummer. 15 Oct
- I should mention that @Delta's Twitter corps are friendly, sympathetic, and eager to help. Kudos. 15 Oct
- @Delta did I mention the cabin is malodorous? Smells like the plane was used this morning to transport llamas. 15 Oct
- @Delta continues to wow us with fiascos. We're sweltering in a pilotless plane, having now logged nearly 2 hours on the Atlanta tarmac. 15 Oct
- The depth of incompetence in Delta Airlines is truly stunning. 15 Oct
- How cute is my grandson? See for yourself: http://bit.ly/aEJQbc 15 Oct
- Flight Tracker tells me we are currently flying over Beckley, WV. Darlene's alma mater is down there. Moment of silence. 12 Oct 10
- My back feels good. I'm testing it with a trip to Virginia today. I'll speak at Central Baptist Theological Seminary: http://bit.ly/bAadG6 12 Oct 10
- Ray was going to fly to Virginia wth us this morning, but he ended up in hospital with a high fever: http://yfrog.com/3vui6aj Pray for him. 12 Oct 10
- Regarding my previous Tweet, here's a better link that should give you access to the complete article by Dr. Foos: http://bit.ly/bGQewh 10 Oct 10
- My favorite professor from my college career wrote this excellent letter to a pastor who seemed to be losing focus: http://bit.ly/9aHZpP 10 Oct 10
- Another video on the size of the universe: http://bit.ly/aXbVJd 9 Oct 10
- Biologos asks, "Are We Facing the Demise of Big Tent Evangelicalism?" Let us earnestly hope so. 9 Oct 10
- Ray likes Cheerios: http://yfrog.com/1glerbj 8 Oct 10
- @@bryan_wayne It's right-side drive. I think that's an Indian lorry. (Could be Pakistani.) They drive on the British side of the road. 8 Oct 10
- Why you need to wear your seatbelt: http://bit.ly/cCnmow ht: @pecadillo_ 8 Oct 10
- @keithtacey Does Ephesians 5:11-12 apply to what they are debating? Do they require NC-18 warnings? 8 Oct 10
- @@keithtacey But Scripture uses the expression "expose them" in a different sense. It's not suggesting we should give Ron Jeremy a platform. 7 Oct 10
- @@keithtacey Ephesians 5:11-12. 7 Oct 10
- Tim Keller seems to agree that so-called "postmodernism" is really just Modernism 2.0: http://bit.ly/bBHoSG 7 Oct 10
- Seriously? http://bit.ly/daZm7P Who in the world thinks this stuff up? And how did we get to the point where so many just wink at it? 6 Oct 10
- Why the hand-wringing reluctance to be critical of CT--especially in light of their hack-job on @AlbertMohler: http://bit.ly/ak7ZGk ? 6 Oct 10
- Psalm 8:3-4: http://youtu.be/HEheh1BH34Q 5 Oct 10
- Ray likes to sit at John MacArthur's desk: http://twitpic.com/2udmzw 3 Oct 10
- Grace Church's morning worship service is now livestreaming: http://bit.ly/cDgnIS 3 Oct 10
- Preaching on eternal security this morning in John MacArthur's absence (he's in Louisiana). 3 Oct 10
- The Grace to You staff are mailing free MacArthur Study Bibles (ESV) to our constituents: http://twitpic.com/2tpasx 1 Oct 10
- Penny's here, too: http://twitpic.com/2t87lf 29 Sep 10
- Back at Petco Park tonight: http://twitpic.com/2t83ol 29 Sep 10
- The vacation continues (bear with me): http://twitpic.com/2syii1 28 Sep 10
- Vacation update. This is where I am right now: http://twitpic.com/2sob0r 27 Sep 10
- Segway tragedy: http://bit.ly/9ovxq5 27 Sep 10
- John MacArthur: "No one really comes to salvation who hasn't become ashamed of himself. That's what true repentance is all about." 26 Sep 10
- Army general to Christians: get with the gay agenda or get out: http://bit.ly/byUToU 25 Sep 10
- Close encounter with a herd of sea lions at Moss Landing: http://twitpic.com/2rlgbj 24 Sep 10
- @@jimbobfunny MLJ downloads here: http://bit.ly/al17QD 24 Sep 10
- @@SirAaron_ Thanks. I wrote that on my iPad and it auto-"corrected." I hate when that happens. 24 Sep 10
- We just parked next to a Model A--with a GPS on the dash: http://twitpic.com/2ril10 24 Sep 10
- If you haven't yet downloaded and listened to Lloyd-Jones's Pensacola sermons, just do it: http://bit.ly/b8r3Gs 24 Sep 10
- "Cultural engagement": http://bit.ly/9Obo5h 24 Sep 10
- First aid Cordon Bleu: http://twitpic.com/2rclj5 23 Sep 10
- I guarantee this will be interesting: http://bit.ly/9z0JHB 23 Sep 10
- Driving thru central California. It's tragic to see how stupid judges and politicians are destroying agriculture: http://bit.ly/9DSaCO 22 Sep 10
- Every time we drive near Bakersfield, we see these dust-devils, like miniature tornados: http://twitpic.com/2qya3i 22 Sep 10
- My vacation starts tomorrow: http://bit.ly/dryRUq 21 Sep 10
- If you liked KFC's Double Down, you'll love this: http://bit.ly/cqIwm8 19 Sep 10
- Carl Trueman ponders sanctification, satire and why Protestant piety is so often humorless: http://bit.ly/bNhyRx 17 Sep 10
- Evolutionary syncretism: a critique of Biologos: http://bit.ly/cYQ8Xn Excellent critique and links. 16 Sep 10
- @The Church of Body Modification: http://uscobm.com/questions/ ht: @jason_alligood 16 Sep 10
- Our cabbie on the way to dinner hit a guy on a bike; the return cabbie read an Arabic paper while driving: http://twitpic.com/2otzu6 15 Sep 10
- This is where I am right now: http://twitpic.com/2oswdt 15 Sep 10
- Ocean City Bible Conference. http://twitpic.com/2onfbe That's @Alex_Crain - the genius behind the Christianity.com website. @Christianitycom 15 Sep 10
- Behold Biologos's ever-diminishing regard for Scripture: http://bit.ly/drtKE0 (Their caricature of "literalism" is a ruse, BTW.) 14 Sep 10
- @@drtolletthttp://ocbibleconference.org/index.cfm 14 Sep 10
- Michael Daily is semi-live-blogging the Ocean City Bible Conference: http://bit.ly/boPduO 13 Sep 10
- The view from our hotel room: http://twitpic.com/2o7rw6 13 Sep 10
- Perfect day: http://twitpic.com/2o4lwx 13 Sep 10
- Thabiti's preaching now on Christ our High Priest (Hebrews 7): http://twitpic.com/2o3db9 13 Sep 10
- At the Ocean City Bible Conference. Kevin O'Brien preaching: http://twitpic.com/2o2jb0 13 Sep 10
- Late nite walk on the Jersey shore with Darlene. The boardwalk is destitute of people: http://yfrog.com/0gijodj 12 Sep 10
- Made the weekly Dose 'o' Spurgeon post from the plane: http://bit.ly/bWSrFy Traveling with wifi is nice. 12 Sep 10
- Amazing new photos of the Titanic:http://bit.ly/9x4Kqj 12 Sep 10
- Back surgeon gave me a clean bill of health Tuesday. So I'm making a cross-country flight today (to NJ). We'll see how that goes. 12 Sep 10
- Happy birthday to Ray Lawrence Johnson. Hard to believe he is already a year old: http://yfrog.com/mxu0zj 10 Sep 10
- Worst speech ever: ". . . and a Master's degree in COMMUNICATION!" http://youtu.be/lipnBHeyvII ht: LQ (new, working link) 9 Sep 10
- Whistleblowers at Planned Parenthood may cost that monstrosity their federal funding. Let's hope: http://bit.ly/axwMlB ht: CC 9 Sep 10
- ". . . and a Master's degree in COMMUNICATION!" Worst speech ever: http://bit.ly/bR0Fm1 ht: LQ 9 Sep 10
- Streamed #theNines on my iPad on the way to work so I could hear @Frank_Turk: http://yfrog.com/mx55tpj 9 Sep 10
- Tony Reinke "On Burning Religious Books": http://bit.ly/c1rbRL Bingo. Plus this FL group seems like a weird cult: http://bit.ly/cn41MS 8 Sep 10
- For $3.8 million, yes we CAN get along: http://bit.ly/dqihEI 8 Sep 10
- This article is deeply disturbing, but at least these Malthusian morons are taking their ilk out of the gene pool: http://bit.ly/cpSnf0 8 Sep 10
- If I believed this: http://bit.ly/1EaafH I'd pledge fealty to the pope. Why stay outside the RCC like a "mean-spirited & narrow sectarian"? 8 Sep 10
- Banner of Truth to Google Maps: "I can assure you that we are certainly not a brothel" http://bit.ly/9NKF8X 7 Sep 10
- This is why I love Hindi movies: http://youtu.be/LhDcd8DZK_o 6 Sep 10
- From Darrel Falk at Biologos comes this convoluted mess of twisted logic and Scripture, turning Luke 9:62 on its head: http://bit.ly/9FL1e1 6 Sep 10
- @@Frank_Turk Very nice. 6 Sep 10
- @@Frank_Turk I think so. Ralph will be at the wood carving place. Doris is in the hospitality house. 6 Sep 10
- @@Frank_Turk Be sure to say hi to Darlene's parents. 6 Sep 10
- "I have to assume Hawking doesn’t literally mean what he says." James Anderson on the hype re: Stephen Hawking's book: http://bit.ly/dDBaHX 6 Sep 10
- "Permanent brain damage"? Sounds to me like that might have been a congenital defect. http://bit.ly/94jhBf 3 Sep 10
- @@slackerlitgeekhttp://amzn.to/8YO6ur and http://amzn.to/c8gPFY 2 Sep 10
- The latest scientific wisdom: The universe designed and created itself without God: http://bit.ly/bC9vV0 ProcessTHAT for us, BioLogos. 2 Sep 10
- Decontextualizing the church of Sweden "[following] an outbreak of profanity during the annual Synod meeting last year" http://bit.ly/93VGt4 1 Sep 10
- Dan Sweatt debunks Calvinism with razor-sharp . . . caricatures & untruths: http://bit.ly/9HNDwQ 1 Sep 10
- Fingernails on a chalkboard. This video epitomizes everything wrong with the postmodern-academic approach to theology: http://bit.ly/bgRPte 1 Sep 10
- False religion is a far greater evil than bad politics. Todd Friel interviewed me today on Wretched Radio: http://bit.ly/94q9hM 30 Aug 10
- Interesting website: http://11foot8.com/ There's a sermon illustration there. 30 Aug 10
- RT @albertmohler: This is an important and timely article by @drmoore . I commend it for your reading. http://ow.ly/2wX3A 30 Aug 10
- Part 3 of Cameron Buettel's interview, recorded days before my back surgery. (That explains the slouch. I was in pain.) http://bit.ly/9rUJND 30 Aug 10
- Francis Chan elevates pious obfuscation to an art form: http://bit.ly/cGTJn2 Driscoll seems genuinely concerned for him. ht: JT 30 Aug 10
- Nice header. http://youtu.be/qzO4u9aenz4 30 Aug 10
- Khachaturian's "Sabre Dance," by the Boomwhacker Orchestra: http://youtu.be/rM1b37BU8E8! ht: TheSharpie ( http://bit.ly/aAW5DN ) 29 Aug 10
- Nice article in the Chicago Tribune about Philip Ryken & Wheaton: http://bit.ly/ccKFGK 29 Aug 10
- Alan Kurschner. Most Common Statement Heard on Evangelical Seminary Campuses: "I don't agree with Barth, but . . ." http://bit.ly/b9gtV8 28 Aug 10
- Contextualization fail: http://youtu.be/0VPcPCwK_G0 28 Aug 10
- Debunking the mythology of Katrina: http://bit.ly/drO4ik 27 Aug 10
- Good article: "Mohler, Giberson, and the 'Saving' of Christianity" http://bit.ly/dySZKG 26 Aug 10
- @@jamesmcoats Did you read it? He opens with a full paragraph smugly casting himself as a playground bully. No, thanks. 1 Cor. 13:11 26 Aug 10
- @jamesmcoats@tjchantry said it well: http://bit.ly/9DwnSO 26 Aug 10
- An utterly childish, condescending reply from BioLogos /Giberson to @AlbertMohler: http://bit.ly/cAu7HE Still no real answer to Dr. Mohler. 26 Aug 10
- 5 Heresies that will not die: http://youtu.be/xUjpVIhjrnw 25 Aug 10
- After all those posts titled "How Should BioLogos Respond to @AlbertMohler ," they could hardly have flubbed it worse. http://bit.ly/9ShRZ6 25 Aug 10
- Juston Taylor @between2worlds on the Biologos/ Huffpo hit piece against @AlbertMohler: http://bit.ly/aYun6w 25 Aug 10
- From @AlbertMohler to Dr. Giberson & Biologos: "It is you who offers the truly dangerous misrepresentation [of Darwin]" http://bit.ly/9JbPc3 25 Aug 10
- Another nice catch: http://bit.ly/91MMT8 24 Aug 10
- Now THAT's a traffic jam: http://bbc.in/bZivhR 24 Aug 10
- @@jasontarn could be folklore. I can't find it in Spurgeon's published works. 24 Aug 10
- @@SpencerDeBurgh Thanks. 24 Aug 10
- Cameron Buettel (the Dane from Down Under) interviews me regarding my critical remarks about NT Wright: http://bit.ly/92fTzQ 23 Aug 10
- New at Pyromaniacs: "'Evangelicals' and Atheists Together"--my response to BioLogos's grandstanding at Huffpo: http://bit.ly/bCoZbM 23 Aug 10
- "Evangelicals & Atheists Together." BioLogos takes their beef against @AlbertMohler to Huffpo: http://huff.to/aDKuEo 22 Aug 10
- Ray's new favorite toy: a vuvuzela: http://tweetphoto.com/40703106 22 Aug 10
- Wanna read something sad? http://bit.ly/9ZFVJ9 21 Aug 10
- Gotta hand it to Emergents. They can play clueless while exuding outrage better than anyone: http://bit.ly/9iOsWYhttp://bit.ly/cLinPJ 21 Aug 10
- Done. Thanks: http://yfrog.com/nbti5p 21 Aug 10
- Hey. @Frank_Turk needs 11 more Twitter followers to crack 1,000. Let's support a brother in need: http://bit.ly/agt9TP 21 Aug 10
- @@dankassis Thanks. 21 Aug 10
- CT's _Books & Culture_ angrily deconstructs Brett McCracken's WSJ article on "Wannabe Cool Christianity": http://bit.ly/dDi74U 21 Aug 10
- @@thechrisroberts To quote Churchill, "That is the type of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put." 20 Aug 10
- From an old blogpost, here's my response to @edstetzer 's recent apologia for "contextualization": http://bit.ly/cBd7q3@piratechristian 20 Aug 10
- I would be chagrined if a secular newspaper reporter saw me as "ambiguously Christian": http://bit.ly/beyeTU Not cool at all. ht: dfg 20 Aug 10
- @@tomascol Lakeside Community Chapel on Sunset Pt. Road in Clearwater. Steve Kreloff, pastor. 19 Aug 10
- New at TeamPyro: "Chasing Cool and Becoming Merely Lukewarm": http://bit.ly/9Idhj8 19 Aug 10
- Chris Rosebrough wasn't happy with @edstetzer 's recent series on contextualization: http://bit.ly/bdMcj6 (start at 43 min.) 19 Aug 10
- @@brianyear It took me and two other guys a little time to decipher it too, so don't feel bad. 19 Aug 10
- @@brianyear "Phonebooks Delivery" 19 Aug 10
- Signage fail: http://yfrog.com/7gdn6ioj 19 Aug 10
- Roger Olson's skewed view of the evangelical drift highlights why "neo-evangelicalism" was a bad idea from the get-go: http://bit.ly/blmpQY 19 Aug 10
- @@bobbycapps . . . because they pastor small churches. I didn't ay true evangelicals exist ONLY in small churches. 18 Aug 10
- @@bobbycapps That's not precisely what I said. I was making the point that there are lots of solid evangelicals you have never heard of ... 18 Aug 10
- What's an evangelical? Here's a Skype interview I did with Lane Chaplin on that subject last October: http://youtu.be/O8NTmQZLbY4 18 Aug 10
- We should encourage these people. If they unite and shed the name "Christian," the church'll be much better off: http://youtu.be/CzdzcgQ1hYA 17 Aug 10
- This is a superb article: @AlbertMohler on the campaign against biblical inerrancy at BioLogos: http://bit.ly/de490J 16 Aug 10
- Ray met Todd Friel today at the Transformed Conference: http://tweetphoto.com/39008434 14 Aug 10
- Nice catch: http://bit.ly/baG3h9 14 Aug 10
- Falsehood, fraud, and faulty peer review in the scientific establishment; on Climategate and the dogma of Darwinism: http://bit.ly/aSAZCV 14 Aug 10
- Frank Turk on the BioLogos cult--and why Frank resigned from the Evangel blog: http://bit.ly/a7OMJc 13 Aug 10
- True unity is achieved not by eliminating boundaries, but by eliminating error and deceit. John 17:19-23. 13 Aug 10
- @@Frank_Turk Sweet. Good timing. 13 Aug 10
- I totally forgot it's my day to blog at Pyromanacs. Oh, well. Everybody take the day off. 13 Aug 10
- "Slightly worrying is the fact the driver of the Google Street View car didn't stop or contact police ": http://bit.ly/cOdVFW 12 Aug 10
- Once more: Who IS John Galt? You gotta be really nuts about Ayn Rand to do what this guy did: http://bit.ly/bz5MdW 12 Aug 10
- A quick stop at the drive-thru teller turns into a really bad day: http://bit.ly/bKgRzJ 12 Aug 10
- @@DavidakaHipHop They see me rollin'; they hatin'. 12 Aug 10
- Steve Jobs, ridin' dirty: http://gizmo.do/aezWFG 12 Aug 10
- @@JackTheGaffer Get a Blue Moose tat and everyone will be happy. 11 Aug 10
- @@JackTheGaffer Sad indeed. I'll bet the tattoo parlors are still there, though. 11 Aug 10
- Today at Pyromaniacs: @Frank_Turk on BioLogos's fatuous appeal to Augustine: http://bit.ly/9nNcFI 11 Aug 10
- Psalm 19:1"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork": http://bit.ly/9bD4eC 11 Aug 10
- The origins of our alphabet: http://bit.ly/9ml86E 11 Aug 10
- RT @Pecadillo_: Penny is in a trance watching herself on video. http://twitpic.com/2dj2jh / (My Granddaughter. She's a real sweetie.) 10 Aug 10
- Apocalypse now. Half of Russia is on fire; the story isn't being covered much by western media: http://bit.ly/cotM0X 10 Aug 10
- Jet powered school bus. I need one of these: http://bit.ly/cHbYKI 9 Aug 10
- This story is crying for a lolcat punch line: http://grace.ly/h6si55 9 Aug 10
- Not a smart way to quit your job (though it makes a great story, and his frustration is understandable): http://bit.ly/c5EeLT 9 Aug 10
- Exactly! @Frank_Turk on BioLogos and the fallacy of the academic sniff-test: http://bit.ly/daCFpK 9 Aug 10
- The mini-cannon again (I still need one of these): http://bit.ly/9LMZNy ht: @BibChr 9 Aug 10
- LA Times on Anne Rice: "American Christianity is not well": http://bit.ly/bbrfYH 9 Aug 10
- @@TrueSongMedia That was the title of Spurgeon's magazine, a reference to Nehemiah 4:17-18. http://bit.ly/aHI6TY 8 Aug 10
- Wendy's gets a five-star review from a food critic: http://bit.ly/535zSM 8 Aug 10
- Big congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. LD Light ( @JackTheGaffer and @samwize716 ). It was a lovely wedding. Short and to the point. 7 Aug 10 tohuvabohu Sean Higgins by Phil_Johnson_ Wedding of @JackTheGaffer and @samwize716 by @Phil_Johnson_ this morning. 7 Aug 10
- Wedding rehearsal tonight. Clarissa Baergen (our niece) and LD Light are tying the knot tomorrow. Cute couple. Bless them. 6 Aug 10
- I've just had my first look at the new ESV MacArthur Study Bible. Beautiful. Available by month's end: http://bit.ly/bDqhqN 6 Aug 10
- Memos from the boss: http://bit.ly/9xX39M 5 Aug 10
- Chapel Library has a new website. Tons of excellent material here: http://bit.ly/a556oX 5 Aug 10
- Vicar to churchgoers: "Swear more." http://bit.ly/bSFP8G Says the vicar, "It is how Jesus would have spoken." 5 Aug 10
- Once on a 27-hour train ride from Pune to Delhi, a Sikh gentleman taught me to tie a turban. (Not like these, though): http://bit.ly/1JuwTm 5 Aug 10
- Two generations spanning a century and a half. This is an amazing but sad story proving that money can't buy happiness: http://bit.ly/cSsinH 4 Aug 10
- Remember that rap song someone made from a John MacArthur sermon? Jack Courtis kicks it up a notch: http://youtu.be/798_fAmYS-M 4 Aug 10
- "Preach Christ or Go Home." Tony Reinke on Spurgeon's view of Christless preaching: http://grace.ly/9i7sh0 4 Aug 10
- This excellent half-price deal is good thru midnight tonight: http://bit.ly/JPwON Key works by Jonathan Edwards. 4 Aug 10
- Roy Hargrave is blogging: "Where the rubber meets the road ... the first word that comes to mind is “friction.” http://bit.ly/bAMrRM 4 Aug 10
- Dog saves man's life by eating his toe. Great story, not for the squeamish: http://bit.ly/bGbQna 4 Aug 10
- John Knox is rolling over in his parking space: http://bit.ly/csvvm5 ht:DP 4 Aug 10
- Pencil-carvings: http://bit.ly/do9WwY 4 Aug 10
- Cool use of Photoshop: blending past & present: http://bit.ly/Aeewe 3 Aug 10
- How to cool off an angry owl: http://bit.ly/cq1N5h 3 Aug 10
- @cshigley Sweet. Enjoy London. 2 Aug 10
- This is perversely fun to watch, especially when the guy throws a brick into the machine (@ 56 seconds): http://youtu.be/364dzVsBs2o 31 Jul 10
- Frank Turk on Russell Moore on Anne Rice at PyroManiacs: http://bit.ly/cKNE55 31 Jul 10
- My friend Will Moneymaker, whose house was threatened by yesterday's fire, took these photos: http://bit.ly/9yALzJ 30 Jul 10
- Friday afternoon. I feel just like this: http://youtu.be/A5c0X4MW_zE 30 Jul 10
- An amazing photo of Budapest. 70 gigapixels, 360 degrees. Zoom in to examine fine details of far-away objects: http://bit.ly/aKeHzc 30 Jul 10
- Today is the anniversary of publishing's last major paradigm shift--last century's equivalent of e-books: http://bit.ly/aPQxxx 30 Jul 10
- @LAjoey It would be up to Thomas Nelson to produce an MSB app. @MichaelHyatt might see the value of it. I'd love it. We'll see. 30 Jul 10
- @@Frank_Turk Of course. Thanks. 30 Jul 10
- Why Biologos opposes the Intelligent Design argument ("science . . . poorly done"): http://bit.ly/aRAA0v 30 Jul 10
- @@Frank_Turk WHI? 30 Jul 10
- Today's secret ingredient: http://youtu.be/kXqY8EZ21-g ht: Dan Phillips @BibChr 30 Jul 10
- @@worshipfanatic As a matter of fact, I did. 29 Jul 10
- Tatted Lego people: http://bit.ly/dyIFSa 29 Jul 10
- The oldest man in Tokyo is dead. Really dead: http://bit.ly/b2P5K6 29 Jul 10
- It's fire season here in Los Angeles: http://tweetphoto.com/35655433 29 Jul 10
- Mowed my lawn this afternoon. Feeling pretty good. 29 Jul 10
- @DrOakley1689 Work? Oh yeah. Thanks for the heads up. 29 Jul 10
- I'm not really sure why this instrument never quite caught on: http://youtu.be/IjABuQslkqs 29 Jul 10
- Benny Hinn needs $2 million; denies affair: http://bit.ly/cdTyku#more-61801 ht: CC 28 Jul 10
- @@SirAaron_http://bit.ly/ceK6x5 28 Jul 10
- Good report from my neurosurgeon. He removed my staples and cleared me to go back to the office, starting tomorrow. 28 Jul 10
- Excellent free audio files from the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust: http://bit.ly/aWmHnR 28 Jul 10
- On John 4:24: "Jesus gave TRUTH, not music, the place of prominence in worship": http://grace.ly/j2z79c 28 Jul 10
- Serious (and not so serious) facial hair: http://bit.ly/9XQUSa 26 Jul 10
- This mansion is a fitting symbol for the brand of fundamentalism it has represented since the '50s: http://yhoo.it/cOAd2o ht:JG 26 Jul 10
- A Primer on antinomianism: http://bit.ly/bkZjO8 25 Jul 10
- Live-streaming the Grace Community Church evening service (audio only), starting at 6:00pm PDT: http://bit.ly/axyJEZ 25 Jul 10
- Preaching tonight at Grace Church on John 4:24. This week's dose of Spurgeon is the perfect appetizer: http://bit.ly/ivBwp 25 Jul 10
- The punch line in that WSJ article on Ted Haggard: "'I cuss now,' he said proudly." http://bit.ly/9ilSfV 24 Jul 10
- Ted Haggard: "I over-repented." http://bit.ly/9ilSfV 24 Jul 10
- S. M. Hutchens suggests "a second, revised edition" of the Manhattan Declaration: http://bit.ly/ae04aQ 24 Jul 10
- Spoke this morning at TMC's men's conference: http://bit.ly/bBXxCo My back seemed to withstand the test. 24 Jul 10
- The surprising expectations of Democrat eschatology: http://bit.ly/bGGHhs 23 Jul 10
- @@tjchantry The whole comment-thread is instructive. Seething with atheistic religious fervor. 22 Jul 10
- Biologos: "Science does clearly say . . . no single founder for the human race. We want to help people understand that" http://bit.ly/cY3h4B 22 Jul 10
- @"Misstatements," or carefully crafted mythology? Ergun Caner's imaginary alter-ego in his own words: http://bit.ly/9zhsgJ HT: @DrOakley1689 22 Jul 10
- CT's item on Rick Warren's eye injury seems to have summoned a flock of crazies to the comment box: http://bit.ly/aDXKbw Yikes. 22 Jul 10
- One very sad-looking fish, on the brink of extinction: http://bit.ly/6vdomc 21 Jul 10
- These are the best of times for baroque and classical music: http://bit.ly/9Yegtw Here's hoping theology soon sees a similar renaissance. 21 Jul 10
- @@Rick_Holland has joined the blogosphere: http://bit.ly/b6TMde 21 Jul 10
- Here's what it was like to fly from NYC to San Francisco in 1939: http://bit.ly/caVIdX 20 Jul 10
- BioLogos: Real Science has reached consensus on evolution; those who believe in Intelligent Design "must be ignored": http://bit.ly/9pwu8p 20 Jul 10
- More cruel therapy: I walked 1.2 miles in the 93º heat this morning. Apparently, that is good for me. 17 Jul 10
- General anesthetic is hard on the system. I slept 14 hours last night--after two 2-hour naps yesterday. Feeling much better now, though. 16 Jul 10
- Lots of pain; no way to get comfortable this morning. Very thankful for Darlene. 14 Jul 10
- Out of surgery. The intubation was the worst part. My throat is as sore as my back. Glad it's over. The Doc seemed pleased. 13 Jul 10
- My back surgery is scheduled for 1pm (PDT). Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes. See you later this week, Lord willing. 13 Jul 10
- "A Scientist Takes On Gravity": http://nyti.ms/cMdAv4 13 Jul 10
- I prefer classical music, but Rock 'n' Roll sometimes makes me happy: 'http://youtu.be/h73kd6wsBq0 13 Jul 10
- Interesting article about "Son of Sam," David Berkowitz: http://nyti.ms/d0mHVg 13 Jul 10
- Political correctness trumps truth, common sense, and national security: http://bit.ly/apaucj 12 Jul 10
- @@thescottsb See this earlier Tweet of mine for the necessary context: http://bit.ly/9FQvCq 12 Jul 10
- @@thescottsb Yah, so I guess it's a good thing that's not what I said, huh? 12 Jul 10
- @@Pecadillo_ Sheriff John Bunnell has some important words for you: http://youtu.be/sD39tzmKAiU 12 Jul 10
- Another reason not to have implicit faith in scientists: http://bit.ly/cD3By5 12 Jul 10
- @@Frank_Turk . . . except that all that stuff was supposedly removed and corrected--from Caner's own website, at least. 12 Jul 10
- @@Frank_Turk Look for the press release titled "Ex-Muslim to lead at Liberty University." It's there: http://bit.ly/d2b6iY 12 Jul 10
- @@clarkdunlap Look for the press release titled "Ex-Muslim to lead at Liberty University." There. 12 Jul 10
- A press release @ErgunCaner 's website STILL claims he "emigrated from Turkey to Toledo,Ohio, when he was a teenager": http://bit.ly/bGoDdi 12 Jul 10
- Another person fired over a matter of conscience in the name of "tolerance": http://bit.ly/cdmGQ7 12 Jul 10
- Here's a different link to that sojourners article. Hope this one works: http://bit.ly/9zPsTi 12 Jul 10
- Sojourners correspndnt visits GCC; can't believe "some churches are still talking about male headship" http://bit.ly/Mm0gh ht: @AlbertMohler 12 Jul 10
- Our critique of BioLogos continues at PyroManiacs: "Socinianism in Lab Coats" http://bit.ly/ahJvKD Join the discussion. 12 Jul 10
- How to make the already insufferable Ed Young, Jr. 10x more annoying? Autotune: http://bit.ly/9yQnPV 12 Jul 10
- "Socinianism in Lab Coats"--What sort of "faith" is being propagated at BioLogos? http://bit.ly/ahJvKD 11 Jul 10
- My granddaughter and her daddy: http://twitpic.com/24ghgx 11 Jul 10
- Robert Schuller retires; leaves daughter in charge of failing empire: http://bit.ly/c67Yhi 11 Jul 10
- Well, THIS wasn't exactly an encouraging tidbit: http://bit.ly/dzeAPf 11 Jul 10
- Evolutionary luck. Isn't random chance amazing? http://bit.ly/9cNSLH 10 Jul 10
- This is a sweet idea. If you missed my birthday last month, one of these would make a great late gift: http://youtu.be/EozwYbMTtS0 10 Jul 10
- @@gottheology Some brief comments from me about it: http://bit.ly/aS2cR2 An xlnt 2-part review: http://bit.ly/cKYp1hhttp://bit.ly/aa9Rr3 10 Jul 10
- This is what happens when a really bad evangelical bestseller goes viral: http://bit.ly/adBXyu (WARNING: graphic pics) http://bit.ly/9GIWpX 10 Jul 10
- My favorite news story this week: http://bit.ly/c2Zixa 9 Jul 10
- Watching the Cubs blow another game to the Dodgers. But these are great seats! 9 Jul 10
- Crying Wind and Shooting Bull--my thoughts on Caner, Geisler and pious evangelical gullibility: http://bit.ly/9ukVLa 9 Jul 10
- @@findo I don't think so. Perhaps I'll blog about it tomorrow. 8 Jul 10
- Good sense from an unexpected source (Beliefnet): http://bit.ly/bDHVLS "The Problem with Blindly Trusting Scientists." 8 Jul 10
- Another question-begging response to @albertmohler from Biologos (P. Enns): http://bit.ly/bWOXig "Molehill." Pfft. Mohler DID answer that. 8 Jul 10
- Speaking of Big Brother, look what the Nanny State is up to today in San Francisco: http://bit.ly/91XQhS 8 Jul 10
- The name "Perfect Citizen" has a distinct Orwellian ring to it, don't you think? http://bit.ly/aQWQ1D 8 Jul 10
- @@Pecadillo_ Next time you're here remind me and I'll give you the yodeling section of that song as a ringtone. 7 Jul 10
- I wrote and deleted a dozen snide comments about this. Better to let it speak for itself: http://youtu.be/xn4ftBofI8s ht: Chris Rosebrough 7 Jul 10
- Earthquake was a preliminary 5.9 magnitude S. of Palm Springs. N. of Escondido. 7 Jul 10
- Big earthquake just now. 30 seconds long or longer. Gentle rolling. Felt like it was 50 miles away or so. 7 Jul 10
- Great sale on a single sermon-transcript page, edited in Spurgeon's hand with his distinctive purple ink: http://bit.ly/bBhyLU 7 Jul 10
- Ravel's Bolero on the vuvuzela. I wouldn't have thought this possible. I need more practice: http://youtu.be/wf2P8SnOwLo HT:@challies 7 Jul 10
- Magnetic Silly-Putty: http://bit.ly/bqxPRs I need this. 7 Jul 10 ThApologeticHub The Apologetic Hub by Phil_Johnson_ TRIABLOGUE: BioLogos or Diabolus? http://bit.ly/cxPo7D 6 Jul 10
- Biologos continues to paint itself into an unorthodox corner. Kevin DeYoung replies to their attack on inerrancy: http://bit.ly/azFkL5 6 Jul 10
- @@Jonspach Seriously? They I'd say they've fumbled badly practically every time they've addressed any vital doctrinal issue. 6 Jul 10
- What to do with Dr. Mohler's Ligonier message? Biologos is fumbling and scrambling: http://bit.ly/95ie0x 6 Jul 10
- The apostate Church of England is finally coming out: http://bit.ly/92I4Ux 4 Jul 10
- "A subversive, diabolical activity." Steve Hays on Peter Enns's attacks on biblical inerrancy at Biologos: http://bit.ly/agK9ka 4 Jul 10
- Cubs are currently trying to break their own record for the worst inning in baseball history. 4 Jul 10
- Second service starts in 5 minutes. Orchestra is coming in now. Tune in the live-stream here: http://www.gracechurch.org/live/ 4 Jul 10
- Live-streaming here: http://bit.ly/cDgnIS 4 Jul 10
- Waiting for the start of the 1st service. Our theme today: the righteousness of God. http://tweetphoto.com/30771857 4 Jul 10
- Jon Rourke gives lessons on how to impersonate C. J. Mahaney: http://bit.ly/93Wuo0 2 Jul 10
- It sounds strange to have European leaders lecturing the U.S. about fiscal restraint: http://bit.ly/bFT7B7 2 Jul 10
- How much more does Biologos need to yield to earn the respect they crave from evolutionists? Jerry Coyne tells them: http://bit.ly/aZe50t 2 Jul 10
- The mystery of volume-control unraveled: http://bit.ly/aRiVg6 2 Jul 10
- Tom Chantry hits the nail on the head: http://bit.ly/bdTlfj Liberty University's baffling stance will only fan the flames of controversy. 29 Jun 10
- Putting the expression "bad day" in proper perspective: http://bit.ly/9UvCsE HT: @d2bubba 29 Jun 10
- @@KnowingTheTruth 2:05 Pacific time, right? 29 Jun 10
- Good news/ bad news. The good: I don't have cancer. The bad: I do need back surgery. Couple of weeks from now. 28 Jun 10
- Penn Jillette on Christianity vs. Islam (PG-13 language alert): http://bit.ly/bvFeZ8 Interesting perspective from a devout skeptic. 28 Jun 10
- 60 Photos that will break your heart: http://bit.ly/bBnE3D 28 Jun 10
- Here, in microcosm, is why evangelicalism is doctrinally bankrupt, philosophically corrupt, and ultimately ineffectual: http://bit.ly/b7mWM7 28 Jun 10
- @@soneart I NEVER agree with Franky Schaeffer. It's hard to think of anyone who's squandered more spiritual privilege. He's a pathetic dolt. 27 Jun 10
- Franky Schaeffer's latest gem: "Admit it: the Bible is nuts in many places. Who follows this stuff? No one!" http://huff.to/aVhM7E 26 Jun 10
- Ben Wright on the moral and doctrinal sellout at Liberty U. http://bit.ly/9aUC2G 26 Jun 10
- Think @ErgunCaner 's lies helped our collective testimony to Islamic neighbors (& the rest of the world)? Think again: http://bit.ly/d0pnWK 26 Jun 10
- "Factual statements that are self-contradictory"? Meaning "false claims"?--i.e., lies? This is a really weak statement: http://bit.ly/bGa22M 25 Jun 10
- Get a load of this: http://bit.ly/dnIYqP (full story here: http://bit.ly/b7FnCf ) 25 Jun 10
- A ringing endorsement of @Frank_Turk for our blog's sidebar: @edstetzer says, "Frank Turk . . . worth listening to." http://bit.ly/cH6Ww8 25 Jun 10
- My reply to Dr. Falk at BioLogos: http://bit.ly/cD4zSy 25 Jun 10
- Refreshing candor from The Atlantic: http://bit.ly/bRtLHx (Opening paragraph is pure gold.) 24 Jun 10
- Christmas gift ideas: I've been waiting for one of these since the 1950s: http://bit.ly/biEA6 24 Jun 10
- I'm gonna miss The @AlbertMohler radio broadcast: http://bit.ly/deULyy 24 Jun 10
- Pomo/neo-evangelical heroin: Leadership seminars with edgy megachurch superstars. http://bit.ly/dbx6lr ht: @piratechristian 24 Jun 10
- Post-WWII cars have never been this exciting: http://bit.ly/djjdIR 23 Jun 10
- Dordt College Choir. Nice rendition of a James Whitbourn composition. http://youtu.be/PT-j2KS-7gE Enjoy. 23 Jun 10
- Pray for Joni Tada. Her surgery is scheduled for Monday: http://bit.ly/b5Z2OA 23 Jun 10
- John MacArthur pinch hits for @Frank_Turk at PyroManiacs today: http://bit.ly/9kG8O4 23 Jun 10
- @@wdicks Sweet. Were you the guy who kept blowing the vuvuzela? 23 Jun 10
- Today's TeamPyro post is finally on-line: "Humanistic Religion and the Origin of Life," by John MacArthur. It's a good one. 23 Jun 10
- World Cup: I'm watching the USA win a tough but well-fought match against Algeria in the final few minutes. Amazing match. 23 Jun 10
- Here's a thorough critique of Peter Enns's & BioLogos's relentless attacks on the authority of Scripture: http://bit.ly/bpgLHa 22 Jun 10
- Really lucky his ancestors evolved the ability to do this: http://youtu.be/VgCDcobtZHs 22 Jun 10
- The anesthetic from my medical procedure this morning is still giving me a nice buzz. I'm not going to waste it. I'm taking a nap. 21 Jun 10
- 28 years in LA & I've never been able to warm up to LA teams or empathize with LA sports fans. Here's why: http://youtu.be/CMdi-lOqDv8! 21 Jun 10
- A London time capsule: http://bit.ly/dyVefU 21 Jun 10
- My further thoughts on the BioLogos agenda: http://bit.ly/czwr6e 20 Jun 10
- And in German news today . . . http://bit.ly/bZPUP0 19 Jun 10
- @@Frank_Turk I voted for you & Challies. You got 9 mins of inspiration for Leadership Network? Can I do background sound FX for your video? 17 Jun 10
- Betcha can't do this: http://bit.ly/bqoMPL 17 Jun 10
- http://bit.ly/aEXpE3 John MacArthur Live at Ligonier: http://bit.ly/bvxygr 17 Jun 10
- I'm not gonna tweet that livestream link. I don't want y'all to crash it again. I'll watch for all of us, then let you know how it went, OK? 17 Jun 10
- Skip it. The ligonier livestream crashed. Everybody out of the pool: http://bit.ly/bvxygr 17 Jun 10
- Ligonier livestream begins right now: http://bit.ly/bvxygr#lmnc 17 Jun 10
- Score: "Pavane of the Reconstituted Visigoths," by Andy Fielding: http://bit.ly/akaYAY 17 Jun 10
- Ligonier will be live-streaming from Orlando tomorrow: @Challies, @EdStetzer, @albertMohler, @JohnMacArthur, etc: http://bit.ly/bvxygr 16 Jun 10
- Mike Adams on pomos: "being unsure of all things at all times guarantees they'll never have to stand up for anything." http://bit.ly/9odBeQ 16 Jun 10
- More proof Christianity Today has zero sense of either spiritual priorities or biblical discernment & needs to go away: http://bit.ly/cFTcXa 16 Jun 10
- Beautiful lede on Sports Illustrated's article about the death of John Wooden: http://bit.ly/cU02i2 16 Jun 10
- Perhaps the SBC's first-ever resolution-proposal in rap is currently being made by an Acts 29 aficionado. :-) 15 Jun 10
- I'm fascinated by the SBC livestream: http://bit.ly/d4QyI5 But I'm not getting anything else done. 15 Jun 10
- Profoundly sad: http://bit.ly/comfRp Not so sad: http://bit.ly/9bvwUf 15 Jun 10
- Better late than never. Today's TeamPyro post is up: http://bit.ly/dgJcIf (Part 2--on legalism--from John MacArthur.) 14 Jun 10
- Emergent Village never met a heresy it didn't like. Follow all the links--and prepare to be deeply disturbed: http://bit.ly/dnZbil 13 Jun 10
- These are my people: http://bit.ly/9JtHmY 13 Jun 10
- Grace Church is having a summer-long series on the divine attributes. I'm on deck this morning with _immutability_. Can't wait. 13 Jun 10
- Great sessions this morning with Denver-area church leaders, talking about the gospel's superiority over worldly wisdom. 11 Jun 10
- Results of my MRI are in. Doc says: "Your back is VERY messed up. Here's an urgent referral to a neurosurgeon." No medical jargon necessary. 10 Jun 10
- @jwritebol don't believe a word of it. He exaggerates. 9 Jun 10
- One gets the distinct feeling the Biologos agenda isn't really as evangelical as their early PR tried to make it sound: http://bit.ly/9m0vx7 9 Jun 10
- Read this: http://bit.ly/bksHgO and (especially) the PDF document linked in the first line for a new twist on "authenticity." 7 Jun 10
- Had an MRI to diagnose my back problem today. Interesting and very claustrophobic experience. Results to come. 7 Jun 10
- This is funny, sad, and maddening, all at once and all in the extreme: http://bit.ly/bQkodm 7 Jun 10
- I still don't know what caused the technical glitch that canceled Wretched Radio today. We're blaming the prince of the power of the air. 4 Jun 10
- Bad (?) news: Technical difficulties, so we had to abort the live bcast of Wretched Radio today. 4 Jun 10
- Woke up in a cold sweat this morning, remembering that I'm going to be guest-hosting Wretched Radio today at 3:00 EDT (noon Pacific time). 4 Jun 10
- Balut: http://bit.ly/znHoV Kudos to @Rick_Holland for his gastronomic courage. I've eaten balut twice. It's not something I crave, though. 3 Jun 10
- Yes, I'll be sitting in for Todd Friel tomorrow. Hear me self-destruct on live radio: http://bit.ly/IEM7Z "Wretched," indeed. 3 Jun 10
- RT @austintduncan: HE DID IT! RT @Rick_Holland: Ate balut tonight in Manila. / Excellent! My already-profound respect for Rick just doubled. 3 Jun 10
- So I'll be guest-hosting Wretched Radio for Todd Friel tomorrow. 2 hours live. I'm scared. 3 Jun 10
- Today's atheists "are not skeptics at all and have purchased their atheism cheaply, with . . . boorish arrogance": http://bit.ly/cNxOAK 2 Jun 10
- @@Frank_Turk True enough. But I hate when a book I've edited comes out on cheap newsprint. No wonder e-books are so popular. 2 Jun 10
- "The Most Widely Read Magazine in the World." Yikes: http://bit.ly/a55fTQ 2 Jun 10
- Here's why most of the hardcover books you've bought in the past decade already smell like a used bookstore: http://bit.ly/a8jZjQ 2 Jun 10
- Coolest Lego DIY project ever: a dot-matrix printer. http://youtu.be/zX09WnGU6ZY 2 Jun 10
- Listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about: http://youtu.be/gPbh6Ru7VVM 2 Jun 10
- Alvin Plantinga is retiring: http://bit.ly/bzcuzT 1 Jun 10
- A very strange addiction: http://youtu.be/C4mKwmvV3a8 1 Jun 10
- Heads up, Kiwis: http://youtu.be/JARkLg_lHFo 1 Jun 10
- The front fell off: http://youtu.be/WcU4t6zRAKg 1 Jun 10
- Wolves in sheep's clothing: http://bit.ly/aVatKq 31 May 10
- TeamPyro's @Pecadillo_ (aka "Police Officer II Jonathan Johnson, 4 years 6 months" with the LAPD): http://bit.ly/cgBZNp We're proud of him. 28 May 10
- . . . And in Roman Catholic news: http://bit.ly/cOpL2Y 28 May 10
- NASA Time lapse on the oil spill: http://youtu.be/mCWW5xt3Hc8 27 May 10
- I just read this: http://bit.ly/8XDfAA while doing this: http://tweetphoto.com/24224403 So I talked to her about the hypostatic union. 27 May 10
- How Top Kill works: http://bit.ly/9jvWmv And good news: It does seem to be working: http://bit.ly/bu1DFj 27 May 10
- RT @BibChr: Fly. http://bit.ly/c89sm1 27 May 10
- A diatribe against legalism: http://bit.ly/cePLkK 26 May 10
- Don't play on the escalator: http://bit.ly/9py4Pb 26 May 10
- I've been on both sides of the father-son conundrum, so I appreciated this journalist's musings: http://bit.ly/91Gow6 26 May 10
- @@allenmickle Tons of stuff in French. See here: http://bit.ly/bwtwd8 26 May 10
- Live video feed as BP tries to stanch the oil flow in the Gulf: http://bit.ly/92iRQv 26 May 10
- Can't wait to read this: http://bit.ly/bmxSjQ 25 May 10
- Carl Trueman on Ergun Caner, "theological leverage," "relational mobility," and euphemism as a cover for lying: http://bit.ly/bEnug3 24 May 10
- "Brain dead" may not always be what it seems: http://bit.ly/cFNhQ1 24 May 10
- Moishe Rosen, founder of Jews for Jesus, died last week: http://nyti.ms/deTxrU One of the coolest, funniest, most devoted guys I ever knew. 24 May 10
- Another TeamPyro post about "contextualization" run amok: http://bit.ly/aIipYx 21 May 10
- More "evangelicals" wallowing in their own shame. It's impossible to parody this stuff: http://bit.ly/cENakv 20 May 10
- In laymen's terms, I have an acute case of accelerated decrepitude. 19 May 10
- Got a diagnosis on my back: severe degenerative disk disease--pretty much what I expected. Unfortunately, there's no quick fix for it. 19 May 10
- Getting a battery of lower-back x-rays this afternoon. I guess we'll see if anything's broken beyond repair. 17 May 10
- If your right hand sins , cut it off and . . . microwave it? http://bit.ly/cJST4g 16 May 10
- DFW on the way home from #Psalm119 & hoping the pain meds last till I get there. Oh, my aching back! 10 minutes ago 15 May 10
- Gonna take an extra dose of pain meds at noon so I can speak at 2pm. I haven't been able to stand up straight yet today. Flying home tonite. 15 May 10
- I can barely stand, much less walk, but I'm still speaking at the Psalm 119 Conference in 1 hour. Don't film my crawl to the platform. 14 May 10
- So I ended up in a Fort Worth ER this morning with the most excruciating back pain ever. Still going to try to speak tonight. Potent drugs. 14 May 10
- Leaving Tampa for Dallas. Our plane is about an hour late already. 13 May 10
- Just found a stash of messages from Aurora's Focus conferences in Italy--J. MacArthur, Steve Lawson, Larry McCall, etc: http://bit.ly/cRD2Lh 13 May 10
- Pear-o-lantern: http://bit.ly/c0tw29 13 May 10
- Bradenton, FL, in a board meeting, sitting next to my best friend of 37+ years--Steve Kreloff: http://tweetphoto.com/22107456 12 May 10
- @@Pecadillo_ Enjoy. I can't think of anything I'd rather have you doing today. 11 May 10
- Is @erguncaner this decade's Mike Warnke? Liberty U will finally investigate: http://grace.ly/5t2tkq 11 May 10
- Shortest flight ever. Burbank-Ontario (CA) for refeuling. High winds in Burbank preclude takeoff with a full tank. Now to DFW. 11 May 10
- On my way to Bradenton. Yesterday was crazy. I'll blog about it someday. 11 May 10
- Sometimes the crime is its own punishment. But this guy COULD get an extra three years in the joint anyway: http://bit.ly/bNWPpp 10 May 10
- I need one of these, and my birthday's a month away: http://bit.ly/adsAuB (I'm just sayin') 10 May 10
- A video that explains the liturgy of contemporary relevance: http://bit.ly/9UNLed 10 May 10
- The Master's Seminary graduation ceremony/ GCC evening service is live-streaming a video feed: http://bit.ly/9nLjSK 9 May 10
- Heat issues with Mac i7s: http://bit.ly/adBJh4http://bit.ly/ca4cC9 7 May 10
- Even better: Lenny explains some things you need to know about Stravinsky: http://bit.ly/9LS3G4 7 May 10
- After a maddening day troubleshooting a reprobate iMac with no progress, watching Lenny rehearse is the perfect tonic: http://bit.ly/6VnZjf 7 May 10
- My iMac ("the Lemon") started spontaneously ejecting peripherals again at 5:30 tonight. I've asked Apple for a new computer. We'll see. 7 May 10
- 3-hour troubleshooting call with an Apple Genius® this morning. Everything is working for now, but the Genius® couldn't figure out why. 7 May 10
- Apple's hold music is chosen by a sadist. 7 May 10
- On the phone with Apple support . . . again. 7 May 10
- It seems my iMac STILL isn't fixed. It's overheating & acting flaky. Back to Apple store. Arrgh. (PC people: insert snide comments here.) 6 May 10
- An idea for how all those feral cats at Disneyland could be put to good use: http://bit.ly/9t5CBQ 5 May 10
- The oil-rig disaster, up close (click on the images for stunning high-def versions) http://bit.ly/9D6Lio 5 May 10
- Fascinating article about Disneyland after dark. Did you know feral cats are welcome intruders there? http://bit.ly/bCUiV6 5 May 10
- Watching Lenny conduct always cheers me up: http://bit.ly/mlwW5 4 May 10
- Got my iMac back. It seems the logic board had been soldered by a postmodernists. Got one that works now. All my data seem to be intact. PTL 3 May 10
- CT put a cackhanded spin on this story: http://bit.ly/cHQW3d Headline subject: "Bloggers"? Why doesn't CT find the truth and make it known? 3 May 10
- Pretty much sums up the past 2.5 weeks for me: http://bit.ly/dEV3F ht:DJP 3 May 10
- @@Frank_Turk Welcome home. 2 May 10
- Richard Barcellos on Mark Driscoll: http://bit.ly/d6PBZF (Rich is critical but evenhanded and dispassionate.) 1 May 10
- @@d2bubba John Ondrasik 1 May 10
- One of life's great moments: my dad gives my grandson his first taste of ice cream: http://tweetphoto.com/20604540 30 Apr 10
- @forehand That's actually Frank Turk's article. Here's the one I wrote: http://bit.ly/abfhjG 30 Apr 10
- @@fickett Sweet. 30 Apr 10
- On average, I get enough e-mail every day to spend 2 full days answering it. If you wrote me and wonder why I haven't answered, that's why. 29 Apr 10
- 2.5 weeks and $575 later I finally chased down the source of my computer problems: bad logic board in my iMac. 3-5 more days to fix it. 28 Apr 10
- This is cool, but I want to see it in a crash test: http://bit.ly/d6YDiu 27 Apr 10
- Larry King, Jennifer Knapp, Ted Haggard, and Pastor Bob. It went down about like you'd expect: http://bit.ly/aN6R6X 27 Apr 10
- Noah's ark? http://grace.ly/j4cuhi 27 Apr 10
- NT Wright is retiring: http://bit.ly/d3z3Ci 27 Apr 10
- Challies who? http://bit.ly/8Fx3Gg 26 Apr 10
- Wheaton evangelicals have enough problems. They don't need to adopt NT Wright's dysfunctional Anglican ecclesiology: http://bit.ly/cY6b36 26 Apr 10
- Old NASA film in HD. This is a seriously cool, up-close, slo-mo look at Apollo 11's blastoff: http://bit.ly/byQEfy 26 Apr 10
- My thoughts about Christianity Today's thoughts on T4G, NT Wright, and Christian unity: http://bit.ly/ccgU0g 26 Apr 10
- Today's Pyro-post is late, but here it is: Tom Wright, T4G, and "Unity": "Can We All Get Along?" http://bit.ly/ccgU0g 26 Apr 10
- Electrical issues at my house have caused severe computer problems all week. I'm still planning to blog today. Hang on . . . 26 Apr 10
- Hackneyed question-begging rhetoric about "unity": http://bit.ly/cLwAlf If Paul had thought that way we wouldn't have the Galatian epistle. 25 Apr 10
- @@pumbapoindexter Sorry I missed you. I didn't check Twitter till I got home. If you're back tonight, look me up. 25 Apr 10
- Last Wednesday's interfaith dialogue with Rick Warren: http://bit.ly/9s3Rl5 An extremely irritating video on several levels. 24 Apr 10
- @@BibChr Congratulation! Post more pictures. That link seems to be defective. 24 Apr 10
- Expensive typo. I bet it was caused by auto-correcting software. I hate when the computer automatically "corrects" me: http://bit.ly/9UPPk2 23 Apr 10
- Ray discovers the pantry. Turns out he's a pasta man like his granddad: http://tweetphoto.com/19517751 22 Apr 10
- Fox News: "The late Billy Graham"? http://tweetphoto.com/19480167 22 Apr 10
- @@jason_alligood Yes. Sorry. It came while I was away from my calendar and I haven't got back to it. I'll answer today. 21 Apr 10
- Headlines that make you go "huh?" #3,765: http://huff.to/cxkA32 21 Apr 10
- My gorgeous ganddaughter, Penny: http://tweetphoto.com/19248309 Looks like her dad, only better. 20 Apr 10
- Libraries. @albertmohler , eat your heart out: http://bit.ly/tLNRJ 20 Apr 10
- Just . . . wow: http://bit.ly/aEc4jC (Volcano pictures from Iceland) ht:GS 19 Apr 10
- Ironies galore: http://bit.ly/ckFFuX (The manifestos championed by Chuck Colson would fill a sizable library, I imagine.) 19 Apr 10
- "It''s a really, really crazy time..." Francis Chan resigns, saying, "[God] wants me doing church in a different way": http://bit.ly/9DhcWO 19 Apr 10
- Can't decide. Chariot skates: http://bit.ly/9UKiNK ; Orbitwheel: http://bit.ly/5i187a ; or a redneck widetrack Segway: http://bit.ly/97RoCx 18 Apr 10
- "It was just like any other wedding except the bride and groom weren't there": http://bit.ly/dd4uU7 18 Apr 10
- This'll give you nightmares: http://bit.ly/aNF3Ns (Don't swim in the Congo river.) 17 Apr 10
- Just now listening to @LigonDuncan from #T4G2010 . EXCELLENT, immensely helpful insight on the Church Fathers: http://bit.ly/9I3BhT 17 Apr 10
- Doug Wilson on composing one's public prayers vs. praying extempore vs. praying from a prayer book: http://bit.ly/breGhQ 17 Apr 10
- @@dankassis phil at spurgeon dot org 16 Apr 10
- @@dankassis Any time. Do you have my e-mail address? 16 Apr 10
- And I always thought DODGER fans were the world's rudest: http://bit.ly/bvH8b9 (Note black eye in mug shot. Wonder where he got THAT?) ht:jj 16 Apr 10
- We're #5 (for now): http://bit.ly/8Fx3Gg Am I the only one who thinks Technorati's ranking system fluctuates far too much to be useful? 15 Apr 10
- Rick Phillips on the Biologos debacle & the threat this type of thinking poses to OT scholarship: http://bit.ly/adOha6 Bingo. 15 Apr 10
- Loved every minute of T4G, but I have to miss the last day in order to get back to the office by Friday. 14 Apr 10
- I figured out where @timmybrister was sitting tonight because he Tweeted the back of my head: http://twitpic.com/1fn7fm 14 Apr 10
- My last session tonight--John Piper. Flying home first thing tomorrow. #T4G2010 14 Apr 10
- @@Bill_Chandler The last one (West coast Conf. in March) did. I presume future ones will too. 14 Apr 10
- @@Bill_Chandler Sadly, not. But I think the videos will soon be online for free download. 14 Apr 10
- The queue of men waiting to meet Kevin DeYoung. I'm at the end: http://tweetphoto.com/18436716 14 Apr 10
- @jason_alligood I don't think so. His title was printed in the program weeks ago. Just an interesting providence. 14 Apr 10
- @@jason_alligood I don't think so. His title was printed in the program weeks ago. 14 Apr 10
- @@KnowingTheTruth Yes. I'll try to stop by again after the breakout session. 14 Apr 10
- Kevin DeYoung's breakout session. He's speaking on divine impassibility, the very thing I blogged about today. #T4G2010 14 Apr 10
- CJ Mahaney is not a Duke fan. To the surprise of no one who knows him, he is very passionate about that. #T4G2010 14 Apr 10
- John MacArthur: The gospel will ALWAYS be foolishness to the natural man. Preach it anyway: http://tweetphoto.com/18405740#T4G2010 14 Apr 10
- Thabiti: Paul had a better way: Put the explosive power of the gospel alongside the load-bearing walls of fallen culture. #T4G2010 14 Apr 10
- Thabiti Anyabwile is not a fan of what most people mean when they speak of "engaging the culture." I'm with Thabiti. 14 Apr 10
- Thabiti Anyabwile: (re: Colossians 1): "This is high Christology; not 'Jesus is your boyfriend or your homie.'" 14 Apr 10
- Thabiti: http://tweetphoto.com/18393019 The 8:00 session is full after a short night. #T4G2010 14 Apr 10
- Amazing what @joethorn can do with an iPhone: http://bit.ly/aPgyuU#T4G2010 13 Apr 10
- Tim Challies @ #T4G2010. 7000 people. That's how many read his blog by 10:00 am every day: http://tweetphoto.com/18355611 13 Apr 10
- @@dankassis look for me tomorrow in the central hallway just outside the main auditorium right after AM sessions. 13 Apr 10
- Standing room only for Mohler's session. He was excellent. Tweeted while he preached. http://tweetphoto.com/18347220 13 Apr 10
- Jude 4 limbo: How low can you go? http://bit.ly/aSrak6 13 Apr 10
- I love Dever's passion for the church: http://tweetphoto.com/18310262#T4G2010 13 Apr 10
- @I'm sitting to the right of @Rick_Holland (that's his deaf ear) in a room with 7000 people singing. Anyone would sound good here. 13 Apr 10
- @@jason_alligood I'll watch for it and retrieve it manually if necessary. 13 Apr 10
- @Sitting with @Rick_Holland for session 1 #T4G2010 CJ Mahaney was the greeter at the door when we came in. 13 Apr 10
- AT&T is jammed. I've been trying to return an important call for an hour. Can't get through. #T4G2010 13 Apr 10
- Crazy long (and slow) registration queue at #T4G2010http://tweetphoto.com/18295883 13 Apr 10
- Most of TeamPyro are conspicuously absent from #T4G2010 - Frank's in the Canadian tundra & Dan's awaiting a grandchild. I, only I am left. 13 Apr 10
- @@Grant_Russell First thing I did this morning (after my devotions, of course). 13 Apr 10
- @@Grant_Russell Ordered mine already. It's about time. 13 Apr 10
- Going for a late-evening walk in Louisville with Darlene on her birthday. 12 Apr 10
- @@KnowingTheTruth Will do. 12 Apr 10
- Smoking, overturned hulk of a semi has I-65 southbound closed 70 mi. S of Louisville. 25-mile-long parking lot. Good thing we're going N. 12 Apr 10
- @@Frank_Turk Raise a popsicle in our honor. We'll light a candle for you. 12 Apr 10
- Headed to T4G with Darlene (today's her birthday). Seems like almost everyone I follow on Twitter will be there to help celebrate. 12 Apr 10
- @@Frank_Turk There's an upside to that: no danger of sunburn. 12 Apr 10
- RT @Pecadillo_: In a fight between this guy http://bit.ly/cSqipB and this guy http://bit.ly/L04t5 everyone would win. 11 Apr 10
- Clarissa, our niece who lives here, got engaged to LD Light this afternoon. Aren't they cute? http://twitpic.com/1ezs7r 11 Apr 10
- Listen via livestream to the second service at 10:30 pdt: http://www.gracechurch.org/live/ 11 Apr 10
- Preaching in John MacArthur's absence at Grace Church this morning. For the record, I finished 4 minutes early in the 1st service. 11 Apr 10
- @@thewayisChrist Thanks. 10 Apr 10
- Ligonier, Orlando June 17-19: http://bit.ly/9FXHVE All that AND Tim @challies 9 Apr 10
- Why is figure-skating an Olympic sport and not THIS? http://bit.ly/aW2Z05 ht: @Pecadillo_ 9 Apr 10
- James White @DrOakley1689 on the Piper/Warren kerfuffle: http://bit.ly/cTRcuP (He also quotes from a radio interview I did this week.) 9 Apr 10
- Yes! The MacArthur Study Bible is available for Kindle. (Seems more than a little pricey, but I'll bite the bullet.) http://bit.ly/bWs0Ha 9 Apr 10
- My thoughts on the Piper-Warren connection: http://bit.ly/cCgTGN 9 Apr 10
- @@bravesorganist Nice game, well-punctuated by your clever song snippets. You're a class act. Go #Cubs 8 Apr 10
- American Cultural imperialism. This is why the rest of the world hates us: http://bit.ly/9yI4uT 8 Apr 10
- The Most High Reverend Anglican Barbie: http://bit.ly/a6U0z1 8 Apr 10
- Cubs lost (again), but the game was not without its highlights: http://twitpic.com/1dyfpn 7 Apr 10
- In the immortal words of Mel Allen: "How about that?" 7 Apr 10
- (He DID play "Inna Gadda Da Vida" within a half inning, BTW.) 7 Apr 10
- I'm watching the Braves vs. Cubs. @bravesorganist is one seriously cool guy: http://twitpic.com/1dy5n3 7 Apr 10
- @@bravesorganist Heard it. That was terrific! Thanks. 7 Apr 10
- @@bravesorganist Sweet. Thanks. You are the best (in Atlanta). 7 Apr 10
- @@bravesorganist Do you take requests? Can you do "Inna Gadda Davida" at the next pop foul? 7 Apr 10
- @@bravesorganist Bad timing, dude. I got a real kick out of it. Go Cubs! 7 Apr 10
- Atlanta organist just played "Fool on the Hill" when the Braves' pitcher walked the bases full. That's cold. 7 Apr 10
- "I wonder why the paedophile cleric and his indulgent superior do not dress down in sackcloth and ashes" http://bit.ly/d6Sqy2 7 Apr 10
- @@OneOver99 Exactly. 7 Apr 10
- @@gibson320 take out the "fullstop." 7 Apr 10
- Mug shots aren't usually the most flattering of photographs, but . . . wow: http://bit.ly/4r30Lz 7 Apr 10
- @@gibson320 I guess not. Can you send again? 6 Apr 10
- "The Preaching of John MacArthur," by Hughes Oliphant Old. Book excerpt at the blog: http://bit.ly/byxIpH 6 Apr 10
- Doug Wilson on the Piper-Warren connection: http://bit.ly/bk4L7r 6 Apr 10
- @@gibson320 Phil at Spurgeon fullstop org 6 Apr 10
- Yeesh. This just gets uglier with every news release: http://bit.ly/aXazIo 6 Apr 10
- Poor, beleagured Brian McLaren: http://huff.to/d747Un 6 Apr 10
- Last week's "Nature of Math" class at Biola: http://bit.ly/aezKz7 That's pretty impressive. 5 Apr 10
- @@t3rri3rg4l Really? That's the goal? To unleash a flood of snark at the earliest possible opportunity? 5 Apr 10
- @@t3rri3rg4l There's an important difference between contempt for bad doctrine and vitriol aimed at a faithful man who makes a bad decision. 5 Apr 10
- Rick Warren's "Sermon on the Mound" & the Jonas Bros' "testimony": http://bit.ly/8XUNZ3 Can you find the hidden gospel? I couldn't. 5 Apr 10
- @@t3rri3rg4l Justin is right; some of those comments were shamefully carnal & immature. Embarrassing. Disrespect isn't a high virtue. 5 Apr 10
- Challies on the Warren-Piper connection: http://bit.ly/doOnqt 5 Apr 10
- Justin Taylor has shut down comments at B2W: http://bit.ly/aTcwXi 5 Apr 10
- "This is where American religion is going." http://bit.ly/bditZI 5 Apr 10
- @@editor_mcj Some appalling vestments there. My faves are the one with the flames, and the clown-suits Jefferts-Schori seems to favor. 4 Apr 10
- @@baptistmike See this: http://bit.ly/d05ekC 4 Apr 10
- Big 6.9 earthquake in Baja. We felt it strong here for some 20-30 seconds. 4 Apr 10
- Vestments, reliquaries, monstrances, idols, really long tassels, and extra-extra-wide phylacteries for sale: http://bit.ly/a8we44 4 Apr 10
- @@Bill_Chandler It's currently audio only, I believe. But, yes. Every Sunday. 8:30 & 10:30. 4 Apr 10
- @@Rick_Holland So THAT's why I got a flood of rebukes on my Facebook page from Crossroads students this morning! :-) 4 Apr 10
- "Petty gossip?"--cavalier dismissal of the pedophile priest epidemic at the Pope's Easter Mass: http://bit.ly/9GhoT5 4 Apr 10
- John MacArthur will preach on the seven last sayings of Christ from the cross: http://bit.ly/R6OsY 4 Apr 10
- Grace Church's third morning service is now live-streaming: http://bit.ly/R6OsY 4 Apr 10
- Today's Bach: Easter Oratorio: http://bit.ly/b0gjdo (He is Risen indeed.) 4 Apr 10
- Someone you should know--last of the Meistersingers, and a pastor to boot: http://bit.ly/bTkJBV 3 Apr 10
- Today's Bach: "Christ lag in Todesbanden", BWV 4: http://bit.ly/dj1lMe 3 Apr 10
- @@Frank_Turk Exactly. 2 Apr 10
- Barna: "Evangelicals" aren't evangelical anymore: http://bit.ly/cUQ97w Some of us have been saying that for years: http://bit.ly/9iIhgI 2 Apr 10
- My Good Friday tradition since 1973: Bach's St. Matthew's Passion. This year I've chosen the classic K Richter version: http://bit.ly/bc6UnZ 2 Apr 10
- Panda sneeze. http://bit.ly/9R6uIy That would make a great ringtone. 1 Apr 10
- Watch this all the way through. The finale is truly amazing. You can thank me later: http://bit.ly/6GyN9b 1 Apr 10
- Proof the charismata have ceased: http://bit.ly/9gv3vn 1 Apr 10
- I didn't really want an iPad until I saw THIS: http://bit.ly/9CRrwa 1 Apr 10
- "Shall We Fraternize with Those Who Bury the Gospel under Wagon Loads of Trash?" (posted BEFORE the current dust-up): http://bit.ly/albzhe 1 Apr 10
- Something besides global warming to be afraid of: http://bit.ly/cSy6hD (ht: Dr. T. Scott Christmas) PS: Be VERY afraid. 1 Apr 10
- @@5ptsalt I'm not happy about it, of course. I'll probably blog about it next week. This weekend is devoted to loftier thoughts. 1 Apr 10
- Three free Easter sermons for download from the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust: http://bit.ly/9YH8l9 31 Mar 10
- The second blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of effeminate preachers: http://bit.ly/9KsXgw 30 Mar 10
- Sounds like an early April Fools joke: http://bit.ly/9nSwdZ 30 Mar 10
- Bruce Waltke on Genesis and "the utter irrelevance of the lust for relevance" by @douglaswilshttp://bit.ly/apr1Au Bravo. 30 Mar 10
- I love my lightning-fast Core i7 iMac; but my MacBook Pro ihas become insufferably slow. It's past time for Apple to upgrade their laptops. 30 Mar 10
- @@Frank_Turk Put up a Paypal button somewhere and I'll contribute a buck. 29 Mar 10
- Speaking of manliness, check out these cupcakes: http://bit.ly/5ozF7W 29 Mar 10
- Up: http://bit.ly/czxddM (ht: CC) "'Please come save me'--these were his last words." 29 Mar 10
- Slept in a little this morning. I haven't updated the blog yet. I'll do that within the hour. Watch for it. 29 Mar 10
- I love these Edwardian mug shots & descriptions: http://bit.ly/caXlvF (ht: Doug M) 29 Mar 10
- Major props to Delta. They gave us a brand new Delsey hardside bag (hassle-free) at LAX because ours was badly damaged between Rome & ATL. 28 Mar 10
- Landed safely at LAX. It's been a long day. 33 hours long, to be precise. 28 Mar 10
- Yes, we cleared customs and made it to the gate in plenty of time for our next flight. You can track us: http://bit.ly/a3yswa 28 Mar 10
- @@Pecadillo_ She gets that trait from her Granddad, I'm afraid. Big dental bills in your future. 28 Mar 10
- Christian Science Monitor on Calvinism vs "Home Depot theology": http://bit.ly/byzhN2 28 Mar 10
- On the ground in the USA. Headwinds all the way; we're 45 minutes late. It'll be hard to make our connection, but I think we can do it. 28 Mar 10
- Parting shot: http://tweetphoto.com/16146805 (photo credit: Joe Aleppo) 27 Mar 10
- Arrivederci. We're on our way to the airport for our flight to Atlanta; then home tonight. http://tweetphoto.com/16146557 27 Mar 10
- @@challies Yea, but most of those are popcorn shrimp and sardines, not Brama bulls. 27 Mar 10
- This is where I am right now: http://tweetphoto.com/16051276 27 Mar 10
- The sun is behind St. Peter's in Rome. This is the best I could do: http://tweetphoto.com/16043190 27 Mar 10
- We get a day off in Rome today, then back to LAX tomorrow. I'll be in the office Monday, Lord willing. 27 Mar 10
- It's 11pm here in Italy--past my bedtime. But I'm staying up to livestream John MacArthur from the Ligonier conference: http://bit.ly/aprmJN 26 Mar 10
- We're live-streaming the Ligonier conference from Grace Church, here in Italy. And the video is sharp: http://bit.ly/aprmJN 26 Mar 10
- Finished my 5th year teaching systematic theology in Sicily. 40-hours of classes in 5 days. Tough, but worth it. Rome tomorow, home Sunday. 26 Mar 10
- Next stop for the Pedophile Priest Scandal: Germany - http://bit.ly/cgDB2z 26 Mar 10
- Dissidens says, "Check out this assortment of clodpates." http://bit.ly/colj1d Erstwhile Emergents telling themselves they're still relevant 26 Mar 10
- Dog eats patrol car: http://bit.ly/agM0fu This is what every car-chasing mutt dreams of. 26 Mar 10
- Back at Condorelli for breakfast. Sicily's best granita & fresh-baked brioches: http://tweetphoto.com/15838487 26 Mar 10
- @@FUNdMENTAL The thing that first leaps out at me as seriously wrongheaded is the pledge (in point 3) not to question anyone's faith. 25 Mar 10
- The pedophile-priest scandal gets uglier and more besmirched with Vatican politics with each news release: http://nyti.ms/926rgM 25 Mar 10
- This month's ecumenical manifesto: a civility covenant. http://bit.ly/b0jRZi 25 Mar 10
- A local Catholic priest visited my theology class this morning. He sat through part of the session on original sin. 25 Mar 10
- Gag. Nightline pairs Deepak Chopra (who thinks he is divine) with an LSD-using woman to defend theism in a debate against 2 atheists. 23 Mar 10
- Lost in translation: http://bit.ly/djwqa1 23 Mar 10
- Remember those stunning remarks by Vatican's chief exorcist ( http://bit.ly/bNx57C )? Here's another article about him: http://bit.ly/duF6Ip 23 Mar 10
- Virtual Sistine Chapel: http://bit.ly/crRb1w 22 Mar 10
- Our annual 40-hour theology marathon has begun at the Italian Theological Academy. This morning: angelology. http://bit.ly/cdedS7 22 Mar 10
- A inspiring article about Icelandic food. Not sure how I found this, but . . . wow: http://bit.ly/dku5MB 21 Mar 10
- Morning worship in the church at Acireale. I'm preaching on assurance this morning from Mark 9. 21 Mar 10
- Breakfast: granita caffe' con panna e brioche (sweetened frozen coffee slush w/ whipt cream & a brioche). http://tweetphoto.com/15255888 21 Mar 10
- Mt. Etna this morning: http://tweetphoto.com/15253335 21 Mar 10
- Penelope is stunning, too: http://tweetphoto.com/15250738 21 Mar 10
- It's been too long since I posted a picture of Ray. He gets cuter every day: http://tweetphoto.com/15250466 21 Mar 10
- Dinner tonight at my favorite Sicilian joint--Donna Peppina's in Zafferana: http://bit.ly/cMIP2S 20 Mar 10
- The Papal epistle "sounded oddly at times as if Ireland [alone suffered] sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests": http://bit.ly/cn2RJx 20 Mar 10
- Pope: Sex-predator priests were "sinful and criminal"; the cover-up involved "mistakes"; Irish culture partly to blame: http://bit.ly/cn2RJx 20 Mar 10
- I'm told some of my Italian students have a nickname for me: "il Mostro" (the monster). Not sure what to make of that. 20 Mar 10
- Breakfast in Rome's Fumicino airport: cappucino e sfogliatella: http://tweetphoto.com/15069111 19 Mar 10
- Landed safely in Rome. It's a beautiful, mild morning here. 19 Mar 10
- Darlene and I are boarding this flight to Rome in a few minutes. http://tweetphoto.com/14993222 19 Mar 10
- Spectacular photo of @Astro_Jeff's landing: http://grace.ly/f2zt4i 19 Mar 10
- For those who insist all religions are essentially the same, slurp up some of this: http://bit.ly/bMO3Jf ht:ja 18 Mar 10
- Landed in ATL, waiting for luggage. 18 Mar 10
- Monday starts my annual teaching stint in Sicily. We're beginning the trip today via ATL. Arriving in Rome Saturday AM. 18 Mar 10
- Lots of jasmine blooming in Los Angeles this morning. At 4:30, even the San Fernando Valley smelled good. 18 Mar 10
- Our friend @Astro_Jeff returns to earth tonight. Darlene and I just watched the ISS pass over SoCal one last time with Jeff. Spectacular. 17 Mar 10
- That Benny Hinn tirade ( http://bit.ly/bGQ0RQ ) reminded me of this Far Side classic: http://bit.ly/djqwhN about 5 hours ago via TweetDeck
- Saw this last week; haven't had time to Tweet it. Benny Hinn calls out Joel Osteen: http://bit.ly/bGQ0RQ Words fail. 6:39 PM Mar 15th via TweetDeck
- 100 years ago this week: http://bit.ly/cEoIO6 This false prophet managed to achieve a degree of fame. He wrote this: http://bit.ly/dsSx3f 1:57 PM Mar 13th via TweetDeck
- Atheism gave us the most bloody century in human history, and atheists think the God of the Bible is too violent? http://bit.ly/daBjHB 2:15 PM Mar 12th via TweetDeck
- The UN never seems to tire of promoting wickedness: http://bit.ly/bpE35N Your tax dollars at work. 11:28 AM Mar 12th via TweetDeck
- I'm a little late with today's blogpost, but it's now up at PyroManiacs: http://bit.ly/daBjHB 9:14 AM Mar 12th via TweetDeck
- @godandculture That's a very strong admission by Campolo that his views are shaped by his craving for academic respectability. 2:45 PM Mar 11th via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- SharperIron reposts links to some of my very earliest forays into the blogosphere, even before I began my own blog: http://bit.ly/bENvXk 12:38 PM Mar 11th via TweetDeck
- @jgrig2 I know nothing about him. The video I linked to is certainly accurate, though. 12:05 PM Mar 11th via TweetDeck in reply to jgrig2
- It seems TeamPyro are not the first to have encountered redneck atheists: http://bit.ly/awME4B ht: Michael Pare 11:51 AM Mar 11th via TweetDeck
- @Astro_Jeff sorry to miss the videoconf. Is the ISS devoid of all viruses and whatnot? What happens if someone gets bronchitis up there? 11:43 AM Mar 11th via TweetDeck
- The Grace to You staff and @Astro_Jeff are about to have a live videoconference. Sadly, today's another sick day for me, so I'll miss it. 11:42 AM Mar 11th via TweetDeck
- World Vision offices in Pakistan hit by Islamic militants; six workers killed: http://bit.ly/9eeugg 7:01 PM Mar 10th via TweetDeck
- Here's a proposed NY bill to prohibit the use of salt by restaurants. The Nanny State is totally out of control: http://bit.ly/9b70tK 12:52 PM Mar 10th via TweetDeck
- @Shinar_Squirrel It's a standard defense against the use of frozen meat chubs. 12:39 PM Mar 10th via TweetDeck in reply to Shinar_Squirrel
- You might wanna think twice before you shush a cellphone talker in the Antelope Valley: http://bit.ly/aZvosm 11:23 AM Mar 10th via TweetDeck
- The Holy See's chief exorcist: Vatican is full of "rot," incl. unbelieving cardinals & bishops "linked to the Demon" http://bit.ly/9MSExt 11:07 AM Mar 10th via TweetDeck
- Phil Ryken has his work cut out for him at Wheaton: http://bit.ly/aSddVE 9:57 AM Mar 10th via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk Yes, you must. 8:24 AM Mar 10th via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Apologies from Lewis Carrol: http://bit.ly/azPHPw (I wish I could write like that.) 8:23 AM Mar 10th via TweetDeck
- I love old churches: http://bit.ly/9keK9R ht:@Grant_Russell 7:58 AM Mar 10th via TweetDeck
- Commander Williams reports more problems with the loo in the International Space Station: http://bit.ly/9GaYQx Anybody got duct tape? 12:59 PM Mar 9th via TweetDeck
- Now that Shepherds' Conference is over, here's what I'm looking forward to most: Wretched Radio's Psalm 119 Conference http://bit.ly/LVnAe 12:52 PM Mar 9th via TweetDeck
- I'm still home with bronchitis today. Feels like I'm getting better, though. (Except for the persistent cough) 8:11 AM Mar 9th via TweetDeck
- RT @Astro_Jeff: toilet repair (always untimely), blood draw for experiment, plant experiment, & handover ops./ Sounds like a bad day already 8:09 AM Mar 9th via TweetDeck
- @Grant_Russell Here are pictures of the thing in action (and others like it): http://www.vincelewis.net/ekranoplan.html 7:13 AM Mar 9th via TweetDeck in reply to Grant_Russell
- @Grant_Russell That's a gigantic Ekranoplan, a Russia ground effect vehicle: http://bit.ly/1v7Ggb see also: http://bit.ly/9wvjNZ 6:58 AM Mar 9th via TweetDeck in reply to Grant_Russell
- Several friends of mine were involved in the production of this movie. It's very well done; same genre as "Fireproof": http://bit.ly/bDSFtT 9:31 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Jon Barlow on the Westminster Assembly's repudiation of the idea that God is the autho of sin: http://bit.ly/cEBtrK 8:50 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- If you thought the bird-mantis battles were amazing, get a load of this: http://bit.ly/ILJeh Eagels vs. goats. Not for the squeamish. 8:28 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Shake a Tail Feather: http://bit.ly/113lir 8:07 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- TOTAL depravity: http://bit.ly/ddV2tn 7:40 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Found a perfect birthday gift for Wrigley: http://bit.ly/8Z4C6N 7:16 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- I love the casual persistence of the man on the ladder in this amazing Youtube video: http://bit.ly/bVh4Bq 6:53 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- The old tablecloth trick, size XXXL: http://bit.ly/c2WuWj 6:47 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Google's Street View car kills Bambi: http://bit.ly/9oJEjw 6:18 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Good news for travelers: An underpants bomb would not bring down a plane: http://bit.ly/9RClTd 5:39 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Liberal Lawrence Lessig on what libs could learn from conservatives: fellowship, ownership, sharing, openness: http://bit.ly/9DFP52 4:35 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Turns out there are some pretty cool hummingbird-mantis battles on YouTube, too: http://bit.ly/bWbr3e 4:01 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- I once liberated a baby bird from the clutches of a praying mantis trying to kill it. Apparently that's not so rare: http://bit.ly/4MUzTv 3:47 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Love and reconciliation: http://bit.ly/aX5bGK 3:21 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Evil, frustrated French guy: "Excuse me for disturbing you, I've killed my wife." http://bit.ly/9XxfnC 3:01 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- @challies That would be a good day for me. I've sometimes spent all day on two or three paragraphs. Writing is hard work. 2:16 PM Mar 8th via TweetDeck in reply to challies
- "This week a task force called on nurses to sign a public pledge that they will treat everyone with compassion and dignity." 9:00 AM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Obama's model: England's vaunted National Health Service. Free healthcare to all. Sometimes you get what you pay for: http://bit.ly/btRXPg 8:58 AM Mar 8th via TweetDeck
- Yes (ht: DM), for the record, what I have is a Man Cold: http://bit.ly/mz2ba 8:32 AM Mar 7th via TweetDeck
- I just hope I didn't infect Al Mohler, Steve Lawson, and hundreds of unsuspecting pastors. 7:44 AM Mar 7th via TweetDeck
- Friday's laryngitis has morphed into a full-fledged affliction: fever, sore throat, hacking cough. Worst bronchitis I've had in 15 years. 7:43 AM Mar 7th via TweetDeck
- Brothers, We Are Not Figure-Skaters: http://bit.ly/a5rg0X 9:30 AM Mar 6th via TweetDeck
- Brothers, we are not figure-skaters. Thanks to all who came to #shepconf this year. I was greatly encouraged & know I'm not alone in that. 9:32 PM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- Dr. Kevin Bauder on what sober-minded fundamentalists and conservative evangelicals have in common: http://bit.ly/9RRZrV 9:16 PM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- Jerry Wragg and Clayton Erb get complementary shoeshines: http://tweetphoto.com/13376657 #shepconf 4:48 PM Mar 5th via web
- Some TeamPyro readers at #shepconf from Alberta with their husband & father: http://tweetphoto.com/13376425 4:35 PM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- Lunch with @AlbertMohler #shepconf (hot dogs today): http://tweetphoto.com/13359580 1:38 PM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- Th Master's Chorale: http://tweetphoto.com/13333903 9:08 AM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- Amazing to meet a throng of TeamPyro readers this year at #shepconf 9:06 AM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- #shepconf doors are now open for the 9:00 session. Lots of enthusiasm this morning. 8:52 AM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- #ShepConf In 90 mins. I'll be speaking in the 9:00am (PST) general session this morning. Watch on livestream video: http://bit.ly/9bxhHY 7:29 AM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- Some of the #ShepConf audi downloads are online already: http://bit.ly/d44kkd 7:27 AM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- "Vatican chorister sacked." http://bit.ly/c65ELm Yikes. BTW, "Papal gentleman-in-waiting" are ceremonial ushers of the papal household. 7:17 AM Mar 5th via TweetDeck
- Feeling the definite onset of laryngitis. Praying that my voice will last through 10:15 AM Friday: http://bit.ly/a242G5 #shepconf 9:09 PM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- @abejoker Thanks. There's a new one on deck for tomorrow. 8:31 PM Mar 4th via TweetDeck in reply to abepaniagua
- #shepconf @AlbertMohler: "You can't preach a _little_ sermon about that." Thanks for a profound sermon. 8:30 PM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- #shepconf @AlbertMohler is preaching tonight. Follow via livestream: http://bit.ly/bFmQov 7:40 PM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- @bishopsanders Battle? I was agreeing with the Acts29 guy who wrote that blogpost. Did you read it? 5:38 PM Mar 4th via TweetDeck in reply to bishopsanders
- #shepconf Lunch today from In 'n' Out: http://tweetphoto.com/13242485 12:33 PM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- Today I interview John MacArthur on Grace to You radio. (Tough questions on divine sovereignty.) : http://bit.ly/buwWLr 9:57 AM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- #shepconf @Rick_Holland is preaching against hypocrisy and getting personal. Ouch. http://bit.ly/bFmQov 9:46 AM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- #shepconf Rick Holland is preaching on Luke 12. 9:23 AM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- #shepconf Livestream is now on the air: http://bit.ly/bFmQov 8:57 AM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- You really need to read and ponder this: Are Keller&Driscoll the new Hybels&Warren? I didn't say it. Bill Streger did: http://bit.ly/dr5LnW 8:37 AM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- JT has that video about the ESV MSB that was shown yesterday at #shepconf :http://bit.ly/dtdQm2 8:34 AM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- Bill streger: "it could be that we're simply following in the footsteps of the church growth movement." Exactly. http://bit.ly/dr5LnW 8:19 AM Mar 4th via TweetDeck
- Feeling better than last night. See you tomorrow at #shepconf 10:24 PM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- @OnBorrowedTime No, that's Phil Webb. Grace Church has a restraining order to keep me from singing within 10 feet of a microphone. #shepconf 3:58 PM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- RT @brycepalmer: Tom Pennington is throwin' down some mad expository skilz. #shepconf http://bit.ly/bFmQov 3:46 PM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- Dieting? Here's something that may help: http://bit.ly/bi1Vay 2:24 PM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- #shepconf 1st seminar session is now live-streaming from three locations: http://bit.ly/bFmQov 1:50 PM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- #shepconf The video on the ESV MacArthur Study Bible got one thing wrong: It's not "available now." It will be released later this year. 10:41 AM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- The feed from #shepconf is now live. Tune in for John MacArthur's keynote: http://bit.ly/bFmQov 9:56 AM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- The Shepherds' Conference feed is about to go live. They currently have a countdown clock: http://bit.ly/bFmQov 9:30 AM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- Shepherds' Conference livestream begins in one hour. It's free. Plug in and listen in here: http://bit.ly/9bxhHY 8:58 AM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk Go for it. 7:07 AM Mar 3rd via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Intriguing project here: http://bit.ly/crgs67 8:20 PM Mar 2nd via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk Thx. Turns out Wilbur Sargunaraj is a GENIUS, and his Youtube channel is a gold mine. Esp. THIS: http://bit.ly/bHwniq 7:34 PM Mar 2nd via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- @DrOakley1689 Wilbur Sargunaraj 'splains the game of cricket for you: http://bit.ly/6RI0rD 7:27 PM Mar 2nd via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Darlene's still bedridden, & I've been sneezing in that soul-shivering way that signals the onset of a head cold. Not a good week for that. 6:26 PM Mar 2nd via TweetDeck
- RT @ShepConf: Can't make it to the Conference? You can watch or listen to the 2010 #shepconf at http://grace.ly/sclive 7:40 AM Mar 2nd via TweetDeck
- @godandculture Congratulations! I can definitely relate to that. 7:40 AM Mar 2nd via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- Sounds like a tragically dysfuntional family: http://bit.ly/b1wk5Z 7:15 AM Mar 2nd via TweetDeck
- Bring me some coffee, will you? http://bit.ly/aTsYR5 4:35 PM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- I guess this guy really showed that airline, huh? http://bit.ly/axsckN 3:03 PM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- Benny Hinn has a habit of looking into the camera and telling bald-faced lies, so one wonders what to make of this: http://bit.ly/at1CwP 2:34 PM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- Romans 1:28 illustrated, part 2: http://bit.ly/9k8u1Z 11:16 AM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- Romans 1:28 illustrated: http://bit.ly/cBEWYU 10:19 AM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- Turns out, according to the Progressives, the biggest problems with "Progressive Theology" are its own distinctives: http://bit.ly/aQgiVf 9:51 AM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- Dissidens' first line here is pure gold: http://bit.ly/ad6rnG 9:20 AM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- Great video and links on D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones at JT's blog: http://bit.ly/byzeP3 8:49 AM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- Today is my last full day to prepare for Shepherds' Conference. If you're looking for me to do anything else, forget it. See you tomorrow. 8:38 AM Mar 1st via TweetDeck
- Darlene is sick today--cough, sore throat, aching fever. Not a good week to be so sick. I hope it's just a 24-hour thing. 3:46 PM Feb 28th via TweetDeck
- I'll be immersed in study today. I have my books, a thermos of coffee, and a long playlist of Bach cantatas. I'm set. Leave me alone. 7:18 AM Feb 27th via TweetDeck
- I'm on the air live with David Wheaton on The Christian Worldview: http://bit.ly/90jDx8 6:18 AM Feb 27th via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 Me too. If you didn't try their mushy peas, you have something to regret for the rest of your life. 12:16 PM Feb 26th via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- All roads of postmodern pragmatism seem to lead back here: http://bit.ly/augrHm Is that a confusing mess, or what? 11:53 AM Feb 26th via TweetDeck
- @drmcmasters Sweet. I hope you coaxed @DrOakley1689 to try them on chips. 11:49 AM Feb 26th via TweetDeck in reply to drmcmasters
- "Unquestioning Christians" and Atheistic Bluster : http://bit.ly/aBqQzH 10:34 PM Feb 25th via TweetDeck
- Again, the secular doomsday eschatology is vital. Best ploy ever to justify big, centralized government. http://bit.ly/cqGe5E ht:CC 8:17 PM Feb 25th via TweetDeck
- A twisted defense of atheist morality: "no set of beliefs or values is inherently inferior or superior to another." http://bit.ly/awpQ0l 5:57 PM Feb 25th via TweetDeck
- @CharlieEldred Yes, that's a really bad edit, though, with the blaring music and superimposed images. A better version: http://bit.ly/bw4QFa 5:39 PM Feb 25th via TweetDeck in reply to CharlieEldred
- @carlarolfe Not entirely. But I'm shocked at the brazenness of it. It seems there's no limit to the evil people will act out in Jesus' name. 10:58 AM Feb 25th via TweetDeck in reply to carlarolfe
- Where will the madness end? Nude church!?? Warning: The video is PG, but still almost as tasteless as the whole idea. http://bit.ly/cckKGa 10:31 AM Feb 25th via TweetDeck
- Secular humanism can't thrive without a doomsday eschatology, so the movement's priests defend what they've canonized: http://bit.ly/d9Ctz5 8:01 AM Feb 25th via TweetDeck
- The new ISS cupola: http://bit.ly/cESVqw I want to go to there. 1:28 PM Feb 24th via TweetDeck
- Check out @Astro_Soichi 's Twitpics from the International Space Station: http://twitpic.com/photos/Astro_Soichi 1:22 PM Feb 24th via TweetDeck
- I just found this gem from last November on the Mike Corley podcast: http://bit.ly/cmw7XZ Start listening at 15:00 1:10 PM Feb 24th via TweetDeck
- Aircraft boneyard= http://bit.ly/971DjL 12:04 PM Feb 24th via TweetDeck
- Yesterdy (here: http://bit.ly/alqVKp ) I said I don't know the origin of the TULIP acronym. A listener showed me this: http://bit.ly/cie70p 8:53 AM Feb 24th via TweetDeck
- @RJoey24 Two must-read works by Wm. Cunningham. Here: http://bit.ly/b6hRkn and here: http://bit.ly/9JurUY 8:20 AM Feb 24th via TweetDeck in reply to RJoey24
- Penny Mae Johnson: http://bit.ly/bkx59h And yes, she is just as sweet as she looks. 7:10 AM Feb 24th via TweetDeck
- Andy Olson interviewed me today about the doctrines of grace. He's got it on his podcast already: http://bit.ly/alqVKp 8:25 PM Feb 23rd via TweetDeck
- Zydeco Mass: "Sparks of divinity shining through." How McLaren inspires us "to accept people on their own terms" http://bit.ly/buEW9F 8:39 AM Feb 23rd via TweetDeck
- Nothing new under the sun: http://bit.ly/cczTrv --ht: TC 6:24 PM Feb 22nd via TweetDeck
- I'm not going to blog today. Too busy with Shepherds' Conference approaching. 10:00 AM Feb 22nd via TweetDeck
- The entire California coast in aerial photos: http://bit.ly/bPVvpl 7:20 PM Feb 20th via TweetDeck
- @FrankFusion Is it the section of this page that comes after my testimony? http://bit.ly/dwTHku 5:59 PM Feb 20th via TweetDeck in reply to FrankFusion
- Granny 1; armed robber 0: http://bit.ly/a9BOKa 2:29 PM Feb 20th via TweetDeck
- 50--no, 100--strange buildings: http://bit.ly/s7v1Q 7:54 AM Feb 20th via TweetDeck
- Here's a better preview of @Astro_Jeff 's book: http://bit.ly/bp8gY9 5:09 PM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- Jeff Williams ( @Astro_Jeff ) has a book coming out. It's spectacular, and you are going to want a copy: http://bit.ly/ctBKdH 5:06 PM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- Ed Young Jr. tries very hard to top all his previous displays of foolishness: http://bit.ly/dpV3gc 2:16 PM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- Dissidens' debrief on the Emergent disaster and McLaren's hubris: http://bit.ly/9HZjlI (Read Dissidens' 4 latest blog-posts.) 1:54 PM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- John MacArthur on limited atonement (from this past Sunday AM): http://bit.ly/behGrb (free download) 12:58 PM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ Nice find. If you like great Russian music, you might enjoy this, too: http://bit.ly/cuPOGh 12:42 PM Feb 19th via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- Mike Morrell: "I'd rather be in hell with Brian than strumming harps with the bulk of his staunchest nay-sayers." yikes http://bit.ly/bj7B4j 12:29 PM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- Jingoistic "contextualization": http://bit.ly/bGEM6s 11:57 AM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- @godandculture Yes, we have been secretly cloning him. 11:42 AM Feb 19th via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- Jim Wallis and friends are irritated with "climate change deniers" and think "Go Green for Lent" is a terrific idea: http://bit.ly/a6Zq9V 11:40 AM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- John MacArthur met with the Grace to You staff before his recording session this AM: http://twitpic.com/145rvl 11:07 AM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- John MacArthur guest-blogs at PyroManiacs today: http://bit.ly/bGEM6s (Excerpting a new release from Crossway.) 8:59 AM Feb 19th via TweetDeck
- Pecadillo_
- Little Penelope is still getting the hang her pacifier. http://twitpic.com/1431kt 12:12 AM Feb 19th via TweetDeck Retweeted by you
- * Reply
- * Retweeted (Undo)
- Should I watch ambiguously-gendered Olympic skaters, or this Bollywood film? Not a difficult choice: http://bit.ly/9zpLRz 11:20 PM Feb 18th via TweetDeck
- Just now read Challies' review of Mclaren's latest screed. Wow. And amen. http://bit.ly/cjVTad 5:12 PM Feb 18th via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 The biscuits you can keep. Bring me a bag of Minstrels. 8:26 AM Feb 18th via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- @AlaskaBiff Thick fingers. My sincerest apologies to Kebin. 8:22 AM Feb 18th via TweetDeck in reply to AlaskaBiff
- @DrOakley1689 Rain? It was sunny and beautiful while I was there. You just picked the wrong week. 8:22 AM Feb 18th via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Kebin DeYoung reviews McLaren's latest book: http://bit.ly/9k4Zyp 7:47 AM Feb 18th via TweetDeck
- Factoid I didn't know: Bertrand Russell's mother-in-law was Hannah Whitall Smith (The Xtian's Secret of a Happy Life) http://bit.ly/aKBPbH 12:25 PM Feb 17th via TweetDeck
- Total depravity: http://bit.ly/74zZkG 10:16 PM Feb 16th via TweetDeck
- Asleep at the wheel. Harrowing video from Taiwan: http://bit.ly/9nDJ9k 9:02 PM Feb 16th via TweetDeck
- "Mike the headless chicken"--here's a perfect metaphor for 21st-century evangelicalism: http://bit.ly/yYh7M 8:32 AM Feb 16th via TweetDeck
- "What kind of medieval sermon is that?" http://bit.ly/aAZMvX 8:30 AM Feb 16th via TweetDeck
- Polar bear attack: http://bit.ly/dBgCDg 11:42 PM Feb 15th via TweetDeck
- Durability: http://bit.ly/aTBDfa 11:36 AM Feb 15th via TweetDeck
- Danish Virtuosi: Michala Petri bravely tries to play as Victor Borge accompanies. One of my favorite YT videos: http://bit.ly/cYeNtY 8:35 PM Feb 14th via TweetDeck
- Absolutely perfect weather today. We had lunch outdoors with Ray: http://bit.ly/dtXpYq 1:45 PM Feb 14th via TweetDeck
- Ray says he missed his Granddad. http://tweetphoto.com/11089672 5:06 PM Feb 11th via TweetDeck
- @mcordich wow. 2:29 PM Feb 11th via TweetDeck in reply to mcordich
- Back on the ground in Los Angeles. http://tweetphoto.com/11077595 2:25 PM Feb 11th via TweetDeck
- Taking the 5:55 Heathrow Express from Paddington. I think I'm the only soul on this train. http://tweetphoto.com/11016841 9:52 PM Feb 10th via TweetDeck
- The spectacular Victorian ironwork of St. Pancras. Once slated for demolition, the station was refurbished instead. http://bit.ly/cnIaHz 2:35 AM Feb 10th via TweetDeck
- It's cold, snowy, and windy in London today. Not a good day to be out walking. I'm staying inside as much as possible. 12:52 AM Feb 10th via TweetDeck
- @isa4031 No, sadly, I have to return to the US tomorrow. 12:11 AM Feb 10th via TweetDeck in reply to isa4031
- I'm taking the fast train to London this morning. My schedule's full today & I'm already tired. But I fly home 1st thing tomorrow. 9:51 PM Feb 9th via TweetDeck
- Are you following @Astro_Jeff 's Tweets from the space station during docking with the shuttle? Wish I could get NASA TV in the UK. 9:10 PM Feb 9th via TweetDeck in reply to Astro_Jeff
- @Pecadillo_ I love that girl. She's perfect. Don't mess her up. 9:02 PM Feb 9th via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- @JerryMarcellino Ate at Wagamamas by the river with @drmcmasters last week. A little pricey for a pot noodle, but otherwise excellent. 7:07 AM Feb 9th via TweetDeck in reply to JerryMarcellino
- Full English breakfast: http://bit.ly/FiWkj A large plate full of mostly disturbing things. 3:50 AM Feb 9th via TweetDeck
- I'm in Ashford, Kent this morning, spending the day in the offices of The D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust and Grace to You Europe. 12:11 AM Feb 9th via TweetDeck
- I literally slept through the Superbowl. Board meeting this morning in central London with the D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust. 1:59 AM Feb 8th via TweetDeck
- Trinity Road Chapel, evening service. That organ is more than a hundred years old: http://tweetphoto.com/10706159 10:47 AM Feb 7th via TweetDeck
- Preaching this morning from 1 Corinthians 15 at Trinity Road Chapel, Upper Tooting. 2:46 AM Feb 7th via TweetDeck
- Erwin McManus & Mosaic's Dorito's contest enrty: "We didn't really try to put in any theological implications. " http://bit.ly/ciwBs3 ht:jt 1:39 PM Feb 6th via TweetDeck
- Dever on the futility of trying to be always positive: "God's plan for church leadership does not call us to leave the wolves to munch." 6:41 AM Feb 6th via TweetDeck
- A 1993 IRA bomb ruined the stained-glass and nearly wrecked St. Helen's. The funerary monuments are 17th-19th century. http://bit.ly/brHda8 6:22 AM Feb 6th via TweetDeck
- That's @MarkDever in the high pulpit, preaching on discipleship from Luke 14: http://tweetphoto.com/10565892 4:36 AM Feb 6th via TweetDeck
- Rico Tice at St. Helen's Bishopsgate: http://tweetphoto.com/10559571 Big crowd here today. 2:18 AM Feb 6th via TweetDeck
- I'm going to St. Helen's with @drmcmasters to hear Mark Dever today: http://bit.ly/aINkkT 12:38 AM Feb 6th via TweetDeck
- These guys are building sand castles on the banks of the Thames at low tide: http://tweetphoto.com/10476895 7:36 AM Feb 5th via TweetDeck
- The plane was more than half empty, and there was no queue in London at arrivals, either. It frightens me when things go this well. 4:00 AM Feb 5th via TweetDeck
- Amazing. No queue at LAX. I checked in to my flight and got to the gate in about 8 minutes. See you in London (unless they cancel again). 4:08 PM Feb 4th via TweetDeck
- 10 most influential preachers: http://bit.ly/aFt9p4 @edstetzer surprised at the "lack of diversity." 11:01 AM Feb 4th via TweetDeck
- More on the murders of two street preachers in Boynton Beach, FL: http://bit.ly/bm6dkF 10:56 AM Feb 4th via TweetDeck
- Open-air preachers shot & killed: http://grace.ly/ub22r9 7:41 AM Feb 4th via TweetDeck
- Iain Murray is leaving tonight for Sydney. I leave tomorrow for London. It was fun having him here. 8:14 PM Feb 3rd via TweetDeck
- @DougKAduBoahen Yes, it is. He wanted to get some photographs from up there. 4:41 PM Feb 2nd via TweetDeck in reply to DougKAduBoahen
- Turns out @wmoneymaker got pictures of Iain Murray climbing to the roof of the Grace to You building today: http://twitpic.com/113f7t 4:23 PM Feb 2nd via TweetDeck
- Iain Murray climbed to the roof of the GTY building this afternoon to take photographs. I wish I had taken a picture of him on the roof. 3:21 PM Feb 2nd via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk Exactly. 1:20 PM Feb 2nd via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- "The Right Reverend Dr. Tom Wright" dismisses nutty American evangelical concerns about the historicity of Genesis: http://bit.ly/c5uA1a 1:06 PM Feb 2nd via TweetDeck
- McLaren's definition of "fundamentalist" sets a pretty low bar: http://bit.ly/98e1Ia And the new book looks like what we've come to expect. 12:00 PM Feb 2nd via TweetDeck
- The Pew Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism quoted one of my tweets last week: http://bit.ly/bI2ptB (I was dissing the French.) 9:46 PM Feb 1st via TweetDeck
- Iain Murray, Steve Lawson, Lance Quinn, and John MacArthur were all in the GTY building today. A conference nearly broke out. 6:42 PM Feb 1st via TweetDeck
- Oh. So now our blog has moved back into Technorati's top ten: http://bit.ly/8Fx3Gg Their stats and rankings seem awfully erratic. 8:34 AM Feb 1st via TweetDeck
- Iain Murray is speaking on Isaiah 49 in GraceLife this morning: http://tweetphoto.com/10095819 9:19 AM Jan 31st via TweetDeck
- Mark Twain writes to a snake-oil merchant: http://bit.ly/akSLYd 10:28 AM Jan 30th via TweetDeck
- Dan Kimball remembers the Emerging Church fondly: http://bit.ly/9xrD0a 9:23 AM Jan 30th via TweetDeck
- More troubles at the Crystal Cathedral: http://bit.ly/bhZyMA HT:CC 10:26 PM Jan 29th via TweetDeck
- Yikes. Read R. Mouw's confession: http://bit.ly/bJRLYz Compare Scot McKnight's romp thru 20th-cent. evangelical histry: http://bit.ly/9drWqn 5:29 PM Jan 29th via TweetDeck
- The neighborhood where I live doesn't have this much character: http://bit.ly/aERBun 12:33 PM Jan 29th via TweetDeck
- Busy with Iain Murray. He's the most thorough researcher I have ever worked with, and his insights are remarkable. 12:31 PM Jan 29th via TweetDeck
- Jean & Iain Murray. Adapting to California's weather and time zone: http://tweetphoto.com/9858878 7:55 PM Jan 28th via TweetDeck
- My granddaughter, Penny: http://twitpic.com/107cbq 4:19 PM Jan 28th via TweetDeck
- TMS chapel: Iain Murray is speaking on the life & ministry of Archibald Brown: http://tweetphoto.com/9802071 10:21 AM Jan 28th via TweetDeck
- The iPad: http://bit.ly/cvo2xJ 11:49 PM Jan 27th via TweetDeck
- A bit of editorial advice: http://bit.ly/aHgK56 11:16 PM Jan 27th via TweetDeck
- Iain Murray is here for a week. I'm tempted to secretly tape all my conversations with him and make them into podcasts. Whaddya think? 8:32 PM Jan 27th via TweetDeck
- I'm at LAX to meet Iain Murray, who will be here all week. 3:13 PM Jan 27th via TweetDeck
- Moody Bible Institute/ Michigan Theological Seminary merger. This caught me off guard: http://bit.ly/c9JOvz 1:27 PM Jan 27th via TweetDeck
- iPad: I'm underwhelmed. If it could multitask, I might sell my Kindle and get one. But it's just an iPod Touch that's too big for my pocket. 1:16 PM Jan 27th via TweetDeck
- From @albertmohler : "Theological discernment is now a lost art among American evangelicals." http://bit.ly/aPTlgC 8:35 AM Jan 27th via TweetDeck
- @KevinRhyne If you want to discuss in depth, the blog is a better vehicle for that than tweet-length comments. 1:41 PM Jan 26th via TweetDeck in reply to KevinRhyne
- @KevinRhyne I'm saying the ability to command a healing (Acts 3:6) is different **in kind,** not merely in degree from a prayer for healing. 1:41 PM Jan 26th via TweetDeck in reply to KevinRhyne
- @KevinRhyne I think you're missing something. The difference between Acts 3:6 and 2 Tim. 4:20 isn't a difference in "degree." 12:57 PM Jan 26th via TweetDeck in reply to KevinRhyne
- @KevinRhyne You don't have to believe the apostolic gift of healing is operative in order to ask God to heal. See: http://bit.ly/bMPaaI 12:31 PM Jan 26th via TweetDeck in reply to KevinRhyne
- Cessationists everywhere--even charismatic ones: http://bit.ly/9xnYfG 11:58 AM Jan 26th via TweetDeck
- I never knew the Charles Finney / Robert Ingersoll connection, but it makes perfect sense: http://bit.ly/VTosu 10:28 AM Jan 26th via TweetDeck
- @AEHamilton JM's response was "He has that executive look. The job is his if he wants it." :-) 7:27 PM Jan 25th via TweetDeck in reply to AEHamilton
- "I have pain and suffering!" http://bit.ly/6TYXbx 5:17 PM Jan 25th via TweetDeck
- Well, duh. http://bit.ly/7Zio2m 4:52 PM Jan 25th via TweetDeck
- Penny rests on her mum & manages to make sleeping look like hard work: http://bit.ly/8cuEbc 2:01 PM Jan 25th via TweetDeck
- The Guardian on Saddleback: "popular evangelical Christianity is religiously vacuous": http://bit.ly/7gfU9C 8:11 AM Jan 25th via TweetDeck
- No comment necessary: http://bit.ly/8UqBW1 11:03 PM Jan 24th via TweetDeck
- Ray came to see his granddad between services this morning. He is ready for bidness: http://tweetphoto.com/9508927 1:47 PM Jan 24th via TweetDeck
- Frost on the lawn, snow on the mountains this AM; it's sunny & 65 now. I love L.A. http://tweetphoto.com/9502725 12:35 PM Jan 24th via TweetDeck
- AM service about to start: http://tweetphoto.com/9485617 Livestream @ gracechurch.org/live 8:38 AM Jan 24th via TweetDeck
- Penny Mae Johnson. Severe: http://twitpic.com/zid1t / Disgusted: http://twitpic.com/zid4j / Contented: http://twitpic.com/zid6d 11:04 PM Jan 23rd via TweetDeck
- Penny Mae opens her eyes and studies her mum for the very first time: http://tweetphoto.com/9414283 3:38 PM Jan 23rd via TweetDeck
- @hereiblog Caner's quotes might well have been said by Trent. How he imagines that is an affirmation of forensic justification is beyond me. 11:06 AM Jan 23rd via TweetDeck in reply to hereiblog
- @hereiblog Show me one anabaptist confession or treatise on justification that is sound & thorough enough to refute the Council of Trent. 11:04 AM Jan 23rd via TweetDeck in reply to hereiblog
- @hereiblog I've had a standing challenge to the Trail-of-Blood revisionists for more than a decade, and it has gone unanswered-- (Cont.) 11:04 AM Jan 23rd via TweetDeck in reply to hereiblog
- Betcha can't do this: http://bit.ly/mOew3 9:02 AM Jan 23rd via TweetDeck
- @hereiblog His "answer": 3 ambiguous & undeveloped remarks. Show me an Anabaptist treatise on justification or 1 sound doctrinal cnfssn . 8:46 AM Jan 23rd via TweetDeck in reply to hereiblog
- Sting with The Roots on Haiti "relief" work: 'Too many cameras and not enough food': http://bit.ly/6oYBtg Exactly. 10:43 PM Jan 22nd via TweetDeck
- @La_Shawn Our second. The first was born in September, so they'll be close cousins growing up. I'm 56, so grandparenthood is overdue. 1:59 PM Jan 22nd via TweetDeck in reply to La_Shawn
- Penny Mae Johnson with granddad: http://bit.ly/8Jc86v 12:53 PM Jan 22nd via TweetDeck
- Senator/surgeon Bill Frist, M. D. has been helping out at the Baptist Haiti Mission hospital: http://bit.ly/7SNIMM 10:26 AM Jan 22nd via TweetDeck
- Penny Mae Johnson: http://twitpic.com/z5woc http://twitpic.com/z5wqp 8:55 PM Jan 21st via TweetDeck
- Announcing Penelope Mae Johnson, 8 lbs, 8oz. and beautiful. Pictures to come. 8:02 PM Jan 21st via TweetDeck
- Mrs. Pecadillo is in the delivery room now. C-section. Shouldn't take long now. 7:18 PM Jan 21st via TweetDeck
- It's been a tough week for the left wing: http://bit.ly/6I7GFV 4:14 PM Jan 21st via TweetDeck
- Labor & delivery waiting room, still waiting: http://tweetphoto.com/9238876 3:15 PM Jan 21st via TweetDeck
- Ugly, ugly weather in Southern California today. Cold. Windy. Wet: http://bit.ly/RqQ9 1:25 PM Jan 21st via TweetDeck
- Can Joel Osteen help you pay your bills? CNN: http://bit.ly/4ZHka1 7:13 AM Jan 21st via TweetDeck
- Support those with a long-term commitment to Haiti (not hit&run publicity hounds). We recommend Baptist Haiti Mission: http://bit.ly/4IWvBh 11:12 PM Jan 20th via TweetDeck
- Still waiting patiently. Looks like our granddaughter won't be here before tomorrow. I'm going to get some sleep. 10:50 PM Jan 20th via TweetDeck
- In the same hospital where we spent a night in Sept. If you gotta sit in a hospital waiting room, labor & delivery is the best choice. 5:07 PM Jan 20th via TweetDeck
- My dad is feeling good after hip replacement yesterday. My daughter-in-law is now in labor. Looks like it's gonna be a good day. 3:02 PM Jan 20th via TweetDeck
- One can only stand back and gasp in awe at the profundity of French cynicism: http://bit.ly/5CHH4C 8:58 PM Jan 19th via TweetDeck
- @Quiet_Daisy You gotta watch it all the way through, and I defy you not to keep checking the clock. It's not a parody, either. 8:25 PM Jan 19th via TweetDeck in reply to Quiet_Daisy
- RT @d2bubba: So apparently Yale is overcrowded and doesn't want any more applications, cause... wow. http://bit.ly/7y1HbW // (pack a lunch) 8:17 PM Jan 19th via TweetDeck
- If time travel were possible, I'd rather meet Cotton Mather than C. H. Spurgeon. I'll tell you why here: http://bit.ly/5WXrrn 7:04 PM Jan 19th via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 Annie Oakleys, perhaps. I can't remember. That's a 6-year-old picture. 4:36 PM Jan 19th via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- My dad is through his surgery without complications. Now please pray with us for a speedy recovery. 10:43 AM Jan 19th via TweetDeck
- @hereiblog He didn't raise that question. But I think I was wearing Oakleys in the photo he used. 8:51 AM Jan 19th via TweetDeck in reply to hereiblog
- Guy Davies questions me about "Young, Restless, and Reformed," Emergent, Driscoll, Manhattan, and my favorite music: http://bit.ly/5WXrrn 8:40 AM Jan 19th via TweetDeck
- Please pray for my dad today. He's in surgery (having a hip replacement) at this very moment. And this week marks a year since my mom died. 8:03 AM Jan 19th via TweetDeck
- Guy Davies grills me about stuff that interests me: http://bit.ly/4VpEYX 12:17 AM Jan 19th via TweetDeck
- Ray and his dad, dressed for church yesterday: http://bit.ly/7dA0tg 5:55 PM Jan 18th via TweetDeck
- Taking my niece to the airport traffic & storms in L. A. are terrible today, but LAX is an oasis of sunshine. 3:28 PM Jan 18th via TweetDeck
- RT @Jay_Flowers: Jeff Williams . . . celebrates his 52nd birthday today, away from home. Oddly, he's spent just 51 of those years on earth. 11:52 AM Jan 18th via TweetDeck
- It seems @Pecadillo_ isn't happy with Baja Fresh: http://bit.ly/5zduEY 3:14 PM Jan 17th via TweetDeck
- If you're homebound or in a far-off time zone you can listen to the livesteam of our morning worship: http://www.gracechurch.org/live 8:28 AM Jan 17th via TweetDeck
- RT @BHMhaiti: Photos of earthquake injuries at mission hospital. Warning: they're graphic. #Haiti http://bit.ly/5tqDcB 7:41 AM Jan 17th via TweetDeck
- I'll be preaching this morning (& next week) in John MacArthur's absence. He's recovering well from back surgery. Keep him in your prayers. 7:15 AM Jan 17th via TweetDeck
- Made a real dent in my e-mail backlog today. Sorry to all who have written and I simply wasn't able to answer. Email is a massive burden. 11:37 PM Jan 15th via TweetDeck
- @Trust_Bible Yes, he did. 11:36 PM Jan 15th via TweetDeck in reply to Trust_Bible
- New #Haiti update from Ron Pierre, Baptist Haiti Mission: http://bit.ly/5Q7PLd 3:59 PM Jan 15th via TweetDeck
- Cute Things Falling Asleep: http://bit.ly/zDteZ 8:59 AM Jan 15th via TweetDeck
- Haiti report from Ron Pierre, Baptist Haiti Mission: http://bit.ly/5Q7PLd 8:05 AM Jan 15th via TweetDeck
- Ray watches Bugs Bunny cartoons with his Granddad: http://twitpic.com/y4no0 6:44 PM Jan 14th via TweetDeck
- Pictures & news from Haiti are more heartbreaking with each report. Help Children's Hunger Fund send relief: http://bit.ly/Y5T1Q 5:42 PM Jan 14th via TweetDeck
- @tohuvabohu Especially be sure to say hi from me to the band, and the row of computer geeks at the back of the room. I'm jealous of them. 10:38 AM Jan 14th via TweetDeck in reply to tohuvabohu
- Further discussion about Erwin McManus's Doritos contest entry at "Between Two Worlds": http://bit.ly/7X7jtH 8:54 AM Jan 14th via TweetDeck
- Mike Ratliff reviews _The Jesus You Can't Ignore_: http://bit.ly/8IUd5u 8:55 PM Jan 13th via TweetDeck
- Vintage Vance Havner: http://bit.ly/84OG8o (Prophetic stuff) 8:27 PM Jan 13th via TweetDeck
- @tohuvabohu Tell everyone there I said hi. Stay warm. 7:56 PM Jan 13th via TweetDeck in reply to tohuvabohu
- @lunchboxsw Thanks. 5:05 PM Jan 13th via TweetDeck in reply to lunchboxsw
- Recently @Pecadillo_ & partner busted a marijuana garden: http://twitpic.com/xzh7w Good to know they're "engaging" the culture. 4:42 PM Jan 13th via TweetDeck
- Pat Robertson's hubris and lunacy know no bounds: http://bit.ly/7eDsj6 4:02 PM Jan 13th via TweetDeck
- I wrote an addendum for today's post at TeamPyro: http://bit.ly/5Fp2u1 9:14 AM Jan 13th via TweetDeck
- JT points to a spot-on comment by Kevin DeYoung: http://bit.ly/5x8YTq 8:45 AM Jan 13th via TweetDeck
- @godandculture Exactly. I quoted you on that: http://bit.ly/4GEP8x 12:08 AM Jan 13th via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- I'm abut to go on the air with Chris Arnzen: http://bit.ly/8Tcc9Q 3:00 PM Jan 12th via TweetDeck
- "The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind," by Carl Trueman: http://bit.ly/60ZADL 2:19 PM Jan 12th via TweetDeck
- RT @Rick_Holland: John MacArthur recovering now from successful back surgery. Thanks for your prayers... 11:03 AM Jan 12th via TweetDeck
- Did you know Lloyd-Jones is on the radio? Here's a ministry worthy of your support: http://bit.ly/5bCOBA 9:09 AM Jan 12th via TweetDeck
- This would be sweet if it could happen. I love this building: http://bit.ly/5GGAs3 But the plan sounds like mere hype, to be honest. 8:35 PM Jan 11th via TweetDeck
- @LigonDuncan You need to come to California. Bring the fam. 7:57 PM Jan 11th via TweetDeck in reply to LigonDuncan
- This blog started just after Christmas. It's already one of my faves: http://bit.ly/4ZlTn2 7:03 PM Jan 11th via TweetDeck
- Speaking of John MacArthur, he is scheduled for back surgery tomorrow (to fix a ruptured disk). Please keep him in prayer. 3:34 PM Jan 11th via TweetDeck
- I'm recording an interview in a few mins with J MacArthur re: his recent critiques of the prosperity gospel. Livecam: http://bit.ly/3KwMFl 3:31 PM Jan 11th via TweetDeck
- This dude has a death wish: http://bit.ly/5dk4IK (Still, it looks like fun.) 4:40 PM Jan 10th via TweetDeck
- Steve Hayes cleans some bugs (and other stuff) off Francis Beckwith's windshield: http://bit.ly/5ZYjdI 11:55 AM Jan 8th via TweetDeck
- Top 10 places you can't go: http://bit.ly/6nLiNc 9:23 AM Jan 8th via TweetDeck
- @stevieg_83 Not at the moment. I'll be there the first week in Feb, Lord willing. 4:30 PM Jan 7th via TweetDeck in reply to stevieg_83
- What Britain looks like at the moment: http://bit.ly/8aO86V Here's another shot: http://bit.ly/7ugVBQ 4:00 PM Jan 7th via TweetDeck
- Irony: http://bit.ly/8fNcKN 8:01 PM Jan 6th via TweetDeck
- Jonah Goldberg: "'Airports'-those belching Petri dishes of bathroom effluence and unidentifiable noisome miasma." http://tiny.cc/4iASy ht:jf 11:54 AM Jan 6th via TweetDeck
- I remember this Eric Show pitch like ysterday: http://bit.ly/7DLOoa Maddux hit B. Santiago in the next inning. Happy for Andre Dawson today. 11:33 AM Jan 6th via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 Makes my face hurt just to think about it. 9:47 AM Jan 6th via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- 2009's seven top heresy-rants on Youtube: http://bit.ly/7vqtVi 9:46 AM Jan 6th via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 Bummer. He's scheduled us so that we can't wreak havoc together. I'll be there the 1st week of Feb. 9:29 AM Jan 6th via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Tim @Challies ' office: http://bit.ly/8fTVx4 Neater than mine. 9:28 AM Jan 6th via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 You gonna be in London in Feb? When? Where? 9:21 AM Jan 6th via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Grossing kids out for God? Does passion trump propriety? "Peanut-Butter Passion": http://bit.ly/5o2uo4 9:00 AM Jan 6th via TweetDeck
- Great session once we got a good Skype connection. Picture was sharp both directions & the sound crisp. We even had a Q&A at the end. #INstm 9:43 PM Jan 5th via TweetDeck
- Teaching via Skype to India again. we seem to be having more technical problems than last night. 8:13 PM Jan 5th via web
- Very nice. You can now visit the ruins of Pompeii via Google Streetview: http://grace.ly/t1fxdi 7:34 PM Jan 5th via web
- I'm sure you were waiting expectantly for this. Pat Robertson has issued his annual false prophecies: http://bit.ly/5qLHwB 5:12 PM Jan 5th via TweetDeck
- Ouch. I'll bet this took out some teeth: http://bit.ly/6QUowj 10:22 PM Jan 4th via TweetDeck
- "Safe" smack? NYC spends $32k publishing a how-to guide for heroin users: http://bit.ly/93aT5I 9:36 PM Jan 4th via TweetDeck
- Just preached an hour-long message for the conference in Pune via Skype, live w/ video. It seemed to work well. #INstm 9:06 PM Jan 4th via TweetDeck
- Interesting article on the "global warming" fraud: http://bit.ly/5j5yh6 That's a much bigger scandal than most people have yet realized. 5:51 PM Jan 4th via TweetDeck
- Ray got home from seeing his other grandparents in Virginia this afternoon. Cuter than ever: http://tweetphoto.com/7968513 5:48 PM Jan 3rd via TweetDeck
- Keith & Kristyn Getty are singing at Grace Church tonight. 5:42 PM Jan 3rd via TweetDeck
- Good for Brit Hume: http://bit.ly/6nz9lo 3:25 PM Jan 3rd via TweetDeck
- Psalm 111:2: "Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them." http://bit.ly/4CUT3W 8:48 AM Jan 2nd via TweetDeck
- Ben Witherington: Great photos of an important recent archaeological discovery at Ephesus: http://bit.ly/4nEyw4 10:27 AM Jan 1st via TweetDeck
- Let's be candid: today's "evangelicals" are pathologically self-absorbed and less _evangelical_ than ever. See: http://bit.ly/6N7xDn 10:18 AM Jan 1st via TweetDeck
- Saw the India Team off at LAX today. I'll connect with them by live videoconference next week, Lord willing. #inSTM http://twitpic.com/w4jgh 5:36 PM Dec 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Bet you wouldn't do this: http://bit.ly/7MT62k 10:43 AM Dec 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @davidould It was a 10-year visa., good for multiple entries Apparently I got it 11 years ago. Didn't think it was so old. Shoulda checked. 4:58 PM Dec 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to davidould
- Unmitigated stupidity: I let my Indian visa lapse, and I was supposed to leave tomorrow to teach in a conference in Pune. Impossible now. 4:33 PM Dec 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Stupid is as stupid does. (Or neglects to do.) 12:57 PM Dec 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 The cubs are merely a symptom. That would be like a wart you could get cut off. My stupidity is metastatic and incurable. 8:31 AM Dec 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Let me modify my previous update: I'm not just "feeling stupid"; I AM profoundly and irremediably brain-dead. Details later today. 8:05 AM Dec 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Feeling extremely stupid at the moment. I'll explain later. 8:54 PM Dec 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I know. Superstition is irrational by definition. But this is perhaps the oddest superstition I've ever encountered: http://bit.ly/8XfgSU 12:39 PM Dec 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Libraries promote literacy--right? http://bit.ly/5bduze 12:14 PM Dec 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Hmm. This all looks so good. I can't decide on what to have for lunch: http://bit.ly/6YCQeE 11:03 AM Dec 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @bleachbro Yes, and this is better yet: http://bit.ly/7GkX0L Great, crisp recording. 10:58 AM Dec 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to bleachbro
- Nigerian e-mail spam, upside down and in reverse: http://bit.ly/74EmES 9:28 AM Dec 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Found this brilliant performance of Rouse's Karolju--great contemp. Christmas music. Too bad it's only 1 mvmt: http://bit.ly/6yT6uD 8:49 AM Dec 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ever wonder what the emergency button at the petrol station does? http://bit.ly/7nfrQY 11:43 PM Dec 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- One of my favorite jokes about language: http://bit.ly/5ZPqjw 10:11 AM Dec 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- and a special Christmas encore for the @DrOakley Collection: http://bit.ly/55oWzf 6:52 PM Dec 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My gift to @DrOakley -- The Great Wakkorotti: http://bit.ly/5bv2DJ 6:48 PM Dec 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @wee_evangelist Shame on him. Did you see this? http://bit.ly/8irIAZ 9:56 AM Dec 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to wee_evangelist
- John Calvin against the crusading hordes of Christmas-haters: http://bit.ly/4Efgs5 9:55 AM Dec 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Beagles are bringing on the apocalypse: http://bit.ly/62dFAH (& hamsters are worse for the environment than plasma TVs) 7:39 AM Dec 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- On the radio with Chris Arnzen ("Iron Sharpens Iron") right now: http://bit.ly/8Tcc9Q 3:39 PM Dec 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Last-minute gift ideas: The Japanese answer to the Slanket: http://bit.ly/6g80p6 10:39 AM Dec 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A man obsessed: http://bit.ly/5Ei6pi 9:31 AM Dec 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My thanks to Chris Rosebrough for this: http://bit.ly/7RUhRI 8:49 AM Dec 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @RaeWhitlock Well, not exactly. You could never be absent from the soul and present with the Lord. 8:33 AM Dec 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to RaeWhitlock
- Ben Witherington on a new find in the archaeological dig at Nazareth: http://bit.ly/4GhmOk 8:31 AM Dec 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's an Anglican priest who knows how to stir up the Christmas spirit: http://bit.ly/85u47l 5:10 PM Dec 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "You don't _have_ a soul. You _are_ a soul. You have a body."- C.S. Lewis 4:27 PM Dec 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- James White @DrOakley elaborates on what's wrong with Robert George's "natural law" apologetic: http://bit.ly/7b0kmP 9:04 AM Dec 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This somehow makes a hundred times more sense than most of the comments and video rebuttals that get posted on YouTube: http://bit.ly/4lreu8 6:19 PM Dec 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Today is my least favorite day in the year for two reasons: 1) Winter solstice; least amount of sunlight. 2) Christmas madness is at a peak. 4:18 PM Dec 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- New at TeamPyro: "Robert George and the New Ecumenism" http://bit.ly/7fY66p 1:37 PM Dec 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- How cute is he? http://twitpic.com/ue7jh 12:34 PM Dec 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray gets ready for his first Christmas: http://twitpic.com/ue7fj 12:33 PM Dec 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Bad start: http://bit.ly/576I5J 10:58 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Thabiti Anyabwile says superbly in a few words ( http://bit.ly/6nanFL ) precisely what I took 7 posts to say badly: http://bit.ly/7PBejF 8:44 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- OK. So here's a Scottish guy who's better than that German guy on his bike: http://bit.ly/11Oqoa (HT: Tom Westervelt) 6:16 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Heard about one of @pecadillo_ 's arrests on the evening news just now. Made me proud. 4:43 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk I'm with you. The harmonica was definitely the highlight. 1:18 PM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Tim @challies is playing games: http://bit.ly/7b31yp (I hope no one gets me that for Christmas. ) 11:07 AM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- What English sounds like to non-English speakers: http://bit.ly/3dOjew (nice American accent!) More understandable than Bob Dylan, actually. 10:53 AM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @d2bubba Bernadette Peters & Captain Kangaroo? That harks back to when the holidays really MEANT something. 10:43 AM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to d2bubba
- John MacArthur strongly takes issue with _Christianity Today_'s assessment of Oral Roberts' legacy: http://bit.ly/8sQnl6 9:43 AM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Betcha can't do this, either: http://bit.ly/6TNO4s (HT: Mike I.) 8:54 AM Dec 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @ralphprovance No, I'm just horsing around. http://bit.ly/66OmKV 2:28 PM Dec 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to ralphprovance
- Le Bœuf sur le toit: http://bit.ly/5lJvRZ 2:08 PM Dec 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Duck: http://bit.ly/5ftCV0 1:33 PM Dec 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- http://twitvid.com/64800 - Wrigley loves those magazine ads with cologne samplers: 8:01 PM Dec 16th, 2009 via API
- A different kind of Advent Calendar: @d2bubba is halfway through "The Twelve Days of Awful Christmas Videos": http://bit.ly/2Srr5 6:32 PM Dec 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Fresh OT scholarship": http://bit.ly/QGr2w How come the "fresher" it claims to be, the more it excretes the stench of rancid agnosticism? 2:05 PM Dec 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Rascal, the world's ugliest dog, has a Christmas greeting for you: http://bit.ly/5XaiaK 9:24 AM Dec 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Betcha can't do this: http://bit.ly/2T6fm9 (HT: Mike Ikeda) 6:04 PM Dec 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- European Foundation: "No real scientific proof" climate change is caused by humans. 100 reasons why it's natural: http://bit.ly/8TZqby 5:35 PM Dec 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Today: @LigonDuncan with Kevin Boling on the Manhattan Declaration: http://bit.ly/4q7jf6 He gives a gracious nod to TeamPyro at about 13:20. 5:12 PM Dec 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- There's a sermon illustration here somewhere: http://bit.ly/UqnNK 4:53 PM Dec 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Make a snowflake: http://bit.ly/70vgfK 12:29 AM Dec 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The new Grace to You iPhone app by @Subsplash -- You can carry 40 years of John MacArthur audio sermons in your pocket and listen on demand. 3:15 PM Dec 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Check it out: RT @Subsplash: Just launched Grace To You iPhone app: http://bit.ly/6hGlak 2:27 PM Dec 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Arguing with Apple on when the clock should start ticking on my Applecare protection Plan. I say not till the day I got a working computer. 8:46 AM Dec 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- On hold with Apple support. . . whoever picks their hold-music is insane. My ears are getting sore waiting. 8:31 AM Dec 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- British humor. A commercial for Raisin Bran Crunch: http://bit.ly/5pZ55S 6:12 PM Dec 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- John MacArthur, "Unholy Trinity"--a righteous diatribe against the Trinity Broadcasting Network & their ilk: http://bit.ly/6yy0NZ 8:47 AM Dec 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @JonnyDHunt Brits sold it first, or our guys wouldn't have it. :) Spurgeon's College put their heritage up for sale in more ways than one. 8:37 AM Dec 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to JonnyDHunt
- Newsweek's "Top 10 Cultural Moments" of the decade reveal how shallow, dysfunctional, & anti-culture our "culture" is: http://bit.ly/3rFlWC 8:35 AM Dec 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Looking for unique gift ideas? How about a piece of Spurgeonic history? They're offering Christmas specials here: http://bit.ly/7gppyK 8:24 AM Dec 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watch for John MacArthur's post at the Pulpit blog tomorrow. I've seen it, and it's high octane: http://bit.ly/4EyWcl 11:11 PM Dec 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sad tale of how a religion reporter lost his faith: http://bit.ly/2iWitH 7:28 PM Dec 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @bleachbro Check this article on the Dylan album: http://bit.ly/5rpZho HT: @ScottAniol 1:46 PM Dec 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to bleachbro
- A shift , now that the "Global Warming" histrionics have been discredited: http://bit.ly/84kKfk (My fav. comment: http://bit.ly/84kKfk ) 11:49 AM Dec 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- USA Today on the popularity of postmodern syncretism: http://bit.ly/6eMqlI "Devotion to one clear faith is fading." 9:34 AM Dec 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- You NEED to hear this: http://bit.ly/5k7o8f (esp. "O come all ye faithful"). HT:DP| My niece heard me playing samples & gave me the CD. Thx! 9:16 AM Dec 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Huh? "The Navy has placed formal charges [against a SEAL team] for allegedly roughing up an enemy combatant": http://bit.ly/6B3nsw 8:55 AM Dec 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- HD tour of the space station: http://bit.ly/tjzCd Sent back to Mission Control to help assess use of stowage space. It's crowded up there. 6:14 PM Dec 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Time's Top 10 Everything from 2009: http://bit.ly/7Xg9St 5:43 PM Dec 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Fascinating article on Samaritan origins: http://bit.ly/54lTiy (Ironic: affirms NT account but ends w/ condescending slap at the Bible). 3:37 PM Dec 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Church staffers terrorize a critical blogger. This is really ugly, scary stuff: http://bit.ly/91CGIf See also: http://bit.ly/5TUPHx 1:38 PM Dec 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dissidens answers JI Packer: "Blogging is not the problem. The problem is much, much larger than that." http://bit.ly/8sY6Cw 12:20 PM Dec 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Silent Monks singing the "Hallelujah" chorus: http://bit.ly/2dtvlw 11:02 AM Dec 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jf4316 That's how I butter my bagels. http://tinyurl.com/ybf5obv 8:41 AM Dec 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jf4316
- What a mess this looks like: http://bit.ly/7buXx 6:18 PM Dec 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This is where officer @Pecadillo_ is stationed: http://bit.ly/2qB5zp Dumb criminals in that neighborhood. 12:12 PM Dec 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- John MacArthur blasts phony faith healers and prosperity preachers: http://bit.ly/7nCQa9 1:53 PM Dec 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The bad news: my flight to London canceled; now I'm not going at all. The good news: I'll be home for this: http://tweetphoto.com/6010588 9:23 AM Dec 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @LigonDuncan I dunno. You should have been on my flight last night. After 4 hours on the tarmac, passengers riot & even the crew gets cranky 9:12 AM Dec 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to LigonDuncan
- @edstetzer It was prolly one of the rioting Brits who were on that aborted flight with me. 10:58 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A thousand times better than airline food: http://tweetphoto.com/5991865 10:32 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Four hours on the Tarmac & a passenger revolt/canceled flight at the end. Haven't eaten. @edstetzer is at LAX. I should take him to dinner. 9:50 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Power dies again. Pilot re-starts, says we're going anyway. Same thing a second time. Passengers revolt. Flight canceled. 8:57 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cross check. Looks like we're going. 8:40 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- They haven't asked us to shut off phones yet, BTW. 8:36 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- They are revving the engines. No other hopeful activity yet, though. 8:35 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart. . . which is far better. . . 8:33 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- They're telling us to buckle in & prepare for takeoff. We'll see. 8:27 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- OK, I really do want off this plane. People are getting agitated. 8:16 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Flight delay update: 2 hrs 40 mins & counting. If they don't get this plane fixed in 30 minutes they're required to cancel the flight. 8:13 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- So the problem is that 2 onboard computers failed. They're "rebuilding the computers". If they're Windows machines we'll be here 5 days. 7:44 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @ballparkfm My vote is for cancelling the flight now. I'll attend that board meeting by phone if necessary. Just let me outta here. 7:25 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Flight delay update: 2 hours captive in a plane on the tarmac and still we have no power. Sounds like they're using jackhammers underneath. 7:23 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @bleachbro Lovely. Bangers and mash. 7:19 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 105-minute flight delay and counting. Now the plane's auxiliary power is dead. But, "We're hoping to get underway soon." 7:18 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- What'd I tell you about gambling? http://bit.ly/5hc5FL 7:15 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Flight delay 90 mins & counting. Still sitting at the gate in Los Angeles. Looks like I'll miss lunch in London tomorrow. Go on without me. 6:58 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Mechanical difficulties before we even reached the runway. We taxied from one gate to another. We'll be at least an hour late leaving LA. 6:18 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Taking the red-eye to London. I'll be there in time for lunch Monday, Lord willing. 4:20 PM Dec 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DougKAduBoahen Thanks. This is my favorite time of year in England, too. Wish I could stay longer, but I have to be back here Friday. 9:20 PM Dec 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DougKAduBoahen
- Gracelife Christmas get-together tonight; preaching in John MacArthur's absence tomorrow AM; flying to London tomorrow PM. 4:20 PM Dec 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Jay_Flowers Don't warm up too fast; it'll crack your iPhone screen. 11:56 AM Dec 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Jay_Flowers
- Is the global warming controversy about to hit NASA, too? http://bit.ly/5u4ys2 9:06 PM Dec 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The Centuri0n, @Frank_Turk , published an early objection to the Manhattan Declaration, here: http://bit.ly/7dhbzq Were there any b4 that? 3:59 PM Dec 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The SWAT team? Over Lego? Seriously? http://bit.ly/7DRL6c Uh, yeah. Feel free to get me one of these for Christmas: http://bit.ly/7IqpGh 10:13 AM Dec 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @SirAaron_ Right you are. How stupid of me. 9:19 AM Dec 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to SirAaron_
- Here's today's Paul Edwards Program: http://bit.ly/73rcju (The segment I participated in starts around 1:06:30.) Re: Manhattan Declaration 4:59 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @godandculture When does the podcast usually hit? My critics are eager to pick apart my every word. 4:05 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- The Psalm 119 Conference on Discernment, May 14-15 in the Dallas area: http://bit.ly/LVnAe "Wretched Conferences." :-) Yes, I'll be there. 3:50 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jugulum My voice is giving out. And I've already said more than I know. 3:17 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jugulum
- @godandculture Thank YOU for the interview. Good questions, too. You're very kind. 3:13 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- Thanks to Paul Edwards @godandculture for having me on. I'm not doing any more interviews this week. That's final. 2:40 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @godandculture: Phil Johnson from Grace to You up next at 5:05p ET to chat about The Manhattan Declaration: http://www.godandculture.com 2:03 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk Busy week. That's 5 interviews this week on 4 different topics. I've run out of things to say. @godandculture will find me dull. 1:48 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jason_alligood Todd has perfected the art of "stream of consciousness" monologuing. He might never get back on topic. . . I'll stay on hold 12:14 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jason_alligood
- I'm about to go on the radio with Todd Friel: http://bit.ly/IEM7Z 12:08 PM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @d2bubba: I'm just relieved the artist didn't go with his first idea: Rotating Bus Station Restroom. 11:34 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @d2bubba I agree. Reminds me of OUR kitchen after I get through cooking, don't you think? 11:10 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to d2bubba
- RT @godandculture: The Manhattan Declaration with @Phil_Johnson_ today at 5:05p ET. Stream it LIVE: http://www.godandculture.com 10:43 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @ecrosstexas By comparison, Jan Crouch's hairdo & stage sets look modest. No wonder many think evangelicals R hypocritical & self-indulgent. 9:55 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to ecrosstexas
- @ecrosstexas Yeah, it's weird. Every interview I have done this week has been on a different topic. 9:29 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to ecrosstexas
- @godandculture Send me an e-mail with details. I'd like to do it if possible. 9:28 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- Just did an interview with Todd Friel. Made him sick (again). It'll be on Wretched Radio today @3:00 EST: http://bit.ly/IEM7Z 9:25 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This is funny and interesting. It's a perfect metaphor for what has become of "art" in our depraved culture: http://bit.ly/4ugevS 8:57 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- If you're waffling on the Manhattan Declaration & its ecumenical overtones, read this by Dave Doran: http://bit.ly/7Hfpva 12:39 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Nearly-defunct Emergent Village has run out of stories to tell: http://bit.ly/6TPF7h (The journey somehow doesn't seem fun any more.) 12:22 AM Dec 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @godandculture Wouldn't be "consistent" at all. I refuse to be spiritually yoked with unbelievers . Why wd that preclude fellowship w/ AM? 8:48 PM Dec 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- @godandculture I don't see any "major schism." I think well-known Reformed signers will be fairly few. (Can't wait till RC weighs in.) 8:44 PM Dec 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- It's a worse travesty for the church to bury the gospel under a political agenda than it would be for the govt. to outlaw gospel preaching. 5:29 PM Dec 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Good news from Apple. They are fast-tracking my replacement iMac: http://bit.ly/83Ji1z 11:34 AM Dec 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Top 10 scientific hoaxes": http://bit.ly/H28J0 There are actually a lot more than these. And make room for "global warming." 9:44 PM Dec 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk Too bad. Maybe they will post it in an archive somewhere. 4:00 PM Dec 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Going on the air for another live interview, this time with Chris Arnzen in NYC, regarding the Manhattan Declaration: http://bit.ly/8Tcc9Q 2:58 PM Dec 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- You can Tweet your questions about gambling for this live interview to: @KnowingTheTruth 10:33 AM Dec 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Right now I'm doing a live 1-hour radio interview on gambling with Kevin Boling, "Knowing the Truth": http://bit.ly/HIFYY 10:18 AM Dec 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jgrig2 Tried that. It got me nowhere. The problems w/iMac may be more serious than #Apple wants to admit: http://bit.ly/ivBwp 9:31 PM Nov 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jgrig2
- @Clemntine Because I ordered extra RAM and a bigger hard drive. 8:57 PM Nov 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Clemntine
- I called Apple support and the rep there offered to "assist" me by canceling my order and issuing a refund. Yeesh. 4:55 PM Nov 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Apple has delayed the ship-date of my replacement iMac by 2 weeks, without telling me about it. It's not shipping till just b4 Christmas. 3:57 PM Nov 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Swarming monster worms and sea stars" eating a dead seal. That's my kind of video: http://bit.ly/6Snh6m 12:23 PM Nov 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 I'd put @Frank_Turk up against any cat-brain, any day. 9:47 PM Nov 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- All these supercomputers equal less intelligence than a cat-brain: http://bit.ly/2tS2TW (& that giant room evolved by chance, I suppose) 9:00 PM Nov 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's what happens when you put Alka-Aeltzer in a ball of water in a weightless environment: http://bit.ly/5JH64F 8:20 PM Nov 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- After a slow start, this video of the STS-129 launch is absolutely amazing: http://bit.ly/6Mz6xb 7:54 PM Nov 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk You are definitely a dude people love. 12:32 PM Nov 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Spoke on Romans 12:1-2 this morning. Waiting for 2nd service to begin--John MacArthur on Mark 4. 10:17 AM Nov 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @davidstandridge Eat some fried zuchinni flowers for me. 10:11 AM Nov 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray's mom is cooking a turkey for the family tonight. She figures Ray should be familiar with BOTH traditions (pizza and Big Bird). 4:58 PM Nov 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cosmonaut with a sense of humor: http://bit.ly/2QpH5p 4:03 PM Nov 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Stairway to heaven: http://bit.ly/7U6ff6 2:01 PM Nov 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This explains a lot. iMonk: "once you've decided that Nicene Confessionalism won't do it, there is no reason to try" http://bit.ly/5NCctg 12:04 PM Nov 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray is ready for spring training: http://bit.ly/4X4EPf 10:03 AM Nov 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Kindle's 2.3 upgrade is sweet. PDF reader & screen rotation. http://bit.ly/8IJX8H 6:56 PM Nov 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Wrigley wants to stay at the beach: http://pic.gd/961ba9 3:24 PM Nov 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Wrigley contemplates a swim in the ocean with LD: http://pic.gd/57613 2:34 PM Nov 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Off to the beach today. 11:03 AM Nov 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dave Doran ( President of Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary), "All Over Manhattan": http://bit.ly/5TPfuJ 9:21 AM Nov 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Alistair Begg was there when the Manhattan Declaration was drafted. Didn't sign. Here's why: http://bit.ly/5mSWpY 8:06 AM Nov 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- World's worst police art , but Bolivian cops get their man: http://bit.ly/709VvY 6:47 PM Nov 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @SirAaron_ Thanks. 6:10 PM Nov 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to SirAaron_
- Manhattan Declaration, John MacArthur, and Francis Beckwith. James White nails it again: http://bit.ly/8H6vq8 4:47 PM Nov 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @albertmohler: Dr. John MacArthur on why he did not sign . Important statement from a friend. http://ow.ly/FE9f Classy. Thanks. 3:00 PM Nov 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @godandculture Indeed. It's the curse of my stubby fingers. 11:24 AM Nov 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to godandculture
- Manhattan Declaration: "the strongest expression of...the New Ecumenism." Christianity as a "moral tradition": http://bit.ly/8mVRQM 11:23 AM Nov 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- John MacArthur on the Manhattan Declaration: http://bit.ly/5ABpOq 6:54 PM Nov 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's a wonderful article on the Puritan work ethic--perfectly appropriate for this Thanksgiving: http://bit.ly/36gDnQ 5:47 PM Nov 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Turns out the damaged iMac Apple sent me was part of a widespread problem: http://bit.ly/6XgEv9 and http://bit.ly/7MikP3 9:15 AM Nov 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- James White on the Manhattan Declaration: http://bit.ly/7DFVW1 My sentiments exactly. 9:58 PM Nov 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray flashes his sparkly eyes: http://bit.ly/7GWzaG 6:09 PM Nov 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Stopped to see Ray on my way home from LAX: http://pic.gd/9c3719 3:23 PM Nov 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Relevance" gone mad: http://bit.ly/4qGoIC ht: TW 9:53 AM Nov 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My flight keeps getting delayed in 10-minute increments. At the moment we are 70 minutes late and counting. 9:40 AM Nov 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sudden gate change (typical DFW) and 1-hour delay of my flight to LAX. I've never liked this airport. 8:50 AM Nov 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Visibility in Dallas is extremely low. Pilot aborted landing at the last minute; circled for 35 mins before touching down. Now we're late. 6:04 AM Nov 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Got up at 4:00am Wichita time. Flying home this morning. Gotta make the traditional Thanksgiving pizza. 4:05 AM Nov 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I remember exactly where I was 46 years ago today: Wichita, KS. I'm back in Wichita today, preaching at Beth Eden Baptist Church. 7:32 AM Nov 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray strikes a pose befitting his TeamPyro uniform: http://bit.ly/61p7KE 9:25 PM Nov 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's Ray sporting a TeamPyro onesie: http://bit.ly/8VTJ6c 9:16 PM Nov 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I love this picture of my grandson, Ray: http://bit.ly/4Efmah 8:50 PM Nov 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Drving back to Wichita, KS this afternoon. Speaking at Beth Eden Baptist tonight & tomorrow. 10:01 AM Nov 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @chinaadventures Yes. I feel your pain. I once was craving Mexican food while in Hong Kong. Had to settle for KFC. 7:21 AM Nov 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to chinaadventures
- @mcmc07 Yes. about 4 years ago I spoke at a FIRE conference there. 8:07 PM Nov 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to SJEP2K9
- Where I was last night: http://bit.ly/8wFj2H And tonight: http://bit.ly/5kUuTg 5:29 PM Nov 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- We're trying to teach Wrigley to play Mariocart on the Wii. This gives me hope: http://bit.ly/2dwdjI 1:39 PM Nov 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Why you should never walk across the backs of hippos: http://bit.ly/1mjjAD 1:10 PM Nov 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- More fruit of the redefinition of marriage http://bit.ly/7yoIaW 12:01 PM Nov 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cute video from @Frank_Turk's blog: http://bit.ly/8zSIAe 10:33 AM Nov 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @bweeden4 saved tonight's game for the Cowboys: http://bit.ly/1olSep 11:25 PM Nov 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ Sweet. 6:15 PM Nov 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @challies No surprise here. I knew the minute I saw your suggestion that someone would bite. 5:31 PM Nov 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Perfect evening for football: http://pic.gd/f63d1e 5:12 PM Nov 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Driving to Boone Pickens Stadium for tonight's game. 2:42 PM Nov 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @GraceLifePulpit: @Phil_Johnson_ New message, "No Other gods" from Exodus 20:3 ... http://bit.ly/ES8EC 9:46 AM Nov 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Finally made it to Wichita. Then I drove from there to Tulsa. Gonna spend tomorrow with my dad. He' recovering pretty well. 8:54 PM Nov 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Plane is vibrating as we sit at the gate. Pilot explains they are jacking the plane up to remove the inboard tire. Sounds ominous. 2:22 PM Nov 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Equipment" problem on our plane. We'll be sitting here on the DFW runway for at least half an hour. 2:17 PM Nov 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm sitting in DFW's departure lounge discussing gambling with some very confused commenters at teampyro.blogspot.com 12:34 PM Nov 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Flying to Wichita this morning. Security at the airport was extra slow. 5:50 AM Nov 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I saw preliminary artwork for an ESV version of the MacArthur Study Bible. I think it's coming in Fall 2010. Details to come. 2:17 PM Nov 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This guy has a cool job: http://bit.ly/3NcBco 11:31 PM Nov 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cool launch vid from #nasatweetup #sts129 http://bit.ly/3C8stU 1:00 PM Nov 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Jay_Flowers Send photos. 11:55 AM Nov 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Jay_Flowers
- Correction: Barry Wilmore is the _pilot_ on this shuttle crew. 11:49 AM Nov 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Liftoff. 11:28 AM Nov 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watching the Space Shuttle launch. Jay_Flowers is there on site. Our friend Barry Wilmore is commander of this crew. 11:26 AM Nov 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Had a relapse of laryngitis last night. Feels like a full-on flu relapse today. Not good. 10:56 AM Nov 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @LAjoey Jon Roark 5:48 PM Nov 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to LAjoey
- Ray went to Disneyland Thursday: http://tweetphoto.com/phsvazaq (Closeup: http://pic.gd/a879be ) 1:30 PM Nov 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preached this AM in John MacArthur's absence: "No Other gods" (Exodus 20:3). 1:23 PM Nov 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cajun fishermen: http://bit.ly/4zMa7y 9:14 PM Nov 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The sad story of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, America's most famous atheist: http://bit.ly/4jqVsY 6:37 PM Nov 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Lunch at Gandolfo's with Darlene. Life is good. 12:32 PM Nov 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Brian McLaren's feelings are hurt when the Daily Kos wonders if he's truly radical enough for the Democratic Party: http://bit.ly/2i7Htl 11:31 AM Nov 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- NASA on the 2012 doomsday hysteria: http://bit.ly/27C3SA 11:29 AM Nov 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @gentrywx She's nutty. She blathers like a conspiracy theorist, and plays fast and loose with both doctrine and history. 11:27 AM Nov 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to gentrywx
- US Airways flight 1549 (Hudson River) accident reconstruction w/ATC recordings: http://bit.ly/3mGnfe 11:12 AM Nov 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Psalm 19:1: http://bit.ly/B3k0F 10:17 AM Nov 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watching a video tour of the International Space Station downlinked by @Astro_Jeff. Lots of activity up there this morning. 8:39 AM Nov 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @gentrywx I didn't get it, and can't find it in the queue. Can you send again? 8:23 AM Nov 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to gentrywx
- @gentrywx I'm not sure what you mean. Did you send me an e-mail? 9:19 PM Nov 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to gentrywx
- http://pic.gd/9f6f2a Ray loves L.A. 4:35 PM Nov 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray: http://pic.gd/88b151 4:29 PM Nov 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jmartinson "NASA app" 3:44 PM Nov 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Just found a sweet NASA app for iPhone. It tracks the ISS (among other things). Remember to pray for @astro_Jeff, orbiting now. 3:00 PM Nov 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ouch: http://bit.ly/4cO82R 10:26 PM Nov 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's a collection of new psalms & hymns w/ free sheet-music. They look meaty; but I haven't listend to them yet: http://bit.ly/4nNujy 8:48 PM Nov 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Spent the day catching up on old correspondence. If you wrote me an e-mail and are still awaiting a reply, now's the time to send again. 5:54 PM Nov 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Still coughing and therefore I'm staying home one more day, but I think I'm going to survive my bout with swine flu. 11:20 AM Nov 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Abandoned churches: http://bit.ly/rwGXB 10:52 PM Nov 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Frightening video; happy ending. Drunk lady falls in front of subway train. Old man gets conductor to stop in time: http://bit.ly/2cXMB6 5:20 PM Nov 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I wouldn't mind living here: http://bit.ly/3QO7Nr 12:30 PM Nov 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's looking at you: http://bit.ly/2VsJHq 11:18 PM Nov 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A 50,000-man army, swallowed by a sandstorm 2,500 years ago, may have been found: http://bit.ly/21p4ha Cool story. 1:51 PM Nov 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- R. C. Sproul is an endearing Luddite: http://bit.ly/ZWBkA 12:39 PM Nov 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Swine flu, day 7. I feel better, but I don't _sound_ any better. Laryngitis, cough--I've turned into a raspy baritone with throat siezures. 8:30 AM Nov 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Wild day at the zoo: http://bit.ly/3EQXaw 12:02 AM Nov 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Your weekly Dose 0' Spurgeon is online: http://bit.ly/1m1MXK 9:53 PM Nov 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Listening to Grace Church via livestream: http://bit.ly/R6OsY (Being a shut-in isn't as bad as it used to be.) 8:33 AM Nov 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Swine flu, day 6. Same as yesterday. I was hoping I'd wake up well. 7:04 AM Nov 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Still drinking TheraFlu, coughing, and talking raspy. If I were a dog, we would have put me out of my misery by now. 7:58 PM Nov 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Swine flu, day 5. I THINK I feel better. Maybe I'm just getting used to feeling bad. Either way, I'm staying in the Slanket today. 7:07 AM Nov 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @tohuvabohu I noticed the first symptoms an hour before I ate at the SeaTac Ivars. So I prolly left a germ on the counter for you. Enjoy. 12:18 PM Nov 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to tohuvabohu
- Homework: http://bit.ly/1cUdVr 12:14 PM Nov 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk Joe Carter: ". . . Frank and the TR camp. . ." http://bit.ly/36jrEb Is your membership card current? Your dues are in arrears. 10:41 AM Nov 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Betcha can't do this: http://bit.ly/2JXSvB 9:59 AM Nov 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Home alone today. Darlene's getting her hair done. I suggested a 'do like this: http://bit.ly/4egGXS Wrigley concurs. Darlene was not amused 9:39 AM Nov 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- C. Michael Patton's Nixonesque protest: "I am not a wimp!" http://bit.ly/3pwBnl 8:18 AM Nov 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 Once you have the symptoms, they won't let you come to the doctor's office, so the diagnosis is based on the symptoms. 7:58 AM Nov 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Day 4 of swine flu. Feels as bad as day 3--maybe worse. Canceled speaking in Colorado this weekend. Can't remember ever feeling worse. 6:54 AM Nov 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I haven't posted a picture of Ray lately. Here he is with his dad: http://pic.gd/ef0db9 11:07 PM Nov 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Another sweetly touching one that might make you tear up: http://bit.ly/16xAvT 8:25 PM Nov 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sweet but sad story: http://bit.ly/49ixNh (HT: BB) 5:35 PM Nov 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Bald isn't always beautiful: http://bit.ly/3FYU1U 12:12 PM Nov 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I was always pretty sure we'd see this sooner or later: http://bit.ly/2prSaa 9:41 AM Nov 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Swine flu, day three: It feels like I was dragged beneath a Santa Clarita garbage truck all night. I'm growing very fond of my Slanket. 9:18 AM Nov 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Almost nothing makes me angrier than this kind of stuff, done in Jesus' name: http://bit.ly/48gEOC (HT: JT) 8:41 AM Nov 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Celebrating "paradox": Is it OK for Christians to cultivate an irrational worldview? http://bit.ly/4og76v 10:29 PM Nov 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm downloading the much-vaunted Logos 4.0 update in the background. Can't wait to use it. 1:54 PM Nov 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Thai food for a late lunch. Testing the curative powers of coconut rice, spicy chicken, & yellow curry. 1:51 PM Nov 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @SirAaron_ If I had any energy, perhaps that's what I would do. As it is, an afternoon of "The Rockford Files" reruns sounds more appealing. 12:17 PM Nov 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to SirAaron_
- @wernerpeters It'll be featured in the December mailing to the GTY mailing list, then broadcast in 3 parts on radio sometime after that. 11:04 AM Nov 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to wernerpeters
- @ralphprovance I think you're right. All the symptoms of H1N1. Plus, I'm wrapped up in my Slanket listening to Christmas music. Say no more. 10:48 AM Nov 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to ralphprovance
- Darlene's remedy for all my H1N1 symptoms: orange juice, coffee, and a Slanket. It's working pretty well so far. 8:20 AM Nov 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm sick. Sore throat, laryngitis, fever, and aching neck/head. Feels like BOTH swine flu and mad cow disease. 7:57 AM Nov 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- John is in the studio already: http://bit.ly/3KwMFl 2:39 PM Nov 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'll be recording an interview with John MacArthur in 30 minutes. We're going to talk about the problem of evil. 2:38 PM Nov 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I forgot it was my turn to blog this morning . . . in case you're wondering why Pyromaniacs had no post today. 2:37 PM Nov 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A little mishap at the vodka warehouse: http://bit.ly/1MOAYK 6:41 PM Nov 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- '80s matchmaking videos. I'm betting all these guys are still single: http://bit.ly/cfwsc 6:18 PM Nov 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 1st external HD I ever bought finally went bad this weekend, so I'm at Fry's getting a replacement: http://twitpic.com/o0ym5 10:30 AM Nov 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- World's strangest buildings: http://bit.ly/zG8jc 11:01 PM Nov 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I love LA. It's good to be home. 10:05 PM Nov 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- For once I'm glad my flight is delayed by 30 minutes. http://twitpic.com/nybfh 5:55 PM Nov 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @dannywright2 it seems there's a federal treaty prohibiting subs (even our own) from entering Pugett Sound submerged. 5:54 PM Nov 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to dannywright2
- On the way to Sea-Tac. Got stopped for 1 hour at a drawbridge so a nuclear sub could pass. Gotta hurry now. http://twitpic.com/nxzyk 4:53 PM Nov 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @challies I can tell you what I would do: I'd make it into a Pyro graphic. Please send those pics ASAP. We need them for Monday's post. 3:33 PM Oct 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to challies
- @darrinpatrick I would, but I'm headed the opposite direction after we land, toward the Olympic peninsula. 10:33 AM Oct 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to darrinpatrick
- Your weekend Ray fix: http://twitpic.com/np5a9 10:30 AM Oct 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Boarding my flight to Seattle. Alaska Airlines' computers are down today, and everything's a mess. 10:07 AM Oct 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Louisville Slugger aluminum bats will now cost more and come with warning labels: http://bit.ly/PXAGY 8:39 AM Oct 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Raw honesty: http://bit.ly/3MbIft 10:28 PM Oct 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Headed for Port Angeles, WA, Saturday. My friend Steve Hall is the new pastor of Peninsula Bible Church there: http://bit.ly/1OYB2c 10:19 PM Oct 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Age is no barrier when it comes to sport": http://bit.ly/3ioDxL Good for them. I'm sticking with Wii sports. Put the camera away. 11:36 AM Oct 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "We're their last stop on the way out of Christianity"--cliches from the "Jesus dojo": http://bit.ly/4essRm (HT: Dissidens) 7:47 AM Oct 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Shark bite: http://bit.ly/2TGYBa 9:08 PM Oct 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray and his dad are watching the World Series and VA Tech football games together: http://twitpic.com/ngpop 6:54 PM Oct 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Some curriculum publishers are treating the gospel as just one option on the smorgasbord: http://bit.ly/2hJ8mt (HT: Kevin Mungons) 11:22 AM Oct 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- After that garage remodel, I think I'll build a treehouse in the back yard: http://bit.ly/ko0Sn 7:31 PM Oct 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm thinking of remodeling the garage: http://bit.ly/4dbnsc 4:01 PM Oct 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cat ladies: http://bit.ly/1sYTJ1 3:44 PM Oct 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Phyllis Tickle, materfamilias of "Emergence Christianity," speaks her mind: http://bit.ly/3YRQIb 10:33 PM Oct 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Christopher Hitchens' take on Doug Wilson: http://bit.ly/4ACa6L That second comment is gold. 9:50 PM Oct 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dinner with Darlene at Gandolfo's. http://twitpic.com/n31jd Best sandwiches in Santa Clarita. 5:05 PM Oct 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @LaneChaplin interviewed me last week. Here's the result: http://bit.ly/rtjdA Thanks, Lane. 3:41 PM Oct 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The Grace to you Board meeting is today. An amazing array of godly character and prodigious minds all in one room. I love this ministry. 10:58 AM Oct 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Home. Two big days ahead, but at least I get to sleep in a real bed tonight. Wrigley is thrilled I'm home. Darlene is even more so. 9:42 PM Oct 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- On my way back to Burbank. My dad seems to be recovering well. I hate to leave, but I have to teach tomorrow; GTY board meeting Monday. 1:32 PM Oct 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Tulsa airport. I helped tear the roof off this place and replace it when I was in high school. The weather's better now than it was then. 1:18 PM Oct 24th, 2009 via Tweetie
- DWI in a La-Z-Boy: http://bit.ly/1j8ugZ 7:37 PM Oct 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The newest Boar's Head fellow is shocked (SHOCKED, I say) by the snark level there: "Hello? How trailer trash is that?" http://bit.ly/3OHxR 5:52 PM Oct 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Spending the night in my dad's hospital room. He seems to be recovering well, already feeling relief from that now-unpinched nerve. 5:07 PM Oct 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My dad is out of surgery; still in recovery. The surgeon came by and said he is pleased with the way it went. 3:39 PM Oct 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital has the best waiting rooms in town--and I've seen them all. No word on my dad yet. 1:56 PM Oct 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @StJohnHealthOK This time I'm at the Spine & Specialty Hospital. Thanks for your prayers. 12:34 PM Oct 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to StJohnHealthOK
- James White, right on: http://bit.ly/4rMkbB 12:30 PM Oct 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm in Tulsa, in a hospital waiting room. Again. My dad (Ray, age 84) is having delicate back surgery 2day. Please keep him in your prayers. 8:43 AM Oct 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Flying from Tampa to Dallas, then Tulsa tonight. My dad's having a very difficult back surgery tomorrow. Please keep him in your prayers. 11:08 AM Oct 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The atrocity that pleased God: http://bit.ly/3hAET3 10:46 AM Oct 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @drmcmasters Is that the place where we had oysters for breakfast? I want to go to there. 10:19 AM Oct 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to drmcmasters
- @tulipgrrl Next time. This one was really rushed & Darlene didn't even get to come. But we're eager to meet you & your famous husband. 10:18 AM Oct 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to tulipgrrl
- Crossing the Sunshine Skyway Bridge: http://twitpic.com/md4bk 9:13 AM Oct 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- First Things new blog has already become the most prolific group blog in the evangelical blogosphere. My fave so far: http://bit.ly/41M6CE 9:34 PM Oct 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Derek Webb tells why he wanted to cuss on his latest album; doesn't attempt to explain the bobble-head thing: http://bit.ly/D9eFC 8:57 PM Oct 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I neglected to use Twitter today. Sorry. I'm in Florida for board meetings all day today and half of tomorrow. Flying to Tulsa tomorrow PM. 8:49 PM Oct 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dissidens on why the average theological miscreant today isn't worthy of the adjective _liberal_: http://bit.ly/2HTPPn 10:45 AM Oct 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Headed this morning for Tampa Bay and 2 board meetings this week. I'll be flying or in transit most of the day. Be excellent to each other. 6:33 AM Oct 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cussing again: http://bit.ly/3v6Vk5 11:43 PM Oct 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- And in yesterday's local news . . . . http://bit.ly/4etUoZ 9:43 PM Oct 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Air traffic worldwide: http://bit.ly/z2HV8 8:43 PM Oct 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Lunch with Darlene at my new favorite Santa Clarita eatery, Gandolfo's: http://twitpic.com/lxd7u 2:15 PM Oct 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Tozer audio sermons: http://bit.ly/14VUwa 11:07 AM Oct 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dissidens goes to a book signing and deconstructs the prejudice of a postmodern authoress: http://bit.ly/3zB15X 11:42 PM Oct 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Divorce sex education from moral law and remove all accountability. What do you suppose the result wil be? http://bit.ly/2iHLVy 9:46 PM Oct 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Shinar_Squirrel Exactly. 4:19 PM Oct 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Shinar_Squirrel
- Hey, it's Costco. Why aren't they selling these in ten-packs? http://bit.ly/32YpiO 5:25 PM Oct 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- About to use Skype for the first time--doing an interview with Lane Chaplin: http://bit.ly/34CzzY 3:50 PM Oct 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Bach at FAO Schwartz: http://bit.ly/r0WTw 11:33 PM Oct 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Helium balloon story from 1907: http://bit.ly/1m1wk2 12:36 PM Oct 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Read the story here: http://bit.ly/3i1SSu and pray for--and weep with--this family. Calvin branch was stillborn a few hours ago. 10:56 AM Oct 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Desktop Black Hole: http://bit.ly/1brZOp (What's the big deal? My desktop has been a black hole for years.) 9:05 AM Oct 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Google Street View®. How it's done: http://bit.ly/2h1GJI 9:00 AM Oct 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "WHO Matters More?" Fred Butler proposes equal rights for ALL sinners: http://bit.ly/2pLI8 4:43 PM Oct 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Having lunch with Ray at Panera Bread: http://twitpic.com/lj48f 1:43 PM Oct 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I am always greatly blessed by Rick Anderson's preaching. You should listen to him: http://bit.ly/2XtsVG 11:40 AM Oct 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Speaking at the FIRE regional conference in Oxnard this morning. Re: passion. 7:59 AM Oct 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- JT on the 30th anniversary of John Piper's call to pastoral ministry. XLNT article: http://bit.ly/35Az4h 6:57 AM Oct 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ Come on. 10:14 PM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- The indefatigable @Frank_Turk studies the Sparkhouse videos so that you don't have to: http://bit.ly/k0MQy 9:22 PM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Beef. It's what's for dinner. http://bit.ly/3dIUga (Mmmm. Hamburger.) 8:33 PM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Just listened to Frank Turk on Paul Edwards (with Jim Belcher) from last week. Great interview: http://bit.ly/APc84 6:48 PM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- How the ISS was built. Pray for my friend @Astro_Jeff, who is up there for the next 6 months. 2:31 PM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dissidens gives his classic color commentary on Christianity21: http://bit.ly/3GMS0Q (Warning: he quotes some really offensive stuff.) 1:14 PM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Conversation partners" at Christianity 21. Here's a collection of their profoundest thoughts: http://bit.ly/21G3qz 12:37 PM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @beanboy3001 I do most of it. @Frank_Turk does occasional graphics in a more comic-book style. Between us, we do all the artwork in-house. 8:36 AM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to beanboy3001
- A more thorough analysis (than mine) of Derek Webb's accusatory doggerel, from Frank_Turk: http://bit.ly/AreQe 12:25 AM Oct 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @imonk Mercenaries? Pheh. I'm shopping for nukes. 12:56 PM Oct 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to imonk
- Now everyone wants to update me on every meeting they attended this morning. Never mind. 11:57 AM Oct 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I hate when I get a Twitter DM on my cell and reply as if it were a text message. Arrgh. 11:52 AM Oct 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @drmcmasters I'd love to do that, but I don't plan to be there over a weekend. I'm flying to London on a Monday, back to LA that Thursday. 10:23 AM Oct 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @ecrosstexas That's my MAIN problem with the track; not the "style." He insinuates that Christians are all pretty much like Fred Phelps. 10:20 AM Oct 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to ecrosstexas
- The artist formerly known as Derek Webb is an angry, crude-mouthed bobble-head: http://bit.ly/HjNJ3 12:46 AM Oct 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I almost forgot to post our Dose o' Spurgeon this week, but it's online now: http://bit.ly/12IIZN 11:21 PM Oct 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A week's worth of reading material here: http://bit.ly/1B9ClT 4:42 PM Oct 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Rick Phillips on Tim Keller on Willow Creek: http://bit.ly/2QZYGR 8:24 PM Oct 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I've often said that writing is the single most effective means of learning. Calvin, Augustine, Piper, and JT agree: http://bit.ly/I7V95 4:30 PM Oct 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @hereiblog My best Tweet-length reply would be "LOL." Perhaps I'll blog some more detailed thoughts on Monday. 2:34 PM Oct 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to hereiblog
- Benny Hinn: "God never called me to verify." http://bit.ly/BDJbh (HT: @Pecadillo_) 2:31 PM Oct 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- David Bayly on pastors who aspire to stylishness: http://bit.ly/vTnTI 11:42 AM Oct 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray is about ten pounds of awesome: http://twitpic.com/ksh4i 8:00 PM Oct 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Back on the ground in Los Angeles. Traffic is typically heavy, but we're going to Simi to see Ray on the way home. 5:43 PM Oct 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- For @Frank_Turk & family: http://pic.gd/b74a0a 3:41 PM Oct 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm on a flight from DFW to LAX. This is the first flight I have been on with wifi, and its free for 1st timers. Cool. 2:39 PM Oct 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Just arrived at DFW on the way back to LAX. I should be back in the office tomorrow. Vacation is officially over. 11:52 AM Oct 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Justice" or a perversion of justice? Here's why I don't trust postmodern rhetoric about "justice": http://bit.ly/t9BXO (HT: @Pecadillo_) 7:59 AM Oct 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This is the best pizza on a stick ever. This guy is unbelievable. He ran the old Cup 'o Pizza guy out of business: http://pic.gd/3dd9bd 6:28 PM Oct 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Betcha can't do this: http://bit.ly/4t6owB 6:06 PM Oct 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- We're doing something truly vacationey today: taking my dad to the Tulsa State Fair. http://bit.ly/rg538 8:03 AM Oct 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Amazing photographs of incredible creatures. (Click on thumbnails for full size): http://bit.ly/4cJVlh HT: @Grant_Russell 6:04 AM Oct 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Britain's "most gloriously un-PC" mayor is back in the news: http://bit.ly/IGAPm (Previously: http://bit.ly/CYJFX) 9:35 PM Oct 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A beautiful story of persistence & answered prayer: http://bit.ly/31CZuD 12:31 PM Oct 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Kevin DeYoung on Rob Bell: http://bit.ly/3bOymh 9:38 AM Oct 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 10 Extremely Weird Religions http://bit.ly/1eQjE2 7:51 AM Oct 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Should have seen THIS coming: http://bit.ly/eYcHF 8:07 PM Oct 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Yesterday I went to Wichita for the 1st time since 1966; visited landmarks from my childhood. Back preaching this AM at http://bit.ly/61fJr 6:06 AM Oct 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Puréed starlings: http://bit.ly/1vmKD0 7:43 PM Oct 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Yikes! I'm wondering if there is ANY limit to the shenanigans evangelical churches will sponsor: http://bit.ly/1a94CP HT: @chrisgambino 8:06 AM Oct 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @chrisgambino Thanks for that. I wish I had waited to read it till after breakfast, though. 7:46 AM Oct 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to chrisgambino
- Bureaucrats. Pfffft. http://bit.ly/etVn0 10:20 PM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Betcha can't do this: http://bit.ly/PMnad 8:42 PM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 1. Rob Bell on the true meaning of _evangelicalism_: http://bit.ly/12xLjy ______________________ 2. My analysis of that: http://bit.ly/og4eH 7:07 PM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Some of my reflections on _The Gospel According to Jesus_ 20 years after that book's release: http://bit.ly/1aiApI 12:52 PM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Turns out my Dad's neighbor had a serious heart attack this AM. Got him to the clinic just in time. Pray for his recovery. His initials: RB. 12:47 PM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A bigger-than-usual dose of Tony Jones's trademark cynicism: http://bit.ly/Hj2Zt 9:39 AM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Praying for @Astro_Jeff, locked inside Soyuz w/ 3 guys (one a clown!) in a space no bigger than a Prius front seat--till docking tomorrow. 9:26 AM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Every time I come to Tulsa I end up in some hospital's waiting room. Today I'm taking my dad's nxtdoor neighbr to hospital with chest pains. 8:38 AM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ "Leave Britney ALONE!" http://bit.ly/T9sif 8:01 AM Oct 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Our very own @Pecadillo_ gets his picture in the London Daily Mail: http://bit.ly/7Av8Y (He's the cop.) 7:57 AM Oct 1st, 2009 via web
- Turns out that what the law quite properly labels "sexual harassment" is the very stuff that's standard fare on prime-time TV. 8:25 PM Sep 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Just took a 2-hr course on sexual harassment--mandatory every 2 yrs under CA state law for managers in companies w/ more than 50 employees. 8:23 PM Sep 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ you owe us a blogpost. Sounds like today you're collecting some good material for it 4:35 PM Sep 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- @verdadypalabra IMO, he follows Gordon Clark too slavishly. I like much about Clark, but the Robbins cult has all but ruined his legacy. 1:28 AM Sep 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to verdadypalabra
- Safe launch, spectacular experience. Follow @Astro_Jeff on Twitter for the next 6 months at the Space Station. And keep him in your prayers. 1:22 AM Sep 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 2:10 am in Houston. Launch is just a few minutes away. Here's the Intl. Space Station mission-control room: http://twitpic.com/jp23a 12:12 AM Sep 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Astronaut Michael Fink explains to us how a Russian Soyuz capsule works: http://twitpic.com/jp1r9 12:06 AM Sep 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- OK, but just one more: http://bit.ly/92zfD 9:14 PM Sep 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ready for your Baby-Ray fix? Abby Borders took this picture at the game last week: http://bit.ly/IYi4q 9:12 PM Sep 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Pat Forrester (recently returned from orbit) gave us a tour of the Johnson Space Center: http://twitpic.com/jnlkp 4:18 PM Sep 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @Astro_Jeff: Launch day!! Wakeup 4:13 PM Sep 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's a local news story on @Astro_Jeff: http://bit.ly/Z1vHm ; and here's his blog: http://bit.ly/3u5WC 6:12 AM Sep 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Visited Bob Ross's bookstore. Here he shows me the original volumes he used for the Spurgeon Met Tab reprints: http://twitpic.com/jlgfz 5:46 AM Sep 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Jeff Williams says he's ready to launch: http://bit.ly/18haR0 Just over 24 hours. Darlene & I will be watching from NASA's Mission Control. 8:12 PM Sep 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Drove thru a blinding rainstorm in Houston this afternoon. There was a little rainbow at the end of it, though: http://twitpic.com/jk29t 6:38 PM Sep 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- There's no Sonic, Waffle House, or Chick-fil-A in Los Angeles County, so when I travel, I usually choose one of those. 2nite: Chick-fil-A. 6:31 PM Sep 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Darlene arrives 12:30 at DFW. We're driving to NASA in Houston to watch Jeff Williams's Soyuz launch: http://bit.ly/19Kvli 7:28 AM Sep 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dissidens reflects acerbically on Trempor Longman's uncertainty about Adam: http://bit.ly/3JDkKY 6:52 AM Sep 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Long weekend, great retreat w/ men of Believers' Chapel. Now Tom Pennington is preaching about Christ, "Lord of life & Destroyer of death." 4:50 PM Sep 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Flew from SF to LAX this AM; ran from terminal 1 to t4; flew to DFW. Now I'm on the road to Tyler: http://twitpic.com/j3vxy 1:44 PM Sep 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Enjoying the Cubs' game with the newest member of my top-ten-favorite people list: http://twitpic.com/j11fs 9:03 PM Sep 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Still foggy here in SF: http://twitpic.com/j0rr2 7:46 PM Sep 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- At the Cubs' / Giants game: http://twitpic.com/j0l0p 6:57 PM Sep 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- It's so foggy in SF today you can't see the Golden Gate bridge even from the Presidio: http://twitpic.com/izuxe 3:58 PM Sep 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Getaway day. Darlene and I are flying to SF for Cubs' game 2nite. She found $29 flights & set this up w/24 hours' notice. She's wonderful. 7:24 AM Sep 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "DEFINITELY a guardian angel": http://bit.ly/11fqNK 8:38 PM Sep 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- World's Most Extreme Deserts: http://bit.ly/5dnKH 8:05 PM Sep 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Long trip starting tomorrow: San Francisco to Dallas to Houston to Tulsa, then back to Los Angeles in 2 weeks' time. Mostly vacation. 7:16 PM Sep 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @Grant_Russell: This is a pic I took in that Church when we were in Maastricht in 2004, it used to be a bicycle shed http://bit.ly/t5Oe7 3:35 PM Sep 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @MichaelHyatt: We're in a brand meeting with John MacArthur and his team. The time has flown by! 12:53 PM Sep 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Just saw this: http://bit.ly/2v9YDl If you're looking for a video-based group Bible study, you won't find any better. 10:59 AM Sep 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Formerly a church; now a bookstore: http://bit.ly/wpojD 10:29 AM Sep 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Listening to @MichaelHyatt (Thomas Nelson CEO) give an impromptu summary of the state of Christian publishing. 8:55 AM Sep 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Enjoying some goat-bone curry with my longtime friend Chris Williams. I'll be ministering w/him in Pune in January: http://twitpic.com/iqapf 12:12 PM Sep 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @edstetzer: New blog post on contextualization, Taiwan, and bluegrass music. See http://www.edstetzer.com 8:28 AM Sep 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- OK, Ed Stetzer seems excited by this, but but I don't get how bluegrass helps contextualize the gospel for Taiwan: http://bit.ly/25TivB 9:20 AM Sep 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @hobbsandbean Ouch. Get a parenting manual, quick. 9:09 AM Sep 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to hobbsandbean
- My 10-day-old grandson, Ray, came to church. Here he listens to his first sermon: http://twitpic.com/igjhd (Don Green preaching.) 9:10 AM Sep 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My friend @Astro_Jeff will be launching again next month: http://bit.ly/QB3qB That's him in the last photo. (He took photos #19 & #21.) 12:16 AM Sep 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Traffic jam on the off-ramp at the Hollywood Bowl. It'll be another half hour before we can park: http://twitpic.com/ie5wu 7:05 PM Sep 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm taking Darlene to the Hollywood Bowl tonight. Her favorite group is performing: http://bit.ly/Isc2o 4:55 PM Sep 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Unforgettable: http://bit.ly/7fmWE 1:03 PM Sep 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This is pretty cool: http://bit.ly/Z2G8n 9:05 PM Sep 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- R. Crumb's graphic-novel version of Genesis: http://bit.ly/3IFEUS 8:36 PM Sep 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 Ordering mine right now. . . 2:53 PM Sep 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Insane killer escapes while on a field trip to the county fair: http://bit.ly/43Ay7E 2:53 PM Sep 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I want one of these: http://bit.ly/2JfeQb 2:00 PM Sep 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Transparency": not quite the virtue it's cracked up to be: http://bit.ly/1U9CQI 12:00 AM Sep 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My only complaint about my new iPhone case: no slot in the bottom for recharging: http://bit.ly/25Qo0q 3:49 PM Sep 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @niclazz Iain Murray's 2-volume bio and his later follow-up titled _Lloyd-Jones: Messenger of Grace_ are definitive, w/full bibliographies. 1:34 PM Sep 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to niclazz
- Apologetics: http://bit.ly/j8Zhb 12:05 PM Sep 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Frank_Turk :) Well played. 11:25 AM Sep 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Samurai self-defense: http://bit.ly/VfBf9 11:09 AM Sep 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Home safely. I'm going to bed. 12:11 AM Sep 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Towing. That's a job I would REALLY hate: http://twitpic.com/i0wxa 11:26 PM Sep 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Tow truck has arrived: http://twitpic.com/i0wjl 11:19 PM Sep 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Three-car pile-up behind me. No injuries. CHP guy pushed me up to where there's a shoulder. Still waiting: http://twitpic.com/i0usy 10:55 PM Sep 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Looks like that new fuel pump in my Tahoe went bad already. Worst possible uphill shoulderless stretch of I-5. I'm stranded, waitng for AAA. 10:45 PM Sep 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- John MacArthur returned to the pulpit Sunday night after a summer-long absence & knee-replacement surgery: http://bit.ly/EwmdA (free dnload) 9:37 AM Sep 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Yikes: http://bit.ly/pJC1Z THAT's gonna give me nightmares. 11:37 PM Sep 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Wonderful Dutch catalog website: http://bit.ly/7TnWT HT: the Bayly bros. 10:13 PM Sep 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Temptation: http://bit.ly/WPChH 5:13 PM Sep 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Navy Seals, on orders from Obama, kill a Somalian terrorist: http://bit.ly/vHTyX 2:06 PM Sep 15th, 2009 via web
- Dave Doran on KJVO: "this heresy is treated much too kindly by those who call themselves separatists": http://bit.ly/opkov 9:17 AM Sep 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Stormtruthers: http://bit.ly/2L1vds 8:56 AM Sep 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray learns his catechism: http://twitpic.com/hruwt 6:18 PM Sep 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Something tells me Ray is going to grow up to be strongly opinionated--just like his dad & his granddad: http://twitpic.com/hpu4u 9:01 AM Sep 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Johnny Mac is back. John MacArthur returns tonight after his knee replacement. He's preaching on contentment: http://twitpic.com/ho3hy 7:00 PM Sep 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray ponders the mysteries of life and human depravity: http://twitpic.com/hk4jl 11:05 PM Sep 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- . . . then gives his grumpy look again: http://twitpic.com/hj2mv 6:43 PM Sep 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray sings to his Granddad: http://twitpic.com/hizyf 6:28 PM Sep 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Another picture of Ray. Here he makes a face he learned from Grandad: http://twitpic.com/hi7z6 3:47 PM Sep 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- It seems Alexis is an authority on hermeneutics, too: http://bit.ly/sSJqP (I wish MY eyes could be so expressive.) 12:43 PM Sep 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Alexis explains preaching for all the poor, benighted homileticians out there: http://bit.ly/27O347 11:47 AM Sep 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Me 'n' Ray: http://twitpic.com/hexo2 11:42 PM Sep 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Two more to tide you over till this afternoon: http://twitpic.com/hbokd http://twitpic.com/hbom1 9:57 AM Sep 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Off to visit my grandson this morning. Shall I post more pics of him? 9:22 AM Sep 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Late lunch with Tim Challies this afternoon: http://twitpic.com/h8zw9 4:44 PM Sep 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Now please keep our other daughter-in-law, Susi, in prayer. She's still in hospital with a complex of symptoms--showing little improvement. 11:36 AM Sep 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Thanks for all the prayers & well wishes. Anne, Jedi, and Ray are doing fine. 11:30 AM Sep 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray Johnson and his Mum: http://twitpic.com/h6jlc 4:14 AM Sep 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ray Lawrence Johnson was born by c-section at 2:37 AM. 8 lbs. 1 oz. 20.5 in. Pictures to come. Ray & parents fine; Grandad exhausted. 3:31 AM Sep 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Still waiting in the maternity lounge at 2:00 am. I'm supposed to be at the airport to pick up Challies in less than 12 hours. 2:05 AM Sep 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm thinking of Genesis 3:16 and remembering that elongated labor and multiplied pain are elements of the curse. Still waiting. 10:47 PM Sep 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Still in the waiting room. The wi-fi here is almost unusable. It's been a LONG day. Not much news yet. I need a nap. 5:46 PM Sep 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My 2 daughters-in-law (both pregnant) are currently patients in the same hospital, Anne to deliver; Susi for monitoring & tests. Hectic day. 10:44 AM Sep 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- BTW, "in travail with child" is KJV-speak for "in labor." I'll post an update (& pic?) when the baby arrives. Pray with us for Anne & baby. 7:55 AM Sep 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My daughter-in-law Anne is in travail with child this morning--09-09-09. Great day for my 1st grandson's birthday. 7:41 AM Sep 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "The almost forgotten, forcibly extinguished voice of sanity": http://bit.ly/43MII May his tribe increase. 1:55 PM Sep 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- It seems our blog is "relevant" no matter how much we try not to be: http://bit.ly/min5R 9:03 AM Sep 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Roman Catholic catechesis gone terribly wrong: http://bit.ly/1sSHzU 11:47 PM Sep 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Al Mohler has some sane, balanced remarks on the Obama school-speech kerfuffle: http://bit.ly/2u7ssk 5:10 PM Sep 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Unclear on the concept: http://bit.ly/1EdpU 11:04 AM Sep 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- FAX: http://bit.ly/19XYPq 9:56 AM Sep 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- DIY: http://bit.ly/21wUME 9:47 AM Sep 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Toogle: http://bit.ly/OaYlO Enter "Charles Spurgeon" and see what you get. Then try "Phil Johnson." 10:57 PM Sep 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Determination: http://bit.ly/ahHTs 2:33 PM Sep 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Correction: that's Faith _Community Church, Oxnard. (I knew that; I was testing you.) 10:26 AM Sep 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm preaching this morning at Faith Bible Church in Oxnard, CA. 8:40 AM Sep 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- T. Boone Pickens says today's Cowboy victory was worth the 100s of millions of dollars he has donated to OSU football: http://bit.ly/7fLBj 10:47 PM Sep 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A poignant, if somewhat cynical, story about the forest in my backyard (the same one now being ravaged by wildfires): http://bit.ly/NjrgQ 7:28 PM Sep 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Five more time-lapse films of the LA wildfires. (Still burning today, BTW): http://bit.ly/lcT8s 10:52 PM Sep 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Jonathan Leeman on the courtroom-gas analogy by which NT Wright dismisses the imputation of Christ's righteousness: http://bit.ly/IAIdr 10:38 PM Sep 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Thanks for all the app suggestions. Checked them all out. Best suggestion I hadn't heard of b4: Jotnot, suggested by Christen Hardy (Paige). 8:27 PM Sep 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ "Yo Mama"? Glad to know you are redeeming the time. 11:20 AM Sep 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- Finally dumped my barely-working Palm Treo and got an iPhone yesterday. iPhone users: what are your favorite must-have apps? 10:57 AM Sep 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A pretty egregious case of mistaken identity: http://bit.ly/QicKd 9:40 PM Sep 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @fickett: Gave @Phil_Johnson_ his iPhone today. Wondering how many apps he'll have installed by tomorrow. [Only 8 so far. All sensible.] 9:12 PM Sep 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cute: http://bit.ly/wWkHR 9:11 PM Sep 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Michael Behe is interviewed, then censored, then reinstated at bloggingheads.tv: http://bit.ly/EIhaX A case study in academic cowardice. 10:40 AM Sep 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Amazing pictures of this week's fire: http://bit.ly/6Pb8E 11:25 PM Sep 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Be sure your sin will find you out: http://bit.ly/1mLqAz 9:44 PM Sep 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- You gotta love French-style diplomacy: http://bit.ly/3awfZO 4:51 PM Sep 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Train vs. Tornado: http://bit.ly/62UOC 2:33 PM Sep 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Had a close encounter with a large bobcat in John MacArthur's driveway this morning. Fortunately, I don't think the cat saw me. 11:52 AM Sep 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Smoke from our fire as seen by NASA's Terra satellite: http://bit.ly/WahwV 10:55 PM Sep 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Drove to church for a meeting tonite. I was amazed at the number & size of the fires still burning in the San Gabriel mountains. 7:19 PM Sep 1st, 2009 via txt
- Los Angeles last night: http://bit.ly/wXyT6 (HT: boingboing) 3:22 PM Sep 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- AdViews: A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials http://bit.ly/ZJ9Yx 2:26 PM Sep 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- In "Stopped by the Law 4": http://bit.ly/1nIDdk my son (@Pecadillo_) tasers & tackles the bad guy at the very end. $1.99, but worth it. 1:11 PM Sep 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @d2bubba: Noodling. http://bit.ly/19Uldx Not quite as impressive as Ferret Legging, but then, what is? 11:35 AM Sep 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Comcast "customer service": http://bit.ly/pzCe5 11:31 AM Sep 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The late Rev. Wade Watts was an NAACP leader in OK: http://bit.ly/LCe1l Watch this tribute from a former KKK leader: http://bit.ly/QCMjx 11:43 PM Aug 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The weather report, contextualized by a surfer dude: http://bit.ly/CyEkl 10:33 PM Aug 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Another amazing time-lapse film of the Station Fire: http://bit.ly/uXlCM 1:36 PM Aug 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The lines of flame on the mountains extended for miles on the way home tonite. The bigger fire now moving into our valley is breathtaking. 8:57 PM Aug 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preaching tonight on Paul's missional strategy, from Acts 17. 5:14 PM Aug 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watching over my back fence as the Station Fire pushes toward Acton: http://twitpic.com/fwwsc Don Green & family were evacuated this AM. 5:03 PM Aug 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Music for Pyromaniacs: http://bit.ly/A2ngm Yes, of course. But . . . why? 7:33 PM Aug 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @livingthegospel Well, I have an iMac at home and a Macbook for work. But there are 2 more in my immediate family (1 Mini; 1 Macbook) so: 4. 7:30 PM Aug 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to livingthegospel
- The victims in VA Tech's most recent shootings were members of Campus Crusade: http://bit.ly/3BBz8i 6:11 PM Aug 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Snow Leopard installed flawlessly on my iMac. I've checked all the crucial programs and they run perfectly. So I'm upgrading all my Macs. 4:23 PM Aug 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Gonna install Snow Leopard on my Macs this PM. Risky, because I'm preaching 2x Sunday, and can't afford any down time. http://bit.ly/ilTH3 1:39 PM Aug 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Extreme poodle grooming. http://bit.ly/pIJGz (I hate poodles, and most of these are sick, but the one that looks like a bison is AWESOME!) 1:09 PM Aug 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Bank Error in your favor." In real life, you're obliged to give the money back. http://bit.ly/4knsSr 1:02 PM Aug 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- ArmadilloCam: http://bit.ly/I6YQU 5:38 PM Aug 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Why isn't this centuries-old sport an Olympic event? Certainly it should get more TV coverage: http://bit.ly/1zZ93Y (HT: Jedidiah Johnson) 4:01 PM Aug 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Does PowerPoint REALLY keep our attention more focused? This college dean has a better way: "In short, don't be boring." http://bit.ly/3Betp 2:01 PM Aug 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- How to get out of those department-store shopping trips with the missus: http://imgur.com/TtLdb.jpg 1:41 PM Aug 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Bob Bixby, one of fundamentalism's most interesting bloggers, calls it quits: http://bit.ly/UIouz 8:45 PM Aug 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Why won't feminists admit the pleasure of infants?" http://bit.ly/Yz6Uj 7:23 PM Aug 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 TEST cricket, no less. Not Twenty20. 4:16 PM Aug 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Kicked back with @DrOakley in Oz and watched The Ashes. Most memorable moment: http://bit.ly/1E3bnK That's gotta hurt: http://bit.ly/2KpCrl 4:10 PM Aug 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- There's a sermon illustration here: http://bit.ly/2WLm3O 4:04 PM Aug 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DrOakley1689 You shoulda been on my plane today. More like sardine tin than petri dish--with a miasma so rancid no mere germ could survive. 3:11 PM Aug 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- At the gate in LA, waiting for about 500 very slow people to disembark. Then I'll be at the back of the queue going through customs. 7:19 AM Aug 26th, 2009 via txt
- About to board the flight home from Brisbane. This is the worst part of the whole trip, but the reward at the end--home & fam--is worth it. 4:43 PM Aug 25th, 2009 via txt
- Swimming with crocs: http://bit.ly/15beuq 12:21 AM Aug 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Dead Men Talking"--thanks for the quote: http://bit.ly/11mPIE 1:59 PM Aug 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Brian McLaren observes Ramadan: "I don't want to say too much about it . . . keeping Jesus' words in Matthew 6 in mind." http://bit.ly/jdK2s 1:51 PM Aug 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Grant_Russell Don't tell my Aussie friends, but I would love to see the Pommies win it. 1:07 AM Aug 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Grant_Russell
- Rat-eating plant: http://bit.ly/Kxqvf 9:30 PM Aug 21st, 2009 via txt
- James White (peace and blessing be upon him) teaching: http://bit.ly/psN8t 9:05 PM Aug 21st, 2009 via txt
- Fascinating story unfolding in the Seattle Times: http://bit.ly/XRJEy 3:57 PM Aug 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The Kiwi vote is in, and it's a landslide: Parental discipline by smacking should not be a criminal offense: http://bit.ly/rhsw7 3:44 PM Aug 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Aussie TV ALWAYS has sports. James White & I watched cricket, rugby, tennis, track, and soccer all before breakfast this morning. 2:35 PM Aug 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dr. White is fighting off laryngitis; I have a major headache. The flu epidemic here in Brisbane is peaking. I'm looking forward to today. 2:33 PM Aug 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Rudd4Prez Thanks. James has been humming that song all day. 1:13 AM Aug 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Rudd4Prez
- @markw_nz Sadly, no. I haven't been to NZ in a decade, and I need to come back, but I can't this time. 1:12 AM Aug 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to markw_nz
- @jesusbayona Yes, he's the one. 1:12 AM Aug 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jesusbayona
- RT @DrOakley1689: "being counter-cultural: I am wearing a bow tie while speaking in Australia." See? How crunk is THAT? 4:24 PM Aug 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's the thing: If Camping is right, the world ends 21 May 2011. We'll never find out who Servetus the Evangelical is: http://bit.ly/MT6hY 4:06 PM Aug 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Talking with James White about Harold Camping, Servetus the Evangelical, etc. James is the crunkest guy I know. 4:03 PM Aug 20th, 2009 via web
- Hanging out with James White. @DrOakley1689. We're talking about you. 12:54 AM Aug 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Currently in Surfer's Paradise, on Australia's Gold Coast: http://bit.ly/1XYYjx 6:34 PM Aug 19th, 2009 via web
- Awakened this morning at 4:00 by a computerized call about health-care reform. Jet lag PLUS big roaming charges for phone spam: UNhealthy. 2:09 PM Aug 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @mumpty That's a reference to a famous ad in which Paul Hogan did indeed say "shrimp": http://bit.ly/26b4Uh 5:06 AM Aug 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Brad_Morris_
- @DrOakley1689 I'll put another shrimp on the barbie. 11:26 PM Aug 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DrOakley1689
- Youth Pastors gone wild: http://bit.ly/2EBvkv Apparently you gotta get krunk to contextualize for today's yoots: http://tiny.cc/krunk ... 11:23 PM Aug 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watching cricket on TV. Sri Lanka vs. NZ. Would rather be eating dinner with @Rick_Holland tonite: http://tiny.cc/Nct1t 9:23 PM Aug 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DespevilleX Not yet. He's still in Sydney. I think he arrives here tomorrow. 4:37 PM Aug 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DespevilleX
- It's a gorgeously mild winter day in Brisbane. All I need is a nap. 2:16 PM Aug 18th, 2009 via txt
- On my way to the airport. See you in Brisbane. 8:21 PM Aug 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cool search utility for locating pics with specific colors on FlickR: http://bit.ly/NsGEz 7:56 PM Aug 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Packing for my trip to Oz. Conference this weekend in Brisbane with James White @ Grace Bible Church: http://bit.ly/DhI1n 7:38 PM Aug 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Skeptic Michael Ruse on why the "new Atheism" is such a disaster: http://bit.ly/2fzUNA 6:28 PM Aug 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @Rick_Holland: John MacArthur out of surgery for knee replacement. Dr. said it went well. 5:23 PM Aug 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @Rick_Holland: John MacArthur in surgery (3:30 p.m. PST) for knee replacement. I know he would appreciate your prayers. 3:55 PM Aug 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm headed to Australia on the midnight flight tonight. No way I'll ever get everything done that I need to finish before leaving. 3:24 PM Aug 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Calvin: Six reasons why prayer isn't superfluous-- http://bit.ly/1mZP4C 3:12 PM Aug 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Farming with Dynamite. The complete book: http://bit.ly/2zNusX 8:18 PM Aug 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Hmm. I found the Moscow subway slightly confusing. Next time I'll take Wrigley, and he can show me around: http://bit.ly/2K4f0 1:12 PM Aug 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Great message from @Rick_Holland this morning on God's working behind the scenes in the saga of Joseph and his brothers. 12:05 PM Aug 16th, 2009 via txt
- Crayon carving: http://bit.ly/mCjCx 12:11 AM Aug 16th, 2009 via web
- 16 weird caterpillars: http://bit.ly/2Lfx7y 11:13 PM Aug 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Two very sad, but totally different, cases of amnesia: http://bit.ly/12z57O (Clive Wearing) and http://bit.ly/CQnqi (Bejaman Kyle) 11:40 PM Aug 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The Schøyen Collection is the largest private manuscript collection in the world: http://bit.ly/2nNirq 7:19 PM Aug 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- John MacArthur on _The Jesus You Can't Ignore _ (_The Christian Post_): http://bit.ly/rk7rr 5:03 PM Aug 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Read the Gospels: JC is not PC"-- John MacArthur in today's _Washington Post_ http://bit.ly/Sdkqm 11:11 AM Aug 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- La chance: http://bit.ly/4FOHp 10:56 AM Aug 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The view from Everest: http://bit.ly/XJpNI 10:42 AM Aug 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Art Sido on Evangelicalism: "[I'm] more interested in the solutions someone proposes [than] problems they point out." http://bit.ly/1rg7ht 10:09 AM Aug 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @hobbsandbean: LD's genius--impressive as it is--pales in comparison to yours. 11:13 PM Aug 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to hobbsandbean
- @geoffrobinson @JeremyT You were right. That's what fixed it. 10:35 PM Aug 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- LD Light is a genius. He got my Time Capsule working in no time. I'm back on line, baby! 10:34 PM Aug 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Doug Wilson: "Unleashing Your Inner Fundamentalist" http://bit.ly/2hBxSl 8:04 PM Aug 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- P. Tickle: "It bugs me tht we . . talk abt it only n terms of Chrstnity . . Emrgnce Xtnity is PART of [bigger] phnomnon" http://bit.ly/Wb8nv 12:49 PM Aug 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Yet another funeral this morning, and then another on Saturday. ". . . But the word of our God will stand forever" (Isaiah 40:8). 9:05 AM Aug 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Excellent, pithy post by Justin Taylor on the dangers of semantic legalism: http://bit.ly/YFJs2 11:28 PM Aug 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My wireless router was flaky, so I replaced it with a Mac Time Capsule. Now I can't connect the new network to the Internet. It's maddening. 8:36 PM Aug 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Headed to the Police Academy Athletic Field for the Dragnet Day festivities: http://bit.ly/N3XGI 12:40 PM Aug 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Fallout of the merger at Coral Ridge. This is a sad story on several levels: http://bit.ly/z7ftd 8:38 AM Aug 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- If (like us) you kept a closet full of Lego Bricks but not the instruction booklets, here's what you're looking for: http://bit.ly/ld1Pz 11:39 PM Aug 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @trimjon I'm not sure. I know there was some discussion recently about bringing him there, but I don't know if anything got scheduled. 11:26 PM Aug 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to trimjon
- A 911 call from a desperate child: http://bit.ly/isBwM 11:23 PM Aug 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Bridges: http://bit.ly/2dZs76 1:44 PM Aug 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- James McDonald blogs some kind words about John MacArthur and others who have influenced him: http://bit.ly/TxZY0 12:38 PM Aug 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Mmmm, cheeseburgers: http://bit.ly/15NhQQ 10:32 PM Aug 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Postmodern apology cards: http://bit.ly/gtvyy 6:01 PM Aug 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Great message on Joseph from @Rick_Holland this morning. 1:54 PM Aug 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Faulty eschatology: http://bit.ly/mwfnW 7:54 PM Aug 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Not exactly a neat freak: http://bit.ly/nPKDC 4:25 PM Aug 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Another funeral this morning. "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). 9:26 AM Aug 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Nice. But how does one practice for something like this? http://bit.ly/155ghb 1:53 PM Aug 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I want one of these: http://bit.ly/230Vn 8:43 AM Aug 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "A touch of spiritual window dressing" or too much contextualization? "Belly dancing vicar Reverend Bev Ramsden . . ." http://bit.ly/7VAzD 11:00 AM Aug 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Nancy Wilson on tats: http://bit.ly/yXWzt and facial studs: http://bit.ly/ZUZpL Doug Wilson weighs in, too: http://bit.ly/obehK 11:08 AM Aug 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Wearing ankle weights, just in case . . . http://bit.ly/vyFH 8:34 AM Aug 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Going to the Dodgers' game tonight. 5:31 PM Aug 3rd, 2009 via txt
- Gerald Bray on Bishop Wright. Ouch. http://bit.ly/mPjTq 12:57 PM Aug 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Looking forward to hearing @Rick_Holland this morning. First, however, I'm teaching in GraceLife: substitutionary atonement from Isaiah 53. 7:43 AM Aug 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Oops. http://bit.ly/upzTh 8:06 PM Aug 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- There's a sermon illustration here somewhere. . . . : http://bit.ly/p5tBu 2:48 PM Aug 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's what über-cool evangelicalism looks like from an atheist's point of view: http://bit.ly/19mnB9 3:39 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Back in the office today. 8:51 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- In the Vancouver airport, all checked in for the flight home. It's sweltering here, too. Feels more like Delhi than Vancouver. 4:11 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @benjamaniac Wish I could go to that game, but I'll be in Australia that week with the legendary James White -- @DrOakley1689. 9:29 AM Jul 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Driving back to Vancouver this morning. Darlene's packing while I read Twitter comments. The best way to help her is to stay out of her way. 9:25 AM Jul 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Grilled cheese at Beecher's. The perfect meal before kayaking in the sweltering heat: http://bit.ly/F1ihU 5:12 PM Jul 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Whoa! 104 now. That's the all-time ever-recorded high temp in Seattle, 4 degrees higher than the previous high: http://bit.ly/4Ifmc 4:55 PM Jul 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 103 degrees in Seattle today. The heat seems to follow me everywhere I go. Darlene wants to go kayaking again this evening. 4:33 PM Jul 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dinner tonight at Mike's Chili Parlor, Seattle: http://bit.ly/4FdD7 7:35 PM Jul 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Going kayaking with Darlene today after a late breakfast. 9:38 AM Jul 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Soriano walk-off grand slam. Cubs have won 9 of 11 since the All-Star break. Nice. 9:10 PM Jul 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Soaking up some fresh Canadian air & sun. Wish I had rented a convertible. 10:54 AM Jul 27th, 2009 via txt
- Darlene and I are flying to Vancouver this morning. Trying to salvage 4 days of vacation before months' end. 4:56 AM Jul 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I made a few new graphics for the blog today. We've been re-using too many old ones. Gotta freshen it up. 11:57 PM Jul 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Rick_Holland http://twitpic.com/bk72w - Wow. Do you have a picture of the fish hanging with you standing next to it? That's what I wann ... 9:18 AM Jul 25th, 2009 via TwitPic
- Thanks for asking. My brother is recovering nicely, walking already. He'll have a follow-up surgery on his broken wrist this afternoon. 10:29 AM Jul 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @kevinstilley I take your point. I might have to revamp my afternoon schedule. 10:07 AM Jul 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to kevinstilley
- I had to fight the temptation this morning to take the 126 past our office all the way to the beach. 9:46 AM Jul 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Perfect weather this morning, 72 degrees and clear. I came to work with the windows & moon roof open, so I'm sporting the windblown look. 9:44 AM Jul 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Buehrle pitched a perfect game for the White Sox today. Perfect day for the Cubs, too. They get the day off. 2:16 PM Jul 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dinner at T*Bo's. (Again? Is this what addiction looks like?) Mr. & Mrs. Pecadillo joined us tonight, and we celebrated their bat-conquest. 7:41 PM Jul 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Looking to get me a late birthday present? Here's an idea: http://bit.ly/iZjoY 2:16 PM Jul 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @aaronsauer Not yet. I think that's a special offer for GTY donors. We'll probably release it in a few months to the broader public. 1:57 PM Jul 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to aaronsauer
- Back in the office today, and I'm very glad that the Worst. Vacation. Ever. is now officially over. 10:38 AM Jul 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Really late lunch at T*Bo's today. It's good to be home, and it's a huge relief to have that "vacation" behind us. 3:38 PM Jul 20th, 2009 via txt
- This morning is Mike Taylor's memorial service. Grace to You will be closed until this afternoon. 7:38 AM Jul 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Made it through the desert and home. The beagle was thrilled to see us. 7:26 PM Jul 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Needles, CA. It's 116 degrees at 2:20 pm. Darlene's driving while I read. 2:17 PM Jul 19th, 2009 via txt
- Here's an story featuring my brother that aired on Tulsa Channel 6 News just two days before he broke his back: http://bit.ly/12ZJsV 9:05 PM Jul 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- For those who have asked: I stood across from "the corner" and took this picture: http://bit.ly/4fBuPG 9:01 PM Jul 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Winslow, AZ tonight. We arrived in a blinding dust storm. Everything's gritty. I love this drive, though. 8:34 PM Jul 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Crossing the continental divide. 3:34 PM Jul 18th, 2009 via txt
- Stumbled on the Fire & Ice Biker Rally in Grants, NM. Most motorcycles I have ever seen in one place. 3:19 PM Jul 18th, 2009 via txt
- Lunch with Darlene in Albuquerque at Monte Carlo Liquors & Steak House. Another Guy Fieri recommendation. Very picturesque. 11:46 AM Jul 18th, 2009 via txt
- Holiday Inn Express hotels always please me. Firm, comfy beds, good water pressure, lush towels. But the best thing is their cinnamon rolls. 6:56 AM Jul 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Traveling home. We're staying tonight in Tucumcari, where a magnificent thunderstorm is currently underway. Darlene is absorbed in ESPN. 8:10 PM Jul 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ Your mom will be very proud. 7:44 PM Jul 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- @fickett WIsh I could be there for that. 3:46 PM Jul 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to fickett
- Hoping our trips to the ER & hospital are over. I have 1 day left on this "vacation" and still need to finish 2 projects I brought along. 6:30 AM Jul 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Update: My brother's recovering from surgery for broken back. Keep him in your prayers. But I spent last nite in ER with another loved one. 1:01 PM Jul 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cliff's 1st surgery is complete. The surgeon is impressive. Great, detailed explanations. We'll know the prognosis better in a few days. 5:27 PM Jul 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Mid-surgery update from the O.R.: procedure going as expected. 2:44 PM Jul 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The surgeon finished a scheduled surgery early, so they took Cliff for back surgery 10 mins. ago. A 7-hour procedure. We wait. 8:57 AM Jul 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Back at Hillcrest waiting room. They're trying to schedule surgery. Might not happen till tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers. 7:37 AM Jul 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Not great news. Cliff faces 2 days of surgery, lots of pain, and 6 weeks' recovery if all goes well. Surgery #1 tomorrow. Will keep posted. 8:35 PM Jul 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Waiting for news about my brother's condition at Hillcrest Med. Center, Tulsa. My mom died here in January. This is agony. 6:31 PM Jul 12th, 2009 via txt
- My brother, Cliff, fell off a ladder after church today and broke his back & wrist. 5:38 PM Jul 12th, 2009 via txt
- Correction: the accident happened at home, after church. Looks like both wrist & back will require surgery. 5:33 PM Jul 12th, 2009 via txt
- @Rick_Holland Bring it. Wish I could be there. 7:00 AM Jul 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Rick_Holland
- @jonelliff Would love to be there. But my dad is a member at Grace Baptist. Tell Bill Ascol hi for me. Gonna try to see him while I'm here. 6:59 AM Jul 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jonelliff
- Darlene & I went to Cracker Barrel in Owasso with my dad for breakfast, and we met a Pyro-reader traveling South from Illinois. Small world. 8:41 AM Jul 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Trying to finish two projects so I can enjoy some of my vacation. . . . So quit sending me e-mail, everyone. Thanks. That's all. 10:43 AM Jul 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Enjoying time with my dad after the long trip. His birthday's tomorrow. I'm not eager to check my e-mail. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not. 6:32 PM Jul 9th, 2009 via txt
- Working our way through Tulsa traffic toward Owasso. Darlene is a much more patient driver than I am. 3:34 PM Jul 9th, 2009 via txt
- Approaching OKC. It's 103 degrees and very windy. Like standing in a blast furnace. The Tahoe seems very happy, though. 1:41 PM Jul 9th, 2009 via txt
- Some roadsigns advertizing an Amarillo restaurant that serves fried rattlesnake. Too bad it's too early for lunch. 8:50 AM Jul 9th, 2009 via txt
- Nearly to Amarillo. The Tahoe has been on its best behavior. 8:45 AM Jul 9th, 2009 via txt
- Back underway. The dudes who fixed it went miles beyond the call of duty. Can't believe we made it out before dark. 7:24 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- About to see if the car starts. Success we'll be out of here as soon as I pay. 6:39 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- They are reattaching the fuel tank. That's gotta be good news. Darlene has pics on her FB page. 6:27 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Mechanic is soldering wires underneath my car. That looks like SOME progress. He's using a Bic lighter though. Doesn't inspire confidence. 6:02 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Still waiting forthe right part to arrive from Albuquerque. Darlene loaned me her lip gloss. (Does cherry lip gloss ruin my mean-guy image?) 5:33 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Could use some lip balm right now. 5:06 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Head mechanic just hung up his cell phone; started singing "Tomorrow" from "Annie"; went in office. I think that's another bad sign. 4:23 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Fortunately I had a full bottle of Purell this morning. It's 3/4 gone now. 4:08 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Bad news. The part they brought in was the wrong one. Correct part is apparently now on the way here from Albuquerque. We're soaking up sun. 4:04 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- My car is on the rack and totally disassembled. Now all mechanics but 1 have left, and he is doing paperwork. Is that a bad sign? 3:09 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via mobile web
- Tow truck guy is very friendly. Claims he can "work us in" today. I love the desert. 1:20 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- The Tahoe's fuel pump gave up the ghost in New Mexico. Exit 208 I-40. Check Earth. This is the middle of nowhere. 1:17 PM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Early lunch in Albuquerque at Sophia's, another Guy Fieri recommendatio. The Tahoe still doesn't seem happy. 10:55 AM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Crossing the continental divide. No further problems so far & it's an useasonably cool morning. 9:07 AM Jul 8th, 2009 via txt
- Holbrook, AZ for the night. Ironically, Darlene & I spent a week here in 1996 when our transmission burnt out. I'm going to bed. 10:44 PM Jul 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dinner at Salsa Brava, a Guy Fieri DDD.recommendation. The Tahoe semms to be back to normal. 8:42 PM Jul 7th, 2009 via txt
- On the road again with new fuel filter. Praying that fixes the problem. It seems OK for now. I put some gas trtmnt in for good measure.. 5:43 PM Jul 7th, 2009 via txt
- . . . Can't be more'n 114. 3:44 PM Jul 7th, 2009 via txt
- so Darlene's driving us cross-country whilst I try to finish a long-overdue project for Crossway. Quartzsite, AZ: the Tahoe dies. Not good. 3:43 PM Jul 7th, 2009 via txt
- Too busy to Tweet today. G'nite. 11:11 PM Jul 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- great message tonight from @Don_Green on Habakkuk. Powerful. I love Grace Church's evening services. 8:14 PM Jul 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Shot. Wanna take a nap. The beagle agrees. 3:12 PM Jul 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preaching once more in John MacArthur's absence. John 10:7-10 "The Only Door" (Part 2). It's a great text for stressing the gospel. 7:11 AM Jul 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Done. (Small lawn.) I wish fireworks were legal here. I've got a box of Black Cats begging to be used. Maybe I'm not that old after all. 3:37 PM Jul 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Finished sermon prep early. Gonna mow the lawn now. Can't believe I LIKE mowing the lawn. What an old man I've become! 2:49 PM Jul 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preparing tomorrow's message--part 2 of John 10. What an amazing and rich passage! 9:14 AM Jul 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jaybakker I know who he is, but we've never met and I don't have any contact info for him other than his blog. 10:06 PM Jul 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jaybakker
- @Frank_Turk Where'd you go? I'm missing your flood of moonbat tweets. #moonfruit 1:28 PM Jul 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- @MichaelHyatt I had the same problem on one of my Macs; not the others. Uninstalled FFox and reinstalled. Problem solved. (So far.) 9:21 AM Jul 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to MichaelHyatt
- How today's culture would have seemed to intelligent beings in the 60s: http://bit.ly/h3w0m 11:13 PM Jul 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Precious time with the GTY staff this morning remembering Mike Taylor. He leaves a hole in our hearts & ministry that won't be easy to fill. 1:24 PM Jul 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Contextualization in the '50s: http://bit.ly/L9PM8 8:31 AM Jul 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Remember the missional '60s? http://bit.ly/TGf72 8:20 AM Jul 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here's what "relevance" looked like in the '70s: http://bit.ly/zn1HH 8:00 AM Jul 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- What's amazing here is not that this guy wrote a novel on the train but that he used his thumbs to do it on his phone: http://bit.ly/163cOM 8:01 PM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- More droll reviews; same guy. His review of the $495 volume on Indian stacking chairs is a masterpiece (read it all): http://bit.ly/17xKTR 6:53 PM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Hilarious book review: http://bit.ly/s0yZz 5:37 PM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Don_Green Yes, you're more of a baby-blue velvet guy. What was he thinking? 4:11 PM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Don_Green
- @Frank_Turk Meatwad? 2:57 PM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Worth a thousand words: http://bit.ly/dhLTD 12:57 PM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Best visual illusion of the year, and why a curveball is hard to hit: http://bit.ly/BouLz 12:22 PM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I have decided to become relevant. Hmm. Which tat should I get? http://bit.ly/augro 11:50 AM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "The 'mere Christian' experiment is unstable in the extreme." Touchstone magazine takes up the Driscoll controversy: http://bit.ly/18G3Xj 9:31 AM Jul 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Jury duty this week. I have to call each evening to see if I have to report the next day. It feels a little like spinning a roulette wheel. 6:22 PM Jun 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Remembering Mike Taylor: http://bit.ly/12cple 4:28 PM Jun 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Still reeling from the cold shock of a friend and co-worker's sudden death. I dread seeing his empty office, so I'm late leaving for work. 8:15 AM Jun 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preaching in John MacArthur's absence tomorrow. Instead of the sermon I had planned, I'll be preaching from 1Co 15 re: bodily resurrection. 9:37 PM Jun 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- We lost a longtime friend today; one of the most tender-hearted, encouraging friends ever. So much sadness; so much MORE glory (Rom. 8:18). 6:25 PM Jun 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Thanks to friends who prayed for Mike Taylor. He went to heaven this morning, about 45 mins. ago. Continue 2 pray for his wife & daughters. 10:59 AM Jun 27th, 2009 via txt
- No good news in the past 2 hours. Mike continues to decline by the minute. We trust God's sovereignty and goodness. Please continue to pray. 8:40 AM Jun 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- praying. 6:11 AM Jun 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- News this morning continues to discourage. Mike is still losing blood as fast as they can transfuse him. Too weak for surgery now. Keep ... 6:10 AM Jun 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Doctors say they are running out of options. planning now for emergency surgery to find and stop internal bleeding. Please pray for Mike. 7:16 PM Jun 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Spent the afternoon at the ICU. Scant news; less encouragement. Mike still seems to be bleeding internally. Keep praying for him, please. 5:11 PM Jun 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My friend Mike Taylor is still in critical condition. Please keep him in your prayers today. 12:53 PM Jun 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Urgent: Please pray for Mike Taylor, still in ICU. His condition seems to have worsened since yesterday. Complications from valley fever. 9:55 AM Jun 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Another prayer request for my friend Stephen Williams. He flew to India 2 days ago & was immediately put in quarantine with swine flu. 3:18 PM Jun 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Update on my friend Mike Taylor: He's in ICU; possible internal bleeding from medication for Valley Fever. 3:13 PM Jun 25th, 2009 via web
- Please pray for my friend and co-worker Mike Taylor--in hospital with complications from valley fever. Not doing well. Moving to ICU. 12:42 PM Jun 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Gotta finish an overdue project today. I'm taking the phone off the hook. 7:39 AM Jun 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dinner with Darlene at T-Bo's, the new BBQ place in Santa Clarita. Best. Ribs. Ever. Wow. 6:47 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via txt
- One of the rules I live by: Never argue with a hobo about quantum physics: http://bit.ly/qkCmH 5:11 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Reality TV: the new opiate of the masses. http://bit.ly/DFmdD 2:35 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Reverse graffiti: http://bit.ly/mhD1W 2:26 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cool story: http://bit.ly/QM6kn 1:43 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I loved the sharp work of the SBC parliamentarian #SBC2009 and was amazed to learn he himself is not SBC: http://bit.ly/P9z7b 12:17 PM Jun 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @johnwmartin Could be worse: http://bit.ly/4khkXh 9:03 PM Jun 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to johnwmartin
- Oops: http://bit.ly/b2bn8 8:33 PM Jun 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- #SBC2009 SCBers. Gotta love them. :-) 5:17 PM Jun 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm curious #sbc2009 -- has there ever been a motion in any of these open-mike sessions that failed to get a second? 1:52 PM Jun 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Reading Tweets from #sbc2009. They should make a reality TV program out of the annual convention. It would be compelling TV. 7:44 AM Jun 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Excellent computer screen cleaner: http://bit.ly/4EQ0L 5:31 PM Jun 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Meat-eaters: Keep being awesome: http://bit.ly/P2mLj 5:19 PM Jun 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Would love to be in Sicily this week to hear @DRMcMasters teach Reformation history in 5 8-hour segments. 9:50 AM Jun 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Not a fan of meetings. 9:42 AM Jun 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- #gracechurch @austintduncan just gave an amazing sermon on Psalm 73. Superb teaching--and powerfully convicting. 7:34 PM Jun 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watching #SBC2009 livestream: http://bit.ly/14e2E 4:26 PM Jun 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preaching this morning in John MacArthur's absence. John 10:1-6. 7:02 AM Jun 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The Cubs pull another one out of the fire in extra innings. Their performance this year is not helping my blood pressure. 2:35 PM Jun 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @RogerServin I used to live 2 blocks from Wrigley, on Wilton Ave. 8:36 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to RogerServin
- Loved the Cubs' comeback today. It wasn't pretty, but it goes in the W column. 6:24 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- No, I wasn't there to buy an iPhone. http://bit.ly/F4AD6 I got a gift card for my birthday and wanted to browse. No browsing allowd today. 6:20 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @fickett It was ridiculous. No admission today unless you were buying & knew exactly what product you wanted. I'll buy online from now on. 5:29 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to fickett
- Got my hair cut; now to mow the lawn. It's 95 degrees. This should be fun. 4:41 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Wrong day 2 visit/Apple Store. The new iPhones came out today. People are queueing in the mall & they only let about 5 people in at a time. 2:10 PM Jun 19th, 2009 via txt
- @drmcmasters Scacciata. Pronounced "skahtch ee AH ta." Bravo. Are you guys on your own, or is David showing you around Taormina? 11:42 AM Jun 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to drmcmasters
- Today's birthdays include my 2 all-time favorite preachers : CH Spurgeon (175th) and J MacArthur (70th). I'll knock off early to celebrate. 9:15 AM Jun 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @drmcmasters Have fun. Eat some gelato for me. 8:34 AM Jun 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to drmcmasters
- Like, why--you know--the, like, Emergent[ing] conversation (or whatever), like, stalled--you know? http://bit.ly/1hrBgD Like, what. Ever. 10:41 PM Jun 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @drmoore Get a beagle. http://bit.ly/LVjPk 7:05 PM Jun 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to drmoore
- Hilarious parody of post-evangelical youth pastors: http://bit.ly/7ZANx Contextualization is just so . . . sophisticated. HT: @Frank_Turk 11:30 AM Jun 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ Ouch. 6:59 PM Jun 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- Just noticed it's 5:00pm. Busy day. Gotta get home now. 5:03 PM Jun 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Surprise announcement from @Pecadillo_ unveils a secret I've kept for 3 weeks: Our 2nd grandchild is on the way. YESSS! http://bit.ly/f0HOM 2:18 PM Jun 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- We have thoroughly searched everywhere my iPod might have just slipped behind a cushion or something. It's gone for good, I fear. Very sad. 7:52 AM Jun 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A day off with Darlene. She's driving us home from Palm Springs whilst I read. We're taking it slow; gonna stop a lot. See you tomorrow. 10:39 AM Jun 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- At #Resolved. No empty seats. We're on the back wall. Oh, and my 160-gig iPod? It seems to have vanished completely. I'm devastated. 11:10 AM Jun 15th, 2009 via txt
- Nice: http://bit.ly/1a8TOj 9:47 AM Jun 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Here in Palm Springs for the last day of Resolved. In all the traveling I have forgotten to bring my glasses and misplaced my favorite iPod. 8:57 AM Jun 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- In Pasadena on our way to Palm Springs now. Darlene's driving. Listening to Hindi music. What a great day this has been! 7:59 PM Jun 14th, 2009 via txt
- Home for less than an hour. I preach at Grace Church tonight; then Darlene and I are off to Palm Springs for the last day of Resolved. 3:57 PM Jun 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- On the way from Escondido to Santa Clarita. We'll take the drive-thru at Portillo's for lunch. Italian beef w/ sport peppers. Mmmm. 12:44 PM Jun 14th, 2009 via txt
- Speaking 2 services at Grace Bible Church, Escondido , this morning. http://www.grcbible.org/ 7:39 AM Jun 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Last day of family camp. Off to Escondido this afternoon. 7:58 AM Jun 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Daronr25 Yes, I did get it. Thanks. It was great. Jerry should blog. 7:58 AM Jun 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Daronr25
- @DanDumas Too bad it's not 2-way video. He could use you as an object lesson in his message on total depravity. #resolved 9:53 PM Jun 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jaybakker Thanks for the feedback. 8:44 PM Jun 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jaybakker
- @jaybakker Yes, I have read it. Nothing there contradicts verse 6, does it? Love for truth is an essential aspect of true love. See 2 John. 7:58 PM Jun 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jaybakker
- @jaybakker 1 Corinthians 13:6: Love "does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth." 7:33 PM Jun 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jaybakker
- @jaybakker Note: that applies to what people say on my blog, not to what they say elsewhere. I've posted nothing on your blog. And I won't. 6:47 PM Jun 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jaybakker
- @jaybakker Those are aimed at a movement that mocks and questions everything except itself. Sorry if I stepped on your air hose. 4:58 PM Jun 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jaybakker
- Jay Bakker discovers the PoMotivators®: http://bit.ly/uG2pk Can't quite grasp the reason for them. Hmmm. http://bit.ly/jAItB 4:52 PM Jun 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Resolved: Starts today. Join them by live-stream video: http://bit.ly/kpmXw #resolved 8:55 AM Jun 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Atop Mt. Palomar. Darlene literally drove through clouds to get here. Wireless access is spotty. Don't look for me to Tweet this weekend. 9:41 PM Jun 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Thanks 2 all for the b-day wishes. I've mowd my lawn, packd my bags, & I'm off to Mt. Palomar for family camp. Darlene's driving. I'll read. 11:14 AM Jun 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Feeling 56 today. 7:54 AM Jun 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- In 10 years, that's only the 2nd time I've hit the sprinkler heads adjacent to our driveway, but this time I managed to kill 2 at once. 5:42 PM Jun 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Backing out of my driveway Tues whilst the sprinkler was running, I stupidly ran over two sprinkler heads. This afternoon I'm fixing them. 3:19 PM Jun 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Happy anniversary to my beloved. 31 years of wedded bliss. I love her more than ever. 12:02 AM Jun 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watching the Dodgers' home run clinic vs. Padres. Great seats. Front row loge looking straight up the 1st-base line. 8:57 PM Jun 9th, 2009 via txt
- Going to the Dodgers' game with some men from GraceLife tonight. Reminiscing with Garry Knussman about the old days at Moody Press. 5:27 PM Jun 9th, 2009 via txt
- Lunch today with James Dolezal: http://bit.ly/eYVwa He's one of my favorite people to talk to. 1:27 PM Jun 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I hate e-mail. But messages in Facebook are even worse. 11:48 AM Jun 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- VERY busy day, but I got some good news 1st thing this AM. So it's been a really fine day. Plus, my all-Mac network is working beautifully. 5:41 PM Jun 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This morning I'm taping another interview with John MacArthur: http://bit.ly/15TTU9 7:54 AM Jun 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Late getting away this morning, but looking forward to teaching from Psalm 17. See you at GraceLife. 7:51 AM Jun 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Feeling lousy since yesterday PM. Those pollens I inhaled in Sicily have taken their toll. Gonna work at home today. 10:13 AM Jun 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Listening to messages from #Advance09, courtesy DG Blog: event:http://tinyurl.com/oyqx3m 4:16 PM Jun 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @davidstandridge That's really good news. Welcome to America. 4:13 PM Jun 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to davidstandridge
- Watching @Tomascol teach: http://twitpic.com/6mlxv 3:03 PM Jun 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @imonk: looking for your trenchant analysis of @advance09 You gonna Tweet about it? 12:46 PM Jun 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Theodore Dalrymple: "When Hooligans Bach Down": http://bit.ly/DniEh 7:27 AM Jun 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Pecadillo is having a bad day: http://twitter.com/Pecadillo_ Welcome to home-ownership. 10:08 AM Jun 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Slept in a little bit today. The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. 7:25 AM Jun 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ed Young makes it hard to take him seriously: http://bit.ly/7j2JG See also: http://bit.ly/5c5pY [Strong caution: offensive language] 8:08 PM Jun 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Migration to the Mac Mini was problem-free. I now have a clone of the dead PC running as a virtual machine on the Mac. Best of both worlds. 6:16 PM Jun 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Copies of _The Jesus You Can't Ignore_ have already arrived--2 months early. Wow. Wait till you read this one. 3:46 PM Jun 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A would-be lama encounters disco: "people. . . bouncing, stuck to one another . . . in a box full of smoke." http://bit.ly/19g4up 3:02 PM Jun 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm gonna get to eavesdrop on @TomAscol's lectures on preaching this afternoon, thanks to professor Barcellos, who sent me the secret link. 11:15 AM Jun 2nd, 2009 via web
- Spammer "Charles" has announced to the blogosphere that I'm a pawn of the Zionist-UN conspiracy: http://bit.ly/a8nf5 He's serious, too. 9:02 AM Jun 2nd, 2009 via web
- The Mac Mini arrived before noon yesterday. Home network is back up and running better than ever. Now back to work. 8:52 AM Jun 2nd, 2009 via web
- Darlene is home; Wrigley and I are happy. 7:21 PM May 31st, 2009 via web
- Your weekly Dose o' Spurgeon®: "Wanted: Mature Christians"-- http://bit.ly/tUEdk 4:05 PM May 31st, 2009 via web
- Lunch: leftover Thai food w/ BWV 95 ("Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben"--my fave of Bach's cantatas) in the background. Darlene returns tonite. 12:54 PM May 31st, 2009 via web
- John MacArthur preached on Mark 2:18-22 this morning. Excellent message on the distinctiveness and exclusivity of the gospel. 12:13 PM May 31st, 2009 via web
- Gotta go to the office this morning to print my notes. I'll be glad when my new Mac Mini arrives so I can get my home network back together. 7:24 AM May 31st, 2009 via web
- On the Cubs' 15-day DL: The Gatorade Machine. http://bit.ly/p13Zz 11:21 AM May 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Talking to you is like talking to a goat" http://bit.ly/8Akfn 10:04 AM May 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "You've written that you believe in euthanasia; do you still stand by that?" http://bit.ly/fRqBw 8:58 AM May 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preparing for GraceLife tomorrow. Another message in our series on assurance. 7:52 AM May 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sorry for the adjective "former" this morning: http://bit.ly/rjkzq I've been reminded Mssrs. Dudding & Bixby are REFORMING Fundamentalists. 4:26 PM May 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Another day at the office. I have one thing on my agenda today: answer as much of my overdue correspondence as possible. 7:56 AM May 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Former fundamentalists say they detect something disturbing & familiar in the Driscoll phenomenon: http://bit.ly/dCPFl & http://bit.ly/SasLo 7:51 AM May 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watching the Cubs getting handled by the Dodgers. The Gatorade machine is broken. What did you expect? 5:58 PM May 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ Congratulations! 1:14 PM May 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- @challies You gonna stop by my office while you are here? I'll buy lunch. 12:54 PM May 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to challies
- Slow, foggy morning here. The beagle's attitude mirrors the color of the sky. It's hard to get going when Darlene isn't making the coffee. 8:05 AM May 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Pastor Chris Anderson on "Driscoll's mixture of 'cross and crass'": http://bit.ly/191TsY 9:15 PM May 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 5:00 whistle. I'm headed home to a house bereft of my beloved and made even more blue by a despondent beagle. Pity me, my friends. 5:04 PM May 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @challies Develop a taste for Bach cantatas. 1:58 PM May 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to challies
- That PC threatening me with a disk crash? http://bit.ly/vhlqU It died whilst I was in Rome. I just ordered a Mac Mini to replace it. 8:27 AM May 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Looks like I got out of Rome just in time: http://bit.ly/Foat2 5:51 AM May 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Darlene is leaving for a wedding in Seattle. I'll be a bachelor till Sunday. (Xcept that she already ironed a week's worth of shirts 4 me.) 5:37 AM May 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- This makes me laugh every time: Behind the scenes at Emergent Village-- http://bit.ly/4hlJQ 7:59 AM May 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @mzsoulll The Pomotivators® are still online: http://bit.ly/3gxJiU 7:43 AM May 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to mzsoulll
- Back to the office today. I can't wait. 6:09 AM May 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Thankful for the holiday after a long travel day, and glad to have my first cup of Darlene's coffee in nearly a fortnight. Lots to do today. 8:49 AM May 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- In 38 yrs of flying, 500+ flights, (40+ overseas),today is 1st time my luggage failed to arrive on the same plane as me. Not a bad record. 7:40 PM May 24th, 2009 via txt
- Nice to be back in LA. 6:53 PM May 24th, 2009 via txt
- Atlanta. What a hassle. Barely made our connecting flight. Delta has lost one of my bags. See you in Los Angeles tonight. 2:28 PM May 24th, 2009 via txt
- Ready for departure on our Rome to ATL flight. We'll be back in LA tonight, Lord willing. I'm reading a set of page proofs on the way home. 12:54 AM May 24th, 2009 via txt
- @edstetzer I wish we had an exra day in Rome. I would have enjoyed meeting you. Especially sorry to miss the contextualization confab. :-) 10:52 PM May 23rd, 2009 via txt
- After breakfast on the patio, we're headed to Rome's Fumicino airport for the first flight to Atlanta. 10:45 PM May 23rd, 2009 via txt
- Cubs lose. That's six in a row. My kids were at the game in SD. 9:41 PM May 23rd, 2009 via txt
- Short night's sleep. Now watching the end of the Cubs' game. They're currently losing. Again. 9:32 PM May 23rd, 2009 via txt
- Checked in at hotel. Manchester United are spending the night here tomorrow. They'll be in town 4 the Champions' League final v. Barcelona. 1:25 PM May 23rd, 2009 via txt
- Alitalia's baggage claim system ALWAYS guarantees a 45-minute (minimum) ordeal. Bags take longer 2 get 2 belt than the flight from Sicily. 12:14 PM May 23rd, 2009 via txt
- @edstetzer would genuinely love that but we're in Rome only overnight, on our way back to Los Angeles. 11:52 AM May 23rd, 2009 via txt
- I see @edstetzer is in Rome tonight, too. Maybe we'll run into him at the pizzeria. 10:16 AM May 23rd, 2009 via txt
- On the Catania tarmac; awaiting departure to Rome. 10:11 AM May 23rd, 2009 via mobile web
- Packing for the flight to Rome this evening. Actually, Darlene does the packing. I coach her. 5:47 AM May 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Visited the Capuchin crypt at Savoca this morning: http://bit.ly/FucVD 4:02 AM May 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- It's 11:30pm here, and someone just shot about $15k in fireworks about .5 mi. down Etna's slope from here. Lit up the sky like daylight. 2:40 PM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n I wouldn't know. Pollen from the olive trees has my eyes so itchy and swollen that I can't really see anything. 9:55 AM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Finito! Final class is now complete for this year. We'll do it again in March of next year. Here's the class photo: http://twitpic.com/5p8c1 9:47 AM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n I'm putting the best face on the most grueling week all year. Trust me: I'm facing 3 weeks of sheer jet-lag & total exhaustion. 7:59 AM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Best. Lunch. Ever. Fresh ravioli, caprese, & anchovies: http://twitpic.com/5oswr Now starts the final marathon afternoon session. 6:04 AM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ One more round of "Small World" should do it, right? Or were you seeking an easier way out? 3:57 AM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- Final sessions this afternoon: An hour on Providence, then a marathon session on the attributes of God. 3:56 AM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- My theology class, eating breakfast: http://twitpic.com/5oh5l 12:13 AM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sicilian breakfast: Granita & brioche. The granita is sugared espresso, frozen to a slush, with cream topping: http://twitpic.com/5oh3q 12:11 AM May 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Nearby fireworks factory is putting on a display tonight. My favorite Sicilian breakfast tomorrow: granita & brioche: http://bit.ly/125OJ2 1:46 PM May 21st, 2009 via web
- Glad today's sessions are over. I started the day feeling lousy. The 2-hour nap at lunch break helped. One more day of classes to go. 10:05 AM May 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @FrankFusion No, he's still with us. He pastors a church in Springfield, IL. He's not active online, but lots of his material is there. 9:42 AM May 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to FrankFusion
- Just finishing that long session on the decree of God. @davidstandridge has the hard part. He has to translate me. Good questions today. 9:39 AM May 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @InHisGrip1963 Yes, tomorrow sometime. I'll try to remember to type it up and either twitter it or put it online. 8:05 AM May 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to InHisGrip1963
- Coming up in 30 mins.: a 90-minute session on the decree of God. Meanwhile, a mile or so above our heads: http://bit.ly/12PduL 7:49 AM May 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Lunchtime here. I'm skipping the meal for a nap today. After all, it's 3:45 am back home. Just that thought exhausts me. 3:46 AM May 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Feeling like I could use an extra night's sleep, but a full day of teaching begins in 1 hour. Did I mention that Sicily is full of pollens? 11:01 PM May 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Back at the training center. The view of bright lava cascading down the eastern slope of Etna is magnificent. 1:54 PM May 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Late dinner at Donna Peppina's in Zafferana: http://bit.ly/nSnL4 12:50 PM May 20th, 2009 via txt
- Headed to Taormina for the evening. http://bit.ly/13wotS 8:38 AM May 20th, 2009 via txt
- Lunch today is my fave: Involtini. Sicilian meatwads wrapped in lemon leaves and grilled. 5:10 AM May 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Hard questions this morning from Italian theology students: Why does God make threats He would never carry out? (Num. 14:12; 16:21, 45). 4:00 AM May 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Today we get part of the afternoon off. I think we're going to visit Taormina: http://bit.ly/NXOIX First, several more hours of class time. 11:36 PM May 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Another grueling but rewarding day of teaching. We've covered bibliology and take up Theology Proper tomorrow. Great class; xlnt questions. 11:19 AM May 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @FrankFusion I use, adapt, and embellish Curt Daniel's outlines on "Basic Christian Doctrine": http://bit.ly/HFEdR 11:16 AM May 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to FrankFusion
- Another gorgeous day in Sicily. We'll keep the windows open in the classroom. Today: Revelation; inspiration; biblical authority. 10:58 PM May 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Tired of hearing me. I don't know how the students do it. It's 6:40 PM. In LA; office hours are just starting. That's an exhausting thought. 9:42 AM May 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Remonstrans: "Candles were lighted, but nothing really caught fire." See: http://bit.ly/Kcfn ; http://bit.ly/19t0kC ; http://bit.ly/PzZCg 10:53 PM May 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Beautiful morning in Sicily. Etna's quiet. The birds aren't. Today starts the marathon: 5 days of lecturing 8 hours on systematic theology. 10:19 PM May 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Back at the training center at 11:05pm, watching the Cubs lose to Houston on my Slingbox. (sorry, Jed). 2:09 PM May 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Great evening service; wonderful fellowship after. Now back to Acireale with Pastor Ulfo. (It's a 1.5-hour drive). 1:03 PM May 17th, 2009 via txt
- Enjoying lunch and fellowship in Reno Ulfo's home. He founded the first Reformed Baptist church in Italy, here in Caltanissetta. 7:09 AM May 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @Rick_Holland: just got word that Patricia MacArthur's father entered Heaven this a.m. John & Patricia were there with him in Colorado. 6:55 AM May 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Morning worship in Acireale was a great joy. Now traveling with Reno Ulfo to Caltanissettta for evening worship. 5:02 AM May 17th, 2009 via txt
- Rules of the road: #1--Never go in against a Sicilian when the right of way is on the line. 4:01 AM May 17th, 2009 via txt
- Busy day, preaching this morning in Acireale; tonight in Caltanissetta: http://www.solagrazia.it/ 10:26 PM May 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Arrived 4 hours ago in Acireale, Sicily. Reviewing my notes for tomorrow's sermons, then daily 8-hour teaching marathons Mon-Fri. 6:59 AM May 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sailed through the Strait of Messina & past Taormina this morning. Spectacular views. We'll be at Catania in 1.5 hr. 10:45 PM May 15th, 2009 via txt
- Sailing between Capri & Positano. Wish I could send pictures, because the lights are spectacular. It's breezy but quiet here at ship's bow. 12:47 PM May 15th, 2009 via txt
- About to sail past my favorite place in the whole world: Positano. Sfogliatella for breakfast tomorrow. Eat your heart out, Ron Pierre. 11:32 AM May 15th, 2009 via txt
- Must have walked 7 miles today. Herculaneum is spectacular. Now we're boarding the overnight ferry to Sicily. 9:07 AM May 15th, 2009 via txt
- RT @davidstandridge: Eating pizza near Naples where they invented pizza! They should receive the Nobel prize for food! 4:45 AM May 15th, 2009 via txt
- Driving to Napoli. We'll explore the ruins of Herculaneum, then take an overnight ferry to Sicily. 11:04 PM May 14th, 2009 via txt
- I'm breakfasting on the patio again & just realized I'm missing an elders' meeting at GCC. Should my conscience be troubling me? It's not. 9:22 PM May 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dinner tonight at an excellent restaurant (sidewalk table) in Rome's Jewish ghetto. I'm having my fave--porchetta: http://bit.ly/155ROj 12:28 PM May 14th, 2009 via txt
- Walked 3-4 miles thru Roman ruins this morning. Now it's siesta time and mu pillow is calling. It's an effectual call. 7:25 AM May 14th, 2009 via txt
- Lunching by the sea. Moscardini affogati al vino bianco (baby octopus in wine sauce). Menu translates as "dormice drowned in white wine." 5:16 AM May 14th, 2009 via txt
- Visiting Ostia Antica today: http://www.ostia-antica.org/ 12:35 AM May 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Breakfasting with Darlene on the patio outside our hotel. It's 72. and sunny in Rome. A perfect day. Spring songbirds are out in force. 11:31 PM May 13th, 2009 via txt
- It's a perfect morning in Rome. We saw a spectacular red sunrise over France on the way in. 11:02 PM May 12th, 2009 via txt
- Got my Kindle charged & loaded; Piper's sermons from yesterday on my iPod. I'm ready for the transatlantic flight. 7:24 AM May 12th, 2009 via txt
- LAX was a breeze this morning. Curbside check-in; no queue at the scanners. We're good to go. 6:28 AM May 12th, 2009 via txt
- It's 9:00; I have about 8 hours of stuff left to do; and my flight leaves LAX around 7:00 tomorrow. Not a good scenario. 9:03 PM May 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I have a list of 15 MUST-do things for today. Answering the morning's urgent e-mails wasn't on my list. But I just now finished that. 10:30 AM May 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Busy day, capped by TMS graduation tonight. Now I have 24 hours to get ready for 12 days overseas. 11:35 PM May 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preaching this morning on the atonement as an incentive for holiness. 1 Peter 1. 7:28 AM May 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Rick_Holland @jhorneck3723 Yeah, that's what I thought. Saucy. Never had one threaten me before. I'm going to replace it with a Mac. 6:49 AM May 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Rick_Holland
- My one remaining Windoze PC (current hub of my home network) warned me this morning: "Hard disk failure imminent! Back up & replace ASAP." 6:35 AM May 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Alan_Gielczyk I don't have room for them all at once. But I have one iPod for sermons; another for music. 9:36 PM May 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Alan_Gielczyk
- Spent the day preparing tomorrow's GraceLife message, whilst ripping this to my iPod: http://bit.ly/FNA2S 7:48 PM May 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @skfabc Sport peppers are a condiment distinctive to Chicago. They're hard to find here in California. See: http://bit.ly/o89Pl 4:23 PM May 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to skfabc
- Lunch at Portillo's: Italian beef, dipped, with sport peppers. 1:50 PM May 8th, 2009 via mobile web
- Sat in on a class this morning at the local public Jr. High. More fun than it sounds like. Now going away w/Darlene 4 the rest of the day. 9:30 AM May 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Taking the day off with Darlene. Not gonna tell you where we're going. 6:54 AM May 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- One Arminian's Proof-Texts : http://bit.ly/wbx79 10:31 PM May 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @JustinOK e.g., he goes on to say: "The judgment is . . . about a believer receiving whatever punishment they need." 7:46 PM May 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to JustinOK
- @JustinOK Arguments? Self-contradiction: Says purgatory shouldn't be "fused with the idea of paying for your own sins"; then does just that 7:43 PM May 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to JustinOK
- Greg Boyd rationalizes in favor of Purgatory (with a gratuitous reference to the f-word thrown in for relevancy's sake): http://bit.ly/SC4I7 6:04 PM May 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- GTY board meeting is over. Some fascinating discussions today. 1:40 PM May 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- GTY Board meeting first thing Thursday. Should be good. It's the last of a string of board meetings I've been part of this month. 11:17 PM May 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Guy Fieri lookalike gets interviewed at the Royals game: http://bit.ly/yr1cY The REAL @ChefGuyFieri Twitters about it: http://bit.ly/c81Zi 10:43 PM May 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n Oh, yes. 8:38 PM May 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- The rolls here are like garlic-soaked donuts. 7:09 PM May 6th, 2009 via txt
- Out to dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Pecadillo. Wood Ranch BBQ. 7:06 PM May 6th, 2009 via txt
- @d2bubba YOUR Kindle, right? better not be mine. 5:26 PM May 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to d2bubba
- Headed home where I can work with fewer interruptions. It's going to be a late night, I think. 2:41 PM May 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n He was on my iPod, too. I accidentally left it in his chair. 2:40 PM May 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Off to lunch with John MacArthur. Lots to do today. The GTY board meeting is tomorrow. 11:43 AM May 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Watched Cubs lose. YouTube sermon & Bach harpsichord concerto playing in bakground. Just realized the cacophony I'm imposing on co-workers. 2:14 PM May 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Having lunch today with Tony Miano, one of the great open-air evangelists in our community. 11:26 AM May 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Greg_Griffith Don't get me started on Facebook's "Inbox." E-mail is bad enough. I don't need that feature on FB. 9:22 AM May 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Greg_Griffith
- Answering the morning's "urgent" e-mails is my least favorite daily routine. 8:45 AM May 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Barely made a dent in my e-mail today. A long day at the office, and what do I have to show for it? A massive headache. 5:12 PM May 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- After a week out of town and a busy weekend, back to the office today. It's going to be hectic. I can feel it already. 7:27 AM May 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Looking forward to GraceLife this morning. Still in our series on assurance. 7:11 AM May 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Break to mow the lawn. Back to my preparation for tomorrow. 5:08 PM May 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Not easy being green: http://bit.ly/110gTc 2:00 PM May 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Earthquake was a 4.4; epicenter in Westlake Village. No biggie. 6:15 PM May 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Earthquake. Not a long one, but a definite jolt. 6:13 PM May 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sermon: "An Exhortation for Timid Souls" now online, thanks to @wmoneymaker: http://bit.ly/ES8EC 5:41 PM May 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Back home. 4:04 PM May 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Christian guys who extol beer & stogies as emblems of manhood are embarrassing & unmanly (in the little-boy sense) http://bit.ly/QqhcI 7:00 AM May 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- At the Tampa airport, on my way home. 6:38 AM May 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Tomorrow's Pyro-post is on line already: http://bit.ly/3XnMd 8:16 PM Apr 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Steve Kreloff: My best friend since 1972: http://twitpic.com/4aiv2 1:45 PM Apr 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Andrew Perriman is wrong, too. I had to smile at this, though: "Driscoll . . . relies on a drastic truncation of the biblical narrative." 12:23 PM Apr 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Andrew Perriman: "Driscoll is wrong on 'Missional.'" http://bit.ly/YdSNF 12:22 PM Apr 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Lunch break. Reading updates from a DIFFERENT board mtg I missed in London yesterday. Scheduling conflicts. One of life's real annoyances. 9:24 AM Apr 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Reminder to self: Don't sit next to Kreloff in board meetings. He is a perpetual distraction. 8:32 AM Apr 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n Indeed. That, plus aches, pains, and disabilities, and the inability ever to get a decent night's sleep. 8:31 AM Apr 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Day 2 of board meetings. looking forward to today's updates. Long day, though. 5:25 AM Apr 30th, 2009 via web
- @d2bubba Leave my Slanket alone. 5:49 PM Apr 29th, 2009 via mobile web
- Though the place where we're staying has no Internet connection, I can still surf the Web on my Kindle. Cool. 5:40 PM Apr 29th, 2009 via mobile web
- @challies You're at teampyro.com again? leave me a message while you're there. 12:15 PM Apr 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to challies
- Board meetings all day today (and tomorrow) in Bradenton. I need to start preparing for my annual teaching stint in Sicily. 7:07 AM Apr 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- There's a baby gecko roaming the walls of our bedroom. I'm too tired to try to catch it. Been up since 3. G'nite. 7:01 PM Apr 28th, 2009 via mobile web
- Having dinner with the Kreloffs at Smoky Bones. Weather in Tampa is perfect. Should have rented the convertible. 3:38 PM Apr 28th, 2009 via txt
- DFW. The time it takes to get from one gate to the next is always 3 minutes longer than the scheduled layover. How do they do that? 9:45 AM Apr 28th, 2009 via txt
- Bob Hope airport is a thousand times more convenient for me than LAX. But it's a zoo. I hate traveling. 6:09 AM Apr 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Flying to Tampa with Darlene before sunup tomorrow. 10:36 PM Apr 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Newsweek on religious e-books: http://bit.ly/iK8xF ( @MichaelHyatt: I NEED the Macarthur Study Bible for my Kindle.) 7:55 PM Apr 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Newsweek: "The Principal And The Paddle." Postmodern educators close their eyes to facts and recite their dogma: http://bit.ly/CPk4h 7:32 PM Apr 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Rick_Holland @nbusenitz . . . from a guy who still uses WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS. 6:00 PM Apr 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Rick_Holland @nbusenitz Macs are also better, faster, more useful, and a LOT less trouble. 5:59 PM Apr 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Rick_Holland
- @nbusenitz Absolutely switch to Mac. You can still run your Windows stuff in a virtual machine and enjoy the best of both worlds. 2:43 PM Apr 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to nbusenitz
- @cgiammona No. I gather he doesn't intend to. 12:39 PM Apr 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to cgiammona
- Laurie on MacArthur on Driscoll: http://blog.greglaurie.com/?p=1594 10:35 AM Apr 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Only 1 day in the office this week; then to Bradenton. First, I'm going bowling with Darlene this morning. 7:22 AM Apr 27th, 2009 via web
- Some More Thoughts on Effeminate Evangelicalism: http://bit.ly/uCTaQ (Monday's post at PyroManiacs is up.) 9:00 PM Apr 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @zrchua No I just changed my username to avoid confusion with another Phil Johnson. 3:34 PM Apr 26th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to zheyrchua
- John MacArthur was lit up this morning. Mark 1. 1:06 PM Apr 26th, 2009 via web
- Ready to preach and excited about tomorrow's message. Part 3 in a series on assurance. 10:07 PM Apr 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n Different Starbucks. This one's got the Pecadillo seal of approval. 8:27 PM Apr 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- @twsoundsoff Vanilla bean frappucino. 8:14 PM Apr 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to twsoundsoff
- Back at Starbucks. 5:56 PM Apr 25th, 2009 via txt
- @Pecadillo_ Sweet. 4:35 PM Apr 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- @centurion Rarely am I "chatty," but when I finish a huge project , I do tend to slip into that mode. Sorry about the migrating underscores. 12:32 PM Apr 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Starbucks with a TMC student this morning. Then I need to prepare tomorrow's notes. Don't expect me to be chatty today. 8:26 AM Apr 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @drmcmasters Perfect. I just sent your contact info to David Standridge. 7:47 AM Apr 25th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to drmcmasters
- Finished my last major book project for the year this afternoon. Now I've got 5 years' worth of other stuff to catch up with. 7:39 PM Apr 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Don_Green David's looking for someone to teach Ref. Hist. in June. Want to go back? 4:57 PM Apr 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Don_Green
- @chrisgambino Are you kidding? I gotta have me some of those bidness cards. Thanks for the link. I'm ordering right now. 10:06 AM Apr 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to chrisgambino
- OK, I've actually heard worse preaching than this, but-- http://bit.ly/s61z8 Seriously? 8:01 AM Apr 24th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @drmcmasters Or a hair stuck in the back of your throat (prolly from the old lady who made your sandwich at Subway). Either metaphor works. 11:21 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to drmcmasters
- New post on PyroManiacs: "Manly Men." http://bit.ly/D5TUF 11:11 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sorry. That was supposed to be a reply to someone Twitter-stalking me, not an update on Facebook. Ignore the previous update. 9:44 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @JacobHall86 Leave a comment on my blog if you want to discuss this further. I'm not going to "debate" you in 140-character soundbites. 9:42 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to JacobHall86
- @JacobHall86 If he had kept "everything" private, I would not have pointed out the inappropriateness of his public statements. 9:09 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to JacobHall86
- @JacobHall86 And is Twitter really the venue in which you want to have this discussion? 8:50 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to JacobHall86
- @JacobHall86 How has he shown me "grace" and how have I shown him "none"? Have you read my private correspondence with him? 8:49 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to JacobHall86
- They called in an army of helicopters for THIS? http://bit.ly/uSsGo Looks like a whole lot of nothing to me. 5:41 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 'copters hovering, sirens blaring at school next door all afternoon. FBI investigating poisoned water bottles in the vending machine there. 5:18 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @ChrisConnally I haven't heard a projected release date yet. Crossway will obviously hold off till sales of their own study Bible peak. 3:25 PM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to ChrisConnally
- Free downloadable, frameable, excellent pencil sketch of Spurgeon (by Billy) here: http://bit.ly/ezSdU ht: @drmcmasters 7:05 AM Apr 23rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @wernerpeters No. We don't even have a Sonic within 80 miles of my house. I have to travel to enjoy such culinary delights. 7:12 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to wernerpeters
- Some good thoughts about preaching from Crawford Lorrits on the #gcnc09 panel. 6:59 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via web
- 1st base umpire at Wrigley is wearing a ninja hood. It must be cold. 6:37 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via web
- Cubs vs. Reds at Wrigley. I know some Gospel Coalition people who are playing hooky to be there. (Y'all know who you are.) Go Cubs. #gcnc09 5:53 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via web
- @centuri0n Did you drive? That's beautiful. Be sure to stop at Tim Horton's for coffee & donuts. 5:46 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Nice arrest by @Pecadillo_ last night. Nearly quarter-million $ worth of meth now off the market and off the streets of LA. Attaboy, Pec. 3:48 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @tohuvabohu 2 reasons: 1) I like Tweetdeck's price; 2) I use both Mac & Windows platforms and it works the same in both. 1:27 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to tohuvabohu
- @thechrisroberts Should be online within a few hours here: http://www.thegospelcoalition.org/ 12:46 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to thechrisroberts
- "Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?" sermon online: http://bit.ly/SlCqU 12:13 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Some initial thoughts about Driscoll's GC message: http://bit.ly/85Zye (Perhaps I'll say more next week.) 12:09 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Don_Green Nice ploy to get an iPhone. I'm telling Fickett. 10:36 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Don_Green
- Is anyone liveblogging the Band of Bloggers luncheon at the Gospel Coalition? ___________ No? _________ Slackers. #gcnc09 10:34 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @codyL Tweetdeck looks and works the same on Mac or PC. It's an Adobe Air app. But yes, I'm a Mac guy. 10:11 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to codyL
- I follow a mere 20 people on Twitter. But here's what that column currently looks like on Tweetdeck: http://twitpic.com/3rzbe 9:54 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The MacArthur Study Bible is now available for my Palm Treo: http://bit.ly/QFhCw (I still want an iPhone). 9:08 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @nbusenitz Here's the full article from which that excerpt came: http://bit.ly/13L82Z 8:04 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to nbusenitz
- @nbusenitz That's not Spurgeon. I believe that was Archibald Brown. Attributed to Spurgeon because S&T published it. 7:05 AM Apr 22nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to nbusenitz
- @mayoungkin Thanks. 6:55 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to mayoungkin
- @mayoungkin I lived 2 blocks from Wrigley when I started my career. My first date with Darlene was to a Cubs game. We're lifers. 6:29 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to mayoungkin
- Cat on the field at the Cubs game. Grounds keeper picked it up by the tail and threw it in the stands. That guy would make a good blogger. 6:16 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Steaming video #gcnc09 terrific. But I haven't been able to watch a single message without real-life interruptions yet. Gotta get mp3s. 6:01 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Had to change user name. Double"__" was too subtle. People kept sending insults to the other Phil Johnson. Note placement of "_" characters. 5:34 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- On my way home from the office. It is 100 degrees at the moment. I love LA. 4:39 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via txt
- Greg Laurie: "Reverence or Relevance?": http://bit.ly/vACTm 4:01 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jf4316 @centuri0n SOME of the brightest minds. Friel was live on the air from Atlanta at that hour. But I did talk to him this morning. 2:56 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to jf4316
- Had lunch today with some of the brightest minds in the Christian radio industry. 2:35 PM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n Hope your day today is going better than yesterday. 11:49 AM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Sorry. Here's a link to the audio of that Jonathan Leeman message on "missional": http://bit.ly/TNLwd [thanks, @centuri0n ] 11:27 AM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Listening to Jonathan Leeman on "missional." Excellent; incl. candid but fair-minded criticisms of Keller, Driscoll: http://bit.ly/Oyxzn 10:44 AM Apr 21st, 2009 via web
- Busy day. I'm going to try to listen to the livestream from Gospel Coalition between pressing duties. 8:19 AM Apr 21st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Leaving the office now. Darlene and I are meeting Jed 'n' Anne at Outback for dinner. 5:28 PM Apr 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Weird stuff in my e-mail in-box: "HOW DID satan / lucifer / wolbachia mutant bacterial spirit "CAUSE THE SIXTIE'S / Beatle's." 2:36 PM Apr 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Spurgeon: "Unsound Spiritual Trading"--a sermon that speaks to our time. http://bit.ly/3gdkb 10:53 AM Apr 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I am back in the office after closeting myself away to read, write, and edit for awhile. Feels good. 9:10 AM Apr 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Blogpost explaining what I've been up to in recent weeks: http://bit.ly/XN2Q7 7:58 AM Apr 20th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- MacArthur: "Paul was Christ's ambassador, not His press secretary." _Ashamed of the Gospel_ 5:45 PM Apr 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @aaronsauer Yes, it was very similar. Not quite as severe this time, though. 6:35 AM Apr 19th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to aaronsauer
- There's an apt analogy here, I'm sure. I'm not saying what it is: http://bit.ly/GAfZy 9:00 PM Apr 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "God judges His own people before He turns His wrath on pagans [1 Peter 4:7]"--MacArthur, _Ashamed of the Gospel_ 8:40 PM Apr 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ Attaboy. Wish you had video. Be careful out there. 7:39 PM Apr 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- Listening to Bach's BWV 80: Ein Feste Burg http://bit.ly/jwYHt 12:22 PM Apr 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @mayoungkin I think a humble response to MacArthur's earlier admonitions would have shown more true respect than a flattering blog-post. 12:03 PM Apr 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to mayoungkin
- Chris Poe on SBC Calvinists and the Driscoll problem: http://bit.ly/2iOYI3 10:55 AM Apr 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Sir Aaron" puts the Driscoll hoo-ha in perspective for "Bubba": http://bit.ly/esHnp 8:50 AM Apr 18th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Emergent Scrabble: The Fuss & Cuss Edition: http://bit.ly/ksO1q ---by Eddie Eddings: http://bit.ly/1atXh9 10:32 PM Apr 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @imonk :-) We're not coordinated enough to do slapstick--and too busy fending off the garbage that gets thrown at us from the galleries. 12:38 PM Apr 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to imonk
- Watching Bobby Grow. He does a thorough exposé on our blog: http://bit.ly/CZywp (Hey! How'd he get our picture?) 12:01 PM Apr 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- MacArthur on preaching blue, part 4: "Enough is enough." http://bit.ly/1lWEKd 12:42 AM Apr 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Steven Furtick: "If you know Jesus. . . . this church is not for you." Yeeesh. http://bit.ly/K9HpC 12:03 AM Apr 17th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Paul Manata Fisks Brian McLaren: http://bit.ly/Zeth 8:04 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n _Eloquent_ was the word that came to my mind. "Those who honor context but cannot find it in written criticism." Precisely. 5:43 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- Frank Turk (phoning home from the Great White North) on the current Driscoll discussion: http://bit.ly/3myB1o 3:02 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @rhetoricalxian Sadly, none of that would help. I got a kiss and a tight band-aid instead. That's working fine. 2:31 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to rhetoricalxian
- @wernerpeters Precisely. This is my third major finger incident since then, too. Darlene has forbidden me to use knives henceforth. 2:11 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to wernerpeters
- Accidentally amputated an Altoid-sized chunk of my finger while making salmon salad for lunch. Don't ask. 1:15 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Irish Calvinist: "Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Mark Driscoll and a Frat Party"; "The shtick is tired and old": http://bit.ly/1OSYy4 12:38 PM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preaching Blue: Flights of fancy and filthy imaginations as hermeneutical tools? part 3 by John MacArthur: http://bit.ly/E3zmg 10:02 AM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Not motivated by theology, but by communications strategy." Ahem. http://bit.ly/h8t6k 8:57 AM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- London's _Christian Today_: "Most U.S. Christians don't believe Satan, Holy Spirit exist" http://bit.ly/2Q5g4t 8:47 AM Apr 16th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Moody Bible Institute have announced their new president: Paul Nyquist. http://bit.ly/19fwEg 1:30 PM Apr 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- MacArthur's part two on blue treatments of the Song of Solomon: http://bit.ly/VxrIN 7:31 AM Apr 15th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- New cult: "emphasizes unity between all religions [thinks] teapot the symbol of purity and love 'pouring from heaven'" http://bit.ly/182VO 8:59 PM Apr 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- ". . . our pop-minded culture so slavishly obsessed with packaging" http://bit.ly/L7n2i Exactly. Check this: http://bit.ly/11bSM 8:21 PM Apr 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- MacArthur on sex as a sermon topic and ribaldry as a style of delivery: http://bit.ly/1342V6 11:59 AM Apr 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Gilbert_S Yes there's one Portillos in S. California, near Knott's Berry Farm. It's the only place here with decent Italian beef. 9:12 AM Apr 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Gilbert_S
- @Rick_Holland Chili dog? When you go to Portillos, you MUST have the Italian beef (with xtra sport peppers). 8:01 PM Apr 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Rick_Holland
- Some very kind words about our blog from @LigonDuncan : http://bit.ly/QsGx 7:59 PM Apr 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Hectic day. I arose at 5 this morning to get to work early but ended up getting nothing done that I had planned. I hate when that happens. 6:18 PM Apr 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- USA Today op-ed: Ehrman infallible, Bible not. Mentions James White: http://bit.ly/2Yw6 @albertmohler responds: http://tinyurl.com/cx5hv4 7:55 AM Apr 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- "Free grace and preforeordestination." http://bit.ly/1Gz7nG 6:52 AM Apr 13th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Happy birthday to my dear wife, to whom the years have been very, very good, despite 31 years of living with troglodytes. 11:24 AM Apr 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Listening to Mahler's Symphony no. 2 ("resurrection") on the way to the early service. 6:43 AM Apr 12th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Cubs win. 7:23 PM Apr 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Mowing the lawn--I actually enjoy it. Today I'm listening to a dramatized reading of the crucifixion account from Scripture while mowing. 3:26 PM Apr 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @drmcmasters They did, but I'm listening to the Radio France Orchestra's version. There are only those 2 recordings, I think. 2:23 PM Apr 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to drmcmasters
- Listening now to "Sept Répons des ténèbres," Francis Poulenc's motet about the darkness that fell on the earth at the crucifixion. 2:15 PM Apr 11th, 2009 via web
- Listening to a very somber performance of BWV 4, "Christ Lag In Todesbanden" (Christ lay in Death's Bonds). Powerful. 12:13 PM Apr 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- (Blasphemy warning:) Colbert mocks, but accidentally makes some good points against Bart Ehrman: http://bit.ly/VZ63v 9:08 AM Apr 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Very glad for the torn curtain. See you tomorrow. 12:05 AM Apr 11th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @ritetheology Nope. He doesn't even have a computer. 11:38 PM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to ritetheology
- Great service, great sermon tonight. Listening now to Bach's St. Matthew's Passion. 11:36 PM Apr 10th, 2009 via web
- Good Friday service tonight--one of the highlights of our church year. 1:10 PM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Tony Verkinnes: "Dude. Is it good when you have to EXPLAIN to people that you're gonna be relevant? Just wondering." 11:18 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @matthewblair Thanks. 11:08 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to matthewblair
- Cage fighting is not a suitable metaphor for the cross. Why do so many people crave this "relevant" nonsense? http://bit.ly/14E9I 11:07 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Remind me. When does McLaren's 5-year moratorium re: the gay agenda end? 'cause, well--see 4 urself: http://bit.ly/rTFR 9:56 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sivin Kit has a whole different evaluation of the Emergent Panel Discussion & the way ahead for the movement. http://bit.ly/148P4M 9:30 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Tony Jones redefines Christianity, especially the atonement. http://bit.ly/3nid6 (Will Scot scold him? Cf. http://bit.ly/aYOm ) 8:42 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via web
- Poignant illustration of carnal devotion & the futility of works. Watch to end: "His goal of self-salvation." http://bit.ly/ZwZ0I 8:22 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @FlameGurl Bacon dental floss? Now there's an idea. 6:29 AM Apr 10th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to FlameGurl
- Scanwiches: http://scanwiches.com/ 10:45 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I want to go to there: http://bit.ly/y4YC9 9:41 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Why does Vince the Shamwow guy wear a headset for a TV commercial? Is that a massive bluetooth device or something? http://bit.ly/130zmE 9:26 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via web
- Chameleon (I want one of these): http://bit.ly/82Csh 9:15 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Semi-pelagianism meets glossolalia: "You start and the Holy Ghost backs you up! ... Just do it--God will work with you!" http://bit.ly/zjEau 9:14 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- A complimentary copy of Kevin DeYoung's _Just Do Something_ arrived in the mail from Moody Press today. Looks great. 7:21 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Reading Trollope's _Barchester Towers_ on the Kindle2. Trollope is one of the priceless treasures you can download free. 6:52 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I'm sad that our spam filter flags "Dearest in Christ" in the header as an indication of fraud. But 99.999% of the time, it's exactly right. 3:48 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- The man who blogged Puritan England: Pepys's Diary. One of my all-time favorite blogs: http://bit.ly/XLROi 3:02 PM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- From a kinder, gentler era in evangelicalism--Eric Pement on vile speech (c. 1998): http://bit.ly/HUGV (HT: Joel Griffith) 11:07 AM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Don't waste your brain tumor: http://bit.ly/dZ2l 7:45 AM Apr 9th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- I (kind of) disagree with Tim @Challies: http://bit.ly/7QBY0 10:22 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via web
- @centuri0n The first choice was unavailable when I signed up; the second one reveals a level of hubris that offends even me. 2:33 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- @FlameGurl Thanx. 2:32 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to FlameGurl
- In my Saturday lecture on Socinianism ( http://bit.ly/u3oLa ) I referred to a chart. Download the chart here: http://bit.ly/PUWon 2:12 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n Would "Phil_____Johnson" be better"? At least it's more obvious. 2:02 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- @centuri0n Yes, it was dumb of me. I considered changing again. Maybe I will. It's a hassle any way I do it. 2:01 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Frank_Turk
- @dcaylor05 Yes, that's what he seems to be referring to. 1:59 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to dcaylor05
- @costigaj I believe it will be a Crossway book. As I understand the plan, Crossway is licensing the rights for the notes from Nelson. 1:59 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to costigaj
- @aaronsauer Yes. I don't think a release date has been set yet, but it's definitely coming. (I'd guess 2-3 years from now, at least). 1:33 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to aaronsauer
- Note: I'm @Phil__Johnson (2 "_" characters); not Phil_Johnson (just 1 _). Not ignoring your comments & replies; they're going elsewhere. 1:27 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Trueman: "Theology needs to challenge many of the things . . . so dear to American culture." HT:JT http://bit.ly/MXuMB 12:13 PM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Ultrasound revealed the gender of my 1st grandchild today: http://bit.ly/XUgr (It's a boy.) Oh, and Anne 'n' Jed: Thanks. We love you. 11:02 AM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- What I did over the weekend: http://bit.ly/u3oLa 9:05 AM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Perhaps the best comment in the history of our blog: http://bit.ly/bxgs4 (by @centuri0n) 8:51 AM Apr 8th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Back home from the GraceLife leaders' meeting. Good time tonight. Lots of prayer requests & positive updates. 10:42 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @albertmohler For once , Osteen got something right. 10:40 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to albertmohler
- Meeting tonight with the GraceLife leaders. 9:06 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via txt
- A "broader" gospel? Greg Gilbert answers Scot McKnight, nails it: http://bit.ly/PGSy (be sure to follow links to prior blogposts) 5:28 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dobson at his retirement, farewell address: "Now we are absolutely awash in evil...We lost all those battles." http://bit.ly/Illp 4:21 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Listening to Jesse Johnson on "The Meaning of 'Missional'" http://bit.ly/13WW9 3:48 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Paul Edwards interviewed @Challies earlier. Right now he's talking about Jesus' humanity & active obedience. Great stuff. 2:55 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Sampling free books available on my Kindle: ESV, lots of classic books. I'm reading a hilarious critique of Fenimore Cooper by Mark Twain. 2:53 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- thx 2 all who sent Q's. I used as many as possible. The interview w/ John MacArthur will be offered free 2 all on the GTY mailing list soon. 2:32 PM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Another busy day ahead. I have things scheduled from 7:30 AM till 9:00 tonight. No time for crises. Don't e-mail or Tweet me any problems. 7:05 AM Apr 7th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Challies on the watchblogs: http://tinyurl.com/challies Read the comments, too. 11:02 PM Apr 6th, 2009 via Nambu
- Watching Rick Warren backpeddle and whine to Larry King. Faulted for opposing gay marriage; he says he has no real interest in the issue. 9:28 PM Apr 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Good day, sportswise: Cubs win; Tarheels too. We're happy. 9:23 PM Apr 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Interviewing John MacArthur: "Losing the Faith: Can True Believers Fall Away?" Tweet me your q's; I'll ask as many as possible. 10:59 AM Apr 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Today I'm taping one of those fireside-chat interviews with John MacArthur. Topic: What about those who fall away from the faith? 7:53 AM Apr 6th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Playing with my Kindle 6:38 AM Apr 6th, 2009 via mobile web
- Not clear on the Twitter concept: http://bit.ly/2Srr5 10:59 PM Apr 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Glory. It's warm in L. A. 8:29 PM Apr 5th, 2009 via txt
- Back in Los Angeles. 8:13 PM Apr 5th, 2009 via txt
- Freezing cold in Denver. Can't wait for this plane to close the door & take off. 5:41 PM Apr 5th, 2009 via txt
- Big blizzard this morning in Omaha. I'm in the departure lounge now, about to catch a flight to Denver; then home from there. 1:40 PM Apr 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Preaching this morning on 1 Corinthians 10:13--temptation & triumph. 5:40 AM Apr 5th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Monday's Pyromaniacs post, early: http://bit.ly/xKM1z 8:56 PM Apr 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Having dinner tonight with Pat Abendroth and family. 3:23 PM Apr 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Had a great time this morning with the men of Omaha Bible Church (and friends). Amazing group of guys. Great fellowship. 12:23 PM Apr 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Omaha Bible Church Men's breakfast. 5:45 AM Apr 4th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dinner 2night with a group of guys who wanted to talk about the active obedience of Christ. Cool. (The chili-glazed salmon was good, too.) 7:55 PM Apr 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Standing in the queue with some angry people waiting for the Omaha flight to board. No prob. got my iPod. 1:33 PM Apr 3rd, 2009 via mobile web
- My layover in Phoenix just got extended by an hour. If I had 1 extra hour more, I'd go see James White. http://twitpic.com/2rs8c 10:57 AM Apr 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Don_Green Are you going to point out that they lost them all? Because I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for you to Tweet again. 10:55 AM Apr 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Don_Green
- Headed for Omaha. See you there. 6:45 AM Apr 3rd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Heading for Omaha 1st thing tomorrow. 10:45 PM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @albertmohler Good. I bought Mortimer Adler's book but haven't figured out how to read it yet, so your article will help. 1:33 PM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to albertmohler
- @nnatew24 My wife would not let me color my hair. She says (Vaderlike): "Your lack of gray is disturbing." The gray is in the beard, tho. 12:09 PM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to NWhite_GA
- Nice piece by Justin Taylor on Kevin DeYoung: http://bit.ly/Ib37p 11:21 AM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n: This reminded me of me.: http://bit.ly/XLT5H 11:01 AM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Paul Wallace quits blogging; gives good reasons. E.g., the incessant demand for "electronic group hug[s]": http://bit.ly/167fe0 10:36 AM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @KevinConnell http://bit.ly/OsylT 10:13 AM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to KevinConnell
- @DanDumas Try the "olio santo" on your pasta. You won't regret it. 10:09 AM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DanDumas
- David Wheaton interviewed me Saturday regarding propriety in the pulpit: http://bit.ly/JLAx 10:08 AM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @albertmohler Someone gave you a copy of my book? 8:34 AM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to albertmohler
- Glad April 1 is over. I hate it. But this ALMOST made me smile: (New from Thomas Nelson?) http://tiny.cc/Mac_and_Mc 7:57 AM Apr 2nd, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Signing off for the evening. PS: I loved the ending to "Life on Mars." 11:17 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Pecadillo_ As a matter of fact, they're sending me a new one because the first one isn't connecting to the network. 10:55 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Pecadillo_
- Would have loved to hear this performance: http://bit.ly/Aueji 7:52 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @rwl13 @challies . . . interesting trivia about that: Klemperer was Jewish. 7:45 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via web in reply to rwl13
- @challies @rwl13 I'm tempted to say "I know nuth-INK," but yes, as a matter of fact, he was. 7:35 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @challies I've always liked the Otto Klemperer recording. It's an older one, but a brilliant sound and superb performance. 7:16 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to challies
- @adrianwarnock Two years. Nice. I typically get about 6 months. 5:42 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to adrianwarnock
- @challies That's a no-brainer: Bach's St. Matthew's Passion. 5:31 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to challies
- My very first Kindle purchase: Challies.com for .99 per month. He needs to step it up if he expects me to drop a buck every month. 2:41 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Did I mention I bought a Kindle? The Fedex guy just showed up with it. Sweet. 1:08 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Echoing JS Bach, "Amen." http://bit.ly/QUSVy 12:39 PM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Frustrated trying to meet deadlines. I hate 'em. 11:12 AM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @jf4316 Dunno. See if you can goad him into it. 9:51 AM Apr 1st, 2009 via web in reply to jf4316
- @DougKAduBoahen Actually, he IS a pastor--of a very large and rapidly-growing church in SC. 9:50 AM Apr 1st, 2009 via web in reply to DougKAduBoahen
- Perry Noble repents of his contempt for John Piper (but not those other Reformed *%#@s) http://bit.ly/bYpau 9:35 AM Apr 1st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @wmoneymaker Right. Time to get into your Y2K bunker. Hurry. You've got less than 4 hours. 8:14 PM Mar 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to wmoneymaker
- Ran a Conficker detection/removal tool via gotomypc.com on my dad's computer in Oklahoma. He's clean: http://bit.ly/KVksp 6:27 PM Mar 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @Rick_Holland At least you'll avoid the cankering effects of the Conficker Worm when it hits tomorrow: http://bit.ly/J31SO 1:10 PM Mar 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Rick_Holland
- Coming: Wi-fi when you fly American: http://bit.ly/JnERv 11:08 AM Mar 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @challies I'm going to jump on that, then. I'm starting a blog called "Challise," and I'm going to milk your popularity. 8:22 AM Mar 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to challies
- RT @Don_Green: 16 members and friends of GraceLife have passed away in the past 53 weeks. Heaven is sweeter; earth dimmer. Psalm 90:12. 7:59 AM Mar 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- RT @centuri0n: Wondering why people tweet quotes from other people ... 7:58 AM Mar 31st, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @DanDumas I have that same problem every year in Italy. Don't worry if you're wide awake now. By 9am you'll be exhausted. 5:24 PM Mar 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to DanDumas
- @Rick_Holland So-- is that what you decided to "do . . . about it"? Kill your computer? Good one. 2:37 PM Mar 30th, 2009 via web in reply to Rick_Holland
- @Rick_Holland Get a Mac 2:00 PM Mar 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to Rick_Holland
- A note to my friends who are irritated by some of my critics: http://bit.ly/TrpDV 11:35 AM Mar 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- By the way, did you see that Earl Paulk died yesterday? A tragic story in practically every dimension: http://bit.ly/PuH6O 9:43 AM Mar 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Working. 8:29 AM Mar 30th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Lots to do tomorrow. I'm going to bed early tonight. 9:06 PM Mar 29th, 2009 via txt
- Chinese food for lunch. Anne's fortune cookie: "Actions speak louder than talks." 2:06 PM Mar 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @centuri0n That was during the announcements. Does that make a difference? 2:02 PM Mar 29th, 2009 via web in reply to Frank_Turk
- See for yourself: http://twitpic.com/2kygj 1:37 PM Mar 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Following 2 Lamborghinis home from church . . . 1:33 PM Mar 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Great message on the baptism of Jesus this morning. 12:32 PM Mar 29th, 2009 via mobile web
- John MacArthur is reminiscing about the time he found a guy in his office wearing gym shorts & wielding a spear. 11:03 AM Mar 29th, 2009 via Echofon
- I'm headed out to morning worship. Have a wonderful Lord's Day. 7:05 AM Mar 29th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Turns out Mrs. Pecadillo is blogging, too: http://bit.ly/XdTRz (and her husband's new post is up: http://pecadillo.blogspot.com/ ) 8:46 PM Mar 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Listening to this recording of "Christ lag in Todesbanden." Very crisp, clear tones. Good acoustic: http://bit.ly/9enwM 3:03 PM Mar 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Previewing a new blogpost (coming by Monday) from Pecadillo. He's back. Bookmark him: http://bit.ly/15Q7l6 12:44 PM Mar 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Dissidens sagely analyzes the "inclusiveness" of the so-called Queermergent Conversation: http://bit.ly/fz8xp 12:07 PM Mar 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Today is another working Saturday. Don't be ringing my phone. Especially if you are selling extended warranties. 7:06 AM Mar 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Talking to David Wheaton on the radio. He's a world-class tennis player, you know. 6:16 AM Mar 28th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- 6:00am live radio interview Saturday with David Wheaton. I'm going to bed. http://thechristianworldview.com/tcwblog/archives/2058 10:15 PM Mar 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Gonna mow the lawn now. . . 5:39 PM Mar 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- @nwbingham Twitter wouldn't do everything he needs. Someone should write a script, tho, that would post all his IRC comments to Twitter. 4:19 PM Mar 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck in reply to nwbingham
- @adrianwarnock I did read it. It's great. I'd send detailed feedback but your Crossway editors are pressing me on a different deadline. 3:49 PM Mar 27th, 2009 via web
- Writing projects multiply like rabbits. 2:03 PM Mar 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Whoda thunk I would ever agree with a statement by Martin Marty? 12:07 PM Mar 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Martin Marty remembers "when church leaders debated doctrines of the Trinity, Christology, and not just sex-sex-sex." http://bit.ly/tA8l0 12:06 PM Mar 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Pondering James 3 8:13 AM Mar 27th, 2009 via TweetDeck
- Beagles are the best. 11:17 PM Mar 26th, 2009 via web
- "Neutral" forums dissecting an opinion of mine. Bleccch. Frankly, people who flat-out disagree with me are usually more charitable. 8:38 PM Mar 26th, 2009 via web
- @adrianwarnock Moi? I've been on my best behavior. I am trying hard not to knock any of the furniture over. 3:40 PM Mar 26th, 2009 via web in reply to adrianwarnock
- To the person who handed me the chocolate-covered chilis from Korea at the Shepherds' Conference a few weeks ago: Thanks. They are primo. 12:34 PM Mar 26th, 2009 via web
- Yeesh. A women's conference from the crippled left wing of the erstwhile Emergent mess (check the seminars): http://tinyurl.com/cvkwvo 10:59 AM Mar 26th, 2009 via web
- @challies Ah! the Welcome Wagon shows up. Just leave the gifts on the table. 9:39 AM Mar 26th, 2009 via web in reply to challies
- Propriety in the Pulpit: an opposing view http://www.blog.moviepastor.com/?p=1451 9:35 AM Mar 26th, 2009 via web
- Today I am turning off the phones. 8:06 AM Mar 26th, 2009 via web
- I'm watching Bobby Flay throw down against Lou Malnati. Flay doesn't have a prayer here. 10:15 PM Mar 25th, 2009 via web
- I'm with Lance Quinn at Outback. 7:36 PM Mar 25th, 2009 via txt
- I love Reformed Baptists . . . AFTER they turn 45. Till then, I think they should be locked up. 4:49 PM Mar 25th, 2009 via web
- I'm juggling calls between my cell phone and the land line all afternoon. Not a good day for the phones to go crazy. 3:17 PM Mar 25th, 2009 via web
- So I signed up for Twitter, and this is a test to see if I can update it with my phone. 12:33 PM Mar 25th, 2009 via txt
- I'm mystified by Twitter...and their website is terribly slow loading. I don't see what all the fuss is about. 12:13 PM Mar 25th, 2009 via web
- . . . setting up a Twitter account. 11:41 AM Mar 25th, 2009 via web
What I was Reading
Christless Christianity, by Michael Horton
American Priestess: The Extraordinary Story of Anna Spafford and the American Colony in Jerusalem, by Jane Fletcher Geniesse
MacArthur's Millennial Manifesto, by Sam Waldron
He Is Not Silent, by Al Mohler
Confessions of a Christianized Pagan by Steven J. McInerney
To the One Who Conquers: 50 Daily Meditations on the Seven Letters of Revelation 2-3, by Sam Storms
Christianity in Turkey: A Narrative of the Protestant Reformation in the Armenian Church, by the Reverend Harrison Gray Otis Dwight
Mrs. Paine's Garage, by Thomas Mallon
God's Way of Reconciliation, by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
A Harmony of the Gospels, Robert Thomas and Stan Gundry
The Last Men's Book You'll Ever Need, by David Moore
The Evangelical Heritage, Bernard Ramm
Culture Shift by Al Mohler
Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck
Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Vincent Bugliosi
This Little Church Stayed Home, Gary Gilley
Half-hours with William Hendriksen
The Day Kennedy Was Shot, Jim Bishop
The Arians of the Fourth Century, John Henry Cardinal Newman
Everything Must Change, Brian McLaren
The Five Dilemmas of Calvinism, Craig R. Brown
The Life of John Calvin, Theodore Beza
The Truth War by John MacArthur
Temptation: Resisted & Repulsed, by John Owen (abridged and simplified by Richard Rushing)
A Tale of Two Sons by John MacArthur
Straight from the Fridge, Dad: A Dictionary of Hipster Slang by Max Décharné
Notes on the Parables of Our Lord by Richard Trench
The Future of Justification by John Piper
The Day Lincoln Was Shot by Jim Bishop
Finding the Lost Cultural Keys to Luke 15 by Kenneth E. Bailey
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer, by James L. Swanson
The Work of the Holy Spirit, by Abraham Kuyper
The ESV Journaling Bible
7 Things You Better Have Nailed Down Before All Hell Breaks Loose, by Robert Wolgemuth
Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church, by D. A. Carson
Praise Habit, by David Crowder
Christianity and Progress, by Harry Emerson Fosdick
Divine Songs, by Isaac Watts
Pulling the Eye Tooth from a Live Tiger: A Memoir of the Life and Labors of Adoniram Judson, by Francis Wayland
Getting the Gospel Right, by Cornelis P. Venema
President Kennedy Has Been Shot
Chosen for Life: The Case for Divine Election, by C. Samuel Storms
The Most Famous Man in America, by Debby Applegate
Arminian Theology:Myths and Realities, by Roger Olson
SBTS Journal (Summer 2001), "Confronting Postmodernism"
Death at the Priory: Sex, Love, and Murder in Victorian England by James Ruddick
Uncle Jack, by Tony Williams with Humphrey Price
Greetings in Jesus Name!: The Scambaiter Letters, by Michael Berry
"After Patriarchy, What? Why Egalitarians Are Winning the Evangelical Gender Debate," by Russell D. Moore
God's Plan for Israel, by Steve Kreloff
Overcoming Sin and Temptation, by John OwenKelly Kapic and Justin Taylor, eds.
Walking with the Giants, by Warren Wiersbe
The Rage and The Pride, by Oriana Fallaci
Robert Lewis Dabney: A Southern Presbyterian Life, by Sean Michael Lucas
The Force of Reason, by Oriana Fallaci
Henry Ward Beecher: An American Portrait, by Paxton Hibben
Credenda Agenda, vol. 18, no. 3
Above All Earthly Pow'rs, by David Wells
Redefining Christianity, by Bob DeWaay
The Old Evangelicalism, by Iain Murray
Mark Dever's and Paul Alexander's The Deliberate Church
C. J. Mahaney's Humility: True Greatness
Vishal Mangalwadi's Missionary Conspiracy: Letters to a Postmodern Hindu
Peter Masters' Missionary Triumph over Slavery
NT Wright's "On Becoming the Righteousness of God"
Ann Coulter's Godless
Robert W. Oliver's History of the English Calvinistic Baptists
What was on my iPod
Mireille Mathieu
The Berry Vest of Gilbert O'Sullivan
The Silver Collection: The Astrud Gilberto Album
Cinema Legrand (from vinyl)
Camille Saint-Saëns, Symphony No. 3 in C minor "Organ"
Stravinsky: Pulcinella
Bedrich Smetana: Má Vlast
Bach: "Ich Bin Ein Guter Hirt" (BWV 85)
"Les Chansons des Roses," by Morten Lauridsen
Knoxville: Summer of 1915, by Samuel Barber
"A Pastoral Perspective on the Emergent Church," by Mark Driscoll
Borodin String Quartets nos. 1 and 2, by the Borodin String Quartet
Sinfonía India, by Carlos Chávez
Mahler's Fifth
Also Hat Gott Die Welt Geliebt,BWV 68
The Essential Cilla Black
I Miti Musica, by Ennio Morricone
Ágætis Byrjun, by Sigur Rós
"Wonderland by Night," Bert Kaempfert
Theme from "Nicholas and Alexandra," by Richard Rodney Bennett
"King of Mambo," Pérez Prado
"Jodhaa Akbar" soundtrack
"King of Mambo," Pérez Prado
Ennio Morricone's score for "Once upon a Time in the West"
Complete orchestral works of Maurice Ravel, performed by the Montréal Symphony Orchestra, Charles Dutoit conducting
Quartetto Gelato: Aria Fresca
Florence Foster Jenkins
The Very Best of Burt Bacharach
Aaron Copland: "Appalachian Spring"
Mr. Acker Bilk
Gilbert O'Sullivan
"A Puritan Devotional" (Podcast)
Ukulele Orchestra of Great BritainFly Me off the Handel
"The Long and Winding Road," The Beatles
Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major, BWV 1050, Marlboro Festival Orchestra, Pablo Casals; Peter Serkin, et al.
Mendelssohn: Octet, Op. 20
"Songs of Praise": Mantovani Orchestra
"Dancing Day," John Rutter
"This Man Receives Sinners" John Piper on John 15
Stephen Johnson's reading of the KJV
"Carols from Clare," John Rutter
"The Pirates of Penzance," Arthur and Sullivan (Joseph Papp's prouction soundtrack)
"Six Caribbean Pieces," by Arthur Benjamin
Mahler's Fourth Symphony (Solti, Te Kanawa)
"Carmina Burana," Orff
"Enigma" Variations, Elgar
Concerto for Orchestra, Bela Bartok
Pilgrim's Progress read by Max McLean
Sinfonietta, Leos Janácek
Bach: "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit" (Actus TragicusBWV 106)
"Dead Skunk," Loudon Wainright III
Stevie Wonder: The Definitive Collection
Röyksopp: "Remind Me"
Francis Poulenc: Sept Répons des Ténèbres
British Tuba Concertos
Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks
Lux Aeterna" by Morten Lauridsen
"Le Boeuf sur le toit," Darius Milhaud
"Ue O Muite Aruko (Sukiyaki)," by Kyu Sakamoto
The Dudes over at "Relevant Podcast" interrupt their jokes and commentary about cheesy popular culture to deliver a passionate rant about "fundamentalist" blogs and how they need to focus more on Jesus
Emergent Soup
"The Third Man" Soundtrack
'50s Instrumentals
Grieg's Lyric Suite
Bruckner Symphony no. 4"Romantic"
Artie Shaw, "Frenesi,"
Tommy Dorsey, "Opus One"
The World of Favourite Hymns
Bach Violin Concertos, Jonathan Rees and the Scottish Ensemble
Astrud Gilberto
Rhett & Link
Rahman: "Sivaji" Soundtrack
Friel goes off on one of my sermons
Rahman: "Guru" Soundtrack
Morricone: "Bad Orchestra"
Weird Al: "You're Pitiful"
Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem, James Levine/CSO
"Lo Mejor de lo Mejor," Pérez Prado
Alec Baldwin has a message for TeamPyro
78 Man (check out: "She's Lazy, She's Lousy, and She Loves It")
A seal jumps the shark . . or vice versa. Whatever. This is spectacular.
Leonard Bernstein, "Candide" (complete)
Yet another wonderful recording of BWV 79
"Home"Christian Ebner
Bach Cantata #79 (my favorite recording of this; thanks to Jay Morrisette who converted the LP to mp3 for me)
"Home"Christian Ebner
"Phil Johnson makes me sick"
Good Morning, Starshine
Jubilation: Christopher Parkening and Jubilant Sykes
Shepherds' Conference 2007
Bach Cantata: "Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland", BWV 61
Arvo Pärt's "Passio"
"Au fond du Temple Saint," (Duet from Bizet's The Pearl Fishers), Jussi Björling and Robert Merrill
Classic Hymns, Tim Zimmerman and The King's Brass
"Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet," by Gavin Bryars
Overture to "The School For Scandal", Op. 5, by Samuel Barber
"Dacoit Duel," by A. R. Rahman
"Three Great Imputations," by S. Lewis Johnson
Charles Ives, Symphony no. 3, "The Camp Meeting"; Leonard Bernstein; New York Philharmonic
"Itchycoo Park," by The Small Faces
Todd Friel interviews Lutheran Seminarians
Charles Ives, Symphony no. 2, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken, Michael Stern
Taal: The soundtrack
Anders Miolin's Ravel transcriptions
Benjamin Britten: Courtly Dances from "Gloriana," Julian Bream Consort
Wind Music of Holst and Vaughan Williams, LWO, Dennis Wick
Rachmaninoff's 2nd Symphony, Wm. Steinberg conducts the Pittburgh Symphony
"Weasel Stomping Day," by Weird Al
Rhosymedre: R. Vaughan Williams's adaptation of the traditional Welsh hymn tune adapted by the Ron Davis Trio
"The Third Man" soundtrack
"Never hit your Grandma with a shovel (it makes a bad impression on her mind)", by Spike Jones
Telemann: Tafelmusik
Peter Warlock's Capriol Suite, Chris Parkening, guitar
Mahler's Symphony no. 1 in D major "Titan"
Bach's Cantata BWV 79: "Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild"
"Nun Danket Alle Gott," Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Gabriel Fauré's "requiem
Alberto Ginastera's "Estancia"
A CelebrationSir Neville Marriner
The Best of Pérez Prado
Henryk Gòrecki's "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs"
Strong Bad's Garage Sale
Edvard Grieg, Lyric Suite
Robert Hale and Dean Wilder
"Tres Tangos for Bandoneón & Orchestra," by Astor Piazzolla
Todd Friel dismantles an apostate TMC alumnus
"Ten Shekels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead
this brilliant bit played by the Freakishly Tall One on his Wednesday broadcast
Music for one apartment and six drummers
Zippo Tricks
Messages from the DG Conference
Huddersfield Choral Society: "The Hymns Album"
Covenant: Loose Cannon
S. Lewis Johnson on Galatians 5:1-12
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (Soundtrack by Michael Boddicker)
Idiot Stew
Ray and Todd chat with Rabbi Schmuley
Mendelssohn: "Elijah" (oratorio)
Todd Friel's thoughts on a Nooma Video
Mark Dever on Ruth
Balalaika Favorites
Glazunov: The Seasons
Steve Kreloff's podcast from Verse by Verse Ministries
Mark Dever on Ruth 1
Emergent Podcast: "Stanley Hauerwas talks about medicine, death, and the Christian community."
Baby Gramps
Chris Hand's Podcast: "George Whitefield; his life and ministry"
S. Lewis Johnson on Galatians 5
John Piper on Augustine
John Piper's "Charles Spurgeon: Preaching Through Adversity"
Ingrid Schlueter's SliceCast #3
Freakishly Tall Todd Friel
The iMonk's podcast #11
Spike Jones's "Dinner Music for People Who Aren't Very Hungry"
John Piper's sermon on Luke 18:9-14
John Rutter's "Requiem"
Francis Poulenc's "Gloria"
Ennio Morricone's score for "Once upon a Time in America"
Bach cantata: "Wo Gott derr Herr nicht bei uns hält" (BWV 178)
"Internet Monk Radio"
Canteloube: "Songs Of The Auvergne"
"Way of the Master Radio" Podcast
Carlos Chávez's Sinfonía India
Ravel's "Le Tombeau de Couperin"
S. Lewis Johnson's "My Children, Persevere in Grace"
Rev. David Bruce's "What Works, What Doesn't and Why"
Frank Turk's Da Vinci Code series from Total.Truth
"A Conversation with Cryin' McLaren of the Divergent Church Movement"
Desiring God's Video interview podcasts
Ralph Vaughan Williams's "Rhosymedre"
Perez Prado's "Cuban Originals"
Arianna Savall's "L'amor"
HomeStar Runner's Podcasts
Gian Carlo Menotti's "Sebastian"
Links that made me smile
Good to see people are putting technology to good use
A fish story (from The Dude's website, no less)
Milk and muffin
Keep up with Internet memes
Would you draw on your Lamborghini with a Sharpie? This guy did.
Katherine Jenkins
50 Strange Buildings
Redistribution of wealth doesn't look so good up close
Squirrel baseball
Carl Sagan in the Matrix
Creative gardening
Intelligent (and funny) design
Kirk Cameron: "I'll Only Kiss My Wife"
The Quest for every beard type
Sweet computer
Where materialistic indeterminism will get you (HT: Eddie Exposito)
A well-behaved tyre
How to pierce a balloon without it popping
Sometimes graffiti can make things look better
The amusing facts about Google
The Mac-PC campaign heats up
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Supercilious gay bishop starts to scold "divisive" Anglicans, and then . . .
B. Scientific shows you how to "contextualize"
Chad Bresson on the myth of silence
This poses some challenges to humanistic notions about how we know and perceive things
The claw machine
Codex Sinaiticus
Penny stacking
Hang over Manhattan
How to write like a PyroManiacnamely, Frank
Saw this one coming
Abraham Piper: 22 words about Christlike masculinity. Me (in a word): Bingo
Cargo Cult Lives On
John Voight (yes, the Midnight Cowboy) sounds like Ronald Reagan
How big is google?
Another unfortunate real-life meat-chub incident
The world's most unusual swimming hole
Pompeii: A Virtual Tour
Turns out you can nail jello to the wall (ht: Todd Friel)
Not the kind of creature you'd want for a pet
I want one of these
Trapped! (not for the claustrophobic)
Thar she Blows! (not for those with weak stomachs)
The Human Marvels
amazing picture of a volcanic eruption. (HT: Garet Pahl)
Dissidens: "The difference between these people and a hot air balloon is just the balloon."
Children vs. Artists
This is not how I want to go out, but (watch to the end) that's the way I want to be remembered.
Meat-chub justice
Gary North: Come Back to Us!
Hoffeditz wins initial appeal at Cedarville U.
Wiki this
Guess My Crime (HT: Fred Butler)
Mad futbol skilz
The Best Sandwiches in America
Greg Gilbert's reviews of the Nooma travesty
Ron Gleason answers John Armstrongand James Jordan loses it in the meta
What is the world coming to?
Dissidens gives Beavis and friend a little home-schooling
Harvard's Postmodern Curriculum (ht: JT)
Dying Speeches and Bloody Murders
Not frozen ground-beef-chub violence, but close
Douglas Groothuis on Franky Schaefer's indiscretions
Let the Wookie Islamist Win
PBS on the Emerging Church
Things Other People Accomplished When They Were Your Age
Strength and Honor (HT: Dan Cruver)
The postmodern Taliban PC-police strike again
Spectacular icebergs
The Japanese Narrow High Jump
Update on Johnny MacArthur's amazing football career
Right up my alley
Dissidens on the evangelical movement
the Welsh hymn Dissidens refers to in a comment attached to his post (just above)
American Ruins
PostModern Television
Shirley . . .?
Big Bird sings the alphabet
Immigration Gumballs
Mars Bluff
Forget pit bulls; here's a fight worth watching
In case you thought deep-fried Twinkies sounded like the worst possible junk food
People's Court
Jim Bublitz has a dead-on parody of the trash-talk anti-discernment blogs
N.T. Wright Gets It Wrong
How Pencils Are Made
O-Mazing Grace
A Plague of Biblical Proportions
The Forevertron
Taliban Girlie Boys: Graven images in heavy mascara
Lauren McCain (one of the VTech shooting victims) HT: John Farese and Christmas catalogues
Christmas catalogues
The Idea Generator
Barcode stuff
The History of Baseball in Orange Crate Art
Pachelbel Bedtime
Top 10 Coast Guard Rescues
A History of Perpetual Motion
Respect your elders (ht: Fide-o)
Christianity Today links to our posters; some of their commenters aren't laughing
Crash tests
My Emergent Guilt
Is Bono doing anything good for Africa?
747 coming in low (check the "related video" links for more)
Dissidens on coherence, meaning, and traditionwith an exhortation for hymn-writers
A Pyromaniac's dream machine
Speaking of Benny Hinn and Tourette's Syndrome . . .
Suffer the Little Children . . . to Leave?
Why "Nothing" Is Important, by Doug Wilson
Robert Saucy on ECT
The coming environmentalist police state
"Gall in the Family"Mark Coppenger on Chris Seay's Faith of My Fathers
Packer on "smartypants notions like 'divine child abuse'"
Possibly the ultimate perversion of sanctification: Self-mummification
Dog day afternoonPecadillo finally weighs in
Neil Shay is desperate for traffic. Honk as you drive by his blog today
De at "Thinklings" makes a funny and poignant point about how we tend to pray
Division in the No-Lordship Camp
Identity thief gets slap on the wrist
Paul Nicklen Photography
Big day in Tulsa
An incredible machine
Frog turns into prince
Redeeming the Time
Western "culture" passed the point of no return in January 1960. Here is a videotape of the moment it happened
This should be interesting
This is why I love YouTube
Something deep
James White on the myth of "the patristic consensus"
Beckwith now resigns his personal membership in ETS; his wife thinks he (and Rome) have been treated shoddily
Excavating the backyard
So much for limbo
The last enemy that shall be destroyed
Classic TV Ads
If you still aren't sure why puinishment and propitiation are vital aspects of the atonement, read Adrian's great series
Hats off, gentlemen. A travesty.
"Pearls Before Breakfast"
iMonk gets one right (times 5!)
"The plasticity of the brain"
Facing the Giants
Pretty underground
One day on the Paris Underground. . .
Not J. S. Bach, but poignant nonetheless
a disturbing neck tumor
John Piper heard God speak! And I know this is true, because I got the same message!
20 Things You didn't know about. . .
This is more than a tad disturbing
Bet you can't do this
this is amazing video of a lunar transit of the sun, courtesy: NASA
A Canadian Defense Minister's brilliant solution to global warming
Free Classical Music Downloads
Stringfever Bolero
I want a keyboard like this
Live flight tracking
A toaster for pirates
Finally! It's about time someone published the instructions for making these things.
Mormons and Catholics have got one another's backs, it seems
If they had the SuperBowl in India, this would be one of the TV ads, and this would be another one.
The best-ever online edition[s] of Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Oops! Someone at the BHT is actually making sense.
Tominthebox News Network
R. Scott Clark's "Heidelblog"
A very poignant drama about neighbors
The Trunk Monkey: Better than OnStar
The most incredible hockey turnaround ever
James White is here to pump[clap]you up.
Ah, yes. The glory of high-church liturgy.
The original Ronald McDonald
The evolution of speechballoons in comics
The Woman Who Thinks Like A Cow
Reg Kehoe & His Marimba Queens
Dwarf-tossing: more costly than it used to be
Silly String?
Pecadillo returns: It's hard out there for a cop
Pray for RTS president Frank James's brother
Adrian Warnock tells me a wonderful secret
our meeting is again punctuated by disaster
What Constance Cumbey thinks of Texe Marrs
Giant Bat-Eating Centipede
Not the way to reform Anglicanism. (HT: Greg Hanke)
Worst. Burglar. Ever. (HT: Greg Hanke)
Yeah, OK. Butwhy?
If all theonomists were this sensible, the "religious right" wouldn't be such an embarrassment
"Sprouts; sprouts; leave them all out. This is the veg I can do withoutcome on!"
Some of our commenters have been reading this, I think
What evangelistic gimmickery looks like to the lost
Unleash these guys on your browser window
Here's a brilliant Firefox fix if you have trouble reading Steve Hays's unformatted posts at Triablogue
"Bus Plunge"
Space.com on Jeff Williams
Reason number 3,467 why I don't trust atheistic scientists
Youch! On Reformation Day? Wow.
Another gem from Bollywood
Pecadillo goes back to his blog's roots; remember this?
The Orchestra: A User's Manual
At last; a site for homeschool dads
James White on his favorite gadfly/chameleon antagonist, Paul Owen
Cool pictures of the shuttle launch, probably from a high-flying jet (Jeff Williams, who was there, says they definitely were not taken from the ISS)
An Italian frescoe in ultra-hi-res
50 Books You Should Leave on The Shelf
It could happen to me
Bob Newhart uses the same counseling technique I use
"Orthodoxy and me," by Rod Dreher
Mexico's government shields diocese that covered for pedophile priests
Why the "Restored" Armstrongist Cult hates blogs
Only skin deep: How that beauty on the billboard got there
Proof that God exists
Amazing lightning photo
99 Rooms
My favorite English cathedral is being held up by duct tape
Warfield on the difference between contextualization and compromise
Slo-mo PyroMania
Complete History of the Middle East in 90 Seconds
Colliding With Death at 37,000 Feet, and Living
You thought TBN was bad? Try Christian Science TV
Pistol Packing Preachers
Kung Fu Ninjas cannot defeat the RubberMan (but rubber cement can)
Hindi movies always amuse mebut rarely this much
The JollyBlogger on the real priorities of the Christian battle
Here are some of the most spectacular cloud photos you'll ever see
Doug TenNapel, creator of Earthworm Jim, is hardly "TR," but his evaluation of Emergent-style neo-liberalism is spot on
A seriously cool photo
A bunch of seriously cool photos
Famous Divinity School Dropouts
An Oxford don is pretty sure we are living in the Matrix
Todd Friel reviews his debate with atheist Dan Barker
James White, Sam Waldron, and Rich Barcellos discuss the wrongs of Wright and other termites eating away at the Protestant understanding of justification
Centuri0n on the Emerging Sideshow
Good question from Doug Wilson: "Why should Christians and Muslims make an alliance to beat up on the god of the philosophers?"
How the 21st-century terrorist jihad was born
The messages on Jim Rockford's answering machine
Two of my all-time favorites in a battle of the bands!
Charles Sebold's "Little known facts about James White"
Nate B.'s "What's Wrong with Wright's Critics?"
"You Know You Are Not Reformed If . . ."
A classic example of how the medium often obscures the message
Patches the horse
Eric Costa's "Learning from People with Bad Theology"
"HezbollywoodCNN admits staging of photos by Hezbollah"
Ben Witherington's "Justification by Doubt"
Cute Overload
The testimony of a former KKK terrorist
An insightful review by Doug Wilson, which has already produced some squealing protests
Mike Osborne's even-handed review of Thomas Merton
Dr. Samantha Punch, lecturer in sociology
Scot McKnight has some hard words for the Emerging fringe
Joe Thorn's photos
One of the Macks quotes Geoff Thomas on "The New Perspective"
Doug Wilson's pithy observation about the latest kitsch at Purgatorio
Nate Busenitz's "Liberalism Warmed Over"
Frank Turk's "A separate peace [1]
James White points to a newspaper article whose second paragraph eloquently sums up what's wrong with Anglicanism nowadays.
Nate Busenitz singlehandedly pulls "Faith and Practice" back into the "stellar" category of my blogroll
Michael Riley's "Spurgeon on the priority of regeneration to faith"
Steve Hays on "Making the world safe for hypocrisy"
Daniel Allen's "Sacred Blue"
A Sign of the Times
The BHT jumps the shark
Pecadillo on LA baseball fans
Purgatorio unmasked.
Dissidens' "In Praise of Blogging"
Pecadillo links to one of his typical fans
Gary Gilley's series on the Emerging Church
Joe Sobran's "St. Paul and the Liberal Agenda"
Ingrid Schlueter keeps shining the light into the darkness
Purgatorio's "ESV 'To Do' Bible"
TulipGirl's "Ezzo Week 2006"
Paleoevangelical's "What I Really Like About Fundamentalism"
Frank Turk's "Don't start with me"
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